Maria Giovanna Brandano

Maria Giovanna Brandano
Gran Sasso Science Institute | GSSI · Social Sciences

PhD in Law and economics of production systems
Assistant Professor in Applied Economics. Expert in Tourism Economics and Regional Analysis


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Additional affiliations
March 2017 - March 2017
University of Sassari
  • PostDoc Position
September 2015 - present
University of Sassari
  • Lecturer
  • Economia del turismo (SECS-P01) , insegnamento obbligatorio del II anno del corso di laurea triennale in Economia e Management del Turismo.
July 2015 - December 2015
Free University of Bozen-Bolzano
  • Research Assistant


Publications (44)
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Traduzione in italiano della versione originale in inglese, intitolata: The migration, environment and climate change nexus: exploring migrants’ contribution in addressing climate change challenges in Italy’s mountain areas.
The recent COVID-19 pandemic crisis affected all economic sectors, but tourism was hit the hardest. However, the resilience of tourism has also been recognized. In this context, the aim of the paper is (i) to analyze the impact of COVID-19 on tourism flows in Italy, by looking at NUTS-3 level data on national and international tourism arrivals and...
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Cultural consumption has increasingly acquired a fundamental role in urban policy frameworks, thanks to its empirically proven positive effects on individuals and on societies. Although several theoretical and empirical contributions have examined the main socio-economic determinants that explain cultural consumption; its spatial dimensions remain...
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Migration in a changing climate can be both a reaction to negative environmental impacts and a driver of resilience and climate change adaptation. In rural and fragile areas of the Global North, migration can contribute to mitigate the socioeconomic effects of depopulation, demographic ageing and economic decline, and countering the environmental d...
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The cultural and creative industries (CCIs) have variously been seen as a stimulus for urban and regional development. They were also one of the few sectors in the UK and European Union countries to weather the storm of the 2008 Great Recession. Starting from the curiosity aroused by these premises, and given the paucity of studies on Italian CCIs,...
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The recent COVID-19 pandemic crisis affected all economic sectors, but in particular tourism. In fact, it is now almost unquestionable that the tourism sector was hit the hardest. However, the resilience of domestic and international tourism, and its capacity to rebound from crises, has also been recognized. In this context, the aim of this paper i...
We investigate the role of internet access in spurring tourism supply, a strategic driver of economic development, especially in the most ‘peripheral’ areas, characterized by a lack of technological infrastructure and other barriers that limit internet access and business opportunities. In a difference-in-differences setting, we exploit the recent...
Cultural and Creative Industries (CCIs) have been variously seen as a stimulus for urban and regional development. Interestingly, in the U.K. and other EU countries, they have been one of the few sectors that have weathered the storm of the 2008 Great Recession. Starting from the curiosity that these premises arise given the paucity of studies on t...
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Cultural and Creative Industries (CCIs) have been variously seen as a stimulus for urban and regional development. Interestingly, in the U.K. and other EU countries, they have been one of the few sectors that have weathered the storm of the 2008 Great Recession. Starting from the curiosity that these premises arise given the paucity of studies on t...
European Union (EU) Cohesion Policy aims to reduce regional disparities between countries. The tourism sector has played a strategic role in this policy in the last years. The 2007–13 period developed a new vision focused on the link between tourism and enhancing cultural and natural resources. This paper evaluates this policy by analysing whether...
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Lo scopo di questo capitolo è duplice. In primo luogo, descrivere le vocazioni turistiche prevalenti individuate in Sardegna e fare un confronto con le regioni competitor italiane e con la media nazionale. In secondo luogo, incrociare i dati qualitativi della Smart Specialization Strategy (S3) per capire se le priorità di ciascuna regione si inseri...
The aim of this chapter is to present an automated instrument collecting the enormous amount of infor- mation available online allowing urban planners, public administrations, tourism services suppliers, and researchers to easily understand the spatial and temporal distribution of tourist behaviors towards tourist attractions in a specific area. Ge...
The features of some cultural goods allow them to be exhibited in a unified form in one location or separated for display in two or more locations. The aim of the present article is to understand whether the decision to expose a cultural good in two different cities instead of the same location could generate benefits for both. To do so, the case o...
This chapter provides an overview of tourism taxation and explores the extent to which a tourism tax on overnight stays has an impact on domestic and international tourism demand. The analysis employs a policy evaluation technique, the synthetic control method (SCM) developed by (Abadie and Gardeazabal, American Economic Review 93:112–132, 2003), w...
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Le tensioni socio-economiche provocate da crisi di diversa natura (da quella economico-finanziaria del 2008 ad una serie di eventi quali la gestione dei flussi migratori o il verificarsi di disastri naturali) hanno richiesto ai sistemi territoriali risposte oltre la semplice resilienza. Quali strategie possono mettere in atto i territori per supera...
To assess whether belonging to a Wine Route affect the performance of local producers we carry out a controlled before-and-after study, taking the wineries within the wine routes areas as the treated units and the rest of the population as the control group. The performance of wineries is captured by the scores of a data envelopment analysis (DEA)...
This paper examines the regions that have chosen tourism-related strategies as a priority of smart specialisation (S3) policies within the reformed EU Cohesion Policy. The paper collects data provided by the Smart Specialisation Platform ([email protected]) from 2013 to 2018 for 191 EU regions to investigate regional determinants affecting the prob...
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Negli ultimi anni l'attenzione verso le aree interne e le regioni periferiche è cresciuta sia da parte dell'accademia sia del dibattito politico. In Italia, grazie alla Strategia Nazionale per le Aree Interne (SNAI) promossa nel 2012, sono state individuate quelle aree che sono caratterizzate da un forte declino demografico di lungo periodo e dalla...
The resilience of cooperatives and their positive contribution to employment in times of crisis is well established. However, their overall economic performance relative to conventional firms is still controversial, casting doubt on the ability of this alternative organizational form to govern the fundamental drivers of productivity. To shed new li...
The purpose of this paper is to investigate the effect of the introduction of the euro on bilateral outflows of tourism among European Monetary Union (EMU) countries in the period 2002–2013. Descriptive statistics indicate heterogeneous paths in tourism flows, arising from several potential drivers. In order to analyze this observed heterogeneity,...
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to assess the “motivation-satisfaction-loyalty” framework. Through a structural equation model (SEM), it is possible to disentangle attitudinal and behavioral loyalty as a multifaceted latent variable. Design/methodology/approach The empirical analysis is based on data collected in wineries located in two imp...
The resilience of cooperatives and their positive contribution to employment in times of crisis is well established. However, their overall economic performance relative to conventional firms is still controversial, casting doubt on the ability of this alternative organizational form to govern the fundamental drivers of productivity. To shed new li...
The resilience of cooperatives and their positive contribution to employment in times of crisis is well established. However, their overall economic performance relative to conventional firms is still controversial, casting doubt on the ability of this alternative organizational form to govern the fundamental drivers of productivity. To shed new li...
The present paper offers an integrated conceptual framework to jointly analyze demand and supply of agritourism firms and aims to identify motivations along with perceptions of externalities that influence the choice of a firm over another. On the supply side, a cluster analysis identifies homogenous groups of agritourism firms. On the demand side,...
To date, few studies have explored the relationship between tourism inflows and city taxes. This study investigates how the introduction of a city tax impacts on both national and international tourism demand by using the synthetic control method. The case study is based on a panel of Italian municipalities, for the time span 2006–2011. Results fro...
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Articolo pubblicato in Rivista trimestrale della Camera di Commercio Industria Artigianato e Agricoltura di Trento 3-2015: 48-52
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Le principali domande che gli economisti, ma anche altri scienziati sociali, si sono posti negli ultimi decenni sono state: chi si sposta? E perché? Già nei primi anni Sessanta l’economista statunitense Larry Sjaastad individuava nei giovani e nelle persone con un grado d’istruzione elevato le categorie più propense ad emigrare. In anni più recenti...
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Evaluating the impact of tourism on housing prices is an important endeavour, but the usual empirical approach is to estimate a single regression model with house price as a function of tourism and other variables. This approach does not allow for individual heterogeneity. In this paper the authors apply a latent class model to estimate the impact...
The purpose of the present work is to analyze whether—and to what extent—tourism activity affects urban house price dynamics in Italy. Using a system Generalized Method of Moments (GMM-SYS) approach and after controlling for socioeconomic characteristics of the local housing markets as well as amenities and disamenities, we test for the effect of t...
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The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate that, for the case of Italy, ceteris paribus, tourist areas tend to have a greater amount of crime than non-tourist ones in the short and long run. Following the literature of the economics of crime à la Becker (Crime and Punishment: An Economic Approach, 1968) and Enrlich (Participation in Illegitimate A...
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Il CRENoS desidera ringraziare in primo luogo la Fondazione Banco di Sardegna per la costante collaborazione ed il sostegno finanziario che dedica a questa iniziativa da ormai diversi anni. Si ringrazia l'Osservatorio del mercato del lavoro dell'Agenzia regionale per il lavoro nella persona del Dott. Davide Crobu per averci fornito i dati del SIL S...
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Nel linguaggio comune espressioni quali performance, efficacia, produttività ed efficienza vengono spesso utilizzate come fossero intercambiabili; è opportuno perciò ricordare il legame tra questi concetti e chiarire la nozione di efficienza che utilizzeremo in questa applicazione. La performance di una unità decisionale, singolo o impresa, richiam...
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Ringraziamenti Il CRENoS desidera ringraziare in primo luogo la Fondazione Banco di Sardegna per la costante collaborazione ed il sostegno finanziario che dedica a questa iniziativa da oramai diversi anni. Si ringrazia l'INSAR (Iniziative Sardegna s.p.a. promozione del lavoro e d'impresa) nelle persone del Dott. Carmelo Mercenaro e del Dott. Paolo...
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Il CRENoS desidera ringraziare in primo luogo la Fondazione Banco di Sardegna per la costante collaborazione ed il sostegno finanziario che dedica a questa iniziativa da oramai diversi anni. Si ringrazia l'INSAR (Iniziative Sardegna s.p.a. promozione del lavoro e d'impresa) nelle persone del Dott. Carmelo Mercenaro e del Dott. Paolo Lai, che hanno...
A livello mondiale, il 2006 e il 2007 sono stati anni positivi per il turismo. Gli arrivi internazionali aumentano anche in Europa ma si tratta di una crescita mi-nore rispetto alla media, in parte per via del " caro euro " , in parte per la sempre maggiore competitività degli altri continenti. In questo contesto, l'attrazione del sud Europa e dell...
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A livello mondiale, il 2006 e il 2007 sono stati anni positivi per il turismo. Gli arrivi internazionali aumentano anche in Europa ma si tratta di una crescita mi-nore rispetto alla media, in parte per via del " caro euro " , in parte per la sempre maggiore competitività degli altri continenti. In questo contesto, l'attrazione del sud Europa e dell...


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