María Angélica ArribéreBariloche Atomic Centre · Nuclear Engineering
María Angélica Arribére
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March 1993 - present
October 1994 - October 1997
Publications (136)
The geochemistry of lake sediments provides valuable information on environmental conditions and geochemical processes in polar regions. To characterize geochemical composition and to analyse weathering and provenance, 26 lakes located in six islands of the South Shetland Islands (SSI) and James Ross Archipelago (JRA) were analysed. Regarding major...
Los lagos y lagunas son ecosistemas sensibles que presentan una rápida respuesta frente al cambio global. La composición geoquímica de sedimentos lacustres proporciona información valiosa sobre condiciones ambientales y procesos geoquímicos en regiones polares. Se analizó la composición geoquímica de sedimentos lacustres, con el fin de determinar y...
This study analyzes the distribution of nine potentially toxic trace elements (arsenic, antimony, bromine, cobalt, chromium, mercury, rubidium, selenium, and zinc) in sediments and plankton from two small mesotrophic lakes in a non-industrialized area impacted by the Caviahue-Copahue volcanic complex (CCVC). The two lakes have different plankton co...
The aim of this work was to study the absorption, distribution through the hemolymph, and bioaccumulation of arsenic by the freshwater Pomacea canaliculata using a short-lived tracer (⁷⁶As, t1/2: 1.07 d) with high specific activity. Arsenic travels mainly dissolved in the plasma of the snail's hemolymph. This element is transferred from the hemolym...
Lake sediments are key archives for paleoenvironmental investigation as they provide continuous records of the depositional history of the lake and its watershed. Lake Futalaufquen (42.8°S) is an oligotrophic waterbody located in Los Alerces National Park in the Andes of northern Patagonia, South America. A sedimentary sequence covering 1600 years...
The atmospheric pollution associated with the volcano Copahue activity was evaluated by analyzing the concentration of 33 elements including heavy metals in
lichens. Fruticose thalli were collected between 7 and 18 km from the volcano crater, comprising a geothermal zone. Analytical data and geographic parameters were
evaluated by Principal Compone...
Clearwater Mesa is a pristine area located SE of Croft Bay in James Ross Island, at the northeast of the Antarctic Peninsula. The closest anthropic construction is the summer Mendel station located 25 km to the NE. Clearwater is a remote basalt volcanic mesa, (64° 01′ S, 57° 42′ W) located at ~ 250 m a.s.l., with around 50 small shallow lakes, a we...
Mercury and heavy metal contents are monitored using lichens as a tool for evaluation of air pollution. Lichens allow the identification of zones with anthropic impact, pollution hotspots and natural sources of contamination like volcanic emissions. The concentration of mercury (Hg) semivolatiles and rare-earth elements (REEs) were measured in our...
El caracol manzana (Pomacea canaliculata) es un organismo ampliamente distribuido en ambientes acuáticos tropicales y subtropicales con una gran eficiencia para acumular metales y metaloides, aún en ambientes donde el agua tiene concentraciones elementales similares a los recomendados por la Organización Mundial de la Salud para consumo humano. Por...
Response of Chironomidae to environmental disturbances in a high mountain lake in Patagonia during the last millennium – Corrigendum - Natalia Williams, Diego Añón Suárez, Maria Rieradevall, Andrea Rizzo, Romina Daga, María A. Arribére, Sergio Ribeiro Guevara
Through the last millennium, Patagonia has been affected by changing climate conditions and successive volcanic eruptions. Lake Tonč ek is a high-altitude lake in the Southern Volcanic Zone in the northern Patagonian Andes. We documented the responses of the subfossil chironomid community to the effects of successive volcanic and different conditio...
Interspecific differences in arsenic bioaccumulation and organ distribution (muscle, liver, kidney and gills) in three predator fish (creole perch, rainbow trout and brown trout) from a Patagonian lake impacted by volcanic eruptions were studied. Arsenic in fish organs were compared analyzing: 1) temporal (before and after volcanic eruption) and sp...
Lichens are powerful biomonitor of airborne pollution around point sources or long range transport because they are perennial allowing bioindication at long period. The element concentrations in foliose and fruticose lichen species from Potter Peninsula located in 25 de Mayo (King George) Island is reported. The coeffi cient of the variation for mo...
Zinc (Zn) bioaccumulation and trophic transfer were analyzed in the food web of Lake Nahuel Huapi, a deep, unpolluted ultraoligotrophic system in North Patagonia. Benthic macroinvertebrates, plankton, and native and introduced fish were collected at three sites. The effect of pyroclastic inputs on Zn levels in lacustrine food webs was assessed by s...
Rainbow trout is a salmonid specie of commercial importance raised in hatcheries in many countries. Studies over mineral requirements have being perform to guarantee the fulfillment of the nutritional needs and therefore improving the fish farm productions. The aim of this work was to investigate the performance of the elements like Ag, As, Br, Ca,...
Silver (Ag) is a pollutant of high concern in aquatic ecosystems, considered among the most toxic metallic ions. In lacustrine environments, contaminated sediments are a source of Ag for the food web. Chironomidae (Insecta: Diptera) are the most abundant, diverse, and representative insect groups in aquatic ecosystems. Chironomid larvae are closely...
Pomacea canaliculata is a mollusk potentially useful as a biomonitor species of freshwater quality. This work explores the ability of snail tissues and symbiotic corpuscles to bioconcentrate and depurate mercury, arsenic, and uranium. Adult snails cultured in metal-free reconstituted water were exposed for eight weeks (bioaccumulation phase) to wat...
Niche segregation between introduced and native fish in Lake Nahuel Huapi, a deep oligotrophic lake in Northwest Patagonia (Argentina), occurs through the consumption of different prey. Therefore, in this work we analyzed total mercury [THg] and methylmercury [MeHg] concentrations in top predator fish and in their main prey to test whether their fe...
We report the contents of elements in feathers of Chinstrap penguin (Pygoscelis antarcticus), which had not been informed up to now, such as silver and bromine and others listed as hazardous by the United States Environmental Protection Agency as arsenic, cobalt, chromium, and mercury. Analyses of the element concentrations in feathers, adult and c...
Despite located far from point sources of Hg pollution, high concentrations were recorded in plankton
from the deep oligotrophic Lake Nahuel Huapi, located in North Patagonia. Native and introduced top
predator fish with differing feeding habits are a valuable economic resource to the region. Hence, Hg and
Se trophic interactions and pathways to th...
Vegetation associated with lacustrine systems in Northern Patagonia was studied for heavy metal and trace element contents, regarding their elemental contribution to these aquatic ecosystems. The research focused on native species and exotic vascular plant Salix spp. potential for absorbing heavy metals and trace elements. The native species studie...
Chironomid communities were studied in a sediment core collected from Lake Moreno Oeste, located in Nahuel Huapi National Park. A major change in midge assemblages occurred at ∼AD 1760, which was characterized by a decrease of “cold taxa” including Polypedilum sp.2 and Dicrotendipes, and an increase of “warm taxa” including Apsectrotanypus and Poly...
The food web structure of the largest lake in northwest Patagonia, Lake Nahuel Huapi (area 557 km2), was investigated. Fish, benthic macroinvertebrates, plankton and primary producers were analyzed for stable nitrogen (δ15N) and carbon (δ13C) isotopes in three sites with contrasting morphometry and environmental characteristics. δ15N and δ13C revea...
The species composition and the size structure of natural planktonic food webs may provide essential information to understand the fate of mercury and, in particular, the bioaccumulation pattern of Hg2+ in the water column of lake ecosystems. Heterotrophic and autotrophic picoplankton and phytoplankton are the most important entry points for Hg in...
The incorporation and trophic transfer of total
and methyl mercury (THg, MeHg) were examined in three
size classes of plankton (10–53, 53–200, and > 200 µm size
range) and a small planktivorous fish, Galaxias maculatus,
from the large multi-branched Lake Nahuel Huapi (North
Patagonia, Argentina). Three sites representing a large
range of lake benth...
Volcanic eruptions are important natural sources of arsenic (As) to the ecosystems. The Nahuel Huapi Lake, in northern Patagonia, was impacted by the eruption of the Puyehue-Cordón Caulle volcanic complex on June 4th, 2011. We investigated food web transfer patterns of As in the most affected shore of the lake (Brazo Rincón) and the effect of volca...
Food web trophodynamics of total mercury (THg) and selenium (Se) were assessed for the double-basined ultraoligotrophic system of Lake Moreno, Patagonia. Each basin has differing proportions of littoral and pelagic habitats, thereby providing an opportunity to assess the importance of habitat (e.g. food web structure or benthic MeHg production) in...
Self-shielding in spatially distributed samples can be very significant when detecting photons below 100 keV. A correction method has been developed for cylindrical samples, typically used in measurements of natural radioactivity with well-type detectors, as is the example of sediment dating. The method calculates the probability of photons to esca...
Ligands present in dissolved organic matter (DOM) form complexes with inorganic divalent mercury (Hg2+) affecting its bioavailability in pelagic food webs. This investigation addresses the influence of a natural gradient of DOM present in Patagonian lakes on the bioaccumulation of Hg2+ (the prevailing mercury species in the water column of these la...
In lake food webs, planktonic bacteria and algae represent the greatest bioconcentration step for Hg2+ and monomethyl-Hg (MeHg). As they are the most abundant organisms in planktonic trophic webs and also the main food resource for herbivorous plankton, they can mobilize large amounts of Hg to higher trophic levels. In Andean Patagonian lakes (Arge...
Fish, benthic macroinvertebrates, macrophytes, biofilm, plankton, and terrestrial material were analyzed for stable nitrogen (δ15N) and carbon isotopes (δ13C) to study the food web structure of a double-basined, ultra-oligotrophic lake in northwest Patagonia. The δ15N values of all biota were consistently higher in Moreno East basin, probably cause...
The distribution and speciation of selenium (Se) in freshwater fish (muscle and liver tissue) from lakes in Argentina was investigated. Three introduced species, brown trout (Salmo trutta), rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) and brook trout (Salvelinus fontinalis), and one native species, creole perch (Percichthys trucha), were investigated. Value...
Increased chromium (Cr) and arsenic (As) concentrations in mussels Diplodon chilensis from lakes Nahuel Huapi and Moreno were associated with human settlements. Higher proportions of benthic/littoral preys in diets were reported to be positively correlated with higher [Cr] in fish from Lake Moreno, whereas biodilution trends of Cr, cobalt (Co) and...
Los depósitos de cenizas volcánicas son excelentes marcadores estratigráficos y cronológicos ya que pueden ser dispersados a cientos de kilómetros de su fuente. Sin embargo, su correlación puede ser problemática. Si bien la mayoría de los estudios basan estas correlaciones en análisis geoquímicos de roca total, las partículas volcánicas juveniles p...
We investigated the terrestrial influence on two chained deep ultraoligotrophic lakes of North Patagonia (Argentina) through the seasonal analysis of two pelagic allochthonous indicators: i) water color, as a proxy of allochthonous dissolved organic matter in lakes; and ii) the color to chlorophyll a ratio (Color:Chla), as an indicator of the relat...
Mussels, Diplon chilensis, from Lake Moreno, a double-basined mountain lake in southern Argentina, is known to have elevated concentrations of chromium (Cr, > 25 μg g⁻¹ dry weight DW) and arsenic (As, 35 μg g⁻¹ DW), attributed to untreated sewage. To further understand the trophodynamics of Cr, As and cobalt (Co), we investigated concentrations and...
The emission of volatile pollutants from the volcanic eruption of the Puyehue-Cordón Caulle complex (North Patagonia Andean Range) that started in June 4th, 2011, was investigated by bioindication means with the epyphytic fruticose lichen Usnea sp. The elemental composition of pooled samples made up with 10 lichen thalli were analysed by Instrument...
The differential ability of apple snail tissues, endosymbionts, and eggs to bioaccumulate several metals (Sb, As, Ba, Br, Zn, Cr, Fe, Hg, Se, and U) was investigated.
Metal concentrations were determined by neutron activation analysis in several tissues, endosymbionts, and eggs from mature apple snails cultured in either drinking water or reconstit...
Silver (Ag) ions are among the most toxic metallic ions to aquatic biota. In southern Argentina, fish from Patagonian lakes have liver Ag concentrations [Ag] among the highest ever reported globally. Silver concentration in phytoplankton from Lake Moreno (1.82±3.00μgg(-1) dry weight, DW) was found to be significantly higher than [Ag] in zooplankton...
We report on total mercury (THg) concentrations in the principal components of food webs of selected Northern Patagonia Andean Range ultraoligotrophic lakes, Argentina. The THg contents were determined using Instrumental Neutron Activation Analysis in muscle and liver of four fish species occupying the higher trophic positions (the introduced Salmo...
a b s t r a c t Silver (Ag) ions are among the most toxic metallic ions to aquatic biota. In southern Argentina, fish from Patagonian lakes have liver Ag concentrations [Ag] among the highest ever reported globally. Silver con-centration in phytoplankton from Lake Moreno (1.82 ± 3.00 lg g À1 dry weight, DW) was found to be sig-nificantly higher tha...
Tephrochronology is a powerful tool for dating sedimentary sequences, especially in Patagonia, where a large number of active volcanoes have produced frequent historical eruptions. Short lacustrine sedimentary sequences were extracted from the lakes Moreno Oeste and Ton�cek (Nahuel Huapi National Park). Seventeen volcanic ash layers were identified...
The Northern Patagonian Andean range shared by Chile and Argentina has numerous glacial oligotrophic lakes protected in a
series of National Parks. Recent baseline surveys indicated that concentrations in muscle and liver tissues from various fish
species from across Nahuel Huapi and Los Alerces National Parks in Argentina were comparable or higher...
RESUMEN. Los elementos traza, que incluyen a los metales pesados, llegan a los ecosistemas acuáticos desde fuentes naturales y antrópicas. Los metales pesados se encuentran entre los contaminantes ambientales más importantes debido a su toxicidad, permanencia y tendencia a acumularse en los organismos acuáticos, por lo que su estudio es necesario p...
Trace elements, including heavy metals, can reach the aquatic ecosystems from natural or anthropogenic sources. Heavy metals are amongst the most important environmental contaminants due to its toxicity, permanency and its tendency to bioaccumulate in aquatic organisms. Because of those factors it is important to study these elements to assess the...
The deep, ultraoligotrophic piedmont lakes of Northern Patagonia (Argentina) are located in pristine and barely impacted areas, along a wide latitudinal range. Several studies have reported moderate to high total mercury (Hg) concentrations and contrasting methylmercury (CH3Hg+) production in different lake compartments. Sources of Hg for western P...
High Hg levels in the pristine lacustrine ecosystems of the Nahuel Huapi National Park, a protected zone situated in the Andes of Northern Patagonia, Argentina, have initiated further investigations on Hg cycling and source identification. Here we report Hg records in sedimentary sequences to identify atmospheric sources during the past millennium....
High Hg levels in the pristine lacustrine ecosystems
of the Nahuel Huapi National Park, a protected zone
situated in the Andes of Northern Patagonia, Argentina, have
initiated further investigations on Hg cycling and source
identification. Here we report Hg records in sedimentary sequences
to identify atmospheric sources during the past millennium....
INTRODUCTION: mineral content from leaves used in infusions changes according to the maturity level of vegetable parts included or according to the climatic conditions in plant growth area and even may to shows inappropriate concentrations for human consumption. Infusions prepared from maqui leaves, Aristotelia chilensis (Molina) Stuntz are used fo...
INTRODUCTION: mineral content from leaves used in infusions changes according to the maturity level of vegetable parts included or according to the climatic conditions in plant growth area and even may to shows inappropriate concentrations for human consumption. Infusions prepared from maqui leaves, Aristotelia chilensis (Molina) Stuntz are used fo...
Neutron capture resonance integrals of the reactions 79Br(n, )80Brm, 79Br(n, )80Brg, 81Br(n, )82Brm, 81Br(n, )82Brg, and 81Br(n, )82Brm+g have been measured under 1-mm-thick cadmium covers inside the core of the RA-6 research reactor. The measured values are, respectively, (29.2 ± 3.1) b, (86.1 ± 8.9) b, (40.9 ± 2.3) b, (5.1 ± 1.1) b, and (46.8...
Methyl-mercury (CH3Hg+) production was studied in freshwaters from lake Moreno, an ultraoligotrophic system belonging to Northern Patagonia. Hg2+ labelled with high specific activity 197Hg was spiked to water samples in concentrations of 10 ng l(-1), and incubated in laboratory for 3d time trends under different conditions. Experimental water was s...