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January 2011 - present
- Lecturer
- I started to become a lecturer in 1989 at the Faculty of Agriculture, Tadulako University, Palu, and then moved to Makassar to follow my husband in 2011. Currently, I am a permanent lecturer at the Economics Education Study Program, Faculty of Economics and Business. I am already at the rank of associate professor in the fields of socio-economic science, agriculture, and agribusiness.
Publications (34)
This research conducts a sentiment analysis on Erspo jerseys using machine learning algorithms on the X platform. The objective is to identify the public's sentiment and compare the performance of three algorithms: Naïve Bayes, K-Nearest Neighbor (KNN), and Support Vector Machine (SVM). Data was collected through web scraping of tweets between Janu...
This study aims to compare the financial performance of ADRO, ANTM, and INCO and project the stock prices using fundamental analysis and the ARIMA approach. The background of this study is based on the phenomenon of herding behavior and overconfidence of investors who often ignore fundamental analysis in making investment decisions. This study adop...
Business literacy is intellectual capital, which includes financial literacy, entrepreneurial literacy, and digital economic literacy, and its role in entrepreneurial creativity and the success of MSMEs is an important aspect to study, especially from a knowledge-based perspective. This research aims to identify and explore the influence of financi...
Buku "Ekonomi Pertanian" menawarkan pemahaman mendalam tentang peran sektor pertanian dalam perekonomian nasional dan global. Dalam buku ini, pembaca diajak untuk mengeksplorasi berbagai aspek ekonomi yang berkaitan dengan produksi, distribusi, dan konsumsi hasil pertanian.
Dari analisis kebijakan pertanian hingga dampak perubahan iklim, penulis m...
Buku ini menyajikan berbagai topik mengenai teknologi pengolahan, inovasi peralatan, pengawetan, serta manajemen kualitas dan keamanan pangan.
Marasa Market is a traditional market where traders and buyers meet, especially vegetable traders, to meet consumers' daily needs. This research aims to analyze the influence of business capital, working hours, labor, and location rental on the income of vegetable traders at Marasa Market, Wonomulyo District, Polewali Mandar Regency. The sampling m...
The development of fashion trends cannot be separated from increasingly trendy technology, so business actors are trying to utilize these technological developments as a means of ideas and innovation to create products that are appropriate to the times so that they can attract the attention of consumers and be able to compete in the market. Therefo...
Buku ini berisikan pokok bahasan tentang pengertian dan ruang lingkup manajemen usahatani, sejarah perkembangan usahatani, unsur- unsur pokok usahatani, penelitian usahatani, analisis data sederhana, analisis anggaran parsial, perencanaan usahatani, resiko dalam manajemen usahatani, usahatani di indonesia, modal dan peralatan dalam usahatani, serta...
Marketing strategies are essential to apply in all areas related to business. Without marketing, the business you run will not develop rapidly. This research aims to determine the marketing strategy carried out by the Dottoro coffee shop business to increase sales. This research is descriptive research using a qualitative approach. The informant wa...
Cloves are an agricultural commodity that has great potential. CV Mega Tiga Anugrah is a clove supplier located on Java Island, where the clove supply is obtained from farmers from various regions on Sulawesi Island. This research aims to analyze product flows, money flows and information flows as well as the supply chain actors’ activities. This r...
The growth of the culinary industry, especially bread, is increasingly widespread. Roti Gembong Ratu is one of the bread/bakery brands that offers bread in various flavors and types. The outlet of this business is located in Gowa Regency. With a large number of bakery industries, competitors are starting to emerge, from small-scale businesses to la...
The furniture industry is an industry that converts wood into processed wood in the form of goods such as tables, chairs, cupboards, etc. Demand for processed wood is increasing along with population growth. The financial feasibility of UD Riska Indah was the focus of this research for five years, namely from 2017 to 2021. This location was chosen...
Essential oil made from clove leaves is a commodity that has many benefits and quite high market potential. However, running an essential oil distillation business made from clove leaf waste has many challenges, so the right strategy is needed in building a business. This research aims to find out the right strategy that can be used to develop an e...
Tanaman kelor (moringa oliefera) memberikan banyak manfaat baik untuk kesehatan tubuh maupun untuk kecantikan kulit wajah. Daun kelor mengandung vitamin E, asam oleat, dan antioksidan sehingga membantu menjaga hidrasi kulit kering dan mencegah munculnya keriput, karena membantu melawan radikal bebas, sehingga cocok dibuat kosmetik dalam bentuk mask...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui: 1) Lingkungan internal dan eksternal dari usaha budidaya ikan nila Fish Makmur Mrs , 2) alternatif strategi apa yang bisa dterapkan agar usaha budidaya ikan nila bisa berkembang dan menghadapi pesaing. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelititan deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Pengumpulan data d...
Vegetable crops have bright prospects for development because they are a complement to staple foods and have high economic value. However, there are many challenges in establishing and running a hydroponic vegetable business so that the appropriate strategy is needed. This study aims to determine the internal and external factors that influence the...
Kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat ini berbentuk pemanfaatan sayuran menjadi bakso yang bernilai gizi tinggi dan sebagai alyernatif peluang usaha bagi ibu rumah tangga. Peserta paa kegiatan pelatihan ini ini berjumlah 20 orang yang berasal dari kader PKK Desa Sokkolia, Kecamatan Bontomarannu, Kabuaten Gowa. Tujuan pengabdian ini yaitu memperkena...
The importance of innovating and creating in the era of the industrial revolution 4.0 we are required to be smarter in innovation in order to get the highest benefits from new emerging technologies. For this reason, this study will present a literature review of the role of e-commerce and startups as a form of business sustainability innovation in...
This study aims to determine the direct and indirect influence of entrepreneurship education and creativity on entrepreneurial interests through self-efficacy in students majoring in entrepreneurship class of 2022, Makassar State University. The research method used in this research is quantitative. The population in this study is all students of t...
The purpose of this finding is to determine the impact of entrepreneurial behavior on the performance of small businesses (on corn on the cob in Takalar Regency). This research is quantitative. Simple regression analysis was used to evaluate hypotheses, while data collection was carried out by distributing questionnaires to business people. entrepr...
The purpose of this finding is to determine the impact of entrepreneurial behavior on the performance of small businesses (on corn on the cob in Takalar Regency). This research is quantitative. Simple regression analysis was used to evaluate hypotheses, while data collection was carried out by distributing questionnaires to business people. entrepr...
This study aims to describe the internal factors and external factors that influence the increase in the added value of coffee commodities at Bentenge Coffee in Mallawa District, Maros Regency and determine strategies that can be applied to increase the added value. This research is a type of qualitative research with a descriptive approach with in...
The purpose of this study is to analyze the trust, convenience, and promotion of the interest of economic education students to use electronic money in the OVO application. This research includes quantitative research. The population in this study were students of Economics Education FE UNM Class of 2015-2020, and samples were taken as many as 61 p...
The existence of an empowerment program for fisherwomen in household-scale capture fish processing aims to improve the family economy so that it will impact changes in household consumption expenditure after the empowerment of small-scale fishermen's wives. The research method used qualitative independent variable regression estimation with the con...
Pangkep District is one of the provinces in South Sulawesi, which produces many Eucheuma cottonii seaweed. The coastal communities, mostly fishermen, cultivate this type of seaweed almost along Pangkep District's coast. Seaweed has a relatively short cultivation cycle, and relatively small business capital requirements can provide opportunities for...
Abstrak. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pendapatan usahatani kopra dan besarnya R/C rasio kopra per satu kali produksi di Desa Bontolempangan Kecamatan Buki Kabupaten Kepulauan Selayar. Responden dalam Penelitian ini sebanyak 24 orang. Penarikan sampel menggunakan simple Random Sampling dengan teknik pengumpulan data yang dilakukan adala...
This study aims to determine the effect of flash sales on the impulsive buying behavior of marketplace consumers in women. This research is categorized as a quantitative descriptive study with a simple regression approach. The population in this study were 347 female students, and a sample of 54 female students was obtained. Data collection was car...
Mitra dalam Program Kemitraan Masyarakat (PKM) ini adalah Kelompok Mahasiswa Wirausaha Muda di Kota Makassar. Masalahnya adalah mitra belum memiliki keterampilan memadai dalam mengoptimalkan pemanfaatan internet dan media sosial sebagai media bisnis online dan belum memiliki pemahaman yang memadai mengenai legalitas dalam bertransaksi online. Metod...
Street Vendors are one of the informal sectors that are found in urban areas. The existence of street vendors does not always require formal education and high skills and does not require a large capital. This study aims to determine the factors that affect the income of street vendors in Talasalapang Street, Rappocini Regency, Makassar City. The p...
This study aims to determine the characteristics of Pamelo orange farmers as well as the level of income and efficiency value of Pamelo orange farming in Ma'rang District, Pangkep Regency. The sampling method used was random sampling (random) with a total of 124 farmers. The method of data collection is done by observation, interview and documentat...
Fishery development in Province of South Sulawesi can be devided into two categories, they are marine culture and fisheries, include wild fishery and aquaculture. One of aquaculture is brackish water pond. There are several kinds of fish that can grow in brackish water pond, such as milkfish. Milkfish is a potential commodity which is not only for...