Margot MetzGGz Breburg
Margot Metz
Doctor of Philosophy
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January 2015 - December 2015
Publications (37)
Shared Decision Making (SDM) is a way to empower patients when decisions are made about treatment. In order to be effective agents in this process, patients need access to information of good quality. Routine Outcome Monitoring (ROM) may provide such information and therefore may be a key element in SDM. This trial tests the effectiven...
Although the importance and advantages of measurement-based care in mental healthcare are well established, implementation in daily practice is complex and far from optimal.
To accelerate the implementation of outcome measurement in routine clinical practice, a government-sponsored National Quality Improvement Collaborative was ini...
Enhancing patient participation is becoming increasingly important in mental health care as patients use to have a dependent, inactive role and nonadherence to treatment is a regular problem. Research shows promising results of initiatives stimulating patient participation in partnership with their clinicians. However, few initiatives ta...
Decisional conflict refers to the degree to which patients are engaged in and feel comfortable about important clinical decisions. Until now, the concept has received little attention in mental health care. We investigate the level of decisional conflict in mental health care and whether this is influenced by socio-demographics, treatment...
Het Topklinisch Centrum Lichaam, Geest en Gezondheid (CLGG) van GGz Breburg werkt sinds 2012 volgens de aanpak van Shared Decision Making, waarbij frequente zeswekelijkse Routine Outcome Monitoring-metingen als hulpmiddel worden gebruikt. Naast de beschrijving van de werkwijze van het centrum gaan we in op ervaringen van cliënten en beschrijven we...
Achtergrond De geestelijke gezondheidszorg (ggz) staat onder druk door toegenomen hulpvraag en beperkte capaciteit, resul-terend in lange wachtlijsten. Met oog op betere toegankelijkheid werden vanaf 2021 in Midden-en West-Brabant mentale gezondheidscentra's (MG's) ingericht, met het verkennende gesprek (VG) als eerste stap. Doel Inzicht in ervarin...
Shared decision-making (SDM) is of increasing importance in mental health care, however, large studies on the effects of SDM in bipolar disorder (BD) are scarce.
To gain insight into the relationships between SDM, guideline concordance of treatments in everyday practice, satisfaction with care, and medication adherence in BD.
In this study it was aimed to further develop and cross-validate a short questionnaire to measure self-reported Positive Health in general (Dutch) populations for evaluative purposes, stemming from the original 42 items of the My Positive Health dialogue tool (MPH). Positive Health refers to ‘health from the perspective of patients and c...
We aimed to investigate whether the dialogue tools My Positive Health (MPH) and Individual Recovery Outcomes Counter (I.ROC) tools were useful for quantitively measuring the positive health construct for monitoring and scientific purposes as well. An observational cross-sectional study was conducted in a representative general Dutch population (the...
Using the ‘positive health’ perspective has emerged in general healthcare. Conceptual similarities exist with the ‘recovery’ perspective in mental healthcare. Both concepts are multidimensional and focus on capability. The My Positive Health (MPH) and Individual Recovery Outcomes Counter (I.ROC) tools were developed for dialogues . The...
The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID‐19) pandemic and related restrictions globally impacted mental health, particularly for those with pre‐existing severe mental illness (SMI). This qualitative study examined how adults with SMI perceived the effects of the COVID‐19 pandemic and related restrictions in the Netherlands, focusing on their...
In this article we provide norm scores for the I.ROC, an instrument for measuring recovery. Normative data from the general population are presented in the form of two common metrics: percentile rank (PR-)scores and T-scores. The pros and cons of both metrics are discussed and their relationship is considered.
The literature...
Mental health care (MHC) is under pressure due to increased demands and limited capacity, resulting in long waiting lists. To improve accessibility, Mental Health Centers (MCs) were established in Central and West-Brabant starting in 2021, with the exploratory meeting (EM) as the first step.
To gain insight into citizens’ experi...
Worldwide, annually more than 800,000 suicides occur. In the Netherlands, suicide rates rose from 8.6 per 100,000 in 2007 to 11.4 per 100,000 in 2016. Rates in the province of Noord-Brabant were consistently higher than the national average. Noord-Brabant is a province in the south of the Netherlands covering an area of over 4700 km2 w...
We evaluated the effect of a digitally supported systems intervention for suicide prevention (SUPREMOCOL) in Noord-Brabant, the Netherlands.
Non-randomized stepped wedge trial design (SWTD). Stepwise implementation in the five subregions of the systems intervention. Pre-post analysis for the whole province (Exact Rate Ratio Te...
Qualitative research into shared decision-making using outcome information: What do patients want?
In the period 2019-2022, eight mental health care organizations have been working on the development and implementation of shared decision-making (SDM) using Routine Outome Monitoring (ROM) as a source of information.
Obtaining insig...
To improve recovery in mental health, validated instruments are needed.
This study evaluates psychometric properties of the Individual Recovery Outcomes Counter (I.ROC) in a Dutch population of participants with a schizophrenia spectrum disorder (SSD).
326 participants completed the I.ROC at baseline (n = 326), six months...
In the period 2019-2022, eight mental health care organizations have been working on the development and implementation of shared decision-making (SDM) using routine outcome monitoring (ROM) as a source of information.
To obtain insight in needs and experiences of patients among SDM using ROM, and to investigate which implementa...
Achtergrond: Verticale samenwerking in de vorm van een duurzame coalitie tussen zorgaanbieders en zorgverzekeraars vraagt om fundamentele wijzigingen. Inzicht in impactvolle factoren is van belang voor het welslagen van duurzame coalities.
Methode: Het betreft een beschrijvend en exploratief onderzoek. De vragenlijst ‘Succesfactoren in...
The increasing healthcare needs in the Netherlands lead to increasing healthcare costs and waiting lists and warrants sufficient (staff-)capacity. The current market-driven organization of care affects qualitative, accessible, and affordable care. Whether the Dutch mental healthcare system can adapt efficiently is questioned in this ar...
A standardised system of clinical pathways often conflicts with providing patient-centred heterogeneous care. Mental health care organisations are searching for new methods to become responsive towards unique treatment needs. Modularity is a method increasingly suggested to reconcile standardisation and customisation. The aim is to investigate the...
De Nederlandse Vereniging voor Psychiatrie (NVvP) heeft een casusregister opgezet om de (neuro-) psychiatrische gevolgen van covid-19-besmetting in kaart te brengen. DOEL Inzicht krijgen in zowel kwetsbaarheden als beschermende factoren voor het krijgen van een covid-19-besmetting en het beloop hiervan in een (neuro)psychiatrische populatie. METHOD...
The recent emphasis on value‐based health care (VBHC) is thought to provide new opportunities for shared decision‐making (SDM) in the Netherlands, especially when using patient‐reported outcome measures (PROMs) in routine medical encounters. It is still largely unclear about how PROMs could be linked to SDM and what we expect from clinic...
In the Netherlands, suicide rates showed a sharp incline and this pertains particularly to the province of Noord-Brabant, one of the southern provinces in the Netherlands. This calls for a regional suicide prevention effort.
Study protocol. A regional suicide prevention systems intervention is implemented and evaluate...
ACHTERGROND Ondanks veelbelovende onderzoeksresultaten wordt samen beslissen in de geestelijke gezondheids-zorg (ggz) nog niet breed toegepast. Bovendien is weinig bekend over het gebruik van routine outcome monitoring (rom) en e-health hierbij. DOEL Promotieonderzoek naar toegevoegde waarde van samen beslissen voor patiënten en behandelaars in de...
To investigate the effects of Shared Decision-Making (SDM) using Routine Outcome Monitoring (ROM) primary on patients’ perception of Decisional Conflict (DC), which measures patients’ engagement in and satisfaction with clinical decisions, and secondary on working alliance and treatment outcomes.
Multi-centre two-arm matched-paired...
Although the evidence is expanding, in mental health care shared decision making (SDM) is not widely applied. Moreover, little is known about the use of routine outcome monitoring (ROM) and eHealth in SDM.
AIM: PhD research on the added value of SDM using ROM and eHealth for patients and clinicians in mental health care.
METHOD: Three...
To investigate the effectiveness of a multi-facetted blended eHealth intervention, called SDM-Digital Intake (SDM-DI), in which patients and clinicians are supported in Shared Decision Making during the intake process.
The study is a two-arm matched-paired cluster Randomised Controlled Trial in a specialist mental health outpatie...
To investigate the effectiveness of a multi-facetted blended eHealth intervention, called SDM-Digital Intake (SDM-DI), in which patients and clinicians are supported in Shared Decision Making during the intake process.Methods
The study is a two-arm matched-paired cluster Randomised Controlled Trial in a specialist mental health outpatient...
Aansluitend op de toenemende belangstelling voor gedeelde besluitvorming (shared decision making; sdm) in de geestelijke gezondheidszorg (ggz), ontstaat behoefte om de toepassing ervan te evalueren. Het begrip ‘beslissingsambivalentie’ (decisional conflict), dat vanuit patiëntperspectief de tevredenheid over het besluitvormingsproces e...
Although routine outcome monitoring (ROM) has been developed and widely used in the course of patient centered outcome research in the Netherlands, so far the technique has hardly ever been used to improve the treatment of individual patients.
To describe how a rom technique based on the principles of shared decision-making (SDM...