Margarita Tereseviciene

Margarita Tereseviciene
Vytautas Magnus University · Department of Education Sciences



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Publications (59)
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Micro-credentials have recently become a huge research interest, as they play an important role in the social, economic, and higher education sectors. Mindful of growing critique in some circles and recent publications, this paper offers an informed analysis of the potential of micro-credentials to foster post-COVID-19 pandemic recovery across a sp...
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The project ‘Schools Educating for Sustainability: Proposals for and from in- service teacher education’ aims to contribute to teacher education for sustainability (EduS) in different European countries, to reach the EU level goals for a more sustainable society (European Commission, 2019). The project’s goal is to develop new initiatives addressin...
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The main goal of this research is to enhance the understanding of quality criteria for DB metadata for assessment and recognition as factors increasing their value in higher education (HE). To attain this goal, a case study approach centered in one HE institution was used, aiming (a) at an analysis of the status quo description of metadata of DBs i...
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These Guidelines are one of the results of the four-year research project “Open Online Learning for Digital and Networked Society” (2017-2021). The project objective was to enable university teachers to design open and online learning through open and online learning curriculum and environment applying learning analytics as a metacognitive tool and...
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In the contemporary context, adoption of educational technologies has become inevitable. In virtual learning environments, teachers are not only exploring new ways of teaching, e.g. blended or online, but also incorporating various tools and strategies in order to facilitate the learning/teaching process. Learning analytics has received a lot of at...
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Edition Universidade Aberta 2020 Collection Educação a Distância e eLearning | N.º 9 ISBN 978-972-674-874-8 DOI Technology is leading to tremendous changes in social political, cultural, and economic life. Castells (2004) argues that the key factor distinguishing contemporary society is the fact that the use of t...
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The main goal of the paper is to describe current practice and experience of one university in application of digital badges with particular attention to two research questions: What are the purposes of issuing digital badges to students? How digital badges are used in fully online or blended learning studies referring to student’s assessment and r...
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Fast development of technologies, changing needs of digital learners and other aspects of the digital era have had a major impact on universities and their learning management procedures. Access to information online, possibilities of open online learning and need to manage one’s time lead to the changed profile of today’s students and their need t...
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Digital and network society learning happens in new, timeless and borderless spaces. Such society members are always connected and online, sharing and co-creating knowledge, and their learning needs serve as the biggest driving forces for higher education curriculum change. Open online learning methodology seems to be the best-suited way to impleme...
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Interfaces between students’ participation, number of submissions to discussion forums, attendance of online lectures and students’ performance on their assignments are significant for students’ success and achievements. Teachers’ activities become more significant when delivering blended or online courses and their role changes from knowledge deli...
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Digital networked society is learning in various platforms, in different ways and at selected time and pace. What are the preferences of members of digital and networked society for the learning platforms? What resources should be used to better fulfil nowadays learner expectations? And how higher education institutions are preparing for that? Thes...
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Open Education Resources (OERs) are not a new phenomenon; however, it is still indolently used in higher education curriculum. Although it can bring new ideas for learning and teaching, motivate students, help them learn better, and prepare more attractive curriculum, the usage and development of OERs can be challenging. Using OERs in university cu...
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The purpose of this research is to identify the didactical characteristics of Technology Enhanced Learning (TEL) and to reveal the main opportunities and dilemmas of TEL didactical solutions in different types of organizations. Didactical characteristics of TEL such as measurable learning outcomes, interactivity, flexibility, experimentation, use o...
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Doctoral education is one of the primary resources for the development and implementation of new knowledge and innovation across the Europe. Terefore, the implementation of doctoral studies and preparation and training of junior academics and researchers are seen as one of the main aims and missions of the University. Doctoral studies differ from ot...
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Doctoral education is one of the primary resources for the development and implementation of new knowledge and innovation across the Europe. Therefore, the implementation of doctoral studies and preparation and training of junior academics and researchers are seen as one of the main aims and missions of the University. Doctoral studies differ from...
This article analyses the role of the cooperation with and the influence of the Nordic countries on the development of a democratic society in Lithuania through adult education since the reinstatement of its independence from Soviet regime in March 1990 to the present. The authors focus on three main areas: (1) the training of Lithuanian adult educ...
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The purpose of this research is to identify and compare the use of Information Communication Technologies (ICT) for Staff Continuous Professional Development (CPD) in a community of education and business organizations and prepare recommendations for more efficient staff CPD using ICT. Obviously ICT use for CPD helps to overcome traditional barrier...
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Straipsnyje pristatomas tyrimas, kurio tikslas yra daugiau sužinoti apie universitetų dėstytojų bei studentų-mokytojų požiūrį į tradicinį mokymą ir mokymąsi bendradarbiaujant. Tyrimas vyko Vytauto Didžiojo bei Vilniaus pedagoginiame universitetuose. Tyrime dalyvavo 15 abiejų universitetų dėstytojų bei 45 VDU studentai, dirbantys vidurinėse bendrojo...
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Straipsnyje pristatomi 1998-1999 metais atliktos Lietuvos ir Švedijos mokinių apklausos, kuria buvo siekiama išsiaiškinti mokinių požiūrį į vaiko teisių mokykloje realijas, duomenys. Plačiau aptariami mokytojų ir mokinių lygiateisiškumo, mokinių emocinio ir fizinio saugumo mokykloje klausimai. Nustatyta, kad mokiniams labiausiai trūksta pagarbos jų...
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This article defines the shift in the concept and conditions of collaborative learning for university studies using the social networking tool Facebook and discusses the collaborative learning effect in terms of using Open Educational Resources (OER), creating learning artefacts and new generic competence development. In order to evaluate students’...
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When trying to integrate technology-enhanced learning (TEL) into employees’ competence development, it is necessary for an organization to have an appropriate support system. The research aim was to identify the form of organizational support that is most relevant for employee engagement in TEL. Findings of a questionnaire survey showed that employ...
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The aim of the research is to design the framework of technology enhanced learning integration into organisations. The aim of the research is divided into the following objectives: 1. To create a framework of responsible and responsive technology enhanced learning integration into organisations. 2. To implement the framework of technology enhanced...
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The search for self-identity is a key determinant of postmodern society while correlating with the independent learning being conceptualized by the higher education students; it refers their intensions to express the ‘self’ and be identified. Most researchers have studied independent, self-directed, self-regulated and self-managed learning by payin...
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Learning and technology has penetrated people's daily lives in so many multiple ways and spheres that learning process may not be planned separated from technology. Researchers agree that ICT as such cannot improve educational processes, but ICT may trigger and enable the use of innovative methods that make learning more efficient and more attracti...
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Monografijos tyrimo objektu pasirinktas TGM integravimas organizacijoje. Tačiau VII skyriuje išryškės sudėtingesnis šio tyrimo objekto kontekstas, nes TGM integravimas pristatomas skirtingo tipo organizacijose, kaip antai, švietimo, verslo ir bendruomeninėse. Esame suformulavę metodologiškai taisyklingą integralaus pristatomo tyrimo tikslą: atsklei...
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Profesorė socialinių mokslų (edukologija)habilituota daktarė Vytauto Didžiojo universitetas K. Donelaičio g. 58, LT-44044 Kaunas Tel. (8 37) 327 821 Docentė socialinių mokslų (edukologija)daktarė Vytauto Didžiojo universitetas K. Donelaičio g. 58, LT-44044 Kaunas Tel. (8 37) 327 821 Edukologijos magistrantė Vytauto Didžiojo universitetas K. Done...
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This research paper addresses the issues of integration of technology enhanced learning (TEL) into an educational organization. Good practice experience cannot be directly transferred to new organisations due to different contextual conditions. The TEL integration depends significantly upon a very rapid development of services and information commu...
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Modern university teachers are expected to have competences to organise e-learning activities; also, they should be ready to integrate information technologies (further – IT) into everyday teaching and learning processes. Teachers' preparation to use IT helps to improve teaching and learning quality and to expand scientific activities into other ac...
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The concept of virtual mobility and its characteristics are presented. Most definitions which consider virtual mobility from the educational perspective describe it as a form of learning, research, communication, and collaboration, but also as a form of mobility, which can be a supplement or substitute for physical mobility. Based on the theoretica...
The article discusses changing area of educational research, its birth influencing processes, and changes of doctoral studies, while training educational scientists. Educational research trends and significance are formed in international political documents, by stressing educational research development, significance of researchers' training, mast...
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El. paštas: El. paštas: El. paštas: El. paštas: Straipsnyje bandoma aptarti savimokos ir savarankiško mokymosi sąsają aukštojo mokslo kontekste. Aptariant šių dviejų konceptų skirtybes ir ryšį, išryškinami pagrindiniai juos apibūdinantys elementai (...
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Monografijoje aprašomos technologijomis grindžiamo mokymo(-si) turinio kokybės vertinimo dimensijos, pateikiami jų verifikavimo tyrimo rezultatai, aptariama sąveikos ir paramos svarba; taip pat pateikiama mokslinė diskusija apie technologijomis ginrdžiamo mokymo(-si) turinio kokybės vertinimo modelio pritaikomumą.
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to contribute to the issue of bridging the gap between the labour market and university through recognition of non‐academic learning. Design/methodology/approach The purpose is achieved by proposing portfolio use for documenting adults' personal and professional growth as part of their learning outcomes gained...
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Preparing for virtual mobility activities, teachers have to design a curriculum of high quality. The aim of this chapter is to discuss the factors that exert impact upon curriculum design, grounding the analysis on theoretical concepts of technology-based curriculum. Technology-based curriculum design and organization of teaching/learning have beco...
Technologijomis grindžiamo mokymo(-si) turinio kokybės vertinimas Monografija Vytauto Didžiojo universitetas Kaunas, 2011
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Application Analysis of Online Learner Skills and Knowledge Evaluation Model Introduction. Higher education institutions experience the reform of higher education, changing the conception of studies and learning scenarios and the forms of their implementation. Distance learning and teaching are efficient means to implement strategic aims of the sy...
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to examine and summarize the findings of a survey carried out to identify the role of a human recourse manager in Lithuanian organisations today, emphasizing that the role of a human resource (HR) manager should focus on the facilitation of individuals' learning. Design/methodology/approach The methodology of t...
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Virtual mobility and quality of studies are challenges for higher education institutions while organizing modern studies. ICT based teaching and learning are the driving factors in organizing creative learning opportunities for students and teachers. This research is based on virtual mobility analysis and opportunities that the phenomenon creates....
Conference Paper
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Mobility and virtual mobility, being in the very core of Bologna process, LLP and EHEA, seek for more attention in the HE institutions, where teacher virtual mobility can serve as an alternative and as a follow up of physical mobility. Either way it contributes to the study quality, creating more opportunities for students, teachers and other acade...
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Profesorius socialinių mokslų (edukologijos) habilituotas daktaras Vytauto Didžiojo universiteto Socialinių mokslų fakulteto Edukologijos katedra K. Donelaičio g. 58, LT-44044 Kaunas Tel. (8 37) 32 78 21 Profesorė socialinių mokslų (edukologijos) habilituota daktarė Vytauto Didžiojo universiteto Socialinių mokslų fakulteto Edukologijos katedra K....
Alternative approaches to learning and assessment have become common practice in higher education today. While these approaches have several learning, instructional and assessment advantages for students and teachers, a need exists for a better understanding of their consequential evidence. The purpose of this study was to examine students’ percept...
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Interfaces and contradictions comparing adults' attitude to learning and employers' expectations This paper, based on empirical research, aims at analyzing interfaces and contradictions of employers' and employees' attitudes to in-service professional training. We present the results of a two-stage empirical research program. The research enabled t...
Purpose This paper aims to examine and summarize the findings of a comparative survey carried out to assess how learning outcomes acquired non‐formally or informally are validated and recognized. Owing to limitations of the study, this paper just seeks to consider the challenges that higher education faces, and the new possibilities that might emer...
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The article presents a review of the experience of European countries in the area of identification, assessment and recognition of non-formal and informal learning. Also, the findings of a pilot research, performed in Lithuanian enterprises and vocational schools, are presented. The findings indicate the main tendencies in non-formal and informal l...
This article analyses young Lithuanian students' (aged 12-14) perceptions of the importance and existence of their rights at home and at school. The analysis includes a comparison of rights existence with rights importance, a comparison between the importance and existence of the various rights in both the home and school setting and a comparison b...
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Anotacija Nors nuolat vykdomos suaugusiųjų švietimo refor-mos, diegiamos naujovės, gerinama materialinė bazė, keliama mokytojų ir dėstytojų kvalifikacija, edukacinėje veikloje neišnaudojamos jos dalyvių galimybės to-bulinti savo veiklą tiesiogiai ją tyrinėjant ir keičiant. Viena tokių galimybių pristatoma šiame straipsnyje. Nagrinėjamas veiklos tyr...
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With the advent of innovative pedagogical applications with the use of information and communication technologies, learning becomes learner-centered phenomenon, when the learner undertakes responsibilities for their learning outcomes and results. Learners need to become active participants in definition of learning objectives that would be measurab...
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The paper presents research implemented in the area of technology enhanced learning (TEL) activity in the context of distance learning curriculum (DLC) quality assessment (QA) dimensions. As education institutions maintain curriculum – driven approach, learning activities should be revived and constantly updated on the basis of DLC QA dimensions. T...


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