Marek MatejunUniversity of Lodz · Department of Entrepreneurship and Industrial Policy
Marek Matejun
PhD. DSc.
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Publications (51)
The aim of the paper is drawing attention to selected challenges and prospects for the development of subdisciplinarity in the management sciences. The discussion focuses on the impact of the specific characteristics of the management sciences on the diversity of the classification of research specializations and highlights certain determinants rel...
The aim of this paper is to identify and assess the formation of employees’ readiness to implement the green human resources management (GHRM) concept according to two research approaches: an instrumental and change-based approach, as well as to demonstrate the influence of selected individual antecedents on the formation of this readiness in busin...
The aim of this paper is to identify and assess the formation of employees’ readiness to
implement the green human resources management (GHRM) concept according to two Research approaches: an instrumental and change-based approach, as well as to demonstrate the influence of selected individual antecedents on the formation of this readiness in busin...
This paper aims to identify the key criteria for distinguishing sub-disciplines in management sciences and evaluate their application in national and international science classifications. Documents from 16 different countries and areas were studied semantically. Triangulation was used to study 16 sub-discipline classifications and survey expert op...
Cel: Celem opracowania jest eksploracja roli zdolności dynamicznych jako czynnika pośredniczącego w oddziaływaniu charakterystyk przedsiębiorczych właściciela-menedżera na wyniki małych przedsiębiorstw podczas pandemii COVID-19. Metodyka: Realizacji celu pracy poświęcono badania ankietowe przeprowadzone na losowej próbie 564 mikro, małych i średnic...
Aim/purpose – This paper aims to introduce and describe a new paradigm (model) of evolutionary dynamism of family business potential in the succession process and its empirical simulation in family enterprises from culturally close “post-socialistic” coun- tries: the Czech Republic and Poland. Design/methodology/approach – The conceptual basis for...
Praktyki green HR we współczesnych przedsiębiorstwach.
Streszczenie: Celem opracowania jest ocena przedmiotowego i czasowego zakresu wykorzystania praktyk green HR we współczesnych przedsiębiorstwach. Realizacji celu pracy poświęcono własne badania empiryczne przeprowadzone na próbie 120 menedżerów i pracowników reprezentujących przedsiębiorstwa d...
Praktyki green HR a wyniki środowiskowe współczesnych przedsiębiorstw Streszczenie: Celem opracowania jest identyfikacja, ocena i interpretacja wpływu stosowania praktyk green HR na wyniki środowiskowe współczesnych przedsiębiorstw rozpatrywane na czterech poziomach hierarchicznych: indywidualnym, zespołowym, organizacyjnym i międzyorganizacyjnym....
Koncepcja zrównoważonego rozwoju jako środowisko implementacji praktyk green HR we współczesnych przedsiębiorstwach Streszczenie Celem opracowania jest identyfikacja i ocena kierunku oraz siły relacji zachodzących pomiędzy implementacją koncepcji zrównoważonego rozwoju a przedmiotowym i czasowym zakresem stosowania praktyk green HR we współczesnych...
The aim of the article is to present the key features, stages, advantages and threats of servitization as a concept for managing the development of small and medium-sized enterprises. A literature review and empirical research carried out in the form of a case study of the medium-sized company Mikomax sp. z o.o. from Poland served to achieve the ai...
The aim of the paper is the presentation of theoretical foundations and the structure of original, 8-stage statics and dynamics model in the small business life cycle. Based on theoretical considerations, two hypotheses concerning the impact of dynamic and static nature of the life-cycle stages on selected determinants and effects of SMEs’ developm...
Po więcej publikacji zapraszam na ] Streszczenie Celem artykułu jest identyfikacja i ocena wpływu rozwoju przestrzeni okazji na udział pracowników w działalności innowacyjnej współczesnych organizacji (proinnowacyjność pracowniczą). W części teoretycznej zdefiniowano proinnowacyjność pracowniczą wyodrębniając jej dwa zasadnicze obsza...
The trend of specificity in studies on small and medium-sized enterprises management focuses on the search for characteristic qualitative and quantitative features distinguishing these entities from others, particularly from large enterprises. Research conducted within this trend may concern the general characteristics of small and medium-sized com...
The main scientific objective of the study was determined as development
of a conceptual model of the basic rules, determinants and effects of the strategic approach to support absorption in managing the development of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). The following were devoted to implementation of the objective
of the study:
1. E...
The purpose of the article is to identify difficulties in using advanced technologies in the implementation of projects and their causes, taking the size of enterprises into account. Analysis of the difficulties in using advanced technologies, which occurred during implementation of projects, and of their causes, was carried out, based on a researc...
Flexibility is perceived as the key factor determining the competitiveness and a competitive edge of contemporary organizations, as it is one of the most basic qualitative features of this category of entities. Taking this into account, the author of the article decided to present and evaluate the possibilities and conditions for using flexibility...
Jako cel artykułu wyznaczono identyfikację i ocenę zakresu występowania barier oraz działań podejmowanych w procesie wdrażania kontroli zarządczej w tego typu organizacjach. Zaprezentowano następnie wyniki badań własnych, przeprowadzonych z wykorzystaniem metody badania dokumentów na próbie 151 jednostek sektora finansów publicznych. Źródłem inform...
The control is an important function of managing process and comes to the track in the process and results of the performed activities and also to compare them with the aims and correct the deviations so that the relation tasks could be in line with the planned ones. It also plays an important role among the public finance sector units (hereinafter...
The evolution of the approach to public sector organizations, demonstrated, in the concepts of New Public Management and Lean Government, among others, assumes introduction into the public sector of market rules of operation and management methods that originated in business organizations. An important area for such changes is the development of me...
For many years, small and medium-sized enterprises have occupied an important place in the strategy of socio-economic development of the European Union. This is due to the fact that these entities have many important functions related to, among others, creating a significant share of the national income and jobs, introducing innovations and causing...
The development of small and medium-sized enterprises, which occurs under distinctive circumstances of resource shortages, is strongly determined by the ability to absorb the external instruments offered by commercial and non-commercial organizations supporting small business. Such instruments include those based on finance, capital, consulting, tr...
Political system changes and economic changes that were taking place towards the end of the twentieth century in Poland and other Middle and Eastern European countries have resulted in a dynamic development of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). At the same time various entrepreneurship support mechanisms have appeared, aimed at implementati...
Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) play an important economic and social role in most countries of the world. Despite the significant internal diversity of the SME sector, a considerable part of this group consists of entities oriented towards development and growth. Because of their characteristic features, they are often unable to achieve...
Franchising is a concept whereby independent entities embark upon mutual cooperation, as a part of which the franchisor (as the system’s organiser) transfers onto the franchisees, in exchange for an appropriate fee, the recipe for a particular business activity and how it should be operated. The relationships between those entities are based on a c...
Entrepreneurship and what is related to it: creativity and innovativeness become the key factors in creating modern enterprises’ competitive advantage. These also have the positive impact on the economic development, the increase of society’s wealth and diminishing the differences between particular regions. What becomes the fundamental source of e...
Embarking on entrepreneurial activities as a part of running one’s business in many cases requires the engagement of resources well beyond the capabilities of micro, small and medium-sized businesses. In particular this refers to financial resources and leads to the necessity to use external sources of funding. One of the options in this case is le...
Znaczenie zarządzania projektami dla współczesnych organizacji (w tym firm sektora MŚP) wynika ze zwiększenia złożoności i dynamiki otoczenia wymuszającego istotny wzrost elastyczności działań. Specyfika zarządzania projektami małych i średnich przedsiębiorstw opiera się na ilościowej i jakościowej charakterystyce tych podmiotów, gdzie szczególnego...
Technology entrepreneurship is becoming one of the solutions resulting in increased innovativeness and competitiveness of enterprises in the conditions of the so called new economy. It is the process of transformation of an idea into innovation, and it covers the conversion of scientific knowledge into products and services aimed directly at the co...
The increased awareness of the meaning of qualitative parameters and unmeasurable features of contemporary organizations caused that the role of organizational culture as essential force forming the potential and possibilities of functioning of contemporary enterprises is more and more often perceived as vital. This dimension of organization is als...
Przedsiębiorczość technologiczna służąca zapewnieniu większej użyteczności praktycznej wynikom badań naukowych realizowana jest poprzez skuteczną współpracę pomiędzy ośrodkami naukowymi, instytucjami finansowymi i sferą okołobiznesową oraz przedsiębiorstwami zajmującymi się wytwarzaniem i sprzedażą wyrobów oraz usług1. Istotnym źródłem jej rozwoju...
The goods and services tax is one of the tax titles, which imposes a lot of duties on entrepreneurs. It is a hidden tax, which means it should not burden taxpayers taking part in trade of goods and services who are not their final recipients. It is the customer who is the final link in trade that should be charged with this tax. Business practice a...
Development of outsourcing provides new possibilities for using this concept in creating the intellectual capital of enterprises. This idea may also be successfully applied by small and medium-sized companies, which gain an opportunity to develop individual elements of the intellectual capital by overcoming the internal limitations of resources. Th...
The basis for technology entrepreneurship are the relationships between commercial entities and the business environment institutions, operating chiefly in the area of science and technology, whose fundamental aim is the transformation of research and scientific potential into commercial technological innovations leading to the development of produ...
Modern enterprises operate in a more and more turbulent business environment. On one hand it is the said environment that constantly creates new opportunities, and on the other poses continuously increasing demands. Unfortunately such state significantly complicates the processes of effective management and development of many organizations. It is...
Zaawansowane technologie znajdują coraz szersze zastosowanie we wszystkich segmentach współczesnej gospodarki - od sfery usług do przedsiębiorstw produkcyjnych. Ich wdrożenie powoduje głęboko idące zmiany w podmiotach gospodarczych. Dotyczą one każdej sfery ich funkcjonowania w tym organizacji procesów, kształtu struktury organizacyjnej, dobo...
Until the beginning of the 1980s, a view prevailed that established strategy of action as well as existing organizational structure are the changeables that best give characteristics of an organization. However, spectacular success of Japanese enterprises (previously a synonym of low quality) in American market brought about a great interest in cul...
The development of small and medium-sized enterprises is subject to numerous restrictions stemming both from their external environments, internal weaknesses and lack of resources in smaller business entities. On the other hand, these companies often have rich and strong potential which in appropriate conditions can become a powerful element of com...
High technologies are currently a main source of development not only for the biggest world economies and large enterprises functioning dynamically within them, they also constitute a challenge for small and medium-sized enterprises. Increasing the level of technology innovation, product and service modernity as well as competitiveness in internati...
Non-economic incentives are a category of tools used in the process of motivating workers in contemporary organizations. They need to be treated as significant complements of material incentives, allowing to obtain additional and strong effects motivating workers to put above average effort, be creative and enterprising. This work focuses on the an...
Outsourcing defined as a concept of management that consists in limited involvement of enterprise’s own resources and the use of the potential of external entities instead, is included among a wide range of contemporary management concepts. The concept can be well applied in management of small and medium-sized enterprises, which are often internal...
Outsourcing definiowany jest jako koncepcja zarządzania polegająca na zawężeniu zakresu działań realizowanych bezpośrednio przez wewnętrzne służby przedsiębiorstwa na rzecz dostawców zewnętrznych, którzy realizują określone zadania na podstawie pisemnego kontraktu [por. 17, s. 13]. Koncepcja ta wywodzi się z doświadczeń dużych przedsiębiorstw, jedn...
Modern enterprises must search for possibilities, ways and methods to improve and develop their activities. Various forms of partnership, co-operation and contract relations between companies are some of such possibilities, particularly important for small and medium enterprises. Relations between material and service suppliers and producers, co-op...
The question of development and growth of SMEs, particularly high-technology SMEs, is an essential area of interest in companies belonging to the SME sector. Development barriers and inhibitors of various types, which hinder or make introduction of positive changes impossible, are a significant part of this development processes. They evoke certain...
W klasycznym ujęciu outsourcing oznacza przenoszenie źródeł zaopatrzenia w części, komponenty lub wyroby z własnego przedsiębiorstwa na rzecz zewnętrznego dostawcy. M. Pańkowska definiuje outsourcing jako formę organizacyjną, polegającą na zlecaniu wykonania usług, które wcześniej były realizowane za pomocą własnych środków (materialnych i ludzkich...
Koncepcja outsourcingu ma rodowód amerykański [12, s. 13], a samo pojęcie wywodzi się z języka angielskiego i pochodzi od słów "out" lub "outside" (na zewnątrz), oraz "source" (źródło) lub "resource" (środek zaradczy, zasób, zapas) [por. 21, s. 291; 31, s. 56]. Konstrukcję tego pojęcia rozszerza się dodatkowo o słowo "using" czyli "wykorzystanie",...
Question (1)
We cordially invite you to be an expert in our research project "Determinants of green HR practices effectiveness in environmental performance management"!
Please find attached "Project cooperation proposal" for full information.
We are looking for a researcher from the following countries:
- Nordic countries (Denmark, Sweden, Finland),
- Germany,
- Czech Republic,
- United Kingdom/Ireland,
- Greece.
The support researcher should be employed at a university with a PhD degree (minimum) and specialized in one of the following research areas:
- green HR, human resources management,
- sustainable development,
- performance management.
Details of cooperation:
- The expected scope of support includes mainly research tools consultation and recommendation support in survey research.
- We also offer the opportunity to co-authorship in the planned publications.
- This support will be independent of the main research activity at the main university.
- The expected time of engagement in the project: 30 hours within the selected 3 months only.
- Total emolument offered for the support in the project: 4000 Euro.
If you are interested in support our project please contact with us:
We are waiting for your response until 27 May 2020