Marcus Samuelsson

Marcus Samuelsson
Linköping University | LiU



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Interest in classroom management from teacher and students perspective, efficient teachers leadership, simulation and simulation training as a way to preparing preservice and inservice teachers for a better conduct of work, sloyd, pupils resistance, youth culture and how pupils acts under social presusre. Studying such phenomenas by the use of ethnography, different ways of observations, questionnaire as well as intervention studies. Currently working at University West with collaborative research project at Linköping university and in Jönköping Municipality.


Publications (80)
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A not entirely unusual position among teachers is that they believe that they must rst establish a peaceful classroom before they can begin to teach the subject. This research, shows how a pro cient mathematics teacher teaches his subject and thereby creates a quiet and focused classroom and exerts e ective leader- ship, just by teaching mathematic...
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Background. Learning to manage a classroom is a difficult but important part of teacher education. Earlier research on simulations for learning classroom management has highlighted the difficulty of supporting reflection. Purpose. This case study explores and evaluates the design of a simulation for student teachers’ reflection on classroom managem...
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Twenty-three Swedish student teachers volunteered to try to handle ordinary and difficult challenges of classroom management in a realistic, hypertext-based computer simulation. The point of departure for constructing this simulation was international classroom management research. The simulation offered the students an opportunity to choose from a...
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In a case study, 36 future sloyd teachers, who have taken a leading role in working with pedagogical development, describe their expe- rience of pupils’ unmotivated and disruptive behaviour. It was revea- led that the teachers were distur- bed by pupils whose risk-filled behaviour was aggressive or destructive, as well as by pupils who were relucta...
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The reason for conducting this study was twofold: sloyd teachers have over a period of time expressed a need for fellow sloyd teachers at their workplace in the beginning of 2016 felt that there had been an "attack" on their subject. Using thematic analysis, we studied 334 posts written by participants in a Facebook group called Nationellt Resursce...
This study explores the potential role of AI-generated mentoring within simulated environments designed for teacher education, specifically focused on the challenges of teaching controversial issues. Using a mixed-methods approach, we empirically investigate the potential and challenges of AI-generated feedback compared to that provided by human ex...
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Denna rapport är genomförd i samarbete mellan Marcus Samuelsson och Joakim Samuelsson, som forskar om utveckling av skicklig undervisning, samt Bernt Friberg, Urban Hansson och Mats Rosenkvist som är experter på att utveckla evidensbaserad undervisningsskicklighet. Vår rapport bygger på en analys av en serie med 504 lektionsobservationer med fokus...
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Denna studie bidrar med kunskap om hur lärarstudenter, som studerar till 4-6-lärare, undervisar virtuella elever i en simuleringsmiljö. Simuleringen erbjuder lärarstudenter möjlighet att träna på och utveckla sin undervisningsförmåga i en trygg miljö, med stöd av sina seminarielärare. Det ger också forskare möjlighet att detaljerat studera hur lära...
Conference Paper
The foundation for teaching skills is laid in teacher training. Therefore, it is important that teacher education can offer pre-service teachers’ (PST) many opportunities to develop their ability to teach (Anthony, et al., 2015; Grossman, et al., 2009). One possible way to challenge the well-known fact that PSTs have limited opportunities to realis...
Conference Paper
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This paper describes findings from a collaborative research project with two researchers at Linköping university and ten förstelärare from three municipalities in Sweden. The project was called Leadership for learning and centered around the idea that teachers’ ways of managing the classroom have an impact on students’ possibilities for learning. T...
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This paper describes and evaluates student teachers’ virtual simulation training on teaching a controversial issue. In the fourth year of their program to become social science teachers at lower and upper secondary schools, 43 student teachers in Sweden conducted simulation teaching on conspiracy theories as an example of a controversial issue. Con...
Conference Paper
Social science teaching engages feelings and emotionally challenging discussions. Many discussions are controversial issues such politics, migration policy, terrorism, climate change etc. A controversial issue is “issues which arouse strong feelings and divide opinion in communities and society” (Council of Europe, 2016). Conspiracy theories have h...
Conference Paper
In simulation-training pre-service teachers (PSTs) can practice their teaching skills in a setting that allows for mistakes without real students being negatively affected by them. That is nothing new, that has been the case for quite long (Arvola et al., 2018). Most of the studies on simulation training in teacher training has focused on quite sma...
Conference Paper
Sverige har sedan lång tid höga ambitioner med sitt skolväsende. Efter att landet under 1950-talet prövat flera olika varianter på hur en förlängd och gemensam utbildningsperiod skulle kunna gestaltas, enades de politiska krafterna 1961 om en kompromiss. Alla barn och ungdo-mar skulle gå igenom en nioårig grundskola där innehållet i lärandet omfatt...
Conference Paper
The foundation for teachers teaching skills is made in the teaching training program. Based on this, it is important that the teaching training provides an education where the pre-service teachers (PST) have opportunities to develop their ability to teach. Teacher training traditionally offer PST limited opportunities to realistically practice and...
Conference Paper
The paper describe different experiences and learning from using virtual reality, simulation training, towards Teacher students at Linköpings university, Sweden. In math didactics courses focusing on teaching about fractions From virtual internship with teacher students. In classroom management, communication and supervision courses focusing on pla...
The purpose of this study was to examine how two kinds of teaching training can affect preservice teachers’ efficacy beliefs in teaching mathematics and conducting classroom management. The preservice teachers practised teaching either for three hours with avatar in a simulation followed by three weeks of fieldwork or for three hours with peers in...
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Denna essä är en fallstudie som riktar upp­märksamheten mot en ung vuxen, Erik, och hans erfarenheter, minnen, berättelse och föremål från det som kallades för slöjd i olika material på ett fritidshem. Samtidigt är det en didaktisk studie då den i korthet också berör hur blivande lärare i slöjd tolkar barns artefakter. Eriks berättelser om föremåle...
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Previous research describes classroom management as both complex and demanding. Therefore, teachers as leaders need to make many choices about how to handle situations and students. The aim of this study is to describe teachers’ considerations when they are managing the classroom. The study was conducted by a teacher-research team. The data consist...
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Denna artikels tänkbara svar på frågan varför vi har slöjd i den svenska grundskolan är förankrat i teorier om motstånd (Senneth, 2008) och teorier om kommunikation och ledarskap (Hamre m.fl., 2013). Svaret pekar på en potential knuten till att lärare i slöjd medvetet leder elever till motstånd i slöjdundervisningen och stannar hos dem under motstå...
Teacher education programmes offer pre-service teachers limited opportunities to realistically practise and develop skills and strategies for teaching pupils, without the risk of adversely affecting pupils’ learning. The purpose of this study was set to contribute with knowledge concerning how pre-service teachers develop self-efficacy beliefs from...
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Syftet med denna artikel är att bidra med kunskap om hur lärarstudenters tilltro till den egna undervisningsförmågan kan utvecklas genom träning av undervisning med virtuella elever i en semivirtuell miljö som en del av en campusförlagd utbildning. Studien fokuserar på olika former av undervisning och vilken inverkan de kan ha för att utveckla stud...
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Ett sätt att få syn på hur lärare leder undervisning är att använda sig av observationer och då kan ett observationsprotokoll vara till hjälp. Hur ett protokoll togs fram och hur det till slut ser ut beskrivs i denna artikel.
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Hur lärare i slöjd i Finland och Sverige uppfattar och använder läromedel beskrivs och analyseras i denna artikel. Det empiriska materialet består av enkätsvar från både flervalsfrågor och öppna frågor av 143 lärare, insamlat våren 2016. Resultatet visar att lärarna å ena sidan definierar läromedel på ett mycket brett sätt genom att inkludera i pri...
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In the light of the discussion about increased disturbances in today’s Swedish classrooms, a questionnaire survey was conducted among teachers in one Swedish municipality. It aimed to determine what sorts of student behaviour troubled the teachers most and occurred most frequently. It also aimed to determine whether teachers’ perceptions of trouble...
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Muntlig presentation om forskning om trygghet och studiero i skolan.
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Ensamarbetets dagar är till ända, för elevers och lärares skull. Fast vi är inte riktigt där än. I väntan på detta finns det anledning att uppmärksamma om och hur pedagogiskt förhållningssätt skiljer sig åt i ett kollegium.
Conference Paper
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Twenty Swedish prospective teachers were interviewed twice, before and after, a teacher training course about classroom management, conflicts and social relations by the use of phenomenographic interviews. As part of the results we found that they had identified five areas of dilemma situations a long a continuum of significant importance for class...
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Hur lärare i slöjd i Finland och Sverige uppfattar och använder läromedel beskrivs och analyseras i denna artikel. Det empiriska materialet består av enkätsvar från både flervalsfrågor och öppna frågor av 143 lärare, insamlat våren 2016. Resultatet visar att lärarna å ena sidan definierar läromedel på ett mycket brett sätt genom att inkludera i pri...
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This essay aims to analyse two different forms of contemporary stories: pupils’ and adults’ audits of what goes on in classroom life. This is done by making a distinction between unofficial and official inspections. In the essay, I show that unofficial inspections are carried out by pupils, most likely with the aim of providing those of us outside...
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Behöver elever vara detektiver för att förstå lärares instruktioner eller har de lärt sig att följa instruktionernas logik fastän de inte går att få ihop?
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Elevers upplevelser av matematikundervisningen i skolan påverkar hur väl de lyckas i matematikämnet. Killar upplever att de i högre utsträckning än tjejerna har inflytande över innehållet och är mer delaktiga i undervisningen. Tjejerna upplever matematiken i skolan som svårare än vad killar gör.
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Classroom management is an important part of learning to be a teacher. The variation theory of learning provides the insight that it is important to vary the critical aspects of any task or subject that is to be learned. Simulation technology is useful in order to provide a controlled environment for that variation, and text as a medium gives the o...
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Genom enkla datorbaserade simulationer av dilemman i klassrummet kunde lärarstudenter lättare ta till sig undervisning om ledarskap, visar forskning från Linköpings universitet. I valen mellan olika ledarstilar för att tackla störningar var den auktoritativa stilen vanligast bland studenterna.
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Gender differences between boys and girls in the perception of the classroom setting, and their relationship to achievement in mathematics and aspects of self-regulated learning skills are the focus for this article. Throughout the component analysis of answers from 6758 Swedish students we found some differences in how boys and girls perceive thei...
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Många lärarstudenter lämnar lärarutbildningen med brister i förmågan att leda klassrummet – enligt dem själva. Genom datorsimuleringar har lärarstudenter fått ett nytt och effektivt sätt att träna upp sin förmåga att leda klassrummet utan att verkliga elever kommer till skada. Det visar ett forskningsprojekt 1 vid Linköpings universitet.
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Lärarstudenter använder två huvudsakliga strategier för att utveckla sin beredskap att utöva ledarskap i klassrummet. Antingen kan de utveckla en imaginär säkerhet eller en identifierad osäkerhet. Det framkommer av ett aktuellt forskningsprojekt 2 vid Linköpings universitet. Undervisning är ett yrke där utövaren på egen hand måste skapa de förutsät...
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This paper reports on a case study in which a textile-sloyd teacher sent a message to an internet-based community of practice seeking advice from other textile-sloyd teachers regar­ding how to cope with unruly boys. Two major themes emerged from a interview and the discu­­ssion on the Internet: 1) behaviour analysis and 2) coping attempts The analy...
Conference Paper
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Teaching is the only profession in which the practitioner themselves has to create the conditions required in order to execute their professional duties. What this means is that teachers themselves have to organise and lead the work so that teaching and learning are made possible. For example, this can be compared with the medical profession, in wh...
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Teaching is the only profession in which the practitioner themselves has to create the conditions required in order to execute their professional duties. What this means is that teachers themselves have to organise and lead the work so that teaching and learning are made possible. For example, this can be compared with the medical profession, in wh...
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”Of Great Importance for Future Life” – Why Parents Think Their Children should go to Summer Camp For more than a hundred years Swedish children have spent part of their summer holidays at a Summer Camp. The reasons for running Summer Camps have changed over time and have also been described in research. Descriptions of parent’s reasons for sendi...
Pojkar stör mer än flickor. Yngre elever är stökigare än äldre. Så ser den allmänna uppfattningen ut, enligt slöjdläraren och forskaren Marcus Samuelsson. Men hans egna studier visar att verkligheten är betydligt mer komplex än så.
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Förebyggande, långsiktigt, målmedvetet och tålmodigt är viktiga delar av lärares klassrumsledarskap. Detta är i sig inget nytt. Astrid Lindgren skrev om det redan 1949 i boken Mera om oss barn i Bullerbyn. Fem delar av ledarskap i klassrummet Ett klassrumsledarskap som utvecklar eleverna akademiskt, socialt och moraliskt kan beskrivas som ett gott...
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This article explores students’ accommodation and resistance while participating in group work. The data collected are from fieldwork observations in several classrooms over the course of four terms in different secondary school classes in Sweden, and also from interviews with the students. Through this data analysis, we report that the students ac...
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This study investigates the patterns of teachers’ efficacy beliefs at different stages of their professional careers. In order to do that a questionnaire were constructed and distributed to 280 sloyd teachers and pre-service sloyd teachers in Finland and Sweden. An exploratory factor analysis (EFA) of the questionnaire answers gave us the following...
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This study investigates the patterns of teachers’ efficacy beliefs at different stages of their professional careers. In order to do that a questionnaire were constructed and distributed to 280 sloyd teachers and pre-service sloyd teachers in Finland and Sweden. An exploratory factor analysis (EFA) of the questionnaire answers gave us the following...
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a participant and interacting with them. The chapters on data handling and coding and data analysis are informative about how to think about the analysis as well as how to carry it out. Following this, the chapter on data interpretation pulls the book around malmost full circle, as the different approaches re-emerge as topics, and the process is sh...
Conference Paper
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The purpose of our research project is to explore the design of game-like simulations that allow pre-service teachers to explore and experiment with problematic classroom situations to develop proficiency in classroom manage-ment. The research problem for this paper is how to design a plausible, valuable to learn, and interesting game-like simulati...
Conference Paper
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The purpose of our research project is to explore the design of game-like simulations that allow pre-service teachers to explore and experiment with problematic classroom situations to develop proficiency in classroom management. The research problem for this paper is how to design a plausible, valuable to learn, and interesting game-like simulatio...
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Lärares erfarenheter är det som bygger upp den beprövade erfarenhet som skolans utbildning ska vila på. Idag lyfter allt fler, såväl forskare som beslutsfattare, fram läraren som en av de viktigaste nycklarna till en framgångsrik skola.
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The aim with the present study was to investigate bystander actions in bullying situations as well as reasons behind these actions as they are articulated by Swedish students from fourth to seventh grade. Forty-three semi-structured individual interviews were conducted with students. Qualitative analysis of data was performed by methods from ground...
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Det råder brist på lärare. Det slutar fler lärare än det utbildas nya. Fler måste lockas till att bli lärare. Nya vägar måste hittas för att nå ut till blivande lärarstudenter. Unga människor tillbringar numera mer tid framför datorn än de sitter framför tv:n eller läser tidningar. Det framstår därför som logiskt att söka nya lärare, unga människor...
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Ett didaktiskt fenomen, hanteringen av stökiga pojkar i slöjd, fick en lärare i slöjd med inriktning mot textil att posta ett inlägg i en nätbaserad praxisgemenskap. Läraren efterfrågade andra lärares erfarenheter och radikala tips för att hantera ett för henne aldrig tidigare upplevt problem, störande killar. Läraren i slöjd fick under tio dagar s...
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Abstract This study examined the extent to which students fully embrace sloyd activities. Sloyd is a form of adventurous education in Sweden where school students take more control of the content and methods of learning as part of their weekly education. Hands on activities are often part of the adventure and it sometimes takes place outdoors. The...
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Det som sker på skolans vardagsgolv, i klassrummen har under de senaste åren återigen blivit föremål för en allt mer omfattande diskussion. Inte minst som en effekt av ett ökat politiskt intresse och därpå följande reaktioner
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Denna artikel handlar om hur ett urval av svenska lärare i textilslöjd skattat sin förmåga att undervisa vid olika tidpunkter i karriären. Den handlar således om något väldigt centralt för läraryrket, den didaktiska förmågan och dess förändring över tid. Kärnan i läraryrket, det som ger läraren hans eller hennes grundkompetens, är förmågan att un...
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The ability or lack of ability to intervene when intervention may be justified is discussed from time to time. It often occurs as a result of an incident brought to attention through mass media focus. This is true regardless of whether it involves interventions in trouble spots from organisations such as the EU or the UN or governments like the Uni...
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The ability or lack of ability to intervene when intervention may be justified is discussed from time to time. It often occurs as a result of an incident brought to attention through mass media focus. This is true regardless of whether it involves interventions in trouble spots from organisations such as the EU or the UN or governments like the Uni...
Förmågan eller avsaknaden av förmåga att gripa in när ingripande kan anses befogat diskuteras från tid till annan. Det sker inte sällan som en följd av en massmedialt uppmärksammad händelse. Detta oavsett det gäller interventioner i krishärdar från organ som EU eller FN eller stater som USA eller det rör sig om enskilda medborgares beteende i särsk...
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Swedish children are generally well informed, from preschool all the way through the entire school system, about the meaning of the Convention on the Rights of the Child, CRC (United Nations, 1989), and other similar ideas about their position in relation to adults in school, adults at home and adults in the society. As a result of that experience,...
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Denna artikel beskriver överväganden gjorda inför och under ett fältarbete i två slöjdpraktiker, en skolslöjdspraktik och en slöjdklubbspraktik, liksom överväganden inför rapportering av detta fältarbete. Artikeln knyter an till vetenskapliga discipliner som antropologi, etnologi och sociologi där fältarbete under stora delar av 1900-talet använts...
Swedish children are generally well informed, from preschool all the way through the entire school system, about the meaning of the Convention on the Rights of the Child, CRC (United Nations, 1989), and other similar ideas about their position in relation to adults in school, adults at home and adults in the society. As a result of that experience,...


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