Marcos GarcíaUniversity of Granada | UGR · Área de Historia Medieval-Arqueología Medieval
Marcos García
Doctor of Philosophy
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Publications (23)
Granada (Spain) was the capital of the Nasrid Kingdom, the last Islamic emirate in Iberian Peninsula during the 13th-15th
centuries. Th e Land of Aynadamar is located on a hillside north of the city of Granada, on the third hill in the urban complex.
Th e hill to the south is occupied by the Alhambra, the palatine city where the Nasrid sultans resi...
Archaeological excavations at the castle of Lorca (Murcia, Spain) led to the identification of part of the Jewish district of the town. This area, occupied between the 14th and 15th centuries, represents a unique example of a medieval frontier Jewish quarter defined by complex urban planning, a synagogue, and various domestic units. Archaeological...
El yacimiento arqueológico de Tózar se encuentra situado en plena comarca de los Montes Occidentales (Granada, España). Desde hace varios años se realizan investigaciones arqueológicas que ahora quedan enmarcadas en el ámbito del proyecto “Dimmies cristianos en el sur de al-Andalus: análisis arqueológico sobre su identidad y agencia campesina” fina...
The archaeological excavations carried out in the medieval Jewish quarter of Atienza (Guadalajara) in 2022 constitute the first comprehensive approach to the archaeological site of the walled quarter in which this religious minority resided. Although there are numerous reports from written sources of the presence of an important Jewish community in...
La conquista árabe de la península ibérica del 711 supuso el inicio de un proceso que, a lo largo de los siguientes siglos, implicaría la transformación profunda y a diversos niveles de las estructuras heredadas del mundo tardoantiguo. La antigua Hispania, conocida desde entonces como al-Andalus, pasó progresivamente a formar parte de la koiné cult...
This paper presents a novel perspective concerning the emergence of al-Andalus based on the study of food. This is a field of human behaviour that is highly informative in socio-cultural terms because of its links to ethno-religious identity. The aim is to demonstrate the usefulness of studying zooarchaeological evidence that provides information o...
La alimentación representa un ámbito de la experiencia humana que históricamente ha desempeñado un papel trascendental en la conformación, el mantenimiento y la transformación de las fronteras culturales entre diversos grupos. Esta dimensión de la esfera alimentaria nos faculta para estudiar, a través del análisis arqueológico de sus restos materia...
Este proyecto se encmarca dentro de la convocatoria de Proyectos de Innovación y Buenas Prácticas Docentes de la UGR dentro del programa de Innovación y Buenas Prácticas Docentes del formación e Innovación Docente 2020-2022 del Plan FIDO perteneciente a los planes propios de la Universidad de Granada.
En los últimos años los espacios de didáctica aplicada se han venido percolando en las distintas disciplinas científicas que componen los diversos campos de conocimiento como una práctica, que no sólo pretenden demostrar los trabajos que desarrollan las profesiones de dichas disciplinas, sino como una forma de agregar nuevos contenidos al curriculu...
Se presentan los resultados del estudio arqueozoológico del material recuperado de una unidad de poblamiento localizada en la Zona Arqueológica de Cercadilla, en el sector periurbano de madīnat Qurṭuba, frecuentada durante el s. XII. Los datos que se analizan se derivan, de un lado, de un conjunto faunístico identificado como residuos de alimentaci...
This article presents the results of the zooarchaeological analysis of an assemblage dating to the second quarter of the 16th century that was discovered on the current university campus of Cartuja, on the outskirts of Granada (Andalusia, Spain). During the Middle Ages, this area was largely used for agricultural purposes, including as estates owne...
Foodways represent a sphere of social life profoundly determined by cultural dispositions, as it might be conceived as a medium to express identity that defines us in relation to other individuals and groups. As a consequence, from the analysis of the archaeological remains of consumption of animal‑based food products we can offer a glimpse into th...
Please submit abstracts to Session #405 by February 13th 2020 (https://www.e-a-a.org/EAA2020)
The Middle Ages was a period characterized by cultural and economic transformations at multiple levels that fundamentally changed societies after the collapse of the Roman Empire. Traditionally, historical research on these processes has paid particular...
Landscapes of (re)conquest: dynamics of multicultural frontiers in medieval South-west Europe - Guillermo García-Contreras, Aleks Pluskowski, Michelle Alexander, Rowena Banerjea, Marcos García García
El proyecto «Landscapes of (Re) Conquest: Dynamics of Multicultural Frontiers in Medieval South Western Europe» propone el estudio de las relaciones entre los cambios culturales y los cambios medioambientales en las sociedades fronterizas del suroeste de Europa durante el período formativo de la Edad Media, en el momento en el que estos territorios...
The study of the agricultural changes that took place since the Islamic conquest of the Iberian Peninsula in 711 AD has mainly focused on the spreading of agricultural irrigation. Ye t it is quite surprising to encounter few works dedicated to other agricultural practices that were equally relevant within the productive context of any preindustrial...
The impact of the medieval Arab expansion on agricultural practice in the Middle East, Central Asia and the Mediterranean was famously coined as a 'revolution' by Andrew M. Watson (1974, 1983), although the use of this term and the nature of the impact are debated. Previous research in this area has targeted specific aspects of this topic (e.g. spa...
The studies about medieval archaeofauna in the Iberian Peninsula started at the same time as the archaeology of the Middle Ages did during the 1980s. Indeed, we now have a great number of publications and a remarkable amount of data is available. However, medieval zooarchaeology cannot be considered fully consolidated yet, and this can be explained...
This paper deals with the first results of an on-going research project that attempts to elucidate, amongst other aspects, how medieval Islamic urban centres in Southern Iberia obtained animal products. The analysis is focused here on the examination of the taxonomic distribution in a set of archaeofaunal assemblages dated between the 8th and the 1...
RESUMEN Analizamos en este artículo aspectos relacionados con el mundo funerario y, más concre-tamente, con las sepulturas excavadas en la roca. Exponemos los resultados de la primera intervención arqueológica en la necrópolis altomedieval de Tózar, ubicada en los Montes Occi-dentales de Granada. Se trata de un análisis que no se limita a investiga...