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Main concern: Sequence stratigraphy, facies and tectono-sedimentary evolution of the Mesozoic and Cenozic basins of northeast Iberia
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January 1990 - present
Publications (248)
A review of the onset of the synrift sedimentation and synsedimentary extensional tectonics of the Oliete sub-basin (north- western Maestrazgo basin, East Spain) is presented here based on new data acquired after extensive sedimentological, struc- tural and palaeontological analysis of the Barremian Blesa Fm. The lower boundary of the Blesa Fm is a...
Sequence-stratigraphic, biostratigraphic and strontium-isotopic data have made it possible to update what is known of the stratigraphy and sedimentary evolution of the Kimmeridgian–Berriasian synrift successions recorded in four subbasins (Aguilón, Oliete, Morella, Galve) of the central Iberian Rift System (NE Spain). The studied successions are ar...
The Middle Jurassic-Early Cretaceous tectono-sedimentary evolution of the southwestern part of the intraplate Iberian Basin (Spain) was mostly controlled by the Alto Tajo-Montes Universales (ATMU) and Landete-Teruel (LT) faults. During the Middle Jurassic, the ATMU fault separated a western area dominated by shallow marine carbonates, and an easter...
The reconstruction of the latest Jurassic–Early Cretaceous evolution of the Torrelapaja Subbasin (Cameros Basin, Spain) resulted in the characterization of three synrift sequences (SS-1, SS-2 and SS-3) bounded by major unconformities. Three major NW-SE normal faults combined with smaller scale faults of variable direction (around NE-SW) controlled...
This work characterizes for the first time the 500–700 m-thick uppermost Cretaceous continental sedimentary succession of the Allueva Fm recorded in the northeastern margin of the Iberian basin, in the Montalbán subbasin (Maestrazgo domain, Spain). The middle-upper Campanian age of this unit constrained here by new paleomagnetic and biostratigraphi...
The middle-upper Campanian Allueva Formation was deposited in the compressional intramountain Montalbán subbasin (central Iberian Ranges, NE Spain). This i.e. formation consists of alluvial terrigenous deposits, with local dominance of carbonates and microbialites, which are the main focus of this study. Three sfacies associations are differentiate...
The middle-upper Campanian Allueva Formation is located in the Montalbán subbasin, which was developed in the northeastern margin of the Iberian Basin during the early stages of Alpine compression. This unit is mainly composed of alluvial terrigenous sediments, however, certain areas exhibit a prevalence of lacustrine carbonates. The lacustrine-pal...
The south-central margin of the Jaca Basin (South-central Pyrenees, Spain) offers well-exposed outcrops ideal for
studying the distribution of decapod crustaceans across a mixed carbonate-siliciclastic depositional system during the middle-late Eocene (Bartonian-Priabonian). This study encompasses an area of 1000 km2, featuring environments from si...
This study focuses on the analysis of the oncolites found in the Allueva Fm, an uppermost Cretaceous (middle-upper Campanian) alluvial unit deposited during the initial stages of development of the compressional Montalbán Subbasin (Iberian Chain). Successive oncolitic levels are found in the upper part of the formation, westwards the locality of Fo...
Stalked crinoids were common in shallow-marine habitats in the geologic past but are today restricted to the deep sea. The timing of the shift in their bathymetric distribution has been discussed in the context of the Mesozoic Marine Revolution (MMR), one of the most important episodes of change in marine ecosystems of the Phanerozoic, which is gen...
Detailed facies and sequence stratigraphic analysis of an Aptian shallow-marine succession illustrates the evolution of sedimentary environments and their benthic faunal associations in a marginal bay developed in northeastern Iberia (Maestrazgo Basin, Oliete Subbasin). In this bay, marine circulation was hampered by wide stationary shoals located...
La edición anual de las Jornadas de Divulgación y Defensa del Patrimonio Geológico Turolense es una iniciativa para acercar a la población las singularidades y excepcionales características geológicas del territorio turolense que, en esta edición, se centran en la trayectoria y la labor del Parque Cultural del Río Martín, tras más de 25 años conser...
The Ribota site (Ágreda, Soria, Spain) is a new locality in the Matute Formation (Tithonian–Berriasian) composed of several carbonate layers, outstandingly rich in macrovertebrate remains. Fossils show an unusual replacement of the original bioapatite by quartz, and are found as positive reliefs protruding from lacustrine limestone beds. This type...
Decapod crustaceans are an important component in modern ecosystems with a
rich fossil record spanning more than 400 million years. Last summer (19th–24th June 2022) the 8th Symposium on Fossil Decapod Crustaceans took place in Zaragoza (Spain), a meeting covering all aspects of studies on fossil decapod crustaceans, including information from mode...
The sedimentary and stratigraphic features of the low-gradient slope carbonate palustrine system of the Fortanete Formation (northeast Spain) during the early Campanian have been studied. The succession of the Fortanete Fm provides depositional record of a progressive transition to continental settings in an area that was predominantly marine for m...
This study is focused in the Fortanete Fm, a lower Campanian carbonate succession deposited in the southeastern areas of the Iberian Basin (NE Spain). A detailed sedimentological and stratigraphic study in a 40x80 km area and 10 stratigraphic logs have been done. The Fortanete Fm mainly consists of massive brecciated limestones with gastropods and...
Eubrachyurans, or ‘higher’ true crabs, are the most speciose group of decapod crustaceans and have a rich fossil record extending into the Early Cretaceous. However, most extant families are first found in the fossil record in the Palaeogene, and particularly in the Eocene. Unfortunately, fossils of many early eubrachyuran groups are often fragment...
The sequence stratigraphy and palaeogeographical evolution of an Aptian shallow-marine bay in the Western Tethys has been reconstructed through detailed analysis and correlation of 10 bed-by-bed logs spanning the Aptian stratigraphic record of the Oliete subbasin (Maestrazgo Basin, Eastern Iberia). Three third-order transgressive–regressive (T–R) s...
Decapod crustaceans are rare in Early Cretaceous invertebrate assemblages from the Iberian Peninsula; however, current knowledge does allow differences in taxonomic composition between different basins and subbasins to be recognised. In order to understand the distribution of Barremian–Aptian decapod crustaceans of Iberia better, seven new localiti...
The Upper Cretaceous (middle Campanian–earliest Maastrichtian) Allueva Fm. is a fossil-rich continental unit deposited in the early stages of the Montalbán and Aliaga intramountain sedimentary basins formation (localities of Bea, Allueva and Segura de Baños, Iberian Range, Teruel province, Spain). The Allueva Fm., deposited in a middle-distal alluv...
Many works in the last decades underline the role of evaporites, not just as a conditioning factor but as the engine for subsidence and eventually basin inversion. The western Mediterranean alpine ranges are being investigated in this regard because of the presence of discontinuous units of Permian to Triassic evaporites, deposited in the western T...
During the Alpine compression, the rift system that conformed the Iberian basin was inverted, giving rise to the Iberian Ranges and many Cenozoic subbasins in the Northeastern part of the system. One of these Cenozoic subbasins, the Montalbán subbasin, presents more than 50 km in length with a triangle shape geometry that opens to the west. This su...
The sequence stratigraphy and palaeogeographical evolution of an Aptian shallow-marine ramp, developed in a shallow marine bay in the Western Tethys, has been reconstructed through detailed analysis and correlation of 10 high-resolution logs spanning the Forcall and Oliete formations of the Oliete subbasin (Maestrazgo Basin, Eastern Iberia). Tow lo...
The middle Santonian-lower Campanian carbonate-mud dominated succession deposited in the northeastern margin of the South Iberian Ramp (La Cañadilla Fm, NE Spain) shows a complex set of interfingered facies developed in a low-energy and low-gradient shallow-marine to coastal environment. Three facies belts characterize the environment reconstructed...
The Roda Formation (early Eocene Ypresian, Huesca, Aragón, northern Spain) records successive levels including rich decapod faunas relevant for the understanding of Ypresian decapod assemblages. Asthenognathus fernandezin. sp. is described from one of these levels, representing the oldest report of a fossil Asthenognathinae, and the first report fr...
In this paper, we analyse the upper Barremian-lowermost Aptian Alacón Formation (Oliete subbasin, Maestrazgo Basin) of Spain to understand the progressive opening of a shallow-marine bay found on the northeastern margin of Iberia. The succession consists of four transgressive-regressive sequences (S1S4) bounded by widespread unconformities caused b...
Dinosaur tracks have been identified in several Upper Jurassic-Lower Cretaceous sedimentary units across the Maestrazgo Basin in eastern Iberia, which are preserved in a variety of transitional and continental paleoenvironments. Here, we described the lower Barremian San Benón tracksite with the first occurrence of clear dinosaur tracks in the El C...
Bulk carbon and oxygen stable isotopes of ancient shallow-marine carbonates can record the effects of multiple palaeoenvironmental factors, but also the imprint of several post-depositional processes, which may alter the original marine isotopic composition. In this study, carbon and oxygen stable isotope analyses were performed on bulk carbonate,...
The facies and clay mineral study of clay/marl-rich levels from the Torrelapaja Formation (latest Hauterivian–early Barremian, NW Iberian Range, NE Spain) allowed to establish the palaeoclimatic and palaeoenvironmental conditions under they were generated. The muddy levels and pisoids contained therein of two logs were sampled and studied by X-ray...
El objetivo de este artículo es que los alumnos y alumnas comprendan qué son y cómo se identifican las estructuras sedimentarias, cómo se originan y su aplicación para reconstruir el lugar en que se formaron.
En la guía de campo se realizan observaciones y se explican los aspectos mas relevantess de las tres formaciones definidas en el tránsito Jurásico-Cretácico de la subcuenca de Galve. Se explican cuatro paradas en puntos de particular interés debido a la presencia de yacimientos de dinosaurios y de sus pisadas (icnitas). En Ababuj y la Peñuela se vi...
Las unidades marinas del Cretácico Superior en la Cordillera Ibérica conforman un gran ciclo transgresivo-regresivo de primer orden, a su vez dividido en secuencias de orden mayor. Trabajos previos en las series de esta edad en el ámbito de la Cuenca Ibérica han propuesto el eustatismo como uno de los principales factores que controló esta arquitec...
Se presenta el análisis secuencial y de facies de las formaciones Alacón, Forcall y Oliete, que conforman el registro marino del intervalo Barremiense superior-Aptiense en la subcuenca de Oliete (Cuenca del Maestrazgo). El estudio y correlación de diez perfiles levantados capa a capa ha permitido identificar tres grandes ciclos transgresivo-regresi...
An extense systematic description of the Eocene larger foraminiferal faunas recorded in the South Pyrenean Basin (Sierras Exteriores) is presented herein. The large dataset provided in this work includes both Nummulites and Alveolina species, along with a variety of other porcellaneous and hyaline taxa with lesser biostratigraphic relevance, are re...
During the Late Cretaceous, coastal to shallow marine environments developed in wide areas of the Iberian Basin (NE Spain). The sedimentological analysis performed in this work focusses on the limestones and marls of the La Cañadilla Formation (upper Santonian-early Campanian). This unit has particular interest to understand the complex distributio...
Abstract: Local administrations are the most numerous and also the closest to society of all public administrations, so they can optimize the human and material capital available to disseminate and to protect the geological resources of their surroundings by carrying out low-cost but effective activities, with the advice of the scientific community...
The progressive opening of an Early Cretaceous (late Barremian-earliest Aptian) shallow marine bay has been reconstructed through the analysis and correlation of 10 high-resolution logs in the Oliete subbasin, a 30x30 km area subdivision of the Maestrazgo Basin (Teruel, NE Spain). The studied stratigraphic series corresponds to the Alacón Formation...
Modern reefs are considered important hot spots of biodiversity, but the analysis of the distribution of the invertebrate fauna across different reefal domains in ancient ecosystems can be challenging, because the fossil record is usually affected by strong taphonomic biases. The lower Eocene coral reef in the well-exposed outcrops of Ramals (Tremp...
A partial skeleton of a pleurosternid turtle (Paracryptodira), from the Jurassic-Cretaceous transition at the Spanish locality of Ágreda (Moncayo Region, Soria Province), is presented here. Its partial skull represents the third of this lineage to be recognised in the European record, with the previously known specimens corresponding to British spe...
Semi-articulated paguroids are rare fossils, and there are only few records from Cenozoic strata. Here we present a new and exceptionally preserved hermit crab (Diogenidae) from the Eocene of Huesca (Spain) that preserves the anterior part of the carapace, together with appendages. Diogenes augustinus sp. nov. represents one of most completely pres...
A new decapod crustacean assemblage associated with late Eocene coral reef deposits in northeast Spain (southern Pyrenees) is recorded; it includes Gemmellarocarcinus riglosensis sp. nov., Daira corallina sp. nov., Lobogalenopsis joei sp. nov., Liopsalis cf. anodon (Bittner, 1875) and Gale nopsis crassifrons A. Milne-Edwards, 1865. The genera Gemme...
A combined facies and clay mineralogy analysis of the continental succession recorded in the lower part of the Blesa Formation (early Barremian, Oliete subbasin, NE Spain) allowed us to specify the palaeoclimatic and palaeoenvironmental conditions under which this sedimentary record originated. Six outcrops including clays, clays/marls and dm-thick...
The distribution and abundance of oncoids in the shallow domains of a latest Kimmeridgian carbonate ramp was accomplished on the basis of a detailed sedimentological and petrographic analysis of the lower part of the Higueruelas Formation (Iberian Basin, northeastern Spain). Six types of oncoids are recognized based on the internal structure of the...
A detailed sedimentological and magnetostratigraphic analysis of three selected sections of the Eocene carbonate platforms of the South Pyrenean Jaca-Pamplona foreland basin has been carried out in the Aragonese External Sierras (Huesca, Spain). The stratigraphic record spans from the middle-late Lutetian (Chron 20r, SBZ15) to the Bartonian (Chron...
Not as hot as we thought
Earth's early oceans appear not to have been as hot as some have suggested. The oxygen isotope composition of marine carbonates has changed markedly over the past 3.5 billion years. However, it has been difficult to determine whether that is because of a cooling of the seawater (from temperatures as high as 70°C) or an actu...
With the aim to provide a detailed biostratigraphic characterization of the Early Cretaceous (Barremian-Aptian) interval of the Galve subbasin (Maestrat Basin, Eastern Spain), three sections were sampled for palynological and nannofossil analysis. The exact position of the Barremian-Aptian boundary has long been discussed in the Maestrat Basin, and...
During the Late Jurassic and Early Cretaceous, Iberia experienced extensional and transtensional stresses leading to a complex rifting time interval. Africa–America–Europe relative motions determined the definition of the Iberian plate boundaries and the generation of rifted sedimentary basins and sub-basins along its continental margins and in the...
This work presents the study of an outcrop in the Galve Subbasin where two angular unconformities (D1 and D2) within the Upper Jurassic have been recognized. They are in relation to the activity of synsedimentary normal faults. The D1 angular unconformity, with a very local development, is located at the upper part of the Villar del Arzobispo Forma...
The facies evolution of a Late Jurassic (latest Kimmeridgian) shallow carbonate ramp was reconstructed after the analysis and correlation of 21 logs in a 20 × 30 km outcrop area located south of Zaragoza (northeast Spain). The studied succession belongs to the Higueruelas Formation, which is of potential use as an analogue for understanding facies...
We describe Aragolambrus collinsin. gen., n. sp. from the Eocene (Ypresian) of Huesca, Aragón, northern Spain, which represents the second report of a fossil Parthenopidae from Spain and the first from the Eocene. Aragolambrus collinsin. gen. n. sp. is considered one of the oldest parthenopid crabs, and important morphological features include the...
The occurrence of mounds dominated by siliceous sponges and microbialites is often related to distal, deep settings of middle ramps and shelves. This paper presents evidence for Bajocian (Garantiana garantiana Zone) microbial-siliceous sponge mounds formed in open marine but relatively shallow settings of a ramp from the Iberian Basin of eastern Sp...
The sedimentological analysis of the uppermost Kimmeridgian to lower Tithonian Villar del Arzobispo Formation (Galve sub-basin, NE Spain) has allowed characterizing different carbonate, mixed and siliciclastic facies deposited in coastal to shallow marine areas. Its age calibration has been specified on the basis of new biostratigraphic and chemost...
Post-Palaeozoic crinoids from northeast Spain ranging from the Ladinian (Middle Triassic) to the Ilerdian (lower Ypresian, early Eocene) are documented. Here we provide the first attempt to reconstruct the environmental distribution of these crinoids based on relatively complete material (mostly cups). Triassic forms are dominated by encrinids from...
Detailed logging and analysis of the facies architecture of the upper Tithonian to middle Berriasian Aguilar del Alfambra Formation (Galve sub-basin, north-east Spain) have made it possible to characterize a wide variety of clastic, mixed clastic–carbonate and carbonate facies, which were deposited in coastal mudflats to shallow subtidal areas of a...
A detailed facies and sequential architectural analysis has been carried out along the wedge-shaped shallow marine cross-bedded oolitic-siliciclastic Ricla Member (Kimmeridgian, Northern Iberian Basin). The obtained results are based on fieldwork along the 4 × 1 km continuous outcrops with the use of high-resolution photomosaics and drone-made vide...
Anchispirocyclina lusitanica (Egger, 1902) es un macroforaminífero bentónico epifaunal perteneciente al suborden Orbitolinina, caracterizado por presentar una concha aglutinada, lenticular plana, de morfología variable y con un dimorfismo muy marcado. Todos los estadios ontogénicos de las generaciones macrosféricas (haploides) presentan, en general...
Anchispirocyclina lusitanica (Egger, 1902) es un macroforaminífero bentónico epifaunal perteneciente al suborden Orbitolinina, caracterizado por presentar una concha aglutinada, lenticular plana, de morfología variable y con un dimorfismo muy marcado. Todos los estadios ontogénicos de las generaciones macrosféricas (haploides) presentan, en general...
The internal facies and sedimentary architecture of an Upper Jurassic inner carbonate ramp were reconstructed after the analysis and correlation of 14 logs in a 1 x 2 km outcrop area around the Mezalocha locality (south of Zaragoza, NE Spain). The studied interval is 10-16 m thick and belongs to the upper part of the uppermost Kimmeridgian-lower Ti...
El embalse de Mularroya (más de 100 hm3 de capacidad), situado sobre el cauce del río Grío, uno
de los afluentes del Jalón (afluente a su vez del Ebro por su margen derecha) es una obra en avanzado estado
de construcción. Desde la fase de estudios previos (mediados de los años 90) hasta la actualidad, se han constatado problemas geológicos que pone...
Simulation of hydrocarbon production behavior and estimation of the recovery methods underpin
economic forecasting in field development. For this purpose, a proper and detailed geological model including
the architecture of the main geological bodies within the reservoir is initially required. Reservoir modelling
involves not only the vertical and...
The Eocene Epoch was crucial in the development of many present day Earth features. Tectonic plate rearrangement resulted in new paleogeographic configurations and ocean circulation patterns, and eventually led to a switch from greenhouse to icehouse climatic conditions. From a sedimentation point of view, assessing the relative significance of tec...
The upper Kimmeridgian outcrops in Jabaloyas (NE Spain) studied here have significant similarity in terms of carbonate ramp morphology and its facies architecture with Member D of the Upper Jurassic Arab Formation reservoirs in the Middle East. Geological models from analogue outcrops enhance or challenge the understanding of multi-scale sedimentol...
The horizontal and vertical transitions of a wide range of bioconstructions are documented from the shallow domains of a Kimmeridgian carbonate ramp (Upper Jurassic) in the Jabaloyas area of NE Spain. The bioconstructions include microbial buildups, coral-bearing thrombolite buildups, coral-microbial buildups, branching coral patches, oyster patche...