Marco RieckmannUniversity of Vechta · Faculty I, Department of Education
Marco Rieckmann
Prof. Dr.
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Current research interests:
- (higher) education for sustainable development
- global education
- sustainable university development
- Higher Education Development
- competence development and acquisition
- teaching and learning processes and methods
Additional affiliations
March 2013 - present
July 2004 - February 2013
July 2004 - July 2010
October 1998 - March 2004
Publications (376)
Youth play a critical role in driving global and regional transitions toward sustainability, particularly in rural areas where specific challenges and opportunities arise. To empower them, engaging learning opportunities that foster essential sustainability competencies are needed. However, designing learning settings that engage and motivate diver...
The purpose of this study is to present initial results related to conceptualizing quality criteria for action-oriented teaching and learning approaches in the context of Sustainability and Climate Change Education (SCCE). This research was conducted as part of the Horizon Europe project Impact Assessment of Action Competence (IMP>ACT). To foster l...
Higher education institutions (HEIs) play a crucial role in advancing sustainable development within the knowledge society by training future leaders, experts, and educators, and conducting research on achieving a more sustainable world (e.g., Wals et al., 2016). The whole-institution approach (WIA) is recognized as vital for sustainable developmen...
This scoping review examines the development and application of sustainability competence frameworks in secondary education worldwide, identifying key trends and challenges in the field. An initial pool of 2659 peer-reviewed publications from 2003 to 2023 were subjected to a rigorous, multi-stage screening process, resulting in a refined selection...
This scoping review explores the development and application of sustainability competence frameworks in secondary education globally, identifying key trends and challenges within the field. An initial sample of 2,659 peer-reviewed publications from 2003 to 2023 was subjected to a rigorous multi-stage screening process, refining the selection for in...
Kulturelle Ökosystemleistungen von Kaya‐Wäldern für die Mijikenda‐Gesellschaft in Kenia trugen dazu bei, dass relevante Teile dieser tropischen Landschaft erhalten blieben, die heute allerdings durch eine wachsende Bevölkerung in Armut starkem Landnutzungsdruck ausgesetzt sind. Mit einem Fragebogen wurden in der Umgebung des Kaya Kambe im Jahr 2022...
Young people are pivotal in driving the (future) implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and fostering successful sustainable transformation both globally and regionally. To achieve this, they need engaging learning opportunities and effective support to acquire essential sustainability competencies. By establishing this foundati...
Higher education institutions (HEIs) play a crucial role in advancing sustainable development within the knowledge society by training future leaders, experts, and educators, and conducting research on achieving a more sustainable world (e.g., Wals et al., 2016). The whole-institution approach (WIA) is recognized as vital for successful governance...
The pedagogical concepts “Education for Sustainable Development” (ESD) and “Inclusive Education” have hitherto been discussed and promoted separately from each other. Embedding ESD effectively for all learners within formal education goes way beyond the classroom. A whole school approach (WSA) can thus assist with mainstreaming ESD inclusively in s...
The global landscape of education has been reshaped by the COVID-19 pandemic, revealing the various challenges faced by countries worldwide. This book provides a comprehensive exploration of Environmental and Sustainability Education (ESE) across different countries, offering unique insights into their histories, challenges, achievements, and futur...
Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) has a long history in Germany. Theoretical examination of ESD and its pilot implementation in the German education system began in the 1990s. In the decades before that, however, environmental education and development education were already playing an increasingly important role in educational research a...
This concluding chapter highlights the multidimensional and complex nature of the crisis facing our planet, which threatens the survival of all living beings. It highlights the need for a collaborative and interdisciplinary approach to understanding and addressing sustainability challenges. It proposes transformative and disruptive environmental an...
A range of stakeholder groups are involved with fostering Education for Sustainable Development (ESD). It is crucial that their views on the aims of ESD are aligned. This is a prerequisite for coordinated integration of ESD into the formal education system. However, research has not explored whether stakeholder groups have similar ideas about the a...
Der Band versammelt Beiträge, die sich mit Nachhaltigkeit und Bildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung (BNE) unter den Vorzeichen von Digitalität auseinandersetzen. Ziel ist es, Digitalität und Nachhaltigkeit in ein Verhältnis zu setzen und auf dieser Grundlage Bildung in einer «Kultur der Digitalität» zu konturieren. Die praxisbezogenen, empirischen un...
Der Band versammelt Beiträge, die sich mit Nachhaltigkeit und Bildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung (BNE) unter den Vorzeichen von Digitalität auseinandersetzen. Ziel ist es, Digitalität und Nachhaltigkeit in ein Verhältnis zu setzen und auf dieser Grundlage Bildung in einer «Kultur der Digitalität» zu konturieren. Die praxisbezogenen, empirischen un...
Das achte Teilvorhaben des Projekts beschäftigt sich mit transformativer Bildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung in ländlichen Räumen. Der Fokus der Untersuchung liegt dabei auf den Einstellungen und dem Bewusstsein von Jugendlichen und jungen Erwachsenen (14 bis 25 Jahre) zum Leitbild der Nachhaltigkeit sowie auf den Kompetenzen zur Beteiligung an der...
Lehrer*innenbildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung (LBNE) ist eine Nischeninnovation in der Lehrer*innenbildung, die Lehrkräfte befähigt, Lernende auf die Bewältigung globaler sozio-ökologischer Herausforderungen vorzubereiten. Um die Verbreitung dieser Nischeninnovation in der allgemeinen Lehrer*innenbildung voranzutreiben, bietet dieser Beitrag eine...
Die Menschheit überschreitet mit ihrem Wirken die ökologischen Grenzen des Planeten. Auch bestehen weiterhin große soziale Herausforderungen, so hat die Corona-Pandemie weltweit zu einer Zunahme von Armut und Ungleichheit geführt. Zur Bewältigung dieser Krisen bedarf es einer „Großen Transformation“ (WBGU 2011), die durch eine nachhaltige Entwicklu...
This poster shows the research approach of our project. It deals with the question of to what extent can the use of Service Learning (SL) in university teaching contribute to an sustainable overall institutional transformation of universities?
Welchen Beitrag zur Nachhaltigen Entwicklung können Hochschulen in den Bereichen Lehre, Forschung, Betrieb und Transfer leisten? Wie gelingt die gesamtinstitutionelle Nachhaltige Entwicklung von Hochschulen? Diese Fragen
standen im Fokus des Verbundprojekts „Nachhaltigkeit an Hochschulen (HOCH-N)“ mit elf deutschen Hochschulen. Der Sammelband präse...
Fragen einer Nachhaltigen Entwicklung gewinnen an Hochschulen mehr und mehr an Bedeutung. Zunehmend wird diese Entwicklung auch in der hochschulbezogenen Forschung reflektiert. Dabei werden neben verschiedenen Handlungsfeldern von Hochschulen – Lehre, Forschung, Campusbetrieb, Transfer – auch Fragen der Steuerung und der Koordination von Nachhaltig...
In diesem Schlussbeitrag des HOCH-N Sammelbandes möchten wir unter Berücksichtigung des Nachhaltigkeitsverständnisses, des gesamtinstitutionellen Ansatzes sowie der Komplexitätsbewältigung (1.) einige zentrale Erkenntnisse zusammenfassen und (2.) skizzenhaft in einem Modell integrieren. Abschließend wird auf Basis dieses Modells einer Nachhaltigen...
Einleitung zum HOCH-N Sammelband: Nachhaltige Entwicklung von Hochschulen - Erkenntnisse und Perspektiven zur gesamtinstitutionellen Transformation. Überblick über das BMBF-finanzierte Projekt HOCH-N (2016-2021) und den Aufbau des Buchs.
Educators’ competences in Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) is a growing field of study. Still, critics warn that competence frameworks should not be used as a technical prescription without reflecting on the complexity of the educational setting. This study aims to shed light on the competences that educators in ESD, across both formal a...
Through support and guidance in fostering competences in ESD, educators can help students to evolve into engaged citizens capable of addressing the current ecological crisis. However, in order to provide effective guidance, educators need to become proficient in sustainability. In this line, this study investigates (i) the depth of knowledge about...
En la educación superior, la evaluación basada en competencias ha ganado protagonismo como nuevo modelo educativo para hacer frente a las demandas actuales. Sin embargo, su aplicación práctica puede plantear problemas, especialmente en la enseñanza de la contabilidad, donde los profesores pueden carecer de formación pedagógica y tener dificultades...
Based on empirical findings from eleven German higher education institutions (HEI), the article demonstrates the relevance of organizational culture for sustainability governance in HEI. Four cultural orientations stand out: the perceived purpose of the higher education institution, the conception of sustainability, the perceived relevance and scop...
Professionals within different work contexts play an important role in supporting and accelerating the necessary transformation towards sustainability. They occupy positions in which they can potentially contribute to initiating, accelerating, or maintaining such change processes. Therefore, and given the limited time remaining to avoid severe irre...
Young people play a major role in the (future) implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and in a successful sustainable transformation on a global but also on a regional scale. Thus, it is time to offer effective support and attractive learning opportunities for the young generation, so that they can gain the necessary competencie...
Im Gespräch mit Prof. Dr. Marco Rieckmann von der Universität Vechta wird deutlich, dass es unterschiedliche Verständnisse von Nachhaltigkeit und unterschiedliche Zugänge zu Bildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung (BNE) und transformativer Bildung gibt. Wie diese Zugänge aussehen und welche Kompetenzen man für und in BNE benötigt, fragte Redakteur Jan...
This paper discusses political discourses as a resource for climate change education and the
extent to which they can be used to promote critical thinking. To illustrate this, we present here an
activity developed in the online course, Freirean Communicative Educational Situations for Climate
Change Education, designed and developed as part of post...
Nachhaltigkeit ist global zu einem zentralen Wert aufgerückt, wie die Verabschiedung der 17 Nachhaltigkeitsziele (SDGs) der Vereinten Nationen zeigt. Daraus resultieren Wendungen, die einen paradigmatischen Wandel hin zu einer Bildung in und für Transformation markieren. Dass alle Lernenden das Wissen, die Einstellungen und die Kompetenzen entwicke...
Der Beitrag widmet sich dem Ziel, die bildungsbezogenen Diskurse über eine Kultur der Nachhaltigkeit und eine Kultur der Digitalität zusammenzuführen. Insbesondere in bildungspolitischen Leitbildern für Schulen wird die Relevanz der jeweiligen Konzepte der Bildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung und der (digitalen) Medienbildung betont. Trotz ihrer jew...
The adaptation to multiple environmental problems and the climate crisis call for educational transformation and especially for teacher training. In this sense, it is a priority to include sustainability in initial training and expand the offer of qualification programs or continuing education. This research is proposed that has the objective of an...
BNE soll Schüler*innen die Gelegenheit geben, Nachhaltigkeitskompetenzen auf- oder auszubauen. Um Lehrkräfte darin zu unterstützen, sich mit den dafür besonders geeigneten Themen, didaktischen Prinzipien und Methoden vertraut zu machen und sich in die damit verbundene Rolle eines „facilitators“ einzufinden, gelten Fortbildungen als probates Mittel....
Bildung für nachhaltige Entwicklung (BNE) fördert die Entwicklung von Nachhaltigkeitskompetenzen (Wiek & Redman 2022; Rieckmann 2021a; de Haan et al. 2008), um die vielfältigen ökologischen, sozialen, ökonomischen und kulturellen Probleme in der Weltgesellschaft anzugehen und die notwendige gesellschaftliche Transformation zu befördern. Damit befäh...
Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) is about enabling participation in the societal learning, communication and transformation processes that are required for sustainable development. This chapter provides an overview of the concept of ESD, its goals, pedagogical principles and methods and, above all, the assessment of ESD learning outcomes...
Successful forest conservation in the tropics depends on various biophysical, socioeconomic, cultural, and political factors. Researchers, environmental practitioners, and local people recognize the need to resolve longstanding systemic weaknesses in environmental governance institutions, to make mainstream environmental policy and action, and to f...
Service Learning involves students in interactive, relevant, and collaborative learning processes and is characterized by its equal focus on providing support (service) and the learning that takes place (learning). Service Learning has been gaining significance at German universities since the 2000s, has been increasingly perceived as a method of E...
Teacher education is a key prerequisite for the promotion of education for sustainable development (ESD) at schools. Whether school-based education processes and the schools themselves can be shaped as sustainable educational institutions, depends largely on the knowledge, competencies, attitudes and values of the teachers. The keynote lecture will...
Eine besondere Betonung des verantwortlichen Handelns in Richtung Nachhaltigkeit auf der Grundlage relevanter Kompetenzen zeigt das Potenzial von BNE, Lernende zu befähigen, gerechtere und nachhaltigere Gemeinschaften mitzugestalten und zur Umsetzung der globalen SDGs beizutragen (UN, 2015). Um BNE in der Schule umfassend und durchgängig zu veranke...
Social and environmental transformation requires quality education in all professional areas and levels. For this, a transdisciplinary approach is required: knowledge must be acquired but, beyond that, students must be enabled to feel part of the development processes, i.e., they must be equipped with the tools, attitudes, competences and values ne...
The Erasmus+ project presented here investigates how secondary schools can identify, reflect on, and expand their existing ESD activities through self-assessment. The roadmap 2030 to Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) is introduced by the meaningful statement “For our very own survival, we must learn to live together sustainably on this pl...
Teacher educators prepare prospective teachers to deliver Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) in schools. Lecturers’ personal perceptions of ESD guide them in this work. While there has been some research into lecturers’ perceptions of ESD in general, teacher educators as a group have been given scarcely any consideration. As groundwork for...
Teacher Education for Sustainable Development (TESD) is a niche innovation in teacher education that empowers teachers to prepare learners to address global socio-environmental challenges. To advance the diffusion of this niche innovation into general teacher education, this article offers a systematic literature review based on a qualitative analy...
Global talents for local transformation. Ministry of Education from Germany and University of Vechta
Dieser Beitrag setzt sich mit der Beziehung und der Zusammenführung von zwei wichtigen Querschnittsanliegen auseinander: Globales Lernen und inklusive Bildung. Globales Lernen hat vor allem das Ziel, Personen zum Umgang mit globalen Herausforderungen und zur Gestaltung einer nachhaltigen Entwicklung zu befähigen. Inklusive Bildung priorisiert die M...
Introduction: Responses to climate change requires critical, systemic and future thinking (Brundiers et al., 2021). Transformative pedagogy can both provide access to knowledge and enhance sustainability competencies (Rieckmann, 2018). Educational games are popular in climate change education (CCE) (Katsaliaki & Mustafee, 2015) and Wu and Lee (2015...
Introduction: With regard to the engagement of companies with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), studies indicate: While a high share of businesses (71%) are planning to engage with the SDGs, it seems more difficult to “embed the SDGs into strategy” (planned by 41% within five years), and especially tools for assessing a company’s impact on...
Introduction: Progress in Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) differs from school to school at the country level and internationally. The multilingual tool 'JUMP into a sustainable lifestyle', developed by partners from Estonia, Lithuania (lead), Germany and Scotland, aims to support sustainable school development. It enables schools to ide...
Numerous conservation activities in Africa have been of little effect. In this study, we investigate socio-economic trade-offs that might have been overlooked, yet may undermine conservation action in discret pathways. Data was collected in three study sites with fragile forest ecosystems in south-eastern Kenya, through locally adapted structured s...
This introductory chapter introduces the case for competences in education for sustainable development before going on to explore the concept of competence itself. Three types of competence are identified: a pragmatic understanding comprising a focused set of skills, knowledge and attitudes; a broader concept that aligns with the German Bildung tra...
Educators play an important role in the implementation of Education for Sustainable Development (ESD). However, they need to be qualified to work with the concept of ESD, acquiring specific competences to deal with sustainable development issues and to align their pedagogical practice with ESD. This chapter describes different frameworks and models...
This volume highlights key moments and movements in this "competence turn" in Education for Sustainable Development (ESD), and explores the different ways in which competences have been conceptualized and implemented. By marshaling a dialogue between chapters and sections, the book provides a coherent whole that will become a key source on ESD comp...
The purpose of this chapter is to explore international trends emerging in the field of ESE-TE research. The chapter aims to describe the evolution of ESE-TE research by identifying its defining characteristics and purposes, while analyzing what trends suggest for the field’s trajectory. This chapter highlights four aspects of these international t...