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Marco Gianinetto is Professor of Geomatics and head of the Remote Sensing group at Politecnico di Milano-ABC Department. He has been involved in several R&D projects funded by national and international Agencies and private companies. Marco is Co-Editor-in-Chief of European Journal of Remote Sensing, Editor for the International Journal of Remote Sensing, Editor for Journal of Applied Remote Sensing and Editor for the International Journal of Navigation and Observation.
Publications (117)
This study, provided by Policy Department A at the request of the ITRE committee, aims to shed light on the potential applicability of data acquired from the EU Galileo and Copernicus satellite systems in both the public and private sector, and on the reasons why such potential still remains largely underutilized. The regulatory framework, market c...
PRISMA is the Italian Space Agency’s first proof-of-concept hyperspectral mission launched in March 2019. The present work aims to evaluate the accuracy of PRISMA’s standard Level 2d (L2d) products in visible and near-infrared (NIR) spectral regions over water bodies. For this assessment, an analytical comparison was performed with in situ water re...
Earth observation techniques represent a reliable and faster alternative to in-situ measurements by providing spatio-temporal information on crop status. In this framework, a study was conducted to assess the performance of hybrid approaches, either standard (HYB) or exploiting an active learning optimisation strategy (HYB-AL), to estimate leaf are...
The spaceborne imaging spectroscopy mission PRecursore IperSpettrale della Missione Applicativa (PRISMA), launched on 22 March 2019 by the Italian Space Agency, opens new opportunities in many scientific domains, including precision farming and sustainable agriculture. This new Earth Observation (EO) data stream requires new-generation approaches f...
The systematic monitoring of glaciers is essential to both evaluate water resources availability and to better understand the effects of climate change. The increased speed of glacier changes observed in the last years requires a more frequent update of the glacier inventories than in the past; however, the high human supervision required by the st...
This paper presents a satellite image co-registration procedure aiming at simultaneously estimating multiple affine transformations between a set of multi-temporal or multi-source satellite images, reducing error accumulation and improving metric precision. The approach is based on synchronization, a method that seeks to infer the unknown states of...
This study presents a first assessment of the Top-Of-Atmosphere (TOA) radiances measured in the visible and near-infrared (VNIR) wavelengths from PRISMA (PRecursore IperSpettrale della Missione Applicativa), the new hyperspectral satellite sensor of the Italian Space Agency in orbit since March 2019. In particular, the radiometrically calibrated PR...
Erosion is one of the major threats listed in the Soil Thematic Strategy of the European Commission and the Alps are one of the most vulnerable ecosystems, with one of the highest erosion rates of the whole European Union. This is the first study investigating the future scenarios of soil erosion in Val Camonica and Lake Iseo, which is one of the l...
The era of big data requires increasing automation for the analysis of huge information in a short time and this need becomes critical when dealing with geoinformation. This chapter describes the automatic geocoding of digital images based on high-end Photogrammetric and Remote Sensing methods. In particular, the so-called Structure-from-Motion (Sf...
This open access book focuses on the development of methods, interoperable and integrated ICT tools, and survey techniques for optimal management of the building process. The construction sector is facing an increasing demand for major innovations in terms of digital dematerialization and technologies such as the Internet of Things, big data, advan...
Soil erosion is addressed as one of the main hydrogeological risks in the European Union. Since the average annual soil loss rate exceeds the annual average formation rate, soil is considered as a non-renewable resource. Besides, human activities, human-induced forces and climate change have further accelerated the erosion processes. Therefore, und...
Soil erosion is a naturally dynamic phenomenon, but human activities, human-induced forces and climate change have further accelerated this process. As a consequence, the mean annual soil loss rate in Europe exceeds the average soil formation rate. That means soil can be actually considered as a non-renewable resource. Therefore, understanding spat...
The paradigmatic Dudh Koshi basin laid at the toe of Mt. Everest is largely visited by tourists every year, and yet agricultural productivity and food security therein are at stake under climate change. Agricultural yield in the area recently decreased, and the question arose whether cropping at higher altitudes may help adaptation. We investigated...
Object-based image analysis approach for vessel detection on optical and radar images," Abstract. Commercial satellites for Earth observation can integrate conventional positioning and tracking systems for monitoring legal and illegal activities by sea, in order to effectively detect and prevent events threatening human life and environment. This s...
We propose an experimental setup to measure soil erosion and related it with sediment transport using rainfall simulator on a large plots experimental area. Experiments were carried out in fulfilment of the HERASE project, aimed at investigating the seasonal variations of soil erosion in the Oglio basin, an Alpine and Pre-alpine watershed with an a...
This paper describes an automatic multi-image robust alignment (MIRA) procedure able to simultaneously co-register a time series of medium-resolution satellite images in a bundle block adjustment (BBA) fashion. Instead of the direct co-registration of each image with respect to a reference ‘master’ image on the basis of corresponding features, MIRA...
Questo lavoro si inserisce nell'ambito del progetto Hydrogeological modeling for Erosion Risk Assessment from SpacE (HERASE) finanziato da Fondazione Cariplo (Grant Nr.2016-0768) e che ha l'obiettivo di mettere a punto un modello per la stima dell'erosione dei suoli nel bacino alpino del fiume Oglio (~1800 km 2). La metodologia di analisi è basata...
In Italia ci sono circa 4 milioni di ettari di terreno agricolo e forestale a rischio di erosione o frana e recenti stime del Ministero dell'Ambiente (2013) indicano che sarebbero necessari 40 miliardi di Euro per ridurre il rischio dovuto alla perdita di suolo sul territorio nazionale. Il progetto Hydrogeological modeling for Erosion Risk Assessme...
The enormous migratory flows in the European Union and in the Mediterranean area are influencing the lives of people residing in the hosting countries. Nevertheless, the real magnitude of this phenomenon often remains unknown to citizens and can generate erroneous perceptions. MIGRation pATterns in Europe (MIGRATE) is a Web Mapping application whos...
Recent years have seen a noticeable growth in migration flows from Africa and Middle East to Southern Europe, thus generating a remarkable increase of attention on media and public opinion, sometimes resulting in stereotypes and prejudices. Funded by the European Commission – Joint Research Centre through the MYGEOSS program, MIGRation pATtterns in...
MIGRATE – MIGRation pATterns in Europe is a Web mapping application aimed at educating and raising awareness about the phenomenon of migration in Europe. This goal is achieved using a gamification approach, that means users will interact with the application by playing a map-based game, where questions are asked and answers are provided and explain...
Optical remote sensing is emerging among non-conventional geophysical methods for oil & gas exploration and mineral prospecting. Complementary to all traditional technologies such as seismic, magnetic, gravity or electric methods, multispectral imaging is able to detect long-term biochemical and geochemical environmental alterations, known as micro...
Every day, ships of different type, size and origin cross the world seas. Not only for commerce and transport, but also for illegal activities. In addition to conventional positioning and tracking systems, detection with Earth observation satellites is an effective means to monitor human movements across the sea. The European Copernicus Programme o...
This paper describes the use of a new multi-image co-registration method tuned for SAR multi-temporal data collected with different orbits, viewing angles and polarization. Tests were performed using COSMO-SkyMed (X-band) and Sentinel-1 data (C-band) time series imaged in stripmap and spotlight modes. Results shows an overview sub-pixel accuracy al...
Radiometric image normalization is one of the basic pre-processing methods used in satellite time series analysis. This paper presents a new multi-image approach able to estimate the parameters of relative radiometric normalization through a multiple and simultaneous regression with a dataset of a generic number of images. The method was developed...
This study, provided by Policy Department A at the request of the ITRE committee, aims to shed light on the potential applicability of data acquired from the EU Galileo and Copernicus satellite systems in both the public and private sector, and on the reasons why such potential still remains largely underutilized. The regulatory framework, market c...
This study, provided by Policy Department A at the request of the ITRE committee, aims to shed light on the potential applicability of data acquired from the EU Galileo and Copernicus satellite systems in both the public and private sector, and on the reasons why such potential still remains largely underutilized. The regulatory framework, market c...
In past time, exploration geologists mainly used Earth Observation systems for basin-wide analysis of gravimetry, magnetomerty, structural faults, lithology and land-cover. After two decades of research, nowadays multispectral and hyperspectral remote sensing represent a cutting-edge technology in the oil and gas industry. The application fields of...
In the last two decades, intense immigration phenomena have occurred in the Mediterranean Sea. Some of the most exploited routes originate in North Africa and terminate in the southernmost Italian islands and shores. Crumbling vessels, adverse weather, diseases, and trades cruelty have led to nearly 20,000 recorded deaths. The true total death toll...
Multispectral remote sensing is an emerging technology for the oil & gas industry. Since its first application, Earth Observation has seen an enormous breakthrough in a brand-new field such as geosciences for hydrocarbon exploration: both the awareness of the microseepage phenomenon and data processing methods for its detection have greatly improve...
This paper presents the preliminary results obtained within a research project aimed to assess the feasibility of a system to monitor the immigration flows in the Southern Mediterranean Sea by solely relying on images coming from scientific and commercial satellites, which already operates on a regular basis. "Space Shepherd", a project funded by P...
This paper wants to explore the application of the theory of reliability, which has become largely popular in the analysis of geodetic and photogrammetric networks, to the multiple co-registration of satellite time-series of images through block adjustment. Indeed the current and future availability of long series of satellite imagery can be exploi...
The commercial market offers several software packages for the registration of remotely sensed data through standard one-to-one image matching. Although very rapid and simple, this strategy does not take into consideration all the interconnections among the images of a multi-temporal data set. This paper presents a new scientific software, called S...
This paper describes the potentialities of data integration of high spatial resolution multispectral (MS) and single-polarization X-band radar for object-based image analysis (OBIA) using already available algorithms and techniques. GeoEye-1 (GE1) MS images (0.5/2.0 m) and COSMO-SkyMed (CSK®) stripmap images (3.0 m) were collected over a complex te...
Image-to-image co-registration is one of the preprocessing steps needed for the analysis of satellite time series. This chapter presents a new approach where all the available images are simultaneously co-registered, overcoming the limits of traditional techniques. This method was tested on the flood and landslide that occurred in Valtellina (north...
Satellite remote sensing is the process of collecting information about the Earth’s surface from the space through the measure of electromagnetic radiation. Nowadays, remote sensing is a mature technology used to extract, analyze and detect changes of geographic and thematic information over large areas, inaccessible sites or where only limited kno...
This study born in the context of the RITMARE flagship project (Ricerca ITaliana per il MARE),
funded by the Ministry of Education, Universities and Research and coordinated by the National
Research Council of Italy for the years 2012-2016. Protection, sustainable use and study of the
marine resource as a whole are among the objectives of this proj...
Multi-temporal and multi-source images gathered from satellite platforms are nowadays a fundamental source of information in
several domains. One of the main challenges in the fusion of different data sets consists in the registration issue, i.e., the integration
into the same framework of images collected with different spatial resolution and acqu...
The World Health Organization estimates that 100 thousand people in the world die every year from asbestos-related cancers and more than 300 thousand European citizens are expected to die from asbestos-related mesothelioma by 2030. Both the European and the Italian legislations have banned the manufacture, importation, processing and distribution i...
Accidental release of crude oil into the sea due to human activity causes water pollution and heavy damages to natural ecosystems killing birds, fish, mammals and other organisms. A number of monitoring systems are used for tracking the spills and their effects on the marine environment, as well as for collecting data for feeding models. Among them...
This work deals with the retrieval of distribution of seabed vegetation cover (essentially Posidonia Oceanica) in the coastal waters (1-10m) of the Gulf of Oristano. A physical approach was used to derive bottom cover map from airborne and satellite imagery (MIVIS, KOMPSAT-2 and RapidEye) acquired in summer 2001, 2011 and 2013. A bathymetric map wa...
This study aims to derive spatial and multi-temporal patterns of Posidonia oceanica meadow and to map bathymetry, by combining satellite data with in situ measurements. The study site is located in the northern part of the Gulf of Oristano, around the S. Marco cape. A physically based approach was used; it is based on radiative transfer equations c...
Land-cover/land-use thematic maps are a major need in urban and country planning. This paper demonstrates the capabilities of Object Based Image Analysis in multi-scale thematic classification of a complex sub-urban landscape with simultaneous presence of agricultural, residential and industrial areas using pan-sharpened very high resolution satell...
Image-to-image co-registration is a fundamental task for data processing of satellite time series. This paper presents a new multi-image co-registration algorithm that simultaneously uses multi-image corresponding points in the whole multi-temporal sequence. Image co-registration parameters are then computed on the basis of a global adjustment. The...
This paper presents an innovative methodology for the registration of multiple satellite scenes by using a global Least Squares adjustment. The main advantage in relation to traditional approaches concerns the combined use of all the images of the dataset to obtain a more robust and comprehensive registration along with a statistical evaluation of...
In questo studio abbiamo analizzato l'effetto della deposizione della polvere (dust) sahariana sulla
crescita fitoplanctonica (i.e. l'ipotesi della fertilizzazione da dust) nel lago di Garda, un bacino
oligotrofico con basse concentrazioni di nutrienti e di clorofilla (chl-a), unendo dati satellitari a
misure in situ. Sono stati individuati due eve...
In this study we investigated the effect of the deposition of Saharan dust on the phytoplankton growth (i.e. dust fertilization hypothesis) in Lake Garda, an oligotrophic basin with low nutrient and low chlorophyll-a (chl-a) concentration, by combining satellite data with in situ measurements. A Saharan dust event has been recognised on 28/07/2005...
This paper investigates the use of Minimum Noise Fraction (MNF) components to improve the spectral separability of two specific thematic classes in airborne hyperspectral imagery using Spectral Angle Mapper (SAM). Particularly, we compared trends on data distribution before and after MNF transform. Two different data sets recorded with the Multispe...
In modern remote sensing applications the use of automatic image processing codes is becoming increasingly common. When dealing with satellite time series or multi-source data, image co-registration is a time-consuming, but necessary, pre-processing step. This study shows how a medium resolution satellite multitemporal dataset can be effectively pr...
Traffic monitoring in urban areas is a complex issue and recent Remote Sensing technologies can play an important role in planning and monitoring the urban environment. In this study a semi-automatic object-oriented workflow was designed to detect moving vehicles and their speed from single pass WorldView-2 multispectral data. The time lag in data...
This paper presents a photogrammetric procedure for human back shape reconstruction. The system is almost fully automated and provides an accurate 3D model by using a processing chain based on different image-matching algorithms. The method can be properly tuned to deal more effectively with different image datasets thanks to the optional choice be...
Two-dimensional Digital Image Correlation (DIC) is widely accepted and commonly used in the field of experimental mechanics as a practical and effective tool for quantitative in-plane deformation measurement of an object surface. Cross-Correlation and Least Square Matching are the two most popular techniques for the extraction of image corresponden...
This study shows a comparison between pixel-based and object-based approaches in data fusion of high-resolution multispectral GeoEye-1 imagery and high-resolution COSMO-SkyMed SAR data for land-cover/land-use classification. The per-pixel method consisted of a maximum likelihood classification of fused data based on discrete wavelet transform and a...
This paper describes the use of airborne hyperspectral remote sensing for mapping asbestos roofs in an orographic complex area in Northern Italy, the Aosta Valley. Using training samples collected during field surveys, thematic classification was able to detect the majority of asbestos surfaces. Considering the total amount of asbestos areas valida...
This paper describes a study carried on in the framework of the research project “The demonstration of the COSMO-SkyMed capabilities and exploitation for science and civilian applications” of the Italian Space Agency and is aimed to demonstrate the potentialities of the joint use of multispectral and SAR high-resolution data for land-cover/land-use...