Marcin W. Woch

Marcin W. Woch
Nicolaus Copernicus University | umk · Department of Geobotany and Landscape Planning

dr hab. prof NCU


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Publications (66)
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Niniejsza praca badawcza miała na celu analizę wzorców przestrzennych rozmieszczenia gatunków na poziomie flory i roślinności terenów dawnych osad ludzkich oraz uchwycenie zależności tych parametrów od warunków siedliskowych i roślinności terenów otaczających, natężenia i rodzaju antropopresji oraz długości czasu, jaki upłynął od opuszczenia osad....
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Rosa rugosa Thunb. (Japanese Rose) is one of the most invasive species in Europe. It spreads spontaneously in coastal areas of western, central and northern Europe, posing a threat to dune habitats, including those indicated in the EU Habitats Directive as particularly valuable. R. rugosa has already been reported to displace native plants and alte...
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Heavy metals can affect the morphology, physiology and evolution of plants. Asplenium viride is a diploid species, belonging to the largest genus of the cosmopolitan fern family Aspleniaceae, and occurring on various types of alkaline rocks. It is known to colonize sites with high concentrations of heavy metals, exhibiting changes in frond morpholo...
Conference Paper
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This study aimed to determine the impact of invasive Rosa rugosa Thunb. on the plant communities of the Baltic coastal dunes. The study was carried out in 22 sites scattered along the Hel Peninsula (Poland). Each site consisted of a pair of plots: a plot with the invader vegetation and an adjacent plot with the resident vegetation (control plot). F...
Reynoutria japonica (Japanese knotweed) is one of the most potent global invasive plant species; however, there is still insufficient knowledge on the impact of its invasion on arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF, Glomeromycota). The aim of our study was to assess the condition of AMF communities under the influence of R. japonica and determine the t...
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Planting of Japanese rose Rosa rugosa along the Baltic Sea coastline has contributed to the synanthropization of coastal ecosystems. Many ant species inhabiting coastal dunes are rare, have high conservation value and are sensitive to ecosystem disturbances. This short communication presents a study describing the species composition of ground-nest...
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Reynoutria japonica is one of the most harmful invasive species in the world, dramatically reducing the diversity of resident vegetation. To mitigate the impact of R. japonica on ecosystems and properly manage affected areas, understanding the mechanisms behind this plant’s invasive success is imperative. This study aimed to comprehensively analyse...
Reynoutria japonica is one of the most invasive plant species. Its success in new habitats may be associated with the release of secondary metabolites. The aim of this study was to compare phenolic concentrations in plant biomass and soils between plots with R. japonica and resident plants (control), and determine the effects of these compounds on...
Biological invasions are an important element of ongoing global change. Reynoutria japonica is one of the most invasive plant species in Europe and North America, potentially affecting recipient ecosystems. However, little is known about the relationships between its senescing biomass and element concentrations/pools in soil. The aim of this study...
This study examined the effects of soil heavy metals, macronutrients, texture and pH as well as plant species richness and composition on soil respiration, enzymatic activity, microbial biomass, metabolic quotient (qCO2) and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) at sites of historical Zn–Pb mining. The study was conducted both on a large scale (65 hea...
Conference Paper
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The aim of this study was to estimate the influence of Rosa rugosa Thunb. invasion on vegetation properties of coastal sand dunes. The study was performed at 25 paired invaded- native plots along the Hel Peninsula at the coast of the Baltic Sea. At each plot, botanical data and soil samples for measurements of total and available element forms (C,...
Conference Paper
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Reynoutria japonica Houtt. (Polygonaceae) is a perennial geophyte from eastern Asia that invades riparian and fallow habitats in Europe and reduces diversity of native plant communities. It completely eliminates other plant species or reduces their number to a few; however, there is a group of species capable of growing and reproducing in dense pat...
Conference Paper
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The aim of this study was to estimate which plant species are capable of growing and reproducing in dense patches of Reynoutria japonica. The study was performed at 25 sites in fallows and riparian areas in western Małopolska and eastern Silesia (S Poland). At each site, botanical data were collected in early spring and late summer. Two groups of p...
The aim of the study was to assess the relationships between vegetation, physicochemical and microbial properties of substrate at coal ash and sludge disposal sites. The study was performed on 32 plots classified into 7 categories: dried ash sedimentation ponds, dominated by a grass Calamagrostis epigejos (AH-Ce), with the admixture of Pinus sylves...
The aimof the study was to assess the relationships between vegetation, physicochemical and microbial properties of substrate at coal ash and sludge disposal sites. The study was performed on 32 plots classified into 7 categories: dried ash sedimentation ponds, dominated by a grass Calamagrostis epigejos (AH-Ce), with the admixture of Pinus sylvest...
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This study describes the vascular flora and community structure of grasslands occurring on heaps of waste rock left by former Zn-Pb mining in relation to the metal content in the soil and other environ-mental factors. The study was performed on 65 heaps scattered in agricultural land in southern Poland. The sites were described in terms of plant co...
Metalliferous mining and smelting industries are associated with very high levels of heavy metal(loid) contamination of the environment. Heavy metals have been proved to significantly influence the species diversity and composition of grassland communities, but little is known on their effects on forest understory vegetation. Therefore, the aim of...
This study investigated (1) concentrations of pollutants such as As, Cd, Pb, Tl and Zn, as well as Ca, Fe and Mn, in soils developed on old heaps of waste rock localized in beech forests (2) concentrations of these elements in shoots and roots of forest herbaceous species – Mycelis muralis, Melica nutans and Mercurialis perennis, and in leaves of y...
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The study evaluated the levels of nine metals, namely Ca, Cd, Fe, K, Mg, Mn, Pb, Tl, and Zn, in soils and tissues of ten plant species growing spontaneously on heaps left by historical mining for Zn-Pb ores. The concentrations of Cd, Pb, Tl, and Zn in heap soils were much higher than in control soils. Plants growing on heaps accumulated excessive a...
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The aim of this study was to investigate the variation in plant communities growing on metal-enriched sites created by historical Zn-Pb mining. The study sites were 65 small heaps of waste rock covered by grassland vegetation and scattered mostly over agricultural land of southern Poland. The sites were described in terms of plant coverage, species...
Relationships between Cd concentrations in the soil and tissues of P. arenaria (a) and H. pilosella (b). The graph is based on non-transformed data.
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In ants, intra and inter-colony variation in body size can be considerable, even in monomorphic species. It has been previously shown that size-related parameters can be environmentally sensitive. The shape of the body size distri-bution curve is, however, rarely investigated. In this study, we measured head widthes of the black garden ant Lasius n...
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Rare inland halophytic vegetation: Salicornietum prostratae, Spergulario marginatae-Suaedetum prostratae, Puccinellietum limosae, com. Puccinellietum limosae – a variant of Aster tripolium subsp. pannonicus and Astero pannonici-Bolboschoenetum compacti were found on 3 localities in Drohobych region. These are isolated (”islands”) localities, near u...
This study discovers and surveys sites left by former Zn-Pb mining in western Malopolska (S Poland), focusing on old heaps of mining waste rock located in agricultural land and suburban wasteland. Topsoil samples were taken from 73 heaps and described using many parameters, including heavy metal contamination (the content of total, EDTA-extractable...
Conference Paper
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The aim of this study was to investigate the variation in plant communities growing on metal-enriched sites created by historical Zn-Pb mining. The study sites (N=65) were small heaps of waste rock covered by grassland vegetation and scattered mostly over agricultural land of western Małopolska (S Poland). The sites were described in terms of plant...
Conference Paper
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This study characterizes the Carlino acaulis-Brometum erecti association occurring on the relics of the former Zn-Pb mining (small mine waste heaps termed locally 'warpie') in western Małopolska (S Poland). The association – investigated at 65 sites – had a typical (of calcareous grassland) plant species composition (the CBvariant, N=13), when deve...
Conference Paper
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This study surveyed sites left by former Zn-Pb mining in western Małopolska (S Poland), focusing on old heaps of mining waste rock ("warpie") located in agricultural land and suburban wasteland. Topsoil samples were taken from 65 heaps (macro-scale study) and characterized using many parameters, including heavy metal contamination, macronutrient co...
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The aim of the investigation was to study the flora of grasslands within the Zachodniowołyńska Dolina Bugu Special Area of Conservation and to identify the types of habitats with the highest concentration of grassland species. In the years 2011-2012, floristic analyses covered the slopes of the valley of the Bug river, balks and places of shallow b...
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The aim of the present study was to investigate the composition of spontaneous plant cover and the physicochemical properties of the substratum of spoil heaps of the Siersza hard coal mine in Trzebinia (southern Poland) abandoned in 2001. Floristic and soil analyses were performed in 2011. The substratum was very diverse in terms of texture (sand:...
Conference Paper
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Concentrations of Cd, Pb and Zn in soils developed at 63 sites of historical metal mining in western Małopolska (S Poland) were estimated. Heavy metal concentrations were measured with an atomic absorption spectrometer after wet digestion in hot HClO 4 (total forms), extraction in 0.1 M BaCl 2 (exchangeable forms) or in water (water-soluble forms)....
Conference Paper
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The aim of this study was to assess thallium concentration in topsoil originating from sites of historical mining of Ag, Pb and Zn in western Małopolska (S Poland). Soil samples were collected from 63 sites, sieved, ground and digested in hot HClO 4 . Thallium concentration was measured with an atomic absorption spectrometer. Thallium concentration...
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The history of human civilization is marked by accompaniment of specific plants. Their occurrence is strictly connected with economic processes and places disturbed by human. During a few archaeobotanical studies carried out in Kraków between years 1934 and 2001, many fruits and seeds of pant species were found in medieval layers dated to the 9–15t...
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Woch M. W. 2012. Th e anthropophytes found during the archaeobotanical studies of medieval Kraków. In: A. Mueller-Bieniek (ed.), Plants in the daily lives of the people of medieval Kraków, pp. xx–xx. Instytut Botaniki im. W. Szafera, Polska Akademia Nauk, Kraków. During the archaeobotanical studies carried out in Kraków, fruits and seeds of 91 spec...
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Ornamental plants of northern American origin Euphorbia marginata, Rudbeckia bicolor, Yucca fl accida and eastern Asiatic Miscanthus saccharifl orus were found in 2008 on dormant sedimentation ponds of the Siersza Power Plant in Trzebinia city (western Małopolska). E. marginata, M. saccharifl orus and R. bicolor are rare neophytes in the Polish fl...
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The aim of the present study was to investigate seeds of species that have survived near small mid-forest settlements for about 50 years after they were abandoned. Seed germination was observed on three squares devoid of vegetation established previously on places of former grasslands and yards. On the plots previously covered by perennial ruderal-...
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“Biodiversity” became one of the most popular ecological terms all over the world and is defined as “the variability among living organisms from all sources including [...] terrestrial, marine and other aquatic ecosystems and the ecological complexes of which they are part: this includes diversity within species, between species and of ecosystems”....
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2008. Glaucium corniculatum (Papave-raceae) – a medieval ephemerophyte in the Polisch fl ora. Fragmenta Floristica et Geobotanica Polonica 15(2): 223–230. Kraków. PL ISSN 1640-629X. ABSTRACT: The paper presents fi nding of Glaucium corniculatum seeds in sediments of medieval Cracow. In contemporary Polish fl ora this species has ephemerophyte statu...
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Papaver albifl orum subsp. austromoravicum (Papaveraceae) a new taxon in Polish flora. In 2006 and 2007, the species was found at the Brzesko-Okocim and Kraków-Mydlniki railway stations (south Poland, square of the ATPOL grids: EF74 and DF69 – Fig. 1). Both fi ndings were on dry, south-exposed habitats within the xerothermic railway vegetation on g...
The paper presents finding of Glaucium comiculatum seeds in sediments of medieval Cracow. In contemporary Polish flora this species has ephemerophyte status of MediterraneanIranian-Turanian origin. It has been noted at railway habitats, and more rarely in segetal habitats. In samples where G. comiculatum was found, species of thermophilic segetal a...
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The investigations were carried out within abandoned and exploited area of Szczakowa Sand Pit in 2002-2003. The occurrence of 106 taxa of vascular plants was reported, out of which 5 are legally protected species: 2 strictly and 3 partly. Some information on frequency of the species is given. Four dominant plant communities: Leucobryo-Pinetum, asso...
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Typha laxmannii Lepech. is a new anthropophyte species which spreads throughout Poland as a hemiagriophyte. In year 2004, the species has been found in N part of Trzebinia-Siersza (square of the ATPOL grid: DF46), one big locality on artificial bed stream Jaworznik. Modified map of Typha laxmannii distribution in Poland is also presented.


Question (1)
If Cercopithecidae are the most developed animals, what are the most developed plants from evolutionary aspect?


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