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Publications (56)
This study aims to extend research in marketing on two important relational constructs, customer satisfaction and brand attachment, by comparing their long-term effects on customer behaviors with different levels of performance difficulty in a relatively understudied domain of durable products.
Using a two-stage...
This study investigates two moderators of the effects of manufacturers' recovery efforts following a product defect on customers' perceptions of product quality: the severity of the product defect and whether the recovery efforts were covered under warranty or not.
A total of 478 USA customers who purchased a ne...
Product quality is a central construct in several management domains. Theoretical conceptualizations of product quality unanimously stress its multidimensional nature. Yet, no generalizable, multidimensional product quality scale exists. This study develops and validates a multidimensional Customers’ experienced product quality (CEPQ) scale...
Prior research does not provide a clear picture of how managers can effectively manage customer in-role and extra-role behaviours in a retail setting. This study aims to test the differential impact of the two main customer relationship predictor paths – identity-based and satisfaction-based paths – on customer in-role and extra-role behavi...
Despite manufacturers’ efforts to improve quality, customers frequently experience product defects. Based on expectation confirmation theory, hypotheses concerning the effects of experiencing product defects on overall quality perceptions and loyalty to the product manufacturer have been developed and tested. Our results show that experiencing prod...
In gesättigten Märkten findet Differenzierungswettbewerb immer mehr über Markenimages von Kunden statt. Die in der Praxis verbreiteten, räumlichen Positionierungsmodelle führen zwar zu anschaulichen Ergebnissen, sind jedoch nur bedingt geeignet, valide Handlungsempfehlungen für die Markenpositionierung zu generieren. Kreative Imagestrategien bilden...
Research on how social bonding between boundary spanners influences relationship outcomes in business-to-business (B2B) settings is sparse and controversial. This longitudinal study aims to close this gap and assess the impact of social bonding on the share of wallet and actual cross-buying behaviour.
B2B relati...
Relational norms as implicit rules of conduct have vital roles for the functioning of commercial and non-commercial relationships. This research further illuminates relational norms in customer-company relationships by examining antecedents that contribute to the development of relational norms and consequences that arise after a relational transgr...
Despite manufacturers’ efforts to implement stringent quality control and monitoring of their production processes, products can still fail. In contrast to the abundant literature on service failures, research on product defects is surprisingly scarce. When there are product failures customers may choose to complain and eventually have their produc...
Published critical incident technique (CIT) studies assume that the incidents reported do indeed have an impact on customer–firm relationships, but rarely assess their impact on measures of relationship strength or behavioural response tendencies. In this study, we conducted face-to-face interviews and assessed the impact of critical incidents on m...
The integration of external stakeholders in firms’ NPD process has found increasing interest in business research and practice. Central to this topic are virtual innovation communities managed by firms in order to facilitate the exchange with external stakeholders and in order to involve them in the different stages of the NPD process. To date empi...
– The purpose of this paper is twofold: first, to investigate the role of perceived risk as a moderator of the key relational mediators of satisfaction and trust, and second, to test the influence of perceived product value and social bonding as antecedents of brand satisfaction and brand trust to understand their effectiveness under differ...
Sustainable consumption means that consumers act in an environmentally and socially responsible manner. Compared with the vast amount of studies concerning environmentally conscious consumer behaviour, relatively little is known about socially conscious consumption. The present paper focuses on fair consumption as an important aspect of social cons...
Values lie at the heart of an individual’s belief system, serving as prototypes from which attitudes and behaviors are subsequently manufactured. Attitudes and behaviors may evolve over time, but values represent a set of more enduring beliefs. This study examines the influence of values on travel mode choice behavior. It is argued that personal va...
The paper shows how two dominant methodological approaches in quantitative marketing research of the last decades can be integrated. Combining the strengths of covariance structure analysis to control for measurement errors and the ability to predict choice behavior via the Multinomial Logit (MNL) model creates a powerful hybrid approach – the Inte...
In an implicit response to the success of companies such as Apple or Harley-Davidson Bhattacharya and Sen (2003) proposed how customer-company (C-C) identification may enable companies to turn their customers into loyal apostles. The present paper shows that customers’ identification with a retailer is a central element to establish strong emotiona...
Attachment theory has produced an impressive body of evidence for explaining individual differences in personal relationship behavior. The current study examines whether attachment theory can be fruitfully extended to business-to-business relationships. Hypotheses about the impact of personal attachment orientations on key relationship constructs a...
Dieser Beitrag setzt sich mit dem Problem der Common Method Variance und seiner Modellierung auseinander. Unter Common Method Variance versteht man den Varianzanteil von Messungen, der auf das Messinstrument und nicht auf das Konstrukt, das durch das Messinstrument gemessen werden soll, zurückzuführen ist. In der verhaltenswissenschaftlichen Forsch...
In relationships, most partners eventually violate the implicit or explicit rules
guiding relationship evaluation and performance and thereby commit a transgression. The
likelihood that a customer experiences a transgression grows with increasing duration and
increasing frequency of interaction in consumer-brand relationships. Even though
Integrated choice and latent variable (ICLV) models represent a promising new class of models which merge classic choice models with the structural equation approach (SEM) for latent variables. Despite their conceptual appeal, applications of ICLV models in marketing remain rare. We extend previous ICLV applications by first estimating a multinomia...
Hybrid choice models represent a new class of models which merge classical choice models with the structural equation approach (SEM) for latent variables. Even though hybrid choice models allow for a more realistic explanation of choice behavior by incorporating latent constructs such as attitudes and values, applications in marketing are scarce. T...
Integrated choice and latent variable (ICLV) models represent a promising new class of models which merge classic choice models with the structural equation approach (SEM) for latent variables. Despite their conceptual appeal, to date applications of ICLV models in marketing are still rare. The present study on travel mode choice clearly demonstrat...
Even though the notion that high customer satisfaction leads to high repurchase rates is one of the fundamental assumptions of relationship marketing, empirical evidence concerning the satisfaction–retention link is mixed. Studies who investigated the satisfaction–retention link have shown that the relationship is weak and that customers repeatedly...
Despite the claim that satisfaction ratings are linked to actual repurchase behavior, the number of studies that actually relate satisfaction ratings to actual repurchase behavior is limited (Mittal and Kamakura 2001). Furthermore, in those studies that investigate the satisfaction-retention link customers have repeatedly been shown to defect even...
With increasing duration of a relationship the probability that customers experience specifically negative interaction episodes but also very positive interaction episodes increases. A key question that has not been investigated in the literature concerns the impact of these extreme interaction experiences, referred to as Critical Incidents (CIs) o...
This paper draws upon categorization theory and applies it to segmentation and strategic group research. In contrast to existing approaches that have investigated the categorizations of managers and industry experts, we investigate customers’ patterns of brand categorization. Customer groups defined by their pattern of brand categorization can be c...
Matching university places to students is not as clear cut or as straightforward as it ought to be. By investigating the matching algorithm used by the German central clearinghouse for university admissions in medicine and related subjects, we show that a procedure designed to give an advantage to students with excellent school grades actually harm...
Current models of market structure are descriptive in nature and lack theoretical grounding in consumer behavior. Such grounding is especially needed in the specification of marketing strategies. A self-regulatory model of consumer consideration-set formation will be employed as a basis of market structure in this article. The authors propose and s...
The goal of this article is to deepen the understanding of the consideration stage in choice processes. The basic questions are: Why do people consider different brands/products in the first place? What cognitive processes lead to the formation of consideration sets? Based on the notion that consumers are volitional decision makers capable of contr...
In personal relationships, attachment theory has produced an impressive body of evidence for explaining individual differences in relationship behavior. The current study examines whether attachment theory can be fruitfully extended to business-to-business relationships. Hypotheses about the impact of personal attachment style on key relationship c...
The theory of embedded markets states that economic transactions are embedded in social relationships, and economic actors are influenced by both marketing variables and relationship properties. That is, within an exchange relationship actors derive utility from the attributes of a focal product and from interpersonal relationships. We investigate...
Thesis (doctoral)--Technische Universität, Berlin, 1999.
Märkte sind gesättigt. Produkte werden austauschbar, weil sie standardisierter und funktional gleichwertiger geworden sind. Der von Zielkunden wahrgenommene Nutzen, die subjektive Produktqualität und das Produktimage werden zu wichtigen Erfolgsfaktoren. Differenzierungswettbewerb findet immer mehr über Images statt. Gleichzeitig drängen neue Wettbe...
Trust has become of increasing interest in many scientific domains, including economics, social psychology, sociology, and marketing (Blois 1999). Marketing studies have demonstrated that trust is an essential ingredient for successful relationship marketing (Doney and Cannon 1997; Morgan and Hunt 1994). In fact, Berry states: "Relationship marketi...