Marcel ErlinghagenUniversity of Duisburg-Essen | uni-due · Institute of Sociology
Marcel Erlinghagen
Prof. Dr.
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Marcel Erlinghagen is Professor for Sociology at the University of Duisburg-Essen (Germany). In addition he is Research Fellow at the German Institute for Economic Research (DIW) in Berlin. Beside his research on labour market mobility, job security and volunteering he particularly investigates in determinants and development of migration.
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August 2003 - March 2009
February 2011 - present
Publications (132)
Deutschland ist ein Einwanderungsland. Aber es gibt auch umfangreiche Auswanderung. Die allerdings findet nur selten Beachtung. Ein Überblick, der als Online-Artikel auf der Homepage der Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung abrufbar ist:
This introductory chapter begins with a brief outline of key aspects of the current state of research on the family-migration-nexus, subsequently identifying key knowledge gaps. From this, we develop some more general thoughts about the kind of data are needed to fill existing research gaps, and then use the German Emigration and Remigration Panel...
This study explores migration-specific heterogeneities and dynamics in the relationship satisfaction of couples with at least one internationally mobile partner. We are specifically interested in the association of post-migration relationship satisfaction with migration-related characteristics, such as the direction of migration (emigration vs. rem...
Relying on data of four waves of the German Emigration and Remigration Panel Study (GERPS), it was possible to observe multiple international moves of the same couples during a time span of two years (n = 478). A majority (about 55 %) of second time migrating couples indicated a change in their decision-making pattern. Regression results confirmed...
It can be suggested that immigrants who emigrate should prefer to move to their or their parents’ country of origin due to their specific transnational human and social capital. Utilizing data from the first wave of the German Emigration and Remigration Panel Study (GERPS) on 882 German emigrants with foreign roots, the research presented in this p...
Maintaining social ties across borders is challenging and migration may affect family members’ capacity to intergenerational support. However, transnational intergenerational family relations of emigrants from the Global North have rarely been investigated yet. Our study assesses two core dimensions of intergenerational relationships—associational...
Migration decisions are usually negotiated between members of a couple. It is important for both partners to clarify how the migration process should be organized as a couple: Should they migrate together? Or should the migration of one partner be associated with a temporary or even permanent spatial separation of the couple? Based on data from the...
International migration originating from highly developed countries is a crucial
component of global migration flows. There are, however, surprisingly little data about
the international mobility of the populations of affluent countries. The German Emigration
and Remigration Panel Study (GERPS) aims to provide a resource that enables the analysis
Ein Schlüssel zur dauerhaften Beendigung der Coronapandemie liegt in der Immunisierung eines möglichst großen Teils der Bevölkerung, die am besten durch eine deutlich erhöhte Impfquote hergestellt werden kann. Angesichts der vergleichsweise geringen Impfquote in Deutschland scheint eine allgemeine Impfpflicht hier ein naheliegendes Instrument, um d...
Ein Schlüssel zur dauerhaften Beendigung der Corona-Pandemie liegt in der Immunisierung eines möglichst großen Teils der Bevölkerung, die am besten durch eine deutlich erhöhte Impfquote hergestellt werden kann. Eine allgemeine Impflicht scheint hier ein naheliegendes Instrument, um dieses Ziel zu erreichen. Allerdings besteht Uneinigkeit über die R...
International migration originating from highly developed countries is a crucial component of global migration flows. There are, however, surprisingly little data about the international mobility of the populations of affluent countries. The German Emigration and Remigration Panel Study (GERPS) aims to provide a resource that enables the analysis o...
Moving–particularly to a new country–is fraught with risks as migrants leave familiar legal frameworks and cultural institutions behind them. To date, little is known about the psychological determinants of international migration. This chapter helps to fill this gap by analysing data from the first wave of the German Emigration and Remigration Pan...
International migration is often characterised as a process of immigration from economically less developed to highly developed countries. Whereas the factors driving those flows and the integration of the respective ethnic groups are widely analysed, the international mobility of the populations of precisely those affluent societies is regularly m...
This chapter presents analyses of data from the first wave of the German Emigration and Remigration Panel Study (GERPS) to explore the role of gender differences in migration motives, patterns, and outcomes in recently emigrated or remigrated couples. The results show that emigration of couples follows a traditional gender pattern with leading men...
During the twentieth century, international migration was mainly understood as immigration into economically highly developed welfare states. This has changed over the course of recent decades because these countries are meanwhile also understood as important sources of international mobility. Whereas international mobility experiences have potenti...
The chapter asks about possible causal effects of migration on subjective well-being (SWB) measured by self-reported overall life satisfaction. By combining the emigration sample of the German Emigration and Remigration Panel Study (GERPS) with a quasi-counterfactual sample of internationally non-mobile Germans provided by the Socio-Economic Panel...
Germany today is one of the world’s most important countries of immigration but at the same time a country of emigration. During the last three decades, more than 3.3 million German citizens have left the country whereas 2.5 million have returned. Overall, 3.8 million Germans live outside Germany in another country of the OECD. The chapter analyses...
The chapter focuses on partnership dissolution in the course of international migration. Rather than studying mobility outcomes following the dissolution of a partnership, we ask under which conditions international migration increases the risk of separation among couples. Our analysis includes individuals in marital and non-marital relationships w...
Based on the German case, this open access book highlights the increasing flows of emigration and the internationalisation of individual life courses. It analyses the experiences of migration across four central domains - employment and income, partners and families, health and wellbeing, as well as friends and social participation - which potentia...
Migration research developed significantly in the past decades. However, with the life course approach and the concept of transnational migration, there are still two different, as yet largely unconnected conceptual perspectives on migration. Both approaches have their merits but also their shortcomings. This paper tries to overcome these shortcomi...
Using German panel data and relying on internal relocation, this paper investigates the anticipation and adaptation of subjective well-being (SWB) in the course of migration. We hypothesize that SWB correlates with the process of migration, and that such correlations are at least partly socially stratified. Our fixed-effects regressions show no evi...
This paper presents an investigation of the migration pattern of internationally mobile couples using data from the first wave of the German Emigration and Remigration Panel Study (GERPS). GERPS provides information on more than 5,000 couples from which at least one spouse has recently emigrated from Germany or has recently remigrated to Germany. T...
International migration between economically highly developed countries is a central component of global migration flows. Still, surprisingly little is known about the international mobility of the populations of these affluent societies. The aim of the German Emigration and Remigration Panel Study (GERPS) is to collect data to analyse the individu...
Migration zwischen hoch entwickelten Staaten stellt heute einen zentralen Bestandteil des
globalen Wanderungsgeschehens dar (OECD 2015). Dennoch wissen wir über die internationale Migration der Bevölkerungen eben jener Wohlstandsgesellschaften vergleichsweise wenig, da bisher vor allem die Migration aus weniger in höher entwickelte Staaten untersuc...
Using German panel data and relying on internal relocation, this paper investigates the anticipation and adaptation of subjective well-being (SWB) in the course of migration. We hypothesize that SWB correlates with the process of migration, and that such correlations are at least partly socially stratified. Our fixed-effects regressions show no eviden...
Since the late 1980s, scholars have been trying to find out if there are
certain families of nation states (“regimes”) that share specific features and charac-
teristics in terms of their institutional settings. With regard to employment, different
typologies have gained particular importance throughout past decades and in recent
years. All these app...
This handbook aims to provide an overview of knowledge about age and ageing in ‘Western’ societies at the beginning of the 21st century, which is intended to be equally suitable for research and practice. It focuses on relevant contributions from the social and behavioural sciences and their access to selected aspects of age and ageing. Its main to...
Zweite Auflage des Lehrbuchs von 2013
Soziale Ungleichheit bezieht sich auf durch soziale Regeln erzeugte Ungleichheit hinsichtlich der Lebenschancen und Lebensrisiken der Gesellschaftsmitglieder. Lebenschancen und Lebensrisiken werden zwar auch durch natürliche Unterschiede zwischen den Individuen beeinflusst (z. B. genetische Dispositionen, Talente usw.), jedoch ist es Kennzeichen vo...
Der in dieser Festschrift anlässlich seines 65. Geburtstages gewürdigte Gert G. Wagner ist als Sozial- und Wirtschaftsforscher über disziplinäre Grenzen gegangen. Als engagierter Politikberater und innovativer Wissenschaftsmanager hat er immer wieder sozial- und wissenschaftspolitische Debatten angestoßen und begleitet. Kollegen und Weggefährten li...
Der Beitrag geht mit Hilfe einer Analyse der Daten des Freiwilligensurveys 2009 der Frage nach, ob es im Bereich unbezahlter, ehrenamtlicher Arbeit Hinweise auf eine Benachteiligung von Frauen bei der Besetzung von Führungspositionen gibt. Es zeigt sich, dass Frauen eine deutlich verringerte Wahrscheinlichkeit als Männer aufweisen,...
Soziologie ist die Wissenschaft vom Sozialen, d. h. den verschiedenen Formen der Vergemeinschaftung (z. B. Familie, Verwandtschaft, Sippe, Nachbarschaft oder soziale Gruppe) und der Vergesellschaftung (Organisation, Gesellschaft, Staat) der Menschen; sie fragt nach den Strukturen des sozialen Handelns und der sozialen Gebilde und welchem sozialen W...
Sociological as well as economic research stresses the impact of so called ‘push and pull factors’ on individual migration decisions. These push and pull factors are often understood as a combination of individual socio-economic and socio-demographic determinants and institutional contexts in home and (possible) destination countries. However, with...
Dieser Beitrag zielt darauf ab, eine Form der subjektiven Erwerbs-unsicherheit, nämlich die individuellen Sorgen um den Verlust des Arbeitsplatzes, zu untersuchen. Während es eine Vielzahl von Befunden zur Entwicklung objektiver Erwerbsverläufe gibt, beschränkt sich die bisherige Forschung zur subjektiven Erwerbsunsicherheit weitestgehend auf Quers...
While a large number of studies about the development of employment histories already exist, there is much less evidence regarding self-perceived job insecurity, most of which relies on cross-sectional data only. Therefore, we know only little about the frequency and the duration of self-perceived job insecurity in individual working careers. Thus,...
Dieser Beitrag zielt darauf ab, eine Form der subjektiven Erwerbsunsicherheit, nämlich die individuellen Sorgen um den Verlust des Arbeitsplatzes, zu untersuchen. Während es eine Vielzahl von Befunden zur Entwicklung objektiver Erwerbsverläufe gibt, beschränkt sich die bisherige Forschung zur subjektiven Erwerbsunsicherheit weitestg...
Based on data of the 2009 German Volunteer Survey (‘Freiwilligensurvey’) the paper analyses
whether there is evidence for a discrimination of women in filling management positions in
the volunteer sector. It turns out that women have a significant lower propensity to take up an
unpaid volunteer management position. This correlation is also robust w...
Immer mehr Menschen in Deutschland entscheiden sich, dauerhaft oder für eine begrenzte Zeit in ein ande-
res Land zu gehen, um dort zu leben. Vor diesem Hintergrund untersucht eine soeben erschienene Pilotstu-die die Motive, Rahmenbedingungen und Folgen der Aus- und Rückwanderung deutscher Staatsbürger. Die
Studie ist gemeinsam vom Bundesinstitut...
Die Pilotstudie International Mobil wurde im Jahr 2014 vom Bundesinstitut für Bevölkerungsforschung (BiB) in Wiesbaden, dem Forschungsbereich beim Sachverständigenrat deutscher Stiftungen für Integration und Migration (SVR) in Berlin und dem Lehrstuhl „Empirische Sozialstrukturanalyse“ an der Universität Duisburg-Essen
durchgeführt. Dabei wurden er...
PLEASE NOTE: An revised version of this paper has been published here:
Erlinghagen, Marcel
Anticipation of life satisfaction before emigration. Evidence from German panel data
In: Advances in happiness research: A comparative perspective / Tachibanaki, Toshiaki (Hrsg.) 2016, S. 229 - 244
Sociological as well as economic research stresses the impa...
Self-perceived job insecurity is characterised by a considerable variation across European countries; this is mostly attributed to different labour market conditions and welfare-state institutions. In addition to the previous, often static examination of these determinants, this study asks how labour market dynamics and changes in welfare-state int...
Mit dem Begriff Ehrenamt sind produktive Tätigkeiten (» Arbeit «) gemeint, die ohne Entlohnung, in Anbindung an eine Organisation außerhalb des privaten Haushalts (also z. B. Vereine) und zu Gunsten Dritter geleistet werden.
Angesichts des demographischen Wandels wird den negativen Folgen der gesellschaftlichen Alterung in jüngerer Vergangenheit zunehmend das positive Leitbild des „produktiven Alterns“ gegenübergestellt. Ältere sind demnach auch nach ihrem Ausscheiden aus dem Erwerbsleben nicht nur als Kostenfaktor zu verstehen, sondern leisten gerade durch unbezahltes...
The paper investigates in the question if and how the subjective well-being (SWB) of German emigrants, German non-migrants, and German remigrants differ. Based on regression analyses of data from the European Social Survey (ESS) the analyses focus on life satisfaction and happiness as main indicators of SWB. It turns out that German emigrants show...
Ausgangspunkt des Beitrags ist die in Deutschland seit einiger Zeit geführte Diskussion über die Möglichkeiten einer Entschärfung der Krise auf dem Arbeitsmarkt durch eine verstärkte Förderung ehrenamtlicher Tätigkeiten. Aus diesem Grund sind die Auswirkungen von Arbeitslosigkeit auf die Wahrscheinlichkeit, ehrenamtlich aktiv zu sein, von besondere...
The paper investigates in the question if and how the subjective wellbeing (SWB) of German emigrants, German non-migrants, and German remigrants differ. Based on regression analyses of data from the European Social Survey (ESS) the analyses focus on life satisfaction and happiness as main indicators of SWB. It turns out that German emigrants show i...
Der Aufsatz geht der Frage nach, inwieweit sich das subjektive Wohlbefinden von Auswanderern, Nicht-Wanderern und Rückwanderern unterscheidet. Als wesentliche Aspekte des subjektiven Wohlbefindens wird auf Basis der Daten des European Social Surveys (ESS) die subjektive Lebenszufriedenheit und das Glücksempfinden von in Deutschland und im Ausland l...
Using data from the 2004 Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe, this paper investigates older workers’ perceptions
of job security in eleven countries. We describe cross-national patterns and estimate multilevel models to analyse individual
and societal determinants of self-perceived job security in the older labour force. While there a...
Seit ihrer Gründung im Jahr 1949 hat die Bundesrepublik Deutschland eine wechselvolle Zuwanderungsgeschichte, die bis heute
insbesondere durch zwei wesentliche Wanderungsströme geprägt worden ist. Zum einen ist hier die Zuwanderung von Arbeitskräften
aus Süd- und Südosteuropa im Zuge binationaler Anwerbeverträge zwischen 1958 und 1973 inklusive des...
In view of the steady growth in life expectancy in recent decades the question is increasingly being raised whether and how older people should be encouraged to be more active, and particularly to engage in unpaid voluntary work. Taking adult life as a whole the conditions for such charitable involvement would appear to be especially favourable aft...
This article aims at providing an overview of patterns, potentials, and limitations of formal volunteering among older Europeans. Based on data from the 2004 Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe (SHARE), we first describe cross-national variations in formal voluntary engagement and report on recent research investigating societal deter...
A comparison of unemployment rates in Germany, the Netherlands, France, Denmark, the UK and the United States suggests poor performance by the German labour market. The present study endeavours to show that a more sophisticated picture of unemployment can be drawn by taking into account additional forms of non-employment (such as incapacity, retire...
Auf Basis der Daten des Sozio-oekonomischen Panels (SOEP) geht der Beitrag der Frage nach, wie sich die subjektiv empfundene Angst vor dem Verlust des Arbeitsplatzes seit Mitte der 1980er Jahre in Deutschland verändert hat. Dabei zeigt sich, dass sich vor allem zwischen 2001 und 2004 der Anteil der Beschäftigten deutlich erhöht hat, die sich große...
To investigate the dynamics of volunteering in the population aged 50 years or older across 11 Continental European countries.
Using longitudinal data from the first 2 waves of the Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe, we run multivariate regressions on a set of binary-dependent variables indicating transitions from active volunteering...
Job insecurity causes far-reaching negative outcomes. The fear of job loss damages the health of employees and reduces the
productivity of firms. Thus, job insecurity should result in increasing social costs. Analysing representative data from 17
European countries, this paper investigates self-perceived job insecurity. Our multi-level analysis rev...
In contrast to the vast body of data on immigration to Germany, there is almost no scientifically valid data available on emigration flows from Germany and the factors motivating people to emigrate. In particular, there is an almost total lack of data on the living conditions of emigrants after their arrival in their new home countries. It is thus...
Pro Jahr verlassen 0,8 Prozent der Bevölkerung Deutschland, das sind etwa 650 000 Personen. Das Medienecho auf diese Auswanderung ist überzogen schrill, denn die meisten Auswanderer haben bereits einen Migrationshintergrund und setzen ihre Migration fort oder kehren in ihre Heimatländer zurück. Zudem zieht ein beachtlicher Teil der Auswanderer nach...
Using data from the 2004 Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe, this paper investigates older workers’ perceptions of job security in eleven countries. We describe cross-national patterns and estimate multilevel models to analyse individual and societal determinants of self-perceived job security in the older labour force. While there a...
An international comparison of unemployment rates suggests a poor performance of the German labour market. Based on comparative analyses for Germany, the Netherlands, France, Denmark, the UK and the United States the paper tries to show that a more sophisticated picture can be drawn by taking additional forms of non-employment (e.g. disability, ret...
With the pilot study Living outside Germany, the longitudinal German Socio-Economic Panel Study (SOEP) ventures into completely uncharted methodological territory by attempting to locate the addresses of former participants in the German household panel study SOEP who have since immigrated abroad, and to survey these individuals with the help of a...
Against the background of the ongoing demographic change the negative impacts of population ageing has recently been more and more confronted with the positive con-cept of ‘productive ageing’. This concept stresses that an ageing population does not only result in increasing social costs. In fact even after retirement older people contrib-ute to so...
Der demografische Strukturwandel moderner Gesellschaften lässt sich besonders deutlich in Europa beobachten (z.B. Grundy 1996; Billari/Kohler 2004). Als Folge dauerhaft niedriger Geburtenziffern und einer stetig steigenden Lebenserwartung findet ein gesellschaftlicher
Alterungsprozess statt, dessen Konsequenzen Staat und Wirtschaft ebenso wie Famil...
Aus gesamtgesellschaftlicher Perspektive nimmt die Beteiligung an informeller Arbeit (zur Begriffsdefinition vgl. Erlinghagen 2000a und Hank/Erlinghagen in diesem Band) zunächst mit steigendem Lebensalter zu, erreicht im Alter von etwa 35 bis 55 Jahren
ihren Höhepunkt, um dann anschließend wieder zurückzugehen (Goss 1999; vgl. auch Wilson 2000: 226...
Der Sammelband macht die Mehrdimensionalität des Themas "Produktives Altern und informelle Arbeit" deutlich. Die einzelnen Aufsätze unterscheiden sich nicht nur in ihrem Blickwinkel (internationale, nationale und lokale Perspektive), sondern beschäftigen sich auch mit unterschiedlichen Formen und Inhalten informeller Arbeit von Älteren (z.B. Ehrena...
Die mit dem demographischen Wandel verbundene Verschiebung des Verhältnisses zwischen Erwerbstätigen und Rentnern wird in der Öffentlichkeit häufi g mit einer zunehmenden "Alterslast" gleichgesetzt. Mit diesem Begriff werden jedoch die vielfältigen Leistungen, die ältere Menschen zur gesamtgesellschaftlichen Wohlfahrt beitragen, unterschlagen. Dies...
Job insecurity causes far reaching negative outcomes. The fear of job loss damages the health of employees and reduces the productivity of firms. Thus, job insecurity should result in increasing social costs. Analyzing representative data from 17 European countries, this paper investigates self perceived job insecurity. Our multi level analysis rev...
The paper analyses the change of job stability and its determinants in the course of time by presenting some empirical evidence from Germany. Drawing upon event history data from the German Federal Labour Office insurance accounts and employing Cox Proportional Hazard Rate Models, we test six core hypotheses on labour market restructuring and its i...
Based on the data of the Regional Sample of the IAB Employment Subsample 1975-2001 (IABES) the paper investigates in the evolution of labour market mobility and job stability in West Germany. The results show that there has been an overall de-stabilisation of jobs in the course of time regardless of individual, firm-specific or macro-economic deter...
Sport trägt zu einer besseren gesundheitlichen Konstitution bei. Sportliche Betätigung weiter Kreise der Bevölkerung könnte demnach über den individuellen Nutzen hinaus positive gesundheitsökonomische und gesamtwirtschaftliche Effekte nach sich ziehen. Im Mittelpunkt dieses Berichtes steht die Analyse des Sportverhaltens von 17-jährigen Jugendliche...
Parallel zur Debatte um die demographische Alterung der Gesellschaft - häufig als wachsende "Alterslast" interpretiert - ist in den vergangenen Jahren auch der Bedeutung produktiver Tätigkeitsfelder älterer Menschen nach ihrem Ausscheiden aus dem Beruf - und hier insbesondere dem Ehrenamt - zunehmend Aufmerksamkeit geschenkt worden. Auf Basis des "...
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Today's discussion about the growing 'burden of ageing' must not neglect the substantial productive potential of the elderly population. The social costs of widespread early retirement, for example, might be lower than expected, since it allows individuals to engage more in non - market production. Using micro-data from the new 'Survey of Health, A...
The question how labor markets have changed in the course of the increasing demand for flexibility on the part of employers as well as employees plays a prominent role in scholarly as well as in public debate. As a result, it is hypothesized that job security has shrunk continuously over the last few decades. Impressed by mass unemployment and grow...
In der wissenschaftlichen ebenso wie der öffentlichen Diskussion spielt die Frage, wie sich der Arbeitsmarkt im Zuge zunehmender Flexibilisierungsanforderungen an Betriebe und Arbeitnehmer gewandelt hat, eine zentrale Rolle. Dabei wird unter anderem auch angenommen, dass in den vergangenen Jahrzehnten die Beschäftigungssicherheit vo...
Waiting times for specialist consultation and non-emergency surgery are often considered an equitable rationing mechanism in the public healthcare sector, because access to care is not based on socioeconomic status. This study tests empirically this claim using data from the Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe (SHARE). The sample incl...