Marcel Achkar

Marcel Achkar
Universidad de la República de Uruguay | UdelaR · Instituto de Ecología y Ciencias Ambientales


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Publications (106)
Riparian forests are among the most vulnerable ecosystems to biological invasions. Effective management strategies require a nuanced understanding of both species invasiveness and environmental conditions, but analysing these interactions is complex. We designed an Agent-Based Model (ABM) to simulate the spatio- temporal spread of Gleditsia triacan...
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Increased response and adaptation capacity are key elements for coping with climate threats. Cattle producers in the Sierras del Este region are one of several groups that are the most vulnerable to climate variability in Uruguay. Despite this commonality, it is a heterogeneous system, which suggests that strategies to respond to these events are d...
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En las últimas décadas, los cambios producidos por las actividades humanas en los ecosistemas se han vuelto más evidentes, pues han causado procesos de degradación ambiental y social.Algunos análisis de esta situación atribuyen parte de la responsabilidad a las formas epistemológicas y teóricas de abordarlos, por lo que han sido propuestos varios m...
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Con la finalidad de caracterizar la variabilidad de las inundaciones en la ciudad de Santa Lucía, Uruguay, el objetivo del trabajo fue analizar a nivel de cuenca la incidencia de factores como la variabilidad climática y las transformaciones en los usos y coberturas del suelo en la ocurrencia de este fenómeno. Específicamente, se evalúa la incidenc...
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Background and Objectives: the present study was conducted in the city of Rivera, situated in northern Uru guay on the border with Brazil. The disease initially progressed slowly in 2020, with subsequent outbreaks followed by a rapid increase in incidence. The objective was to explore the relationship between the spatial distribution of COVID-19...
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El objetivo general de este artículo es analizar la incidencia de la concentración, extranjerización y financiarización de los territorios rurales, mediados por el estado uruguayo y liderados por Sociedades Anónimas (SA), en la consolidación de los procesos de acaparamiento de tierras en Uruguay en el siglo XXI. La estrategia de investigación inclu...
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Cyanobacterial blooms pose potential health and economic risks when they reach drinking water intakes. In basins with intensive agricultural production, there are numerous small and medium-sized (0.25-60 ha) productive freshwater reservoirs. These reservoirs create favorable conditions for the excessive growth of phytoplankton, which can be transpo...
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Universities have faced challenges resulting from changes in contemporary society due to the complexity of current knowledge that transcends the boundaries of disciplines. In particular, training in health and nursing has incorporated other fields of knowledge, promoting the renewal of content and methodologies. The analysis of determinants in he...
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El presente trabajo consiste en un análisis de caso de la cuenca alta de la Arroyo Cuñapirú, ubicada en el departamento de Rivera, en la zona conocida como Puntas de Cuñapirú, identificando las problemáticas ambientales y las cuestiones vinculadas a las transformaciones del territorio, en el periodo 1990-2017. Tiene como objetivo aportar elementos...
In recent decades, the Río de la Plata Estuary has shown an increase in the frequency and intensity of phytoplankton blooms with negative impacts on production activities, human health, and biodiversity. Water quality monitoring programs provide samples from the coastal zone alone, which limits the collection of data inside the Estuary and the anal...
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Full book can be downloaded at Book endorsement: This book represents an important contribution to our understanding of the “Human Right to Water and Sanitation”, accepted by the UN in 2010, and includes a revision of the precedents that led to that decision. More imp...
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Riparian systems are highly threatened by alterations in its hydrological regimen and biological invasions. To guide its conservation is important to understand the relationships established between biological invasions and abiotic conditions affected by the hydrological regimen. We analyze the relationship between the distribution pattern of soil...
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Esta pesquisa objetivou realizar uma classificação e zoneamento do relevo no Uruguai considerando a associação e distribuição de elementos de relevo, definidos como geomorphons, que podem ser representados pelos 10 mais comuns elementos: plano (flat), pico (peak), crista (ridge), ressaltos (shoulder), crista secundária (spur), encosta (slope), esca...
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Intensive agricultural activities favor eutrophication and harmful phytoplankton blooms due to the high export of nutrients and damming of rivers. Productive watersheds used for water purification can have multiple reservoirs with phytoplankton blooms, which constitutes a high health risk. In general, water quality monitoring does not cover small-...
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En este trabajo se analizan tres casos de estudio de cuencas en Uruguay, con el propósito de identificar los factores que favorecen la ocurrencia de inundaciones. Se consideran las transformaciones en los usos del suelo y eventualmente el cambio climático. Se evalúan para un periodo de treinta años las modificaciones de los usos del suelo, utilizan...
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La distribución de la población rural en el territorio uruguayo ha generado una preocupación persistente, desde la geografía agraria se analiza la disminución de los productores familiares (PF) ya que esta población se relaciona a una forma específica de uso, gestión y apropiación de los bienes de la naturaleza como estructura base que hace del cam...
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El cultivo de frutales de hoja caduca en Uruguay se concentra geográficamente en el sur y expresa una elevada vulnerabilidad climática que puede comprometer la soberanía alimentaria y la continuidad de las unidades de producción. El objetivo del trabajo fue identificar áreas geográficas del territorio uruguayo con potencialidad para el desarrollo d...
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La agroecología emerge como un campo de conocimientos multidimensional, multiescalar y político de transformación del sistema alimentario. En el VIII Congreso Latinoamericano de Agroecología 2020, Uruguay pasa de 22 trabajos en promedio en los últimos cinco congresos a 70 trabajos. Analizar y retroalimentar la reflexión sobre la producción uruguaya...
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En la región noreste de Uruguay la expansión territorial de los agronegocios a través del monocultivo de soja y la silvicultura se intensifica, lo que causa importantes cambios en la base productiva, social y paisajística. El objetivo del trabajo es describir cuantitativa y cualitativamente los cambios en el uso de la tierra, las transformaciones r...
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Intensive agricultural activities favor eutrophication and harmful phytoplankton blooms due to the high export of nutrients and damming of rivers. Productive watersheds used for water purification can have multiple reservoirs with phytoplankton blooms, which constitutes a high health risk. In general, water quality monitoring does not cover small a...
The environment is a central axis of academic discussion, but even so, there are theoretical difficulties in understanding environmental problems. Environmental Geography provides arguments to articulate the relationships between society and nature and the possibility of focusing on the environmental system as an object of study. The aim of this ar...
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The change in the regime of flood events in urban spaces is a global problem. In order to identify possible causes of flooding in San José de Mayo, the factors that favour this phe nomenon are analysed at basin level, taking into account climate change and changes in land use. The incidence of the variability of strong rainfall events, accumulated...
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La educación ambiental crítica (EA) establece el compromiso con la construcción del saber ambiental y el empoderamiento de las comunidades en la apropiación de los bienes comunes de la naturaleza (BCN). Su integración con metodologías participativas posibilita la coproducción en los procesos de gestión ambiental. Esta investigación indagó el potenc...
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El Valle del Lunarejo que integra el Sistema Nacional de Áreas Protegidas de la República Oriental del Uruguay, en las últimas décadas ha estado sufriendo una fuerte presión ambiental sobre sus fuentes de agua, bosque nativo y su suelo. Como parte de las actividades evaluación del proyecto + Agua + Identidad y tras cuatro años de su ejecución en pr...
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A recent paper by Beretta-Blanco and Carrasco-Letelier (2021) claims that agricultural eutrophication is not one of the main causes for cyanobacterial blooms in rivers and artificial reservoirs. By combining rivers of markedly different hydrological characteristics e.g., presence/absence and number of dams, river discharge and geological setting, t...
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Abstract: Water quality models are useful tools to understand and mitigate eutrophication processes. However, gaining access to high-resolution data and fitting models to local conditions can interfere with their implementation. This paper analyzes whether it is possible to create a spatial model of nutrient water level at a local scale that is app...
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Citation: Coitiño, H.I.; Achkar, M.; Guerrero, J.C. Prediction of Sites with a High Probability of Wild Mammal Roadkill Using a Favourability Function. Diversity 2021, 13, 585. Abstract: Roads are one of the main causes of loss of biodiversity, with roadkill one of the main causes of mortality. The aim of this research was to identify sites with a...
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El uso de Sensores Remotos para la captura de datos de la superficie terrestre y marina constituye un área de investigación muy activa en los últimos 20 años. Una de las posibles aplicaciones es la detección de hidrocarburos en cuerpos de agua, bien sea con fines ambientales o para la prospección de posibles yacimientos petrolíferos. Desde el punto...
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Floods are natural processes that constitute a hazard to society when associated to improper land use. Anthropic activities in floodplains are a factor of vulnerability that converts a natural hazard into a threat factor, eventually leading to disaster. Nowadays, natural and social complex processes demand integrated assessments in order to improve...
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Native to the southeastern United States, the honey locust (Gleditsia triacanthos) is an invasive tree in several South American countries. Since eradication of invasive species is often costly, prevention is a better strategy. The relationship between invasive species and their habitats can be analyzed using species distribution models to produce...
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In Uruguay, agrarian intensification is consolidated, connecting extractivist agribusiness with the global corporate food regime and an unprecedented environmental-civilizational crisis. Confronted with this, socio-environmental conflicts and disputes emerge, movements for change and counter-hegemonic actions that question and build forms of resist...
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Intensive land use favors eutrophication processes and algae bloom proliferation in freshwaters, which is considered to be one of the main environmental issues worldwide. In general, and particularly in South America, inland water monitoring only covers the main water bodies due to the high costs and efforts involved. In order to improve the covera...
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Resumen Uruguay se ubica en Sudamérica con una población de 3.286.314 habitantes. El 1,6% no tiene seguro integral de salud. Los casos detectados de COVID 19 representan el 0,022 % de la población. Las muertes con relación a los casos detectados representan el 2,6%. La mortalidad por COVID-19 es de 0,6 por cien mil habitantes. El 14 % de los detect...
O livro é fruto do convênio entre a UERJ e a Universidade Nacional da Costa Rica (UNA), com o objetivo de trazer a público a dinâmica dos estudos no âmbito da geografia rural da região latino-americana. As abordagens da relação entre campo e cidade na América Latina ganharam novos contornos a partir da tendência dos espaços rurais de se desenvolver...
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This article aims to understand how socio-territorial transformations have been manifesting in the northeast region of Uruguay between 2000 and 2018. In this period, the territorial expansion of agribusiness through soy monoculture and forestry intensifies, which causes important changes in the productive, social, and landscape base. The objective...
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El cambio y la variabilidad climática afectará en forma negativa la producción y el acceso a alimentos saludables y diversos. En Uruguay, la fruticultura tiene un fuerte vínculo histórico con la producción de alimentos y la agricultura familiar. El principal destino de la cosecha es el consumo interno como fruta fresca y el 80% de la producción se...
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SOSA, B.; FERNÁNDEZ, G.; ACHKAR, M. Relación entre la propagación del proceso invasivo de gleditsia triacanthos y la deposición de arena en bosques del Río Uruguay. GeoUECE (online), v. 09, n. 16, p. 110-122, 2020.
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Los ecosistemas fluviales presentan alta vulnerabilidad. Su degradación se asocia fundamentalmente a alteraciones del régimen hídrico afectando la deposición y consecuentemente las condiciones edáficas determinantes del establecimiento de la vegetación pudiendo afectar procesos invasivos de especies vegetales reconocidos como otra importante amenaz...
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Uruguay is in South America. It has 3,286,314 inhabitants, 1.6% of which lacks comprehensive health insurance. Detected cases of COVID-19 represent 0.022% of the population, 2.6% of which has resulted in death. Mortality from this illness is 0.6% per 100,000 inhabitants, and health workers represent 14% of detected cases. The country is slowly comi...
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Existe un volumen importante de información que corrobora que en nuestro país el estado de los sistemas hídricos y la calidad de las aguas en zonas rurales sufren crecientes procesos de degradación. Esta degradación es consecuencia, en gran medida, de los impactos de la intensificación agropecuaria. El presente trabajo tiene por objetivo brindar un...
The Río de la Plata estuary drains the second largest river basin of South America. The occurrence of frequent cyanobacterial blooms of the Microcystis and Dolichospermum complex in the Uruguayan coast are associated with high flows of Uruguay River due to rainy years. In summer 2019, a massive cyanobacterial bloom reached up to the Uruguayan Atlan...
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Habitat loss due to land-use change is the greatest threat to biodiversity on a global scale, and agriculture has been the principal driver of change. In Uruguay, the conversion of native grasslands to croplands (e.g., soybean) and exotic forest plantations (Eucalyptus and Pinus) has accelerated during the last two decades. We studied the vulnerabi...
Full-text available: ............ Abstract: Livestock system structure is a relevant factor in determining the decision-making processes and the initiatives to reduce the vulnerability to external drivers. The definition of livestock stocking density (LSD) is a key factor as it determines the sustainability of the activity. L...
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The agri-exporting enclaves of the current corporate food regime intensively exploit natural assets in global strategies that govern the local processes. Their multidimensional impacts contribute to the environmental and civilizational crisis. Linked to the agrarian metabolism in its appropriation phase, land use has impacts on local systems. To un...
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Cattle producers in Sierras del Este are highly vulnerable to the incidence of external drivers, mainly to the changes in precipitation that affect the productivity of the natural grasslands, and the agrarian intensification, that affects access to land and food supplements. The combination of these drivers allows identifying six scenarios with dif...
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Desde la segunda mitad del siglo XX, la Geografía abordó la investigación en agua y recursos hídricos, posteriormente la investigación científica se reorientó hacia la gestión sustentable del agua, convirtiendo a la Geografía en una disciplina relevante en la gestión integrada de cuencas hidrográficas. De esta manera, la Hidrogeografía, (que difier...
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Resumo: Las políticas de desregulación y privatizaciones implementadas en los últimos 50 años generaron condiciones desfavorables para los productores familiares en toda América Latina. Las interpre-taciones sobre los factores que determinan su permanencia en el medio rural han sido diversas y no siempre concordantes. En este trabajo, se buscó una...
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Glyphosate is one of the most used herbicides worldwide. However there still exists a strong debate about its effects on the environment or people health. In this context, the metric analysis is a methodology increasingly used to quantify and evaluate the scope of the scientific production around a specific topic. The goal of this work was to chara...
Sierras del Este is one of the two regions in Uruguay that are most vulnerable to climate change. A relevant vulnerability factor is the variability of the natural grasslands' productivity. The objective of this study was to analyse the role of natural and land use drivers on grassland productivity as an essential factor for increasing the adaptive...
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Sierras del Este is one of the two regions in Uruguay that are most vulnerable to climate change. A relevant vulnerability factor is the variability of the natural grasslands’ productivity. The objective of this study was to analyse the role of natural and land use drivers on grassland productivity as an essential factor for increasing the adaptive...
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Wetlands occupy between 4% and 6% of the earth's surface and are increasing its significant importance due to its productive landscapes and biological content. Placed amongst the planet's most threatened areas, more than 50% of wetlands were lost in the past century and those less affected have suffered different magnitudes of deterioration, caused...
Droughts significantly impact livestock systems over natural grasslands. Nevertheless, the practices adopted by cattle producers are usually not adaptive, and therefore they deepen the impacts of the drought and its vulnerability. Drought vulnerability assessments have implicitly considered vulnerability as an individual phenomenon and have not con...
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Desde comienzos del siglo XXI en Uruguay se ha consolidado un proceso de intensificación agraria. Para evaluar los impactos de este proceso es clave conocer el comportamiento espacio-temporal de la intensificación y el funcionamiento del sistema ambiental, ambos a través de una variable síntesis. El objetivo de este trabajo fue definir una metodolo...
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The use of chlorine to disinfect water produces a series of by-products, particularly trihalomethanes. This is important given that there is a recognized association with different types of cancer after prolonged exposure, as well as with probable adverse effects on reproduction, especially in relation to offspring. The concentrations of these orga...
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The processes of productive intensification of the land uses in Uruguay have generated multidimensional transformations in the agrarian territories. The magnitude and spatial distribution of these recent transformations question the validity and actuality of the current agroeconomic regionalisations.The objective of this research was to analyze the...
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Nowadays, glyphosate is the most used herbicide in the southern cone. Its effects on human health, particularly the carcinogenic ones, are evaluated as far as from the 80s. In 2015, the International Agency for Research on Cancer belonging to the WHO classified it as “probably carcinogenic in humans”. A year later this organism and the FAO conclude...
Enlace descarga pdf completo hasta 29 marzo 2018: --------------------------------------------------- Exotic species have different strategies to invade a new area. Invasive species limited by establishment have a wide dispersion range and high seedling mortality rate. Riparian forests are harsh environ...
Five catchment areas in Uruguay were selected to conduct a nutrient exportation analysis and to evaluate the effects of current land use on the eutrophication of coastal lagoons. Satellite images and national agriculture censuses were used for a quantitative analysis of land use changes from 1974 to 2005, and a nutrient export coefficient approxima...
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O estudo a associação e distribuição de elementos de relevo, definidos como geomorphons, permitem compartimentar fisiograficamente o Uruguai. Os elementos estão representados por 10 mais comuns definidos por: plano (flat), pico (peak), crista (ridge), ressaltos (shoulder), crista secundária (spur), encosta (slope), escavado (hollow), base de encost...
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Introducción. El dengue es la principal arbovirosis en el mundo. En Paraguay reapareció en 1988-1989, teniendo en 2011 uno de los mayores brotes epidémicos. Objetivo. Evaluar el desempeño del sistema de vigilancia epidemiológica de dengue en Paraguay entre 2009 y 2011. Material y métodos. Estudio ecológico basado en datos secundarios de vigilancia...
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This article presents a highly detailed territorial assessment for aquaculture production in Uruguay and a methodology to identify the most suitable areas in order to develop the activity. Furthermore, it proposes the basis to generate a dynamic modelling tool of high spatial resolution to support the decision-making process regarding national aqua...
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The risk of family farmers in the Protected Area Esteros de Farrapos (APEF) increases with synergy between flooding and reduced grazing areas outside the estuary. This study analyzed the extent of the frequency of flooding by determining the height of the water surface of the río Uruguay in a period of eight years and the number of days when the wa...
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El riesgo de los ganaderos familiares que pastorean en el Área Protegida Esteros de Farrapos aumenta en función de la sinergia entre las inundaciones y la disminución de las áreas de pastoreo fuera del estero. En este trabajo se consideró la frecuencia de inundaciones determinando la altura de lámina de agua del río Uruguay en un período de ocho añ...
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Las especies invasoras constituyen una amenaza para la conservación de la biodiversidad, por lo que el desarrollo de programas para su control requiere de una evaluación cuidadosa. La invasión de Gleditsia triacanthos es una de las principales amenazas en el Parque Nacional Esteros de Farrapos e Islas del Río Uruguay. Evaluamos la efectividad del c...
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Los índices de vegetación suponen una de las principales fuentes de información para el monitoreo y espacialización de la vegetación a distintas escalas, siendo el Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) uno de los más utilizados. Este trabajo pretende describir y analizar la tendencia del NDVI en los sistemas ambientales de Uruguay, como una...
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Agricultural intensification promotes floods and threatens family livestock production in the protected area of Farrapos Estuaries, Uruguay. Using the Holistic Risk Index (Barrera, J. F., Herrera, J., and J. Gómez. Riesgo-vulnerabilidad hacia la broca del café bajo un enfoque de manejo holístico. La Broca del Café en América Tropical: Hallazgos y E...
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ABSTRACT Land planning is a key instrument to promote an economic activity, and the regionalization through land suitability is a powerful scale to progress into land planning process. Integration of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and MultiCriteria Assessment (MCA) is very useful to generate and systemize the information required to asses lan...