Marc Seidel

Marc Seidel
Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy, Hamburg · Offshore Engineering



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Marc Seidel currently works in Offshore Engineering, Siemens Gamesa. Marc does research on support structures for (offshore) wind turbines.
Additional affiliations
April 2015 - present
Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy
  • Group Leader
January 2004 - March 2015
Repower Systems
Repower Systems
  • Leading Expert


Publications (75)
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Offshore wind turbines are subject to dynamic excitation from wave loads. Especially when monopile substructures are used, significant fatigue loads can be induced by waves, which are then governing the design. Calculations in the frequency domain are very efficient to compute such wave induced loads and by applying some simplifications, very compa...
Geometrical imperfections are an important aspect for fatigue design of bolted ring flange connections, particularly for support structures of wind turbines. This paper deals with the validation of 3D FEA models including such imperfections. Measurements from a 1.5 MW onshore wind turbine tower are compared against numerical results from two indepe...
Wind turbine towers and their flange connections are highly fatigue loaded structures. Previous investigations have shown that initial parallel gaps between L‐flange connections, which are resulting from their respective flatness of the contact surfaces, can increase fatigue loads of the connecting fasteners significantly. Flange flatness and/or ga...
Conference Paper
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The fatigue strength of bolts is determined not only by the geometric design but also by production-related influences such as rolled before heat treatment, rolled after heat treatment or even hot-dip galvanising. For the bolts of steel constructions considered in this paper, these production-related influencing factors are considered very differen...
To model the aeroelasticity in vortex-induced vibrations (VIV) of slender tubular towers, this paper presents an approach where the aerodynamic damping distribution along the height of the structure is calculated not only as a function of the normalized lateral oscillation but also considering the local incoming wind velocity ratio to the critical...
Technical Report
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Background document for IEC 61400-6 AMD1 (Amendment 1)
As the size of modern wind turbines increases, the phenomenon of vortex resonance, which occurs at lower critical speeds due to lower natural frequencies of larger turbines, becomes more significant. Vortex shedding in the wake of a slender structure is still not fully investigated, particularly with regard to the Reynolds number mismatch between s...
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From July 2021, a full-scale measurement campaign is carried out on two wind turbine towers with smooth surfaces (k/D ≈ 1.0·10- ⁶ ). Tower response (through accelerations) and wind pressure on the surface are measured. Throughout the one-year monitoring period, there were challenges in transferring full-scale data into a ready-to-use VIV data set....
The paper studies tower vibrations in closely spaced group arrangements due to vortex excitation and interference galloping. The ever-growing development of the wind energy industry has recently led to an in-depth examination of the subject, particularly with regard to the transport of towers for offshore wind turbines. Due to the low natural frequ...
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The estimation of vortex shedding load is essential for the prediction of Vortex-Induced Vibration (VIV) on slender bodies. The application of the VIV model to a full-scale slender tower, such as wind turbine towers and chimneys, depends on the estimation of actual vortex shedding load under field conditions. This paper aims to provide insight on t...
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The ultimate limit state of buckling is an important consideration for the design of wind turbine support towers (WTSTs) which is increasingly being done with the aid of advanced nonlinear finite element analysis according to EN 1993‐1‐6. As these towers are relatively slender thin‐walled metal shell structures, their response and buckling resistan...
Conference Paper
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This paper reports of the ongoing measurement campaign on two prototype wind turbine towers of the Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy in Østerild, Denmark. The latest evaluation and measurement results in this paper are also presented during the 97th CICIND conference in Paphos, Cyprus, which includes the evaluation of the measured pressure distributi...
Conference Paper
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From July 2021, a full-scale measurement campaign is carried out on two wind turbine towers with smooth surfaces (k/D ~ 1.0∙10-6). Tower response (through accelerations) and wind pressure on the surface are measured. Throughout the one-year monitoring period, there were challenges in transferring full-scale data into a ready-to-use VIV data set. Fo...
Conference Paper
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The estimation of vortex shedding load is essential for the prediction of Vortex-Induced Vibration (VIV) on slender bodies. The application of the VIV model to a full-scale slender tower, such as wind turbine towers and chimneys, depends on the estimation of actual vortex shedding load under field conditions. This paper aims to provide insight on t...
Conference Paper
Tubular steel towers of wind turbines are fatigue loaded structures that are exposed to time-variant stresses because of turbine operation. A critical point within the tower structure are the ring flange connections, which connect the individual tower sections with preloaded bolts. This article publishes two procedures for verifying the fatigue saf...
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The overall competitiveness of offshore wind turbine towers is significantly influenced by the selection of the connection. The following three types of connections: a conventional bolted ring flange (RF) connection, ring flange connection with defined contact surfaces (RFD), and C1 wedge connection (C1-WC) are considered. A quantitative comparison...
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In the structural engineering limit state design philosophy of the Eurocodes, a target reliability is achieved by using partial safety factors on both the loading and the resistance that are, in principle, to be calibrated based on test data. The partial factor that is currently used for the buckling limit state of metal shells has been adopted fro...
The fatigue strength of structural steel bolts is significantly affected by variables introduced during manufacturing. These factors are generally inconsistent in the design codes, depending on the set of rules used. In particular for large-diameter bolts, such as those used in abundance in wind turbines, an experimental basis for evaluating variou...
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An assessment of the elastic-plastic buckling limit state for multi-strake wind turbine support towers poses a particular challenge for the modern finite element analyst, who must competently navigate numerous modelling choices related to the tug-of-war between meshing and computational cost, the use of solvers that are robust to highly nonlinear b...
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An assessment of the elastic-plastic buckling limit state for multi-strake wind turbine support towers poses a particular challenge for the modern finite element analyst, who must competently navigate numerous modelling choices related to the tug-of-war between meshing and computational cost, the use of solvers that are robust to highly nonlinear b...
Conference Paper
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A novel international initiative is underway to establish a purely computational database of synthetic buckling resistances on the basis of which the safety margin of metal wind turbine support towers can be calibrated within the Eurocode framework. This initiative has recently demonstrated that existing databases of laboratory-scale destructive bu...
Stahlrohrtürme von Windenergieanlagen sind schwingungsanfällige Tragstrukturen, welche infolge des Anlagenbetriebs wechselnden Beanspruchungen ausgesetzt sind. Ein neuralgischer Punkt innerhalb der Turmstruktur sind die Ringflanschverbindungen, welche die einzelnen Turmsektionen mittels hochfest vorgespannten Schrauben miteinander verbinden. Normat...
Conference Paper
Fixed offshore wind turbines are increasingly developed for high latitude areas where not only wind and wave loads need to be considered, but also moving sea ice. Current structural design rules do not adequately consider the effect of ice loading on fatigue life, due to missing studies on fatigue strength of welded joints under combined wind, wave...
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Fixed offshore wind turbines continue to be developed for high latitude areas where not only wind and wave loads need to be considered but also moving sea ice. Current rules and regulations for the design of fixed offshore structures in ice-covered waters do not adequately consider the effects of ice loading and its stochastic nature on the fatigue...
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Fixed offshore wind turbines continue to be developed for high latitude areas where not only wind and wave loads need to be considered, but also moving sea ice. Current rules and regulations for the design of fixed offshore structures in ice-covered waters do not adequately consider effects of ice loading and its stochastic nature on fatigue life o...
It is well known that material properties undergo significant changes with temperature. In order to meet extreme environmental requirements for ships and offshore structures operating in Arctic regions, the effect of temperature on material behavior needs to be considered. In recent studies, significantly higher fatigue strength was observed for ba...
de Die Betriebsbeanspruchung von Schrauben in Ringflanschverbindungen zur Verbindung von Tragstruktursektionen von Windenergieanlagen wird maßgeblich durch die vorhandene Pressung in der Flanschkontaktfuge beeinflusst, welche durch die eingebrachte Schraubenvorspannkraft erzielt wird. Unter den vorliegenden Belastungen im laufenden Betrieb der Anla...
Conference Paper
Ships and offshore structures operating in Artic regions face specific challenges such as ice loads and seasonal low temperatures. In order to meet these extreme environmental requirements, the effect of temperature on material behaviour needs to be considered. It is well known that static material properties (yield strength, fracture toughness etc...
en Ring flange connections for tubular towers, like those for wind turbines or chimneys, are subjected to significant fatigue loading. Next to the bolts, the weld connecting the flange to the tower shell also needs to be checked against fatigue failure. The flange causes local bending moments in the shell, which increase the meridional stress, i. e...
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de Analytische Berechnung von Spannungskonzentrationen an Schweißnähten von Ringflanschverbindungen Ringflanschverbindungen für Rohrtürme, wie solche für Windenergieanlagen oder Schornsteine, sind einer erheblichen Ermüdungsbeanspruchung ausgesetzt. Neben den Schrauben muss auch die Schweißnaht, die den Flansch mit der Turmschale verbindet, gegen E...
Stahlrohrtürme von Windenergieanlagen sind schwingungsanfällige Tragstrukturen, welche infolge des Anlagenbetriebs wechselnden Beanspruchungen ausgesetzt sind. Dem Ermüdungsfestigkeitsnachweis für den Turm kommt daher eine große Bedeutung zu. Ein neuralgischer Punkt innerhalb der Turmstruktur sind in der Regel die Ringflanschverbindungen, welche di...
Conference Paper
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The paper presents the concept of a Floater for Upending Piles (FlUP), which can be considered as an efficient approach for the installation of very large offshore monopiles in the offshore-wind industry. This principle is embedded in a concept that aims to decouple the monopile installation steps of upending and pile driving. The idea of the FlUP...
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de Herstellungstoleranzen von Flanschverbindungen für Tragstrukturen von Windenergieanlagen. Ebenheitstoleranzen geschraubter Ringflanschverbindungen sind oftmals Gegenstand technischer Diskussionen. Die derzeit verwendeten Grenzwerte wurden vor etwa 10–15 Jahren festgelegt und die Anwendung derselben Werte für deutlich größere Abmessungen aktuelle...
In this paper, an analytical method is presented to assess FLI (Frequency lock-in) of monopile support structures for offshore wind turbines, subjected to loading by floating sea ice. The method is introduced, justified and presented with an example. The main idea of the method is to use existing knowledge regarding structural response velocities a...
Bei Monopfahlgründungen von Offshore-Windenergieanlagen wird die Verbindung zwischen Monopfahl und Übergangsstück als geschraubter Ringflansch ausgeführt. Die zunehmende Leistungsfähigkeit der Windenergieanlagen führt zu immer größeren Schnittgrößen in diesem Anschluss. In der Folge erhöhen sich nicht nur die Querschnittsabmessungen, sondern es kom...
Conference Paper
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Ice-induced vibrations have to be considered in design of vertically sided offshore structures subjected to loading by sea ice, such as offshore wind turbines and oil-and gas platforms. The interaction between ice and structure may result in high global peak loads and the occurring structural vibrations can contribute significantly to the overall f...
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Structural design of offshore wind turbine support structures is a complex process, which has many challenges. In particular in the early phase of a project it is difficult to select the appropriate structural concept and to determine structural masses with reasonable accuracy, without having to go through a time‐consuming iterative process. In the...
Conference Paper
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Offshore wind turbines are subject to dynamic excitation from wave loads. Especially when monopile substructures are used, significant fatigue loads can be induced by waves, which are then governing the design. Calculations in the frequency domain are very efficient to compute such wave induced loads and by applying some simplifications, very compa...
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Substructures for offshore wind turbines are huge structures – with total masses of 1000t or more for wind turbines of 5MW. As the current trend is towards larger turbines of 6MW or more and deeper waters of 30m or more, demands on efficient substructure design increases. This paper will review the state-of-the-art and current trends as perceived b...
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In the design, certification, and optimization of offshore wind turbines, extensive loads simulation is inevitable to develop reliable and cost‐effective turbines. Description of the marine environment is based on a variety of techniques taking the stochastic nature of both, the wind and the water waves into account. The wind turbine is a highly dy...
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Support structures for offshore wind turbines are loaded by wind and waves. In deeper water so-called jacket substructures are used, which use driven piles as foundations. In around 40 m water depth and for wind turbines of the 5MW class, these piles are approximately loaded equally by wind and waves. This paper presents investigations into the sup...
Conference Paper
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The rotor size of offshore wind turbines is due to increase in the coming years. While the currently largest offshore wind turbine (the REpower 6M) has a rotor diameter of 126m, this will increase to 150m or even larger in the coming years. This has some implications on the support structures, primarily due to increased lever arm to hub height and...
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A new requirement of the BSH (Bundesamt für Seeschifffahrt und Hydrographie, the regulatory authority for offshore wind farms in Germany), is the assessment of the effect of cyclic loading on the capacity of foundations supporting offshore wind turbines. There are few practical design methods until now. This paper presents a new approach for assess...
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Design of support structures for offshore wind turbines is a challenging subject both technically and logistically. Many stakeholders are involved in this process, which have many technical and commercial interfaces. Managing these interfaces can involve special technical approaches and procedures, some of which are discussed in this paper. It is o...
Für die Installation von Offshore‐Windenergie‐Anlagen der 5‐Megawattklasse vor der Küste Deutschlands in der Nordsee ist es erforderlich, Gründungsstrukturen in hoher Stückzahl wirtschaftlich herstellen zu können. Für den Wassertiefenbereich der Nordsee wird im Rahmen dieses Aufsatzes der Konstruktions‐typ Jacket hinsichtlich dynamischer Eigenschaf...
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Im Sommer 2006 wurde in Schottland erstmals eine 5-Megawatt-Offshore-Windenergieanlage (WEA) vom Typ REpower 5M in 45 m Wassertiefe errichtet. Die Tiefe des Wassers und weitere Standortbedingungen, die sich durch hohe Wellenbelastung und ungünstige Bodenverhältnisse auszeichnen, erforderten innovative Ansätze für die Tragstruktur und die Installati...
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Jacket substructures are an attractive solution in water depths of about 20m to 50m for Off-shore wind turbines. REpower has gained experience with two different jackets through re-alization of prototype projects. A welded jacket and an alternative with cast nodes are pre-sented in this paper. The main design challenges are addressed and the peculi...
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The DOWNVInD Demonstrator Project in Scotland will be the first Offshore Wind Project with a complex substructure as the water depth of 45m is not suitable for the simple Mono-pile or Gravity concepts. This paper addresses turbine loading and dynamic behaviour of the REpower 5M turbine when used together with different substructures. Three differen...
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The REpower 5M wind turbine has been installed in the Moray Firth in Scotland as part of the DOWNVInD Dem-onstrator Project in summer 2006 in 45m water depth. Numerous technical challenges had to be addressed in order to realize this project. This paper gives an overview about the technologies which have been developed with regards to turbine, subs...
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Summary Offshore wind turbines are subject to combined wind and wave loading which must be taken into account for the structural assessment. While commercial software is available that allows for integrated wind/wave analysis of a Monopile foundation, programs which accom- plish this task for complex structures are currently not available. REpower'...
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Offshore wind turbines are subject to combined wind and wave loading which must be taken into account for the structural assessment. While commercial software is available that allows for integrated wind/wave analysis for a Monopile foundation, programs which accomplish this task for complex structures are currently not available. While the widely...
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Türme für Windenergieanlagen sind stark dynamisch beanspruchte Bauwerke. Der Lastermittlung inkl. der Eigenfrequenzanalyse und dem Ermüdungsfestigkeitsnachweis kommt daher besondere Bedeutung zu. Die Eigenfrequenzen sind von der Steifigkeit der Konstruktion und der Einspannung durch die Gründung abhängig. Der Beitrag beleuchtet die bei der Planung...
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Der Nachweis der Ermüdungsfestigkeit hat bei allen Komponenten von Windenergieanlagen wegen der hohen dynamischen Belastung eine besondere Bedeutung. Dies gilt wegen der komplizierten Zusammenhänge beim Tragverhalten in noch stärkerem Maße für geschraubte Ringflanschverbindungen. In diesem Beitrag werden die Ergebnisse eines Forschungsvorhabens zus...
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Fatigue assessment is essential for all components of wind turbines because of the high dynamic loads. The complex carrying behaviour of bolted ring flanges makes the calculation of this popular connection particularly difficult. This paper deals with experimental and numerical investigations that were conducted on parts of original ring flanges in...
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Exzentrisch gezogene geschraubte Flanschverbindungen werden in turmartigen Stahlkonstruktionen zur Verbindung der Tragwerksteile verwendet. Bei dynamisch beanspruchten Konstruktionen ist für die Schrauben der Verbindung ein Ermüdungsnachweis zu führen, für den die Beanspruchung der Schraube zu ermitteln ist. In diesem Beitrag werden anhand von Beis...
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Eccentrically loaded flanges are commonly used in tower-like structures, e. g. tubular steel towers for wind turbines. For dynamically loaded structures, fatigue assessment is essential. As bolts perform poorly when subjected to oscillating loads, the correct determination of stresses in the bolt for fatigue design is an important task in order to...
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Vor dem Hintergrund der FE‐Berechnungen von Flanschverbindungen werden unterschiedliche Modellierungsmöglichkeiten für Schrauben vorgestellt, die in Abhängigkeit der Genauigkeit der Geometrieabbildung und der Elementierungsfeinheit in Klassen eingeteilt werden. Anhand von exemplarischen Vergleichen von FE‐Berechnungen mit Versuchsergebnissen wird a...
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Using FE-calculations of flanged joints as an example, different possibilities for the modelling of bolts divided into classes depending on the exactness of the geometric map and the density of the FE-mesh are presented. Comparisons of FE-calculations with the results of experiments show that good results for the forces, moments and elongation of t...
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This paper presents results from nonlinear FE-calculation of bolted steel ring flange con-nections. Different FE-models for a segmental approach and calculation of the total flange are presented and the results are discussed in regard to the structural design calculation.
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Piled foundations are the most common form of offshore foundation, transferring both tensile and compressive loads into the seabed. When these foundations are used for offshore wind turbines, new loading situations are to be taken into account. In order to obtain reliable assessment it is necessary to know and understand the magnitude, loading hist...
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Monopiles are the most popular substructure for offshore wind turbines but up to now have not been employed for turbines of the 5MW class. It is shown in this paper that monopiles may be feasible in greater water depths than assumed to date, even for offshore turbines larger than 5MW, while maintaining very reasonable weight and size. This is being...
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Zusammenfassung Auch bei Windenergieanlagen der neuen Generation dominiert die Ausführungsvariante mit stählernem Voll-wandturm. Dabei werden Entwurf und Dimensionierung ganz wesentlich vom Tragsicherheitsnachweis gegen Schalenbeulen bestimmt. In diesem Beitrag werden die derzeit angewendeten Berechnungsverfahren neueren Methoden gegenübergestellt....
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Zusammenfassung Für das Verhalten von Windenergieanlagen unter der dynamischen Belastung durch Wind und Betrieb sind die Systemgrößen Eigenfrequenz und Dämpfung der Turmkonstruktion maßgebende Parameter. Die Berechnung dieser Größen erfolgt meist an Stabmodellen unter Berücksichtigung der Eigenschaften der Gründung für die Eigenfrequenz bzw. durch...
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As the size of wind turbines and the overall structure increases, more and more attention is paid to the support structures. This paper summarises experiences with two large towers for the GEWE 3.x series. The hybrid tower for the GEWE 3.6s prototype with external prestressing in the 70m long concrete section and the steel tower for the GEWE 3.2s p...


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