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Croaking Woodfrog likes to lie down in mosses to discover botany history
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January 2016 - present
December 1988 - present
December 1988 - December 2015
Publications (323)
The Permian fossil plant assemblages from the Lafonia Group on the Falkland (Malvinas) Islands collected by Thore Gustav Halle on the
1907–1909 Swedish Expedition to Patagonia and Tierra del Fuego are re-described and their systematic placement revised. Two species
of sphenophytes based on foliage and one on axial remains are recognized. Eight morp...
listing interesting bryological new data in various French départements
Bulletin de la Société botanique du Centre-Ouest 55 : 37-49
Stirton’s Yoke-moss (Zygodon stirtonii) is a moss that is reputed to be rare and to have a predominantly Atlantic distribution in mainland France. Its discovery in abundance upstream of Lyon (Rhône) provides an opportunity to reconsider this image. This seems to be due to a combination of four facts: 1) it has often been relegated to the rank of a...
After the ecological discontinuity of the Aptian/Albian boundary, new biocoenoses were established. In the
continental domain, ecosystems in which angiosperms began to play a role appeared, and soon became the
framework for the success of this group, with considerable consequences. However, little is known about the
palaeobiogeography of this perio...
In 1833, Adrien de Jussieu was astonished by women’s interest in what he called
“obscure plants”. According to him, most of the women who wrote about botany at the time were interested in plants without showy flowers. We discussed his astonishment and questioned the reality of his observation. Since this seems to be true, we consider two hypotheses...
Sedimentary interbeds between lava flows of the Early Jurassic Kirkpatrick Basalt, East Antarctica, are long
known to contain abundant fossil wood, including in situ-preserved tree trunks. Following an initial brief report
containing only preliminary taxonomic assessments, however, these trunks have never been studied in greater
detail. Here, we pr...
Lyon knapweed (Cyanus lugdunensis) is an endemic species of central-eastern France, where it is found only in a small number of localities. Those in the Haut-Bugey were surveyed in order to gain a better understanding of their importance. It counts thousands of plants. These surveys were an opportunity to observe hybrids with the montane knapweed (...
Andersen's fairy tale "The Silent Book" is translated into French. Earlier translations were botanically inaccurate. It is important to re-establish the names of the plants, as they carry symbols.
The bryoflora of the Cévennes ardéchoises is still poorly known. The discovery in 2021 of the hornwort Anthoceros caucasicus, which is new to France, in the sandstone sector that forms the transition between the Massif Central and the Ardèche limestone plateaux, prompted the Collectif bryologique du Massif central to devote three days to bryoprospe...
Short report of the discovery of Mannia triandra in the suburb of Lyons, France
We report lignitic fossil rich-beds from the Bathonian Castelbouc sauropod tracksite (Castelbouc Cave N
�4, Causses Basin, southern France). Showing the co-occurrence of amber with plant, vertebrate and
invertebrate remains, they are a precious tool to reconstruct Middle Jurassic dinosaur ecosystems. A multiproxy
approach combining sedimentology, p...
Varietal selection of maize, followed by irresponsible genetic manipulation, has indirectly led to the colonisation of Europe by a devastating beetle, and an alticolous variety of teosinte that is becoming invasive.
Various historical anecdotes about Linnaea borealis, its naming, Linnaeus's tea service, Madame Titus Leroux and Joséphine de Beauharnais, wife of Bonaparte.
The genus Diospyros has been reported from several locations in the Lyon region according to the on-line database Biodiv’Aura, with data for two species, D. lotus and D. virginiana. Distinguishing between the two species is notoriously difficult in the absence of fruit. However, a simple morphometric approach to the leaves allows reliable identific...
Bryological floristic data from France and (mostly) year 2022
A new Mesozoic fossiliferous locality was discovered in the Mae Sot Basin, Western Thailand. Ginglymodian fish scales and bones are reported, as well as fossil wood (Agathoxylon sp.) and leafy twigs (cf. Watsoniocladus sp.). These are associated to Skolithos and Scoyenia ichnofacies. This limited fossil record makes biogeographical comparisons and...
Petrified trunks in Mueang Kamphaeng Phet District, upper Central Thailand, were unearthed in Quaternary deposits on the western rim of the Ping River. The sediments consist mainly of semi-consolidated gravel, sand, silt, and clay, indicating that the woods were transported by the ancient Ping River. Macro-scopic features revealed that preservation...
The growth rings of fossil wood provide valuable data on tree ecology. As many of the parameters controlling width are
climatic, it is tempting to use these rings as an indicator of climate. This is what has been done, with great success, by
dendrochronological studies of archaeological wood. For wood dating from before the Pleistocene, however, th...
The identities of two of Jean-Jacques Rousseau’s companions on the Pilate xcursion, in August 1769, are clarified. They were, in fact, much younger than their mentor. They do not appear to have been experienced botanists. Their youth and inexperience might explain the deference with which they addressed Rousseau, which so irritated the philosopher....
A moss herbarium is kept in the Musée des Arts décoratifs de Paris, to which it was bequeathed in 1912. It is said to be the work of Jean-Jacques Rousseau and the annotations on the specimens are indeed in the philosopher's hand. However, this moss book has only been studied for its annotations and never from a botanical point of view. The examinat...
New data and data of interest for the bryology of north-eastern France
A herbarium in the Bibliothèque publique et universitaire de Neuchâtel (Switzerland), previously kept in Ermenonville, belonged to Rousseau and contains bryophytes. Both the attribution to Rousseau and the origin of the samples are uncertain. To try to resolve these uncertainties we studied the bryophytes in the herbarium. We compare these identifi...
New genus proposed for Upper Jurassic fossil wood genus Xenoxylon morrisonense
We document the habit and affinity of the most complete Mesozoic Era tree to be excavated in the UK. The fossil was found in situ in a palaeosol of the Upper Jurassic Purbeck Group of southern England (Tithonian: ca. 150–145 million years). It comprises over 100 permineralized (silicified) pieces that represent a rooted stump and fallen trunk, toge...
By the end of the XIXth century a women scientist had the intuition that animal and plants have common ancestors
La Garance voyageuse
Fascinated by the highest massifs, botanists have relatively neglected the
middle altitudes. The Haut-Bugey massif, culminating at 1500 m, is thus relatively unknown,
especially as regards its cryptogamic flora. Here we report new observations of liverworts
(Moerckia flotoviana), mosses (Drepanocladus lycopodioides, D. sendtneri, Hookeria lucens,
RESUME : plusieurs populations de Tetraplodon angustatus ont été découvertes récemment dans les massifs volcaniques du Meygal et du Mézenc (Haute-Loire). Il s'agit actuellement des seules populations françaises de cette espèce, qui se trouve ici à la limite absolue vers le sud-ouest de son aire européenne. Cette espèce colonise exclusivement les la...
Everything that glowsis not necessarily gold, it is sometimes an iridescent blue fruit.
Published in the popularization journal "La Garance voyageuse"
We describe Jurassic fossilized woods from the Gümüşhane and Erzurum regions of Turkey that represent the eastern
Sakarya Zone (eSZ) terrestrial biota. We collected 27 fossil wood fragments in total. All 27 fossil wood specimens rep�resent coniferous trees. We assigned ten specimens to Agathoxylon sp. type 1, fourteen to Agathoxylon sp. type 2, tw...
The Hirmeriellaceae are an extinct family of Mesozoic conifers. Their foliage has been described in the genera Brachyphyllum , Frenelopsis , Pseudofrenelopsis , etc., while their pollen corresponds to the genus Classopollis , the male cones to e.g. Classostrobus or Tomaxellia and the female scales were named Hirmeriella and Paraucaria , for example...
Taphonomy and mineralization of carbonated wood from the Purbeckian facies of l’Usine, Cherves-Richemont
The species Rhytidiadelphus subpinnatus (Lindb.) T.J. Kop. is often confused, especially with R. squarrosus (Hedw.) Warnst. but also sometimes with Loeskobryum brevirostre (Brid.) M.Fleich. ex Broth. Its differential characters are listed from a bibliographical survey and evaluated for plants from mainland France. Discriminating field characters ar...
Organisms that colonize wood are subject to a taphonomic tragedy-the richer and more diverse they become, the greater the deterioration of the host wood and the less likely such communities are to be fossilized. Moreover, palaeobotanical studies of fossil wood usually focus on the plant tissue, neglecting the evidence of parasitic, saproxylic, and...
report on a floristic spring walk of our botany association
Protocedroxylon Gothan and Xenoxylon Gothan are two biogeographically important Mesozoic fossil wood genera. They are the witnesses of a boreal flora whose periodic extensions towards the south characterize Mesozoic climatic oscillations. However, previously documented Arctic records of these taxa are known mostly by poorly dated specimens. A new w...
Analyses of coprolites provide important data on animal feeding and food quality, including information on the taxonomy of the biotope. Knowledge of the diet of extinct animals has implications for our understanding of the evolution of various physiological strategies and feeding adaptations. Here we provide the first description of plant remains p...
Since 1920, the Lyon Linnaean Society has kept a cryptogamic herba-rium which was bequeathed to it in 1906 by Louis Debat. He was a prominent botanist from Lyon, who specialized in bryology and was actively involved in a network of national and international collaborations. After his death, however, he was rarely mentioned and today he is almost fo...
Between 1833 and 1836 in England, then in Prussia and finally in France, young botanists experimented
with making plant fossils to understand better how such fossils could be formed and how to interpret
fossil assemblages. These experiments are described and discussed. Despite these promising beginnings, plant
taphonomy was not really developed as...
Dinosaur bonebeds with amber content, yet scarce, offer a superior wealth and quality of data on ancient terrestrial ecosystems. However, the preserved palaeodiversity and/or taphonomic characteristics of these exceptional localities had hitherto limited their palaeobiological potential. Here, we describe the amber from the Lower Cretaceous dinosau...
Fossil fungi are frequently observed in association with fossil plants in a geological record that dates back over 400 million years to the beginning of the Devonian Period (e.g., Taylor et al., 2015; Krings et al., 2018; Krings and Harper, 2019; Strullu‐Derrien et al., 2014, 2018). Despite this lengthy fossil record, studies of wood colonizing fun...
Dinosaur bonebeds with amber content, yet scarce, offer a superior wealth and quality of data on ancient terrestrial ecosystems. However, the preserved palaeodiversity and/or taphonomic characteristics of these exceptional localities had hitherto limited their palaeobiological potential. Here we describe the amber from the Lower Cretaceous dinosaur...
The conifer Geinitzia reichenbachii was a common member of the Cretaceous Laurasian floras. However, the histology of G. reichenbachii leafy axes was never described in detail, and our knowledge of its paleoecology remains very limited. Using new and exquisitely preserved silicified material from the Upper Cretaceous of western France, we...
The paleoxylology of coniferous woods has progressed considerably since Kräusel's last (incomplete) synthesis in 1949. Nomenclatural practice has slowly purged itself of the diagnostic use of etymology. The use of certain new words or phrases has become essential, while other words have been subject to significant semantic drift or unjustified omis...
An amateur bryologist, Louis Debat, was a key figure in Lyons botany at the end of the 19th century. However, he remains relatively unknown, as does his important moss herbarium, preserved at the Société linnéenne de Lyon. The existing brief biographical notes are completed. His practice of bryology is discussed. His relations with the botanists of...
Jean-Jacques Rousseau is known to have recommended the practice of botany, but today he is often considered to be a botanist more exalted than relevant. His letters to Claret de La Tourrette, Gouan and Linné are not, however, of a lesser botanical level than the letters the latter three exchanged. His skills in bryology were exceptional for the tim...
Madame Adélaïsde, the sister of king Louis-Philippe, beside being a flower painter, prepared a herbarium. It contains samples that tell a lot about her life, a herbarium of souvenirs.
Paper published in "La Garance Voyageuse"
New tracheidoxyls from near the Protophyllocladoxylon leuchsii Kräusel type-locality (El-Kharga, Egypt, Turonian) were xylologically studied. Although most of the samples are not identifiable, one has preserved features, in particular araucarian radial pitting and co-occurrence of podocarpoid and oopores in the cross-fields, which allow assignment...
We report the first Hettangian theropod tracksite (~200 Ma) yielding a rich accumulation of plant remains from the Bleymard Strait (southern France). It constitutes an excellent opportunity to reconstruct lowermost Jurassic ecosystems hosting dinosaurs and which are still poorly documented in this area. Two morphotypes of tridactyl tracks are disti...
The French name of Rubia peregrina is Garance voyageuse, literally "travelling madder". The origin of this curious name is discussed. It has its source in the latin "peregrinus" which designated in Roman time a person who was not Roman, nor a slave, but a free foreigner. The specific epithet "peregrinus" was used by Linné and others for several pla...
Seventy years after its publication Kräusel’s review of fossil conifer woods is still among the most quoted references in this field. Several of his earlier contributions are foundational works, but they have largely been overlooked, which has led to some misinterpretations. We reviewed the taxonomy and nomenclature of the eight genera Kräusel desc...
In French -
Female botanical correspondents of Esprit Requien (1788-1851)
The Avignon naturalist Esprit Requien left a collection of nearly 14,000 letters, which he received from more than 2,000 correspondents. Four percent are women. This corpus of women’s letters was studied in the hope of locating little-known female botanists. Twenty-eight w...
In the immediate vicinity of Lyons, the Mont d’Or, a hill of Jurassic limestone topping a Paleozoic basement, rises to 620 m. It was one of the places where French bryology began, around 1790, but has not been the subject of bryological studies for nearly a
century. A catalogue was established, gathering data from the 1790-2017 interval (n = 763) a...
Following the publication of Míguez et al. (2018), concerning the morphological and phylogenetic characteristics of the Carex from the section Rhynchocystis Dumortier and mentioning the possible presence of C. agastachys in Northeastern France, we searched for it throughout 2020. Several stations were found and some of them are syntopic of C. pendu...
A new Cenomanian amber-and plant-bearing deposit has been discovered at Neau, in the Mayenne department (France). The Cenomanian fossiliferous lignites are located in karst filling in a substratum of Cambrian limestones. The amber corresponds mainly to tiny millimetric grains, devoid of arthropod inclusions, but rich in microorganisms, especially t...
Floristique bryologique de la France
This study presents for the f irst time a partial
translation of Clémence Lortet’s manuscript entitled
“Promenades Botaniques” (Botanical Walks), which
had remained unpublished and little known until
recently. Clémence Lortet, born Richard (1772–1835),
was a student and friend of physician and botanist Jean-
Emmanuel Gilibert. Although she shunned...
We investigated the environmental conditions that prevailed in continental ecosystems recorded in sedimentary deposits of Japan during the Cretaceous through the analysis of oxygen and carbon isotope compositions of phosphate (δ¹⁸Op) and apatite-bound carbonate (δ¹⁸Oc and δ¹³Cc) of vertebrate teeth and bones. Local surface water δ¹⁸Ow values were c...
Women were exceptional in scientific societies before 1870. The Société linnéenne de Paris co-opted twenty-five of them, including Clémence Lortet from Lyon. It has been hypothesized that this Linnaean Society was innovative in this respect. But who were the female associate members of the Société linnéenne de Paris? Biographical elements are prese...
The history of botany, as written today, documents few contributions of women before 1890. Botany was, however, much practiced by women from the end of the 18th century onward. In order to understand this discrepancy we explored the practice of floristic studies by women in France in between 1700 and 1870. More than 100 women have produced floristi...
Protocedroxylon from the marine shales of the Upper Jurassic Knoxville Formation, Californa
Jurassic flora of the Tibetan Plateau is poorly known, with limited fossil records. The paleobiogeography of terrestrial biota is, however, one of the major evidences to reconstruct the intricate paleogeography of an area. Well-preserved fossil wood is described from the Middle Jurassic Xiali Formation (Callovian) in the South Qiangtang terrane of...
new field data for rare or news species
Life a women who led herbalisations around Paris at turn of the century (circa 1900)
Protophyllocladoxylon Kräusel in Strömer is very probably a taxonomical synonym of Metadopocarpoxylon Edwards. The type of the former is lost. We arrived at the conclusion to propose to conserve Protophyllocladoxylon Kräusel with P. dolianitii Mussa (Bol. Inst. Brasil. Geogr. Estadíst., Serv. Grafico 182: 17. 1958) as its conserved type.
The fossil wood genus Xenoxylon is reported in-situ for the first time in Thailand. It originates from the Indosinian terrane, from the Mesozoic continental redbeds of the Phu Kradung Formation (Khorat Group). Palinspatic reconstruction, palaeobiogeography and correlation with other occurrences of the genus, in southern China as well as in Vietnam,...
Ten embedded fossil logs sampled in situ from the middle Eocene volcano‐sedimentary rocks close to Suffield Point in the Fildes Peninsula, King George Island, Antarctica, are assigned to Protopodocarpoxylon araucarioides Schultze‐Motel ex Vogellehner, Phyllocladoxylon antarcticum Gothan, Agathoxylon antarcticum (Poole & Cantrill) Pujana et al., A....
Les observations sont classées par région et par département
Anthropization has led to severe river incision in several parts of Europe. Biomonitoring is of interest to characterize this incision or, conversely, the effectiveness of ecological restoration. Mosses of the upper flood zone are good candidates for such biomonitoring as they are small organisms with limited water-intake ability. Here we studied t...
North America Jurassic fossil wood record
In : « Dictionnaire des femmes de l’ancienne France », fiche SIEFAR (Société internationale pour l’étude des femmes de l’Ancien Régime), accessible en ligne à http://siefar.org/dictionnaire/fr/Accueil
Six specimens of the fossil wood Xenoxylon meisteri were discovered in the Upper Jurassic Morrison Formation of central Montana and are described herein. The discovery represents the first confirmed occurrence of the species X. meisteri in North America. In addition, we review all occurrences of petrified wood attributed to Xenoxylon from North Ame...
Ellis L.T., Almeida L.A., Peralta D.F., Bačkor M., Baisheva E.Z., Bednarek-Ochyra H., Burghardt M., Czernyadjeva I.V., Kholod S.S., Potemkin A.D., Erdağ A., Kırmacı M., Fedosov V.E., Ignatov M.S., Koltysheva D.E., Flores J.R., Fuertes E., Goga M., Guo S.-L., Hofbauer W.K., Kurzthaler M., Kürschner H., Kuznetsova O.I., Lebouvier M., Long D.G., Mamon...
Fossil Taxaceae are documented for the Cenozoic throughout most of the northern hemisphere, but the pre-Cenozoic history of this group is still poorly known. The fossil wood record is difficult but can shed light on this history. We critically evaluated the fossil woods assigned to Taxaceae and then compared the fossil record of taxaceous woods to...
Brief description of the fossil wood Piceoxylon from the Morrison Formation of central Montana
Avant le grand élan qui vit proliférer les sociétés savantes dans le dernier tiers du XIX e siècle, plusieurs botanistes ont exploré le sud du mas-sif jurassien. D'origines géographiques et sociales diverses, ils ont laissé des traces dispersées, et une histoire de la botanique jurassienne reste à écrire. Quelques-uns de ces botanistes, français, s...
Au cours du XXe siècle, la majorité des sites à plantes fossiles (Hettangien–Sinémurien) de la ville de Mende ont disparu à cause d’une importante urbanisation ou bien sont tombés dans l’oubli. Cet article présente une synthèse des gisements à végétaux fossiles, depuis leur découverte au XIXe siècle jusqu’aux campagnes de prospection récentes. De n...
Les observations sont classées par région et par département et sont présentées de la façon suivante, pour chaque espèce : Nom de commune (code Insee), lieu-dit, précision de localisation (et altitude si précisée), date d'observation, vérification d'identification le cas échéant. Les espèces nouvelles pour le département sont suivies de [Ndep], nou...
A series of bryological specimens was discovered in the Université Lyon-1 herbarium, within the Gandoger collection. It was prepared by Pierre Chabert (1796-1867), a little known amateur botanist from Lyons. After a short biographical sketch, this bryophyte collection, is described. Samples were mostly collected between 1846 and 1855, at a time for...
field data for some rare bryophyte species
field data for rare bryophyte species
Softwoods constitute an important part of the plant macro-remains that are found within the Carboniferous to the most recent fossil deposits. Their taxonomical study is mostly made possible thanks to classical references (Philips 1948, Greguss 1955, Esteban 2004, Philippe & Bamford 2008). As for hardwoods, in addition to similar standard publicatio...
A new coniferous species Sequoioxylon zhangii sp. nov. is described on the basis of an anatomically well-preserved fossil wood specimen from the Upper Cretaceous in Keshan County of Heilongjiang Province, NE China. S. zhangii is anatomically characterized by abundant axial wood parenchyma, uni-biseriate bordered pits, taxodioid cross-field pits, un...
The Promenades botaniques of Clémence Lortet, born Richard
Abstract. – Clémence Lortet, a scientist in the early 19th century, had a profound influence on botany in Lyon. Unfortunately, until now all of her work has remained unpublished, and for more than a century her texts were reputedly lost. Their rediscovery allows us to provide
Three new localities for Neckera menziesii in the French Jura are reported, two for the Ain department, the third for the Jura department. These new localities evidence that the distribution of the species is not discontinuous between the Northern Alps and the northern Jura mountains, as previously hypothesized. Some taxonomical and nomenclatural p...
Si l'existence d'une forme d'intelligence chez le splantes est de plus en plus admise, on s'interroge sur les mécnismes biologiques qui pourraient en être le support
In 1907 the French palaeobotanist Octave Lignier published a study of Jurassic fossil wood that was to become a seminal palaeoxylological work. Although the names he established were often used or recombined and his contribution is still often quoted today, the original material was never re-studied, except for one of the fifteen originally publish...
Les observations sont classées par région et par département et sont présentées de la façon suivante, pour chaque espèce : Nom de la commune (code insee), lieu-dit, précision de localisation (et altitude si précisée), date d'observation, vérification d'identification le cas échéant. Les espèces nouvelles pour le département sont suivies de [Ndep],...
Questions (14)
in a silicifed peat thin-section (Tertiary of north-eastern France) plenty of these smal shells.
They are about 500-600 µm long
At first I thought foraminifers, however modern freshwater forams from the region do not look the same at all.
Any hint welcome