Manuel Gerardo Verduzco-ZapataUniversity of Colima · UCOL-CA-95, Facultad de Ciencias Marinas
Manuel Gerardo Verduzco-Zapata
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Manuel Gerardo Verduzco-Zapata currently works at the UCOL-CA-95, Facultad de Ciencias Marinas, Universidad de Colima. Manuel does research in Ocean Engineering and Oceanography. Their current project is 'CEMIE-O, CONACYT CIENCIA BASICA 2015 & CONACYT NATIONAL PROBLEMS 2015.'
Skills and Expertise
Publications (30)
El incremento de operaciones portuarias del país ha fomentado la configuración y modernización del puerto interior de Manzanillo, Colima, realizando obras en las terminales y muelles, así como mantenimiento y dragado de los canales de acceso y navegación. Estos cambios afectan los patrones de circulación dentro del puerto y la distribución de nutri...
Transport networks in coastal, urban areas are extremely vulnerable to seismic events, with damage likely due to both ground motions and tsunami loading. Most existing models analyse the performance of structures under either earthquakes or tsunamis, as isolated events. This paper presents a numerical approach that captures the sequential earthquak...
The unplanned development of a port city generates urban growth in its coastal zone that stresses the local biotic and abiotic resources, affecting the nesting beach areas of sea turtles. This work evaluated the impact of social collaboration on sea turtle conservation in response to coastal rigidization. Over the past twenty years, the Manzanillo...
Transport networks in coastal, urban areas are extremely vulnerable to seismic events, with damage likely due to both ground motions and tsunami loading. Most existing models analyse the performance of structures under either earthquakes or tsunamis, as isolated events. This paper presents a numerical approach that captures the sequential earthquak...
Most wave energy converters (WECs) are designed to operate in high-latitude energetic seas, limiting their performance in regions usually dominated by milder conditions. The present study assesses the performance of complete test-stage WECs in farms that satisfy a decentralized energy scheme (DES) on the coast of Baja California, which is considere...
A single-body point absorber system is analysed to improve its power absorption at a finite water depth. The proposed wave energy converter consists of a single floating body coupled to a direct-drive power take-off system placed on the seabed. The structure of a cylindrical buoy with large draft is changed by a single body composed of three struct...
Artificial reefs have proven to be an optimal and effective solution in stabilizing coastlines around the world. They are submerged structures that imitate the protection service provided by natural reefs accomplishing the functions of dissipating wave energy and protecting beach morphology, but also being an ecological solution. In this paper, 2D...
This paper presents an arrangement of sub-surface fixed horizontal plates as an alternative to single long plates and conventional breakwaters. Through experimental tests in a wave flume, their capability as coastal protection elements was evaluated varying the number of plates and their spacing, as well as the roughness of their crowns by means of...
Due to the effects of Hurricane Patricia (2015), the bulk freighter “El Llanitos” ran aground in the rocky intertidal zone of Colima, Mexico. We assessed the impact of this ship’s stranding on a population of the gastropod Plicopurpura pansa. Toxic elements, hydrocarbons, shell deformities, presence of tumors, imposex, and morphological relationshi...
Actualmente los plásticos son una problemática de interés mundial. Su alta durabilidad y resistencia a la degradación son propiedades que han permitido que hoy día representen el mayor porcentaje de basura marina. Estudiar el comportamiento de estas partículas es bastante complejo debido a los procesos fisicoquímicos e interacciones biológicas que...
The lack of fresh water is an increasing worldwide problem caused by the over exploitation and pollution of aquifers and water reserves by anthropogenic activities. In coastal regions, desalination can be used to turn seawater into a new source of fresh water. The aim of this paper is to describe the first stages of development of a Wave Energy Con...
During a restoration process of Pocillopora spp., using opportunity corals (CO) several biotic attributes were assessed at two sites bi-monthly over a year and concentrations of mycosporin type amino acids (MAAs) and levels of chlorophyll a (Chl a) were determined. Specifically, in the last sampling analysis it was performed an analysis of malonald...
Note: Please feel free to access the paper at https://authors.elsevier.com/a/1VKEX6nh6k~fs The link will work until August 23, 2017.
Rubble-mound breakwaters are widely used for beach protection and generate shelter zones in the water, although their feasibility diminishes as water depth increases, due mainly to construction costs. In this paper a...
Los ecosistemas marino-costeros brindan servicios y beneficios que contribuyen al bienestar de la población, los cuales requieren ser estudiados, sistematizados y difundidos. Los servicios o bienes generados por estos ecosistemas son los beneficios directos e indirectos que son vitales para los seres humanos, y demás formas de vida. Constituyen la...
During a restoration process of Pocillopora spp., using opportunity corals (CO) several biotic attributes were assessed at two sites bi-monthly over a year and concentrations of mycosporin type amino acids (MAAs) and levels of chlorophyll a (Chl a) were determined. Specifically, in the last sampling analysis it was performed an analysis of malonald...
To determine if the Mexican Central Pacific ocean dynamics influences the hydrography of the coastal area of this region and this can be a modulator factor of harmful algal blooms (HAB), results obtained between 2009 and 2013 are analyzed to cover the oceanic zone, coastal and seasonality between Cabo Corrientes, Jalisco (21º14’06.1” N, 105º32’40.6...
La principal problemática a considerar por el CEMIEOcéano es la cuantificación de forma precisa de la disponibilidad de los recursos energéticos marinos en México y la identificación de los sitios de mayor potencial para el aprovechamiento eficiente de fuentes de energía delocéano
The Wave Energy Converter (WEC) described in this document is based on the Stewart-Gough Platform (SGP) concept, which allows the use of six degrees of freedom of motion for maximum exploitation of available energy in the wave front. The first stage of the project was focused in testing numerically the WEC’s hydrodynamic behaviour when interacting...
Beaches are one of the most popular sites used for recreation and spare time by people, being a zone with a constant evolution due to the combined effects of coastal currents, waves and tides. Sometimes, interaction of these processes with local bathymetry causes formation of rip currents (RCs), which are related with accidents to swimmers that eve...
Se utilizó un modelo numérico para estudiar la interacción de
oleaje irregular con estructuras rectangulares sumergidas, fijas
a cierta distancia por encima del fondo marino. Se llevó a cabo una
serie de experimentos variando cinco parámetros adimensionales
relevantes en el proceso de interacción: la razón entre la profundi-
dad local y la longitud...
A numerical wave model (CADMAS-SURF) was used to estimate regular wave transmission and reflection from a fixed squared submerged structure placed at a distance above the seabed. A series of numerical experiments were performed varying relevant non-dimensional parameters such as ratio of water depth to wavelength, wave steepness, ratio of incident...