Manuel Rodríguez-PeñarrojaJaume I University | UJI · Department of English Studies
Manuel Rodríguez-Peñarroja
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Manuel Rodríguez Peñarroja holds a BA in English Studies and a Ph.D in English Language Applied Linguistics from Universitat Jaume I, where he is currently Assistant Professor in the Department of English Studies. His main research interests include the teachability and acquisition of interlanguage pragmatics, discourse analysis, corpus pragmatics, multimodal input and task design applications, teaching English as a foreign language and ESP teaching and learning practices along with ICTs use.
Publications (20)
The implementation of information and communication technology became crucial amidst the Covid-19 pandemic. Several studies have been carried out on the effect of technology-mediated instruction modes on learners from diverse educational backgrounds, yet few articles have discussed the pandemic aftereffects in ESP students. This study seeks to inve...
La Agenda 2030 para el desarrollo sostenible es la hoja de ruta que promueve un cambio a nivel global fomentando la sostenibilidad y la resiliencia. A través de los 17 objetivos para el desarrollo sostenible y las 169 metas que se derivan de los mismos, se emplaza a la ciudadanía a emprender una serie de acciones globales que integran aspectos soci...
El uso de las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación así como los recursos digitales en línea han sido necesarios tanto en periodos de confinamiento como en la vuelta a la presencialidad en el ámbito educativo marcado por la pandemia. En este contexto, el presente estudio pretende analizar el efecto de la adaptación semipresencial de la as...
ESP courses have been considered as crucial for the academic training of future professionals in different areas of knowledge. Their broad spectrum mainly includes the mastery of a foreign language, the learning of specific terminology, and the development of skills related to students’ career needs. Recent research has examined the implementation...
En este capítulo se definen los conceptos sexismo lingüístico y el uso no sexista del lenguaje. Seguidamente se expone la problemática principal del castellano como lengua sexuada, esto es, determinantes, artículos, sustantivos y adjetivos aceptan terminaciones para masculino y femenino, marcando así el género gramatical de las palabras. En segundo...
El contexto educativo actual ha requerido adaptaciones curriculares y tecnológicas en las instituciones de educación superior universitaria debido a la pandemia de COVID-19. Este estudio presenta la adaptación de la asignatura de inglés para fines específicos, Comunicación en lengua inglesa para Turismo I, a un modelo de instrucción de blended lear...
Academic writing in EFL higher education contexts has been reported as a complex skill (Alameddine & Mirza, 2016) for students to master on account of the specificity of this writing genre. Davidson (2018) and Kovaks (2019) conclude that this kind of writing requires not only the mastery of cognitive and metacognitive strategies to be applied in th...
The last two decades have witnessed an increase in studies aimed to unveil the insights of the complex communicative process between the collective sender and the audiences in fictional TV series. This study explores the portrayal of complimenting acts and laughter in the dystopian fictional world represented in the episode Nosedive from the TV ser...
The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic on higher education institutions has forced a change in the teaching methodologies and instructional settings, which required multiple adaptations in light of government and institutional restrictions. This study presents students’ assessment of the adaptation of the subject English Morphosyntax to a blended lear...
The spread of the Covid-19 pandemic has brought many changes and challenges in the education system worldwide. This paper outlines the adaptation of the subject English Morphosyntax to a blended learning context using Moodle as a learning management system (LMS) and Google Meet for video conferencing synchronous lectures. In addition, second-year s...
The use of technology for teaching and learning practices has become an essential component in higher education contexts (Constantinou & Papadima-Sophocleous, 2020). For the past twenty years, there has been a rapid rise in the use of information and communication technologies (ICTs) and the study of their effects on students, teachers and curricul...
The teaching and acquisition of pragmatics in second and foreign language learning contexts has been traditionally reduced to coursebooks’ decontextualized dialogue samples and static images with almost no effects on learners’ communicative competence. This paper outlines rationale on the teaching of pragmatics since it has become of essential impo...
El ámbito de la educación superior refleja una tendencia hacia la digitalización para la transmisión de conocimientos mediante el uso de las tecnologías de la información y comunicación acorde con el contexto tecnológico y social actual. La experiencia que se presenta en este artículo aúna el uso de estas tecnologías, el aprendizaje basado en proye...
Este estudio investiga el efecto de la elaboración de proyectos TIC en las actitudes y motivación intrínseca del alumnado universitario de inglés para fines específicos (IFE). Los participantes fueron 46 alumnos de primer curso del grado en Publicidad y Relaciones Públicas en la Universitat Jaume I de Castellón. Adaptamos el cuestionario de motivac...
This book provides positive evidence regarding the validity of the language used in sitcom and drama audiovisual genres and its possible applicability to the teaching of pragmatics in English as second and foreign language contexts. The first part of the text includes a description of pragmatics and its components, speech act theories development,...