Manuel Regueiro y González-BarrosSpanish National Research Council | CSIC
Manuel Regueiro y González-Barros
BsC Sciences
Coordinator EIT RIS HUB South Spain
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September 1988 - May 2005
Publications (93)
Global geoestrategies in the field of mineral raw materials.
El Instituto Europeo de Innovación y Tecnología en Materias Primas (EIT Raw Materials) ha lanzado un extraordinario programa de becas para estudiantes de master del campo de las materias primas que permite a empresas e instituciones integrar a los mejores estudiantes europeos reforzando la cooperación Universidad-Empresa y familiarizando a los futu...
En los últimos años, ha habido un cambio en los métodos de enseñanza, donde los juegos han reemplazado parcialmente los procesos tradicionales de aprendizaje (Kalogiannakis M, Papadakis S, Zourmpakis A. (2021)). Este cambio se debe a tres razones principales: el crecimiento notable de la industria de los videojuegos, el acceso a grandes ca...
El Instituto Europeo de Innovación y Tecnología en Materias Primas es la comunidad de innovación más grande del mundo en el sector de las materias primas. Tiene como objetivo convertir las materias primas en una de las principales fortalezas de Europa, fomentando la competitividad sostenible del sector europeo de minerales, metales y materiales. Lo...
Since 2015, the Spanish Official Professional
Association of Geologists (Ilustre Colegio
Oficial de Geólogos (ICOG)) has consistently
presented comprehensive geological policy
documents to various political parties and
administrations, during national or autonomous
communities’ elections. On numerous
occasions, the political parties have been
EIT RAWMATERIALS financial aids for projects
The project proposal for the Desierto de los Leones tunnels in the Poetas Highway in Mexico aims to improve the excavation and support systems and evaluate the safety levels during construction. The design is based on geological and geotechnical information from the original project and can be approached using various methods, including numerical s...
Circular economy has, in the case of some raw materials, its own drawbacks. The principle states that reuse is basic to reduce primary production, thus in a healthy circular economy we should recycle as many elaborated raw materials as possible (in the case of aluminium i.e., tins, window frames, etc). The new products from these sources will then...
This paper deals with the future of mining in Europe but in the framework of a global pandemic. We have analysed the various prognosis of global growth trends and the future of mining in Europe, on the basis of the known statistical data of what has happened so far. Several case studies are included, and a proposal of a strong EU reaction to really...
This paper describes the laboratory process of synthesis of wollastonite based on calcining at 1050 °C a diatom-rich marl from waste tips of diatomite deposits of Hellín (Albacete. Spain) and its potential use in porous white-ware. The results show that it is viable to obtain wollastonite using as a source rock diatom-rich marls from a natural depo...
This document contains supplementary material to the above mentioned paper, detailing the level descriptors for all topical areas mentioned in the manuscript both graphically and as tables.
This report identifies the causes of the existing skills gap, maps the trends that will affect the raw
materials workforce and, based on the analysis made, advances a vision for moving from industryfocused
to future-focused skills in the EU mineral raw materials sector. This vision considers three
priority areas:
1. Matching worker skills to availa...
INTERMIN has created a long-term lasting international network of training centres for professionals. This project involves educational and research institutions in the EU and leading counterparts in third countries, based on specific country expertise in the primary and secondary raw materials sectors.
Spain has a long mining tradition particularly in the production of gold and other metals and has a large mining potential. Today there are 2731 operating mines and approximately 1000 closed. Spain is the only European producer of sodium sulphate and hosts 70% of the world sepiolite resources (around Madrid); it’s the main fluorspar producer in Eur...
The raw materials sector is undergoing significant structural changes. Skills required by emerging technologies and ever more challenging mineral deposits are changing quicker than todays’ workforce can update them. Education mainly focusses on “classical” raw materials related topics (geology, mining and mineral processing), whereas there are defi...
Learning the uses of minerals through non-conventional teaching tools BRIEFCASE PROJECT
Survey data on the structure of raw materials education worldwide. Asking for skills, knowledge, topics, languages, countries, institutions. almost 200 answers.
The Briefcase session has been successfully running for over 15 years in the Geomining Museum (Madrid, Spain). The aim of the project is to raise awareness of minerals knowledge among children during their visits to the museum. A real briefcase that contains minerals and products was created in 2003 to help students recognise mineral ores and their...
The change to an energy model with lower carbon footprint sources, and the development of the corresponding technologies and extraction techniques has placed shale gas in the spotlight as it is a less polluting resource and it is abundant in the north of Spain. This energy model could be able to supply, to a large extent, the current energy needs o...
This report advances an international sectoral qualifications framework for the raw materials sector (SQF-RM), hence improving relevance, transparency and coherence between qualifications along the minerals value chain and the corresponding international recognition.
The SQF-RM is a comprehensive competency model that encompass diverse learning ach...
The situation of geology and geologists in Spain and Europe. Global employment trends
review of the current potential of critical minerals in Spain
This paper explores the state of the art of the research regarding the returns on the investments in mining exploration from different perspectives. The analysis begins with an introduction to population trends, economic growth and world mining. Then we go through a detailed analysis of the different options for examining the returns obtained from...
This document draws up the Dissemination Plan for GIP-P, that shall serve as a guideline for communication activities included in WP11, led by the Geological Survey of Spain (IGME-Spain), to keep the GIP-P community updated and engaged. We will provide the guidelines to communicate and disseminate the GIP-P outputs in such a way that they best supp...
Resumen El cambio del paradigma energético a fuentes con menor huella de carbono, así como el desarrollo de las tecnologías y técnicas de extracción, han colocado al gas de lutita en el punto de mira como recurso menos contaminante, abundante en el norte de España, y capaz de suplir en gran medida las necesidades actuales de abastecimiento energéti...
The change of the energy paradigm to sources with lower carbon footprint, as well as the development of technologies and extraction techniques, have placed the shale gas in the spotlight as a less polluting resource, because it is abundant in Northern Spain, and capable of supplying to a large extent the current supply needs that the country requir...
Addressing challenges of secure and sustainable minerals production in the EU requires a policy framework that boosts entrepreneurship and innovation across the mining value chain. This deliverable brings together the final results of the MIN-GUIDE project on innovation-driving factors along the whole mining value chain (i.e. permitting, exploratio...
Review of the latests figures of the Industrial Minerals & Rocks industry in Spain
The H2020-Project INTERMIN has started in February 2018 and will last a total of 36 months. Its goal is to create a feasible, long-lasting international network of technical and vocational training centres for mineral raw materials’ professionals. Specific objectives of the project are to develop common metrics and reference points for quality assu...
The current problems of mineral extraction in Europe are not only access to resources and the environmental issues involves in the processes, but increasingly the various legal frameworks existing in the different EU countries.
Mining in Europe is not only metallic mining, but, in fact, the other mining sectors (dimensional stones, aggregates and industrial minerals and rocks) are far more important both in terms of production and in terms of value.
Authigenic magnesite, hydromagnesite and huntite associated with intensely altered and serpentinized ophiolitic rocks in Attica (mainland Greece) occur predominantly as veinlets and nodules within a totally weathered former serpentinite groundmass. Carbonate δ¹⁸O values are consistent with post-geothermal fluid temperatures between 25 and 70°C, but...
Study on the legal framework for mineral extraction and permitting procedures for exploration and exploitation in the EU
A good and sound geological exploration is the key to a successful and profitable mining project. The presentation provide clues to the past, present and future of the profitability of mining projects and gives some insights on two cases in Spain, one from the future, lithium and one ongoing, copper.
The natural stone sector was severely affected by the national construction sector crisis. Production, both ex-works and processed, has been also harshly affected dropping from 8Mt/y in 2007 to 3,49Mt/y in 2015, particularly in the marble and granite sectors, since slate has always been a mainly exporting sub-sector. In the latest times, thanks mai...
Firewater has accompanied society since early times. This paper is one small section of a yet-to-be-written book titled The Spirits of Europe, which aims to correlate the very varied production of this type of alcoholic drinks in Europe with the geology of the lands where they are produced. The text includes a history of firewater, their types and...
This presentation includes the evolution and current status of the production of ceramic raw materials in Spain as well as the an outlook of the ceramic sector in Spain.
E uroGeoSurveys (EGS), The Geological Surveys of Europe, is a not-for-profit organisation representing 37 national geological surveys and some regional surveys in Europe, with an overall workforce of several thousand experts. The national geological surveys are the agencies legally mandated for monitoring and assessing the subsurface and its resour...
T he famous Acropolis in Athens is an ancient temple site located high up on a rocky cliff in the middle of Athens. Its turbulent history is long -in human life-span terms -and dates back to 6000 BC. It has been the focus of a myriad of texts written by all types of authors, but oddly enough, the rock that bears the site has scarcely been mentioned...
In the northern part of Milos Island, South Aegean Volcanic Arc, a stratigraphic succession spanning the late
Pliocene and early Pleistocene exceeds 300 m in thickness and records an alternation of products from submarine
volcanic explosive events and fossiliferous, both siliceous and carbonate marine sedimentary rocks.
The accumulation of volcanic...
The Spanish glass and ceramic industry reached in 2000 a record production value figure of 1.6 billion* pesetas (10.000 M euros), almost 1,5 % of the GDP, which places Spain after Italy as the UE country in which those sectors are the most important in terms of value of all the industrial activity. All together both sectors employ more than 110 000...
La industria ceramica de la Region de Murcia no ha tenido gran importancia industrial, limitandose a una decena de fabricas
de ladrillos. Hoy en dia solo operan en la region 2 fabricas de ladrillos de cierta entidad. El extraordinario desarrollo
industrial que experimenta actualmente la Region suscita nuevas iniciativas empresariales, que precisan...
Memoria Proyecto de Investigación de la Comunidad de Madrid. A lo largo del siglo XVIII, las principales cortes Europeas desarrollan manufacturas cerámicas, dentro de un proceso genérico de fortalecimiento de las Fábricas Reales, al cuál no fue ajeno el Reino de España. La creación de la Real Fábrica de Porcelanas del Buen Retiro se inserta en este...
La industria espanola de la ceramica ha experimentado un notable crecimiento en los ultimos cuatro anos; expansion que ha
alcanzado a todos los sectores, pero que ha sido especialmente notable en los mas directamente asociados a la construccion:
revestimientos, esmaltes, tejas y ladrillos. La combinacion de un extraordinario esfuerzo exportador uni...
The ceramics and glass industry in Spain has witnessed spectacular growth in recent years – particularly in the latter half of the 1990s – in products such as ceramic tiles, bricks and roofing tiles, driven by the building boom in Spain. However, at the start of the 21st century, growth has clearly flattened, owing to the emergence of production hu...
Carbonate rocks are present in many geological formations of the Mediterranean region, thus having favoured their common use as building stone for the many civilizations that inhabited the area throughout history. The wide presence of carbonate rocks has been supplemented by a large variety of rock types that can be found in monumental, funerary an...
Zeolite tuffs that represent co-products or by-products of quarrying originated from active bentonite quarries located in Kimolos Island Greece and Almeria Spain were studied in order to identify their efficiency for use as pozzolanas in the cement industry
En este trabajo se describen las experiencias llevadas a cabo en la utilización de medios digitales en cartografía
geológica con los alumnos de la Facultad de CC. Geológicas. Los trabajos realizados, con financiación
parcial del proyecto de innovación (PINMAD-86, 2007), han permitido poner a disposición de los
alumnos algunos de los medios digitale...
The Department of Crystallography and Mineralogy (Complutense University, Madrid) carries out every year a field geology course in San José − Rodalquilar (Almería, SE Spain. The region of Almería offers a unique opportunity for the teaching of field geology because of the variety of contrasted geologic scenarios: 1) Alpine metamorphic complexes; 2)...
Resumen: El Yacimiento de Zeolitas de " Los Murcianos " , situado en la provincia de Almería cerca de la localidad de San José (Cabo de Gata), es el único yacimiento de zeolitas en explotación actualmente en España. Se emplaza en rocas volcánicas explosivas de tipo ignimbrita dacítica de la caldera de " Los Frailes ". La alteración hidrotermal de l...
The Department of Crystallography and Mineralogy (Complutense University, Madrid) carries out every year a field geology course in San José − Rodalquilar (Almería, SE Spain. The region of Almería offers a unique opportunity for the teaching of field geology because of the variety of contrasted geologic scenarios: 1) Alpine metamorphic complexes; 2)...
Las zeolitas son minerales que poseen propiedades fisicoquímicas excepcionales debido a sus peculiares características químicas y estructurales. Los yacimientos más importantes se asocian a rocas volcánicas y se originan por transformación de cenizas volcánicas o por diagénesis de sedimentos que contengan componentes vulcanoclásticos.
El ún...
The evolution of raw materials that increases consumption and demand of ceramics and glass products in Spain, is discussed. The Spanish ceramics and glass industry is experiencing destabilization in the availability and prices of raw materials due to the spectacular growth in the global ceramics industry. The industry is focusing on experience and...
An approach to classify the principal raw materials used in refractory materials is discussed. The materials are classified according to the recommendations of PRE (European Refractory Producers). The compositions used to manufacture bricks and tiles and other fired clay products are solely mixtures of clays and sands extracted from deposits. The c...
Palygorskite fibers growing along fault planes in the outcrops of a large fault zone in SE Spain (Carboneras Fault Zone: CFZ; Serrata de Níjar) were studied by X-ray diffraction, scanning electron microscopy-energy dispersive X-ray analysis, and transmission electron microscopy-analytical electron microscopy. The structural formulae, calculated per...
The ceramics and glass industry has witnessed spectacular growth in recent years -particularly in the latter half of the 1990s-, in products such as ceramic tiles, bricks and roofing tiles, driven by the building boom in Spain. However, at the start of the 21st century, growth has clearly flattened, owing to the emergence of production hubs in Chin...
Aggregates are a basic raw material for the development. But quarry extraction in Europe faces a crossroad: demand is increasing as rapidly as its negative public perception and therefore political initiatives cut the grass under the feet of this industry. All around Europe political initiatives with an environmental bias tend to short-circuit the...
The ceramics and glass industry in Spain has witnessed spectacular growth in recent years - particularly in the latter half of the 1990s - in products such as ceramic tiles, bricks and roofing tiles, driven by the building boom in Spain. However, at the start of the 21st century, growth has clearly flattened, owing to the emergence of production hu...
This paper deals with the various factors that condition underdevelopment in the world. It suggests some alternatives and points out the potential opportunities that both the developed and the underdeveloped world will have in the coming years to change the gloomy prospects that we see today. The present paper outlines the trends in historical prio...
The Spanish glass and ceramic industry reached in 2002 a new record production value of 11564 M€, more than 1% of the GDP, that's explain why Spain and Italy are the leading countries for the overall ceramic activities in the E.U. The growth experimented for public works, building, and automotive branchs combined with the large efforts in R+D activ...
The Spanish glass and ceramic industry reached in 2000 a record production value figure of 1.6 billion* pesetas (10.000 M euros), almost 1,5 % of the GDP, which places Spain after Italy as the UE country in which those sectors are the most important in terms of value of all the industrial activity. All together both sectors employ more than 110 000...