Manuel Kuehner

Manuel Kuehner
Porsche AG · Developement of Automotive Control Elements



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I am interested in the haptic perception of control elements and the perceived quality of control elements in the automotive domain.


Publications (25)
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The main objective of the thesis is to investigate fundamental properties of the human haptic perception of rotatory switches which are widely used in the automotive industry. The first experiment investigates the effect of the presence or absence of an additional task on the haptic perception of switches. The second experiment investigates the inf...
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Bei vielen Fragestellungen in den Projekten des Lehrstuhls für Ergonomie ist es notwendig, im Rahmen von Hypothesentests Schwellwerte zu bestimmen. Der folgende Artikel zeigt Möglichkeiten auf, wie Schwellwerte schnell und zuverlässig bestimmt werden können. Darüber hinaus erlauben ausgewählte Literaturhinweise eine zielgerichtete Vertiefung der Th...
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Im Rahmen des Vortrags werden die Grundlagen der Inferenzstatistik diskutiert. Dabei liegt ein besonderes Augenmerk auf dem Verständnis für den Alpha- und Beta-Fehler beziehungsweise für die Teststärke. Neben Software-Hinweisen sorgen konkrete Beispiele für den nötigen Praxisbezug.
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The talk focuses on the benefits of classical mechanical control elements when used as automotive user interfaces. The main focus is the robustness of different types of control elements against unintended triggering. The author proposes to use the "trigger work" (measured in joule) as a helpful metric for that purpose. Update: A video version is...
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Touch-sensitive control elements like touch buttons, touch pads, and touch screens are more and more common in the automotive area. A new development is to enhance these touch-sensitive control elements with active haptic feedback (also called force feedback) in combination with force sensing. The presentation focuses on the technical specification...
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In order to provide perceptually accurate multimodal feedback during driving situations, it is vital to understand the threshold at which drivers are able to recognize asyncrony between multiple incoming Stimuli. In this work, we investigated and report the \textit{detection threshold} (DT) of asynchrony between audio and haptic feedback, in the co...
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Lateral assistance systems are a significant part of the currently existing Advanced Driving Assistance System (ADAS). In most cases, such systems provide intermittent audio and haptic feedback rather than continuous feedback, making it difficult for drivers to form a clear mental model. In this paper, we propose continuous visual feedback for the...
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The PDF is intended to be viewed using Adobe Acrobat on a laptop or PC (ideally but optional in full-screen mode). Otherwise, the animations won’t work.
The PDF is intended to be viewed using Adobe Acrobat on a laptop or PC (ideally but optional in full-screen mode). Otherwise, the animations won’t work.
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This tutorial describes the necessary steps for designing and conducting a perception experiment in order to obtain design parameters for human–machine interactions. It is intended for engineers and product designers, which require design parameters not included in the current state of the art. Topics addressed are the preposition of hypotheses, th...
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Short article about a LaTeX-specific feature, that I have implemented in my Ph.D. thesis. Journale name: Die TeXnische Komödie. Download from
Conference Paper
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Viscous friction or damping for rotatory switches is a mechanical parameter for the torque caused by the angular velocity and crucial to human haptic perception. The detection threshold (DT) and just noticeable difference (JND) for this mechanical parameter was measured. The JND was determined for a standard stimulus of 2 mNms. The DT and JND were...
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Die haptische Bedienschnittstelle ist – trotz alternativer Eingabemethoden wie z. B. Sprachsteuerung – nach wie vor die dominierende Mensch-Maschine-Schnittstelle in Kraftfahrzeugen [1]. Für sekundäre und tertiäre Fahraufgaben, beispielsweise Assistenzund Komfortfunktionen, kommen vornehmlich mechanische Bedienelemente wie z. B. Drehsteller, Druckt...
Conference Paper
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Im Rahmen der Haptik-Forschung des IKM wird im Bereich der menschlichen haptischen Wahrnehmung geforscht. Eines der Ziele ist es, die Wahrnehmungs- und Unterschiedsschwellen für viskose Reibung bei rotatorischen Drehstellern zu ermitteln. Hierfür wird eine aktive Dämpfung bei einem Gleichstrommotor, der Teil eines haptischen Simulators ist, impleme...


Question (1)
Not a question, just a "Hello" and I am really interested in the outcome of the project.
PS: The question mark in the title was requested by the system :).


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