Manuel Guillén ParraUniversity of Valencia | UV
Manuel Guillén Parra
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Skills and Expertise
Publications (42)
Humanistic management requires an expansion of economistic management to focus on flourishing for all at work through dignity and well-being. A dignity framework engaging the humanistic management perspective is used to explore mattering in organizational contexts. The framework acknowledges moral and spiritual levels of the human experience and in...
Understanding what motivates us, what properly captures and explains the full range of such motivations, is essential in making good personal decisions and managing people in organisations. This book summarises all the existing theories of motivation in a simple framework conceived as a “map”; a practical map that will help us diagnosis our own mot...
This paper reviews the literature on ethical decision making in organizations, to establish its levels of disciplinary integration, as well as its more notorious theoretical and methodological approaches. To that end, systematic and narrative analysis were combined. The systematic review was based on references obtained from the Web of Science (WoS...
In order to pursue organizational objectives effectively and to develop skills and virtues that lead to flourishing in the workplace, motivation has to be properly understood and explained. This study contends that the classical and most popular taxonomies describing employee motives and needs have either neglected or minimized the importance of th...
Numerosos estudios científicos han demostrado la importancia y los
beneficios de contar con una reputación positiva tanto a nivel personal como organizativo (Fombrun et al., 2000; Highhouse, Brooks, et al., 2009; Hochwarter et al., 2007; Zinko, Ferris, et al., 2012; Zinko & Rubin, 2015). A pesar de la importancia de este hecho y de la necesidad par...
En este trabajo se analiza la relación entre algunos factores de contingencia, el nivel de uso del cuadro de mando integral (CMI) y el beneficio percibido gracias a su aplicación. El CMI es una herramienta capaz de ofrecer a los responsables de las organizaciones una visión completa de cómo a través de la integración de medidas financieras y no fin...
Numerous scientific studies have shown the importance and benefits of possessing a positive reputation at both the personal as well as organizational level (Fombrun et al., 2000; Highhouse, Brooks, et al., 2009; Hochwarter et al., 2007; Zinko, Ferris, et al., 2012; Zinko & Rubin, 2015). Despite the importance of this fact and the need of organizati...
Corporate reputation (CR) is an intangible asset whose treatment and definition depends on the discipline studying the phenomenon. Based on the relational and organizational perspective (Chun, 2005), CR is a collective construct that describes a company and its situation by the aggregate perceptions of internal and external stakeholders. From this...
Giving without the expectation of reward is difficult to understand in organizational contexts. In opposition to a logic based on self-interest or a sense of duty, a “logic of gift” has been proposed as a way to understand the phenomenon of free, unconditional giving. However, the rationale behind, and effects of, this logic have been under-explore...
Numerous researchers have examined the antecedents of trust between managers and subordinates. Recent studies conclude that their influence varies depending on whether what is being examined is a manager's trust in a subordinate or a subordinate's trust in a manager. However, the reasons given to justify this phenomenon present limitations. This ar...
Today, in both theory and practice, the concepts of corporate social responsibility (CSR) and ethics are not necessarily related. Organizations can demonstrate high levels of social proactivity in their CSR policies with or without having laudable levels of ethical quality or virtuousness. This article introduces the concepts of organizational ethi...
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Introducing the concept of Crisis Solution Marketing (CSM), this research explores how metaphor pre-packages information, proposing “solutions” to “problems” they discursively construct in the media. These conceptual frameworks are capable of influencing how readers perceive and interpret news events, ultimately influencing their behavior as consum...
Understanding what motivates employees is
essential to the success of organizational objectives.
Therefore, properly capturing and explaining the full range
of such motivations are important. However, the classical
and most popular theories describing employee motives
have neglected, if not omitted entirely, the importance of
the ethical and spirit...
In the European Qualifications Framework (EQF), moral and ethical competence is nearly absent from curricula development criteria. The recovery and incorporation of moral competence is an essential reflection: by integrating the ethical or moral dimensions of knowledge with the intellectual and technical dimensions, higher education can more effect...
Impression management (IM), the process by which individuals -consciously or unconsciously- try to control the impressions others form of them, plays an important role in the relationship between people and organizations. This article reviews the existing literature on this concept, in a multidisciplinary and systematic way, analysing and combining...
In the context of the new economy, business organizations need to learn faster, and to maintain and to improve knowledge, producing creative solutions based on their knowledge, skills, and new technologies to develop a customer responsive culture in a more economic and efficient way.In order to achieve this, CEOs and Human Resource (HR) policies sh...
In the context of the new economy, business organizations need to learn faster, and to maintain and to improve knowledge, producing creative solutions based on their knowledge, skills, and new technologies to develop a customer responsive culture in a more economic and efficient way.In order to achieve this, CEOs and Human Resource (HR) policies sh...
The objective is to offer a theoretical model to help conceptualize ethics and to clarify the characteristics and constraints of the different ethical theories. An integral ethical approach must include three dimensions: norms, good and virtue. It is argued that each of these dimensions stems from a comprehensive anthropology that deals with unders...
The aim of this paper is to propose a wider and more humanistic understanding of the phenomenon of trust and “trust building” through a dialogue between ethics and social sciences.
This paper offers a constructive critical review of the explanation of trust proposed by Mayer et al. in their 1995 seminal article,...
The role of business ethics in developing more sustainable societies is crucial, but we first have to review the concept of sustainability itself and its ethical roots. The objective of this work is to rethink the current concept of sustainability by providing it with a sound universalistic ethical rationale. We propose that ethics is the key by wh...
La confianza en el mundo de los negocios es un factor esencial que viene siendo estudiado por la literatura del Management desde hace décadas. Partiendo de la propuesta seminal de Mayer et al. (1995), acerca de qué es la confianza y cómo se desarrolla en el seno de las organizaciones, proponemos trazar una crítica constructiva al modelo descrito a...
This paper presents ethics as a specific dimension of any human activity and therefore also of business activity. Every company operates in a more or less ethical way; hence it is possible to distinguish different levels of ethical quality. The article identifies four categories ranging from ethically reprehensible businesses to ethically excellent...
Conceptualization and measurement of organizational commitment involve different dimensions that include economic, affective,
as well as moral aspects labelled in the literature as: ‘continuance’, ‘affective’ and ‘normative’ commitment. This multidimensional
framework emerges from the convergence of different research lines. Using Aristotle’s philo...
Various international authorities have insisted on the importance of ethical learning in higher education for would-be professionals,
including students of Business Administration. As the process of creating the European Higher Education Area gathers pace,
first steps have been taken to explicitly incorporate ethics in the common European Qualifica...
The main purpose here is to present an overview of the historical development of strategic management, through a critical review of the most relevant theoretical proposals, and to consider its links to ethics and corporate social responsibilities. From the very beginning of strategic management thought attempts have been made to fuse ethical aspect...
This paper reports on a study of the largest Spanish corporations concerning the status of corporate ethics policies. The research project, the first of its kind in Spain, has two parts. First, the types of formal documents the companies use are analysed, including those dealing with ethical values or norms. Three groups of companies are distinguis...
Deals with theoretical arguments that justify why the leadership of managers and its ethical dimension is a powerful enabler for TQM efforts to sustain, together with a systematic management. Starts by setting out a multidimensional conception of leadership in which the ethical sphere is explicitly considered. The principles articulating TQM are th...
In recent decades, Total Quality Management (TQM) has become an important phenomenon in the world of business, but the implications and scope of quality programs are quite different everywhere. Since different explanations have been given, most authors agree that management commitment and leadership are indispensable elements for a successful TQM i...
Los pensadores de las ciencias de la Dirección emplean distintos enfoques epistemológicos al interpretar y explicar la realidad empresarial. El artículo plantea que esta diversidad no sólo genera conflicto entre autores, sino que condiciona el modo de entender la dimensión ética del gobierno en la empresa. En particular, se analiza el modo en que s...
El objetivo del presente trabajo ha sido realizar una exploración inicial acerca de la situación actual en políticas de ética empresarial de las 500 mayores empresas españolas. Han destacado especialmente la formalización de dichas políticas en algún tipo de documento escrito, como son visión y-o misión de empresa (cuando incluye valores éticos), d...
Introducción -- La ética: una visión panorámica -- Integración de la ética y la dirección de empresas -- Conclusión
Ética en el mundo de las organizaciones -- Ética en el trabajo -- Ética en la toma de decisiones -- Ética y comportamiento humano : la persona y su acción -- Ética, motivación y liderazgo -- La calidad ética en las organizaciones -- Ética y responsabilidad social
El IESE investiga la situación actual en políticas de ética empresarial de las 500 mayores empresas españolas. Fijándose en la formalización de dichas políticas en algún tipo de documento escrito, cómo son visión y/o misión de empresa, declaración de valores corporativos, "credos de empresa", códigos de conducta y otros documentos similares. Tambié...
El Marco Europeo de Cualificaciones (MEC) es fruto de la decisión de los países de la Unión Europea de crear un espacio europeo de educación superior. El proyecto, propuesto en 1998, debe estar listo en 2010. La idea es que el MEC facilite la comparación de las cualificaciones e impulse una educación común basada en los resultados del aprendizaje y...