Manuel Eduardo FerreiraFederal University of Goiás | UFG · Socio-environmental Study Institute / LAPIG
Manuel Eduardo Ferreira
Bachelor in Geography / M.Sc. in Geology / D.Sc. in Environmental Science
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I am a professor at the Federal University of Goiás (UFG), Goiânia, Brazil. I am a Geographer, M.Sc. in Geology (Data Processingand Environmental Analysis), and D.Sc. in Environmental Sciences. I coordinate the Research and Training Center for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, associated to the Remote Sensing and GIS Lab (LAPIG). My research interests involve the monitoring and environmental modeling of natural and anthropic landscapes in the Savanna and Amazonia biomes, using Remote Sensing techniques.
Publications (145)
Recognized as one of the richest and most extensive savannas in the world, the Cerrado region, the second largest biome in South America, presents an intense and continuous human-induced land-cover change, which has already affected around 40% of its original area. In the pursuit of orientation and planning for current and long-term occupation, in...
Woody plant encroachment in grassy ecosystems is a widely reported phenomenon associated with negative impacts on ecosystem functions. Most studies of this phenomenon have been carried out in arid and semi-arid grasslands. Therefore, studies in tropical regions, particularly savannas, which are composed of grassland and woodland mosaics, are needed...
Biomass and carbon estimates in integrated crop–livestock (iLP) systems remain scarce. Recently, sensors aboard an unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) have been used for such estimation and can represent an efficient and low-cost method for acquiring accurate remote-sensing data. This study aimed to estimate the relationship between vegetation indices (V...
It is estimated that approximately 60% of the natural vegetative cover of the Brazilian savanna, locally known as the Cerrado and the second largest biome in South America, have already been converted. Despite this rapid conversion pace, there have only been limited attempts to operationally monitor this major farming frontier with remote sensing d...
Traditional forest restoration (FR) monitoring methods employ spreadsheets and photos taken at the ground level. Since remotely piloted aircraft (RPA) generate a panoramic high resolution and georeferenced view of the entire area of interest, this technology has high potential to improve the traditional FR monitoring methods. This study evaluates h...
In Brazil, agriculture consumes most of the available freshwater, especially in the Cerrado biome, where the rain cycle is marked by long periods of drought. This study, conducted at the Brazilian Agricultural Research Corporation (Embrapa) Research Corporation unit in Santo Antônio de Goiás, Goiás, Brazil, estimated evapotranspiration (ET) in diff...
Quanto mais complexa é a teia da restauração, mais externalidades positivas acontecem. E aí, a restauração cumprirá seu papel mais nobre de promover educação e desenvolver capacidades. Dentre as interações possíveis nesta teia, uma é a comunicação entre o restaurador e o financiador. Não se trata de apenas seguir as regras do financiador, mas de o...
Adaptando os critérios de vulnerabilidade ambiental propostos por Ross (1994) e Crepani et al. (2001), este trabalho formula uma proposta de índice de vulnerabilidade hidrológica (IVH) que possibilita melhor compreensão dos níveis de vulnerabilidade potencial e emergente de uma região hidrográfica. O índice baseia na atribuição de pesos as variávei...
In Brazil, agriculture consumes most of the available freshwater, especially in the Cerrado biome, where the rain cycle is marked by long periods of drought. This study, conducted at Embrapa Arroz e Feijão [Rice and Beans] unit in Santo Antônio de Goiás, Goiás, estimated evapotranspiration (ET) in different crops and soil cover. Using multispectral...
Este livro é resultado da realização da pesquisa Produção Habitacional Contemporânea: impactos na reconfiguração urbana e socioespacial da Região Metropolitana de Goiânia, financiada através do Edital Universal nº 007/2014, da Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de Goiás – FAPEG, com participação de
pesquisadores e pesquisadoras vinculados a tr...
O Brasil é um líder mundial no agronegócio, principalmente na produção de soja e carne bovina, cuja contribuição para o Produto Interno Bruto (PIB) é significativa. Entretanto, é também responsável por importantes alterações na paisagem, especialmente no Cerrado, que é um hotspot para conservação mundial. Neste estudo analisamos as transformações n...
Ao trabalhar com séries históricas de informações pluviométricas que apresentem ausência de dados, seja por erro de registro ou defeito nas estações, pode-se utilizar técnicas estatísticas para a correção e análise das falhas. Neste estudo, objetivou-se analisar e preencher eventuais falhas de dados das estações pluviométricas localizadas no sudoes...
A bacia do baixo Jaguaribe vem passando por diversas mudanças em seu uso e ocupação da terra nas últimas décadas. Analisar essas mudanças é de crucial importância para entender a relação socioambiental presente na região. Foram utilizadas imagens Landsat de 1999 e 2015 para classificar o uso do solo e analisar as mudanças ocorridas nesse in...
In two small and isolated wetlands located at the interface of the Atlantic Forest and
Brazilian savanna (Cerrado) in São Paulo State, Brazil, we employed a pixel-based supervised
classification approach using a combination of panchromatic and multispectral bands obtained
from Landsat 2, 5, 7, and CBERS-04A satellites (ranging from 80 to 2 m/pixel)...
Environmental and dispersal drivers are determinants of periphyton metacommunities. However, the effects of these predictors can vary according to the facet of biodiversity assessed. In this study, we assessed the relative importance of local environment (i.e., limnological variables), regional landscape (i.e., land use), and spatial distance (i.e....
Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems (RPAS) are already a reality in Brazil. They are used in different fields of knowledge to obtain digital products that contribute to the identification, monitoring, control, and precision of the agricultural decision process. However, the cost-benefit of applying this technology to produce seedlings in commercial t...
This article aims to analyze the evolution and trends of the logging process on dry land in the state of Amapá, Brazil, based on data from production, exports and logging concessions, elements that articulate the characterization of the logging process in progress. The methodological procedures were developed based on the selection and formatting o...
RESUMO: Este artigo se dedica na caracterização do comportamento socioeconômico do estado do Amapá, a partir de indicadores como índice de Desenvolvimento Humano (IDH), Produto Interno Bruto (PIB), dados demográficos, transferências comercial e balança comercial, entre outros, elementos estes que articulam e detalham o processo econômico pautado pe...
Este capítulo, elaborado no contexto do Observatório das Metrópolis, aborda o uso do solo e as condições ambientais da Região Metropolitana de Goiânia, na perspectiva de uma gestão interfederativa e socioambiental das áreas urbanas.
Políticas públicas são processos complexos, propostos, coordenados e/ou operados por agentes públicos e outros stakeholders, para atender demandas coletivas, promover valores cívicos e mitigar problemas sociais, econômicos e ambientais. O presente ebook, resultado da parceria do Tribunal de Contas do Estado de Goiás (TCE) com a Universidade Federal...
Hydropower dams are touted as one of the cleanest forms of energy production, yet they are associated with severe environmental impacts on both the physical structure and functioning of river ecosystems. The threat is particularly acute in the Brazilian Cerrado-a biodiverse savanna region, spanning over 2 million km 2 , that concentrates the headwa...
Este artigo propõe analisar as implicações do atual Código Florestal Goiano, quanto ao uso das Áreas de Preservação Permanente (APPs), da Região Metropolitana de Goiânia (RMG). As flexibilizações previstas na lei vigente, como a inclusão do conceito de Área Rural Consolidada (ARC) e a extensão dos critérios para utilização das APPs em Área Urbana C...
Remotely piloted aircrafts (RPAs) are becoming well-known for monitoring forest restoration (FR). Canopy cover percentage on a restoration site is a major indicator for the early phases of FR. We present a protocol to evaluate canopy cover using low-cost RPA and a friendly computational environment. We tested the protocol in six FR projects in the...
Climate change, induced by human activities, is already a reality in the most diverse environments on Earth. Modelling forage capacity for herds has become an important management strategy, aiming to reduce environmental impacts and increase efficiency in meat production. This work aimed to estimate the Gross Primary Productivity (GPP) in pasture a...
Climate change, induced by human activities, is already a reality in the most diverse environments on Earth. Therefore, modelling forage capacity for herds has become an important management strategy, aiming to reduce environmental impacts and increase efficiency in meat production. This work aimed to estimate the Gross Primary Productivity (GPP) i...
Veredas are wetlands of relevant ecological and social value that may be closely related to the maintenance of the water regime of the springs. Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems (RPAS) have proved to be great allies in the space-time monitoring of wetlands. This study evaluates the effectiveness of multispectral sensors attached to an RPAS to discr...
Eutrophication is one of the leading causes of compromising the quality of freshwater and marine ecosystems, where the concentration of chlorophyll-a is an essential variable to monitoring the water quality. Moreover, monitoring in situ chlorophyll-a require constants samplings, high laboratory, and logistics costs, and sometimes in regions not acc...
Accurate information on the quality of pastures is essential for the Brazilian economy, as livestock is relevant to the country's Gross Domestic Product (GDP); in addition, well-managed pastures are a necessary step to mitigate the emission of greenhouse gases (GHG). In this work, the productivity of pastures in savanna areas in northern Minas Gera...
The Cerrado biome is being gradually reduced. Remote sensing has been widely used to investigate spatio-temporal changes in the landscape, which are frequently limited to mapping with orbital sensors, while the Remotely Piloted Aircraft System (RPAS) proved to be advantageous in terms of spatial resolution and the application of advanced digital pr...
Aeronaves Remotamente Pilotadas (RPA, ou drones) possuem alto potencial para monitorar atividades de Restauração Florestal, tendo apresentado boa acurácia ao medir parâmetros estruturais da vegetação, mas ainda carecendo de maiores estudos quanto à medição automática do parâmetro biodiversidade. Em florestas em início de regeneração na Amazônia, a...
Monitoring the vegetation structure and species composition of forest restoration (FR) in the Brazilian Amazon is critical to ensuring its long-term benefits. Since remotely piloted aircrafts (RPAs) associated with deep learning (DL) are becoming powerful tools for vegetation monitoring, this study aims to use DL to automatically map individual cro...
Methods for evaluating physical water data are being increasingly supported by modern and practical tools that have become indispensable for field surveys. Among these tools, unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV) equipped with optical, multispectral, and thermal sensors allow carrying out interventions, monitoring, and strategic data collection with signi...
Atualmente, o Brasil é o maior produtor mundial de cana-de-açúcar, sendo o estado de Goiás o terceiro lugar em termos de área plantada no país, superado apenas pelos estados de São Paulo e Minas Gerais. O cultivo da cana-de-açúcar, em seu novo processo de expansão, vem ocupando os mais diversos territórios, seja da agricultura empresarial, seja da...
Cerca de 64% da cobertura nativa de Goiás encontra-se antropizada. Alguns autores atribuem os desmatamentos à produção agropecuária realizada por pequenos agricultores. Os assentamentos rurais fazem parte do contexto e devem ser considerados nesses processos. Assim, o presente artigo tem como objetivo verifi car a situação ambiental e o grau de ant...
The campos de murundus (literally “mound fields”) are intriguing landscapes composed of earth-mounds. These microreliefs occur in transition areas between the plateau and hydromorphic areas of the Brazilian Savanna. Several studies have analyzed the morphology of murundus to understand its genesis. However, the pattern of spatial distribution of th...
Estudos sobre a influência de assentamentos rurais no processo de desmatamento são normalmente controversos. Alguns apontam uma aceleração desse processo, enquanto outros demonstram que nesses locais a dinâmica de uso do solo segue uma tendência regional. No Cerrado (a savana brasileira) esse é um fenômeno ainda pouco conhecido. Nosso objetivo foi...
The Brazilian Cerrado (tropical savanna) is the second largest biome in South America and the main region in the country for agricultural production. Altitude is crucial information for decision-makers and planners since it is directly related to temperature that conditions, for example, the climatic risk of rainfed crop plantations. This study ana...
Tropical savanna ecosystems play a major role in the seasonality of the global carbon cycle. However, their ability to store and sequester carbon is uncertain due to combined and intermingling effects of anthropogenic activities and climate change, which impact wildfire regimes and vegetation dynamics. Accurate measurements of tropical savanna vege...
The monitoring of biophysical indicators can show the conservation or recovery status of a landscape. This study aimed to analyze the influence of tree plantations on the dynamics of biophysical indicators (albedo, NDVI, surface temperature and evapotranspiration), in an experimental area of the Cerrado biome (Brazilian Savanna), by applying remote...
Objetivo deste trabalho foi estimar a biomassa seca em áreas de pastagens com dados satelitários, bem como dados de campo em áreas de pastagem no Cerrado goiano. O experimento foi realizado em áreas de pastagens na Bacia Hidrográfica do Rio Vermelho, porção oeste de Goiás, com a utilização das imagens do satélite Landsat 8. A estimativa deste parâm...
No intuito de contribuir para um desenvolvimento agrícola e pecuário sustentável no
estado de Goiás, este artigo analisa as áreas prioritárias para a recuperação de pastagens no vale do Araguaia, uma região especializada nesta atividade. Para tanto,
foram utilizadas as seguintes variáveis: mapa de degradação de pastagens (plataforma,...
Preservar, manter, conservar e restaurar a vegetação de áreas especiais, em processo de degradação florestal são assegurados pelo Código Florestal e pelo Pacto para Restauração da Mata Atlântica. Com intuito de promover metodologias para o monitoramento de áreas em restauração a partir da utilização de levantamento fotogramétrico, técnicas do senso...
In seasonal flooding isolated wetlands, the degree of wetness suggests a close synergy between soil processes, landscape evolution and hydrology along space and time. Until now, that subject has received insufficient attention despite natural wetlands supply essential environmental services to society and are surrounded by intensive agriculture tha...
Recent studies have characterized the influence of agroecosystems on biodiversity. However, a set of components associated with the management of these areas is still neglected in landscape-level studies, especially in areas of recent agricultural intensification. The resources and conditions provided by agroecosystems to different species are high...
The use of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) is increasingly consolidated in Brazil, incorporating applications previously attributed to satellites and traditional aerial surveys. According to the ANAC (National Civil Aviation Agency) there are 75,000 UAV registered, 40% for professional and/or academic activities. This article quantifies aspects of...
Environmental Protection Areas (APA) are typically associated with Conservation Units, acting as a biodiversity protection zone, especially in the border region, most affected by deforestation and burnings. However, its adoption also occurs as protection for hydrographic areas, such as those with springs and points of capture for public supply. It...
The present paper discusses the performance of the main landscape agents in the State of Amapá. To that end, the relations between agents, landscapes, practices and knowledge of indigenous peoples were considered and the landscape units and the behavior of the agents involved were characterized through the spatial and temporal dynamics of forest fi...
In the last decade, the access to geographic information through Web platforms has grown substantially in Brazil, and is now a strategic condition for the social and environmental governance of large biomes such as Cerrado (savanna) and Amazonia. This paper aims to present the first version of the Cerrado Knowledge Platform, designed within the sco...
The present study applied spatial metrics to assess the current fragmentation of the landscape in the Metropolitan Region of Goiânia (RMG), in order to establish priority areas for forest maintenance and restoration. For this, three scenarios were simulated, the first being the current condition, the second considering the forest restoration in Are...
Permanent Preservation Areas (APPs) are spaces specially protected by law, through the Brazilian Forest Code (CFB). These spaces, despite being environmentally fragile, play important ecosystem functions, especially the protection of water resources. However, the irregular use of APPs in rural and urban environments is becoming increasingly common,...
Tropical forests are often located in difficult-to-access areas, which make high-quality forest structure information difficult and expensive to obtain by traditional field-based approaches. LiDAR (acronym for Light Detection And Ranging) data have been used throughout the world to produce time-efficient and wall-to-wall structural parameter estima...
Human pressure on the water resources provided by natural isolated wetlands has intensified in Brazil due to an increase in agricultural land equipped with irrigation. However, the amount of water stored in these areas, and its contribution to aquifer recharge is unknown. This study aimed to quantify the amount of water that can be retained in a na...
A vereda, típica formação no bioma Cerrado, é reconhecida por sua elevada capacidade de recarga hídrica, em função de uma topografia plana, solos hidromórficos e proximidade de matas de galeria/cursos hidrográficos. Estudos nesses ambientes ainda são escassos, especialmente aqueles voltados para o entendimento da dinâmica do balanço de radiação e e...
Permanent Preservation Areas (APPs) are spaces specially protected by law, through the Brazilian Forest Code (CFB). These spaces, despite being environmentally fragile, play important ecosystem functions, especially the protection of water resources. However, the irregular use of APPs in rural and urban environments is becoming increasingly common,...
Throughout the world, Restoration of Degraded Areas (RDA) is not only a global but also a local challenge. In this context, the Brazilian government committed itself to restore 12 million hectares of forests by 2030. RDA monitoring customarily depends on extensive fieldwork to collect data on all individuals planted. As Remotely Piloted Aircrafts (...
In the grass-fed cattle ranching sector, precise and accurate information on the available dry biomass for con- sumption is of fundamental importance for the economically and environmentally sustainable meat production. In extensive pasture areas, as those found in Brazil, the use of orbital remote sensing data can be instrumental for the fast retr...
A demanda global por alimentos e energia vem crescendo nas últimas décadas, frente a uma população mundial estimada em quase 10 bilhões de pessoas em 2050. Junto com este fenômeno, crescem também a pressão para ampliação da fronteira agrícola, para plantio de grãos e de florestas. A presente pesquisa teve como objetivo mapear as áreas de silvicultu...
Agricultural expansion in Brazil is still intense for commodities (such soybeans and corn), mostly cultivated over large portions of the Cerrado biome. Therefore, the development and application of techniques based on remote sensing to map crop areas at a regional level, in a dynamic and more precise way is urgently necessary. In this context, the...
The Cerrado, the most biologically diverse savanna in the
world, is threatened by anthropogenic activities, and
requires development of effective environmental policies
spanning local to global scales. Remotely Piloted Aircraft
Systems (RPAS) can dramatically reduce the costs and time
of surveys and evaluation of these regions. The objective of
Management of Protected Areas usually poses challenges due to extension of the area to be monitored and/or by external threats. Within the scope of the Ecodrones 1 , in order to collaborate with the ICMBio-environmental agency of the Brazilian government, this research aimed to test drones for zoning the areas with risk of burning in parks and natu...
The Brazilian Cerrado, one of the most threatened biomes of our planet, illustrates the challenges and opportunities of reconciling economic development with conservation of land and water ecosystems. Here, we assess the state of the art of and present new information on the impacts of agricultural expansion, dams, and water use, and make recommend...