Manuel CárdenasUniversity of Talca · Faculty of Psychology
Manuel Cárdenas
Doctor of Social Psychology
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Manuel Cárdenas currently works at the Faculty of Psychology, Universidad de Talca, Chile. Manuel does research in Political Psychology and Applied Social Psychology. Their current projects are 'Political culture and post-dictatorship: Memories of the past, struggles of the present and challenges of the future' and 'Experiences of violence and abuse in gynecological care: Protection strategies of women and their impact on the perception of themselves, their bodies and their sexuality'.
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January 2020 - present
September 2001 - July 2005
Publications (125)
Prejudice and anti-immigrant attitudes are strongly motivated by more general ideological attitudes. Considering the current situation of migration in Chile, we conducted two studies on the ideologies underlying rejection of the affirmation of the rights of the Latin American migrant population in Chile. The first study (n = 1,103) examined the ass...
La primera encuesta regional en DDSSRR es un esfuerzo colectivo de producción de
información entre el Observatorio en DDSSRR y violencias de género de la ONG Matria Fecunda y la Facultad de Psicología de la Universidad de Talca.
Con una metodología innovadora de investigación activista, busca contribuir a las políticas públicas locales y sensibil...
Gynecological violence, a form of gender-based violence encountered by women, remains a significant but overlooked issue. It occurs within healthcare settings in the context of gynecological care, and despite its prevalence, there's a dearth of research exploring strategies to combat it. This qualitative study aimed to investigate the coping mechan...
Previous research indicates the presence of deeply ingrained gender biases within the health system, resulting in instances of mistreatment and violence against women and sexual dissidents. This study aimed to explore the stories of people assigned female at birth about their experiences of gynecological violence in Chile. Twenty-one women were rec...
El concepto de autoritarismo ocupa un lugar importante en la psicología social, pero los principales instrumentos disponibles han evidenciado una serie de incongruencias. En un intento por superarlas se propone la Escala Tripartita de Autoritarismo de Derecha (ACT). La escala ACT considera las tres dimensiones que la componen como actitudes ideológ...
sufrimiento de las personas. En ocasiones dicho sistema puede, consciente o no de ello, provocar sufrimiento en sus pacientes. Este fenómeno se ha denominado recientemente como abuso en el cuidado de la salud (1, 2) y se refiere a la percepción por parte de las y los pacientes de que han sido maltratados, abusados o tratados de forma irrespetuosa p...
Our objective was to create and validate a scale that would allow us to investigate women's experiences of violent practices in healthcare system. the scale was applied to large sample of women (N = 4563) from chile. We analyzed data and conclude that the final instrument shows good reliability (α = .876 y ω = .921) and a factorial structure of thr...
Este artículo revisa las propuestas conceptuales actuales que abordan la relación entre las personas y los espacios geográficos. Las propuestas desde la psicología ambiental tales como la identidad de lugar y el de apego al lugar resultan insuficientes para dar cuenta del fenómeno de identificación con territorios con los que no se interactúa direc...
El objetivo del presente estudio fue indagar en las experiencias de mujeres lesbianas y bisexuales en la consulta ginecológica y conocer si, dada su orientación sexual, han vivido experiencias de violencia dentro de esta. Además, exploramos las consecuencias que habrían generado para ellas dichas experiencias de violencia ginecológica. Metodología....
Resultados Segunda Encuesta Nacional sobre Violencia ginecológica y Obstétrica en Chile, 2023
This study aims to investigate the presence of gynecological violence within the health system in Chile, quantify the magnitude of this problem, define its general contours, and shed light on a phenomenon that has long been silenced. Additionally, we are interested in detecting differences between public and private health services, as...
In Chile, as in other countries around the world, transgender people confront high levels of prejudice at an early age on a daily basis. This prejudice operates at three levels: (a) structural level, (b) interpersonal level, and (c) individual level. The extreme expression of prejudice is hate crime against transgender people, events widely reporte...
Objetivo: El objetivo fue analizar un conjunto de resultados sobre violencia ginecológica y relacionarlos con su impacto en la percepción del cuerpo, la sexualidad, la autoimagen y autoestima. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo de tipo transversal. Se analizaron 812 relatos de mujeres de diversas regiones de Chile. Resultados: Se d...
Resumen: En el mes de octubre del año 2019 las protestas lideradas por estudiantes secundarios en Santiago de Chile en reclamo por una educación de calidad y no sexista, desencadenaron en el mayor estallido social del periodo de la postdictadura. Este estudio exploró las representaciones sociales sobre el Estallido Social, con un proceso de asociac...
Resumen: Las creencias que rodean la práctica de comer animales son ampliamente aceptadas y constituyen una ideología llamada carnismo. El objetivo de este estudio es validar el Inventario de carnismo, que mide dos componentes de dichas creencias: la defensa carnística y la dominación carnística. La defensa carnística legitimaría la práctica de com...
Con una muestra de chilenos y de inmigrantes peruanos, colombianos y venezolanos investigamos el grado de cercanía afectiva y relacional percibido entre los miembros de estos grupos. Adicionalmente indagamos en la percepción de los inmigrantes acerca de los chilenos previo y posterior a su arribo a Chile y al enriquecimiento cultural percibido. Uti...
El objetivo del presente artículo es reportar los resultados de la primera encuesta sobre violencia obstétrica en Chile, de modo de hacer visible una realidad más frecuente de lo que creemos y comparar su ocurrencia según tipo de servicio (público o privado) en que se ha atendido el parto.
Se trata de un estudio descriptivo y de t...
In this study we analyze distinct socio-political predictors, namely, system justification, moral foundations, political ideology,
social dominance orientation and authoritarianism, of two distinct but interrelated postcolonial ideologies, namely symbolic
exclusion and historical negation in regards to the Mapuche people, in a sample of the general...
En este artículo se presenta la validación de una versión abreviada de la Escala de Prácticas Espirituales de Parsian y Dunning (2009). Para ello, se utilizó una muestra de personas adultas (n = 251, M = 60.85, DT = 13.40) víctimas de violencia política en Chile durante la dictadura cívico militar (1973- 1990). Para valorar la estructura de la esca...
Our objective was to create and validate a scale that would allow us to investigate women's experiences of violent practices in healthcare system. the scale was applied to large sample of women (N = 4563) from chile. We analyzed data and conclude that the final instrument shows good reliability (α = .876 y ω = .921) and a factorial structure of thr...
Understanding the internal diversity of transgender communities is essential for developing optimal, inclusive policies and service provision. To date, research on this topic remains scarce in Chile. We conducted a survey study describing sociodemographic characteristics (age, sex assigned at birth, onset age, nationality, education, sex work, havi...
Objective: To investigate the presence of gynecological violence within the health system in Chile, quantify the magnitude of this problem, define its general contours and make visible a phenomenon that has been silenced until now. Methods: The design is cross-sectional and not probabilistic. It included a sample of 4563 women, who were of legal ag...
Este libro da cuenta de una parte de esta realidad crítica. Se centra en el estudio de las percepciones cambiantes que la ciudadanía tiene de la democracia en América Latina y analiza los factores estructurales que, en combinación con la agencia de actores políticos y sociales, determinan la evolución de la democracia en la región.
En el presente estudio se comparan los niveles medios de salud y bienestar social de adultos nacidos en Chile (n = 155) e inmigrantes de nacionalidad colombiana (n = 166), peruana (n = 154) y venezolana (n = 180). Los resultados están en línea con la “hipótesis selectiva de la inmigración”, pues se encontraron mayores niveles de salud (Minmigrantes...
La violencia obstétrica (VO) es un problema de enorme relevancia social en nuestro contexto, ya que puede afectar psíquica y físicamente a las mujeres, al mismo tiempo que puede socavar la confianza en el sistema de salud y limitar el acceso oportuno a este por parte de las mujeres. La violencia obstétrica se ha definido como la apropiación del cue...
Transgender population is at a higher risk of suffering mental health problems than cisgender population (people whose sex and gender identity are in agreement) and other sexual minorities (gays, lesbians, and bisexuals), partly due to the greater stress that they suffer or for being victims of sexual prejudice.
To describe positi...
Societal reconciliation and the transition from trauma to peace are increasingly prominent themes in psychosocial studies. In Chile, 3 decades after a transition from a long dictatorship (1973-1990) to restored democratic rule, the measurement of progress in reconciliation remains imprecise, despite a large body of testimony and other empirical evi...
El presente trabajo expone y fundamenta recomendaciones basadas en la experiencia de investigación en personas transgénero, con la intención de que puedan ser útiles a quienes realicen estudios con dicha población. Estas recomendaciones incluyen orientaciones conceptuales, metodológicas y éticas, aplicables a lo largo del proceso de investigación....
Objective: To create and validate a scale that would allow us to investigate women’s experiences in order to detect violent practices in said healthcare field.
Method: The scale was applied to 503 women of different ages in the city of Valparaiso, Chile. The final instrument, composed of thirteen items, shows good reliability (α = .87) and a simila...
La reconciliación política es un proceso que tiene lugar en el contexto de sociedades profundamente divididas por conflictos de suelen ser de larga data y en las cuales los antiguos enemigos (perpetradores y víctimas) deben continuar viviendo lado a lado. Lo habitual es que varias generaciones hayan sido socializadas en medio del conflicto, acumula...
This article analyses the assessments of Truth Commissions (TCs) and their association with positive socio-emotional climate and trust in institutions in six South American countries The sample consisted of 4,442 participants (53.3% women), 13 to 90-years-old (M = 37.4, SD = 15.7). Participants answered a questionnaire comprised of scales that eval...
This article analyses the assessments of Truth Commissions (TCs) and
their association with positive socio-emotional climate and trust in
institutions in six South American countries The sample consisted of
4,442 participants (53.3% women), 13 to 90-years-old (M = 37.4,
SD = 15.7). Participants answered a questionnaire comprised of scales
that eval...
System justification theory posits that perceiving society as fair and legitimate provides palliative benefits to people who endorse such beliefs. Despite mixed evidence among socially disadvantaged groups, recent evidence shows that members of disadvantaged groups minimize perceptions of discrimination in order to reap palliative benefits. We test...
Se exploraron representaciones sociales del 11 de septiembre de 1973 —fecha del golpe de Estado en Chile— en una muestra de 1053 niños, niñas y adolescentes, 550 mujeres y 503 hombres, de liceos municipales y subvencionados de la comuna de la Ligua, región de Valparaíso. Los participantes tenían entre 11 y 18 años de edad (M = 14.83; DE = 1.89). Se...
This paper analyzes Truth Commissions (TCs) appraisals and its association with positive emotional climate and trust in institutions in six countries (Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Ecuador, Paraguay, and Peru). We expected that TCs positive appraisals would be associated with positive emotional climate and trust in institutions- controlling for age and...
The Minority Stress Model (Meyer, 2003) has made it possible to explain how sexual prejudice produces negative effects on the health and wellbeing of people belonging to sexual minorities, through distal and proximal stressors. A qualitative study was conducted to investigate the effects of sexual prejudice on the mental health of transgender adult...
Este artículo analiza las memorias sobre el familiar detenido y desaparecido de 19 mujeres de la Agrupación de Familiares de Detenidos Desaparecidos de Santiago de Chile. Se utilizó la entrevista reflexiva-grupal como estrategia de producción de testimonios, los cuales fueron analizados mediante el análisis de datos verbales. Los principales result...
The objective of the present study was to evaluate the predictors of
attitudes toward transitional justice process (1991, National Truth and
Reconciliation Commission). No studies that report on the variables
that could predict a positive evaluation of TRC in the Chilean context
are currently available. A logistic regression analysis based on origi...
The armed conflict in Colombia has gone on for fifty years and produced numerous victims. Women make up a collective that has been especially affected and made invisible by the violence. Based on 935 interviews of Colombian women (17-83 years) belonging to different ethnic communities (who had identified themselves as mixed-race, Afro- Americans, i...
The objective of the present study was to evaluate the predictors of attitudes toward transitional justice process (1991, National Truth and Reconciliation Commission). No studies that report on the variables that could predict a positive evaluation of TRC in the Chilean context are currently available. A logistic regression analysis based on origi...
The present study explores reports of growth in survivors and family members of victims of state terrorism (N = 254) in Chile from 1973 to 1990. The results indicate the presence of reports of posttraumatic growth (M = 4.69) and a positive and statistically significant correlation with variables related to the life impact of the stressful events (r...
This article reconstructs and analyzes the memories of victims of political prison and torture during the Chilean Military–Civilian Dictatorship who were minors when they experienced this violence. Participants in the study were 11 adults, six women and five men from the region of Valparaíso, who were victims of State terrorism during childhood and...
This study examined perceptions of institutional apologies related to past political violence and socio-emotional climate among victims and nonvictims in Argentina (n = 518), Chile (n = 1278), and Paraguay (n = 1172) based on quasi-representative samples. The perceptions of apology as sincere and efficient in improving intergroup relations were ass...
The recognition of same-sex relationships has increased, but same-sex intimate partner violence has been less studied. Historically, this problem had been studied in heterosexual relationships, women being victims and men main aggressors. This heteronormative approach to intimate partner violence (IPV) often neglects same-sex relationships (Finnera...
This is a draft and expanded version including complementary text and analysis, but not some multivariate analysis, of the article with the same tittle that will appear in the British Journal of Social Psychology 2017
This study examined the perceptions of institutional apologies and emotional climate of past political violence among victims and n...
This study examines the factorial invariance of the Scale on Beliefs About Children’s Adjustment in Same-Sex Families (SBCASSF) across countries in three samples: Chilean, Spanish, and Hispanic university students. The scale analyzes attitudes toward the consequences of the rearing and education of children by parents with a homosexual sexual orien...
The socio-demographic and psychosocial approval determinants of the work conducted by the truth and reconciliation commissions (TRC) are analysed based on original survey data from Chilean, Argentinian and Peruvian samples (N = 2,947). A linear multiple regression analysis was carried out (R² between .28 and .44; f² between .45 and .78) which revea...
This study examines the role of coping strategies related to positive reappraisal versus other cognitive strategies (deliberate rumination) as mediators between life impact and posttraumatic growth in survivors of the military dictatorship in Chile between 1973 and 1990 (tortured political prisoners and family members of political prisoners execute...
Given the current debate over the distinction between subtle and blatant prejudice, this study provides new evidence regarding problems with the construct validity of the Pettigrew and Meertens’ Blatant and Subtle Prejudice Scale. To assess these issues, an existing data sample of 896 Chilean participants collected in 2010 was reanalyzed. The main...
This study intended to assess the relationship between romantic attachment and life satisfaction (LS) in a gay men and lesbian sample in Chile. It also aimed to identify the effect of attachment dimensions on life satisfaction for both gay men and lesbians. Through a cross-sectional study with a non-experimental design, a total of 460 homosexual ad...
Based on Pettigrew and Meertens’ Blatant and Subtle Prejudice Scale (1995), a new scale for assessing the expression of prejudice is proposed in this article. The original scale has been changed in three ways: (a) items were rewritten to avoid double assertions, (b) three new items were considered to adequately measure the ‘denial of positive emoti...
The purpose of this paper is to adapt and validate the Subjective Social Support Scale (Vaux et al, 1986) and to describe its factor structure. The scale consists of 10 items distributed in two dimensions measured in the original instrument: family support and support from friends. The psychometric properties and dimensionality of the scale are exa...
Se estudia el rol predictor de variables psicosociales sobre las creencias en torno al perdón político luego de la dictadura chilena (N=1267). Un análisis de regresión múltiple indica que las variables que cumplen un rol más relevante (R2=0.23) son: la eficacia percibida en las disculpas (β=0.24), la emoción de ira (β=-0.17), el compartir social (β...
The purpose of this article is to adapt and validate the short form of the Posttraumatic Growth Inventory (PTGI-SF) in Spanish. The scale consists of 10 items distributed in 5 posttraumatic growth dimensions measured in the original instrument. The psychometric properties and dimensionality of the scale are examined in a sample of college students...
Original survey data from a Chilean sample (N = 1267) are used to study the socio-demographic and psychosocial determinants of belief in forgiveness attitudes in the context of measuring the impact of truth and reconciliation reports (NTRC, 1991) and Political Imprisonment and Torture (NPIC, 2004) commissions. A linear multiple regression analysis...
Resumen La presente investigación exploró las opiniones de una muestra de la población de 5 países latinoamericanos (N= 4900) respecto a cómo abordar el pasado político referido a las violaciones de los derechos humanos. En general, se constata un amplio acuerdo en términos de la necesidad de recordar el pasado, siendo este acuerdo mayor en las víc...
Bake-prozesuak garatzeko justizia trantsizionalak proposatzen dituen hainbat neurri erabil ditzakegu. Ikerketa honek Latinoamerikan azken hamarkada hauetan gertatutakoaz hausnartzea du helburu, haien esperientziatikikasgaiak ateratzeko asmotan. 4.899 inkestaren bitartez, 5 herrialdetako biztanleen iritziak jaso dira. Emaitzak aztertuta, honako neur...
Perceptions of the ‘Truth and Reconciliation’ and ‘Political Imprisonment and Torture’ commissions and related beliefs, emotions and socio-emotional climate were analysed in people affected and unaffected by past political violence in Chile (N = 1278). People directly affected regard institutional apologies as less sincere and effective, and they w...
La Comisión de Verdad y Justicia (CVJ) y las disculpas oficiales emitidas por el ex presidente Fernando Lugo constituyen algunas de las acciones basadas en el principio de verdad implementadas en Paraguay para hacer frente al pasado represivo de la dictadura de Stroessner (1954-1989). En este marco, se realizó un estudio empírico con el objetivo de...
Objectives: The purpose of this article is to present the psychometric characteristics of a short form of the Polymorphous Prejudice Scale (PPS; Massey, 2009), which was adapted and validated in a heterosexual Chilean population. PPS is a multidimensional measure of sexual prejudice. Methods: A nonprobabilistic (convenience) sample consisted of 422...
Recent studies in Chile provide encouraging data on the attitude of the Chilean society toward sexual minorities, although other studies reveal that new ways to express stigma and discrimination toward sexual minorities have emerged. The objective of this study was the construction and validation of a measure to describe and characterize stigma and...
MANUEL CÁRDENAS CASTRO1; HÉCTOR ARANCIBIA MARTINI2 (UNIVERSIDAD DE VALPARAÍSO, Valparaíso, Chile) RESUMEN El uso de pruebas de significación estadística es una estrategia que se encuentra muy arraigada en la investigación psicológica. Sin embargo, se han sobrevalorado las bondades de dichas pruebas al considerarlas como un indicador suficiente de l...
Beliefs, emotions, and perception of socioemotional climate were analyzed in people affected and unaffected by past political violence in Chile (N = 1278). Compared with unaffected people, affected people reported a more positive attitude toward transitional justice procedure, were better informed, were more likely to reject an attitude of forgetti...
The main purpose of our study is to compare the beliefs of Spanish and Chilean university students about the effects that same-sex parents might have on their children. A total of 491 participants completed the study (208 Spaniards and 283 Chileans). The results indicate a kind of modern and subtle rejection based on hetero-normativity. Furthermore...
This article describes the socio-demographic characteristics of a sample of gay men in three cities in Chile, as well as experience with homophobia and subjective well-being. Snowball sampling was used to interview 325 gay men. The main findings included high levels of perceived discrimination and victimization, but interviewees reported higher lev...
Resumen Este estudio analiza la actitud hacia el pasado represivo, así como el conocimiento, impacto y valoración que las diferentes generaciones argentinas tienen acerca de las medidas transicio-nales implementadas en relación a la dictadura militar. La muestra se compone de personas que vivieron dicho periodo siendo ya adultas (n = 62) y personas...
The convenience sample consisted of 325 gay men whose ages range from 18 to 64 years (X = 32.8; SD = 9.81). Of the total number of participants, 17.8% (n = 58) had been diagnosed with HIV and 78.8% (n = 265) had not. People living with HIV (PLWHIV) were compared with non-living HIV people. This study included different measures of homophobia (minor...
Objective: The impact of human rights violations committed in Paraguay during the Stroessner dictatorship (1954-1989) was analyzed. Method: Data were obtained from 400 participants living in the areas most affected by repression. The emotional impact was assessed, as were the impact on social participation and the perception of the public regarding...
The article analyzes the impact of the National Commission of Truth and Reconciliation (NCTR) on the socio-emotional climate, institutional trust and appreciation of transitional justice processes in a purposive sample of 304 people affected by political violence in Chile during the dictatorship (1973-1990). Analyses based on Student’s test indicat...
We analyze emotions, emotional climate, attitude to the past, institutional trust and appreciation of transitional justice processes in a sample of people affected and not affected by political violence in Chile (N = 1278). Direct victims report more negative emotions related to the past and the work of commissions. They perceive a less positive em...
RESUMEN Se presenta una revisión sobre las creencias en lo paranormal de una muestra de estudiantes de psicología (n = 360) pertenecientes a diversas universidades Estatales y Privadas (tradicionales y no tradicionales). La psicología durante décadas ha luchado por el reconocimiento de su estatuto científico, lo que en principio se opondría a la cr...