Manuel J. BlancoUniversity of Santiago de Compostela | USC · Faculty of Psychology
Manuel J. Blanco
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January 1986 - January 2015
January 1986 - present
Publications (50)
En el presente artículo se realiza un estudio perceptual de diferentes estilos de cerámica prehistórica de Galicia (con cronología entre el 6000 y el 2000 BP) mediante la técnica de seguimiento de movimientos oculares. Este análisis permite comprobar la relación de la mente con la materialidad y sugiere la existencia de una estrecha imbricación ent...
We live in a cluttered visual world that is overflowing with information, the continuous processing of which would be a truly daunting task. Nevertheless, our brains have evolved to select which part of a visual scene is to be prioritized and analysed in detail, and which parts can be discarded or analysed at a later stage. This selection is in par...
Classically, visual awareness and metacognition are thought to be intimately linked, with our knowledge of the correctness of perceptual choices (henceforth metacognition) being dependent on the level of stimulus awareness. Here we used a signal detection theoretic approach involving a Gabor orientation discrimination task in conjunction with trial...
A graphic library capable of generating real-time visual experiments in CAVE systems has been developed. The first version of the library has been tested both at University College London and at University of Oviedo. To test its feasibility, we have designed a test that modifies the level of blur in a stereoscopic 3D scene, 10º to the left or 10º t...
El objetivo del experimento presentado en este artículo fue probar la hipótesis de que el decremento de sensibilidad en tareas de atención sostenida, ocurre porque los recursos atencionales o esfuerzo que demanda la tarea no pueden matenerse durante un tiempo prolongado. Comparamos dos tareas que diferían en carga de memoria y registramos tres grup...
Estudiamos los efectos de los estados afectivos de adquisición y recuperación en una tarea de reconocimiento. Los estados afectivos se indujeron por sugestiones posthipnóticas y los estímulos fueron fotografías de caras en blanco y negro. Empleamos un diseño factorial 2 (estado de adquisición) x 2 (estado de recuperación) con medidas repetidas. El...
We measured fixation stability and microsaccade rate prior to the onset of a peripheral visual cue to execute an Anti-saccade response. The instruction for indicating the type of response was conveyed by the color of the fixation target (green or red) during the preparatory period. Our study had two main goals. The first goal was to examine whether...
The main goal of our research was to investigate attention to dynamic visual stimuli. Observers were instructed to attentively track a variable number of moving visual objects for a sustained period of several minutes. At random intervals, a target stimulus of brief duration was presented inside one of these objects and observers were required to i...
When a flash of light precedes a static line segment, an illusory motion sensation is observed with the line propagating away from the flash's location towards the opposite side (Hikosaka et al. in Vision Res 33:1219-1240, 1993). Here we report that a similar illusory motion percept can be triggered by a non-consciously perceived flash. Observers r...
Preference for one of the monocular inputs under dichoptic viewing conditions is routinely found when stimulation is relatively long, such as in binocular rivalry, but has rarely been described for very short stimulus durations, such as in dichoptic masking. This difference between long and short dichoptic stimulations has been taken to imply that...
People usually show a stable preference for one of their eyes when monocular viewing is required (¿sighting dominance¿) or under dichoptic stimulation conditions (¿sensory eye-dominance¿). Current procedures to assess this ¿eye dominance¿ are prone to error. Here we present a new method that provides a continuous measure of eye dominance and overco...
Few studies have investigated whether the psychophysical processes involved in all periods of binocular rivalry are the same, and there is no general agreement on this yet [Carter and Cavanagh, 2007 PLoS ONE 2 e343; vanBoxtel et al, 2007 Journal of Vision 7 (14.3) 1-11]. We investigated the effects of stimulus contrast on temporal course of interoc...
Four experiments explored the interrelations between working memory, attention, and eye movements. Observers had to identify a tilted line amongst vertical distractors. Each line was surrounded by a colored shape that could be precued by a matching item held in memory. Relative to a neutral baseline, in which no shapes matched the memory item, sear...
Observers were instructed to track with or without eye movements a subset of three objects in a field of eight moving objects for a sustained period of several minutes. The eight objects moved randomly and uninterruptedly at a constant velocity, although the three relevant objects were maintained grouped, during the entire task, in a virtual triang...
There is now much experimental evidence supporting the idea that visual attention can be deployed in at least two ways: one space-based and other object-based. However, it is not clear whether space- and object-based attention work in an integrated way within the visual system. In this article, we present two experiments in which we compare both co...
The aim of this research was to test whether the participants in a visual vigilance task can compensate for a deterioration in visual sensitivity produced by a non-perceived reduction in stimulus luminance. In the first experiment, we found that temporal variations in luminance had no significant effect on vigilance performance, although these same...
Vigilance and Signal Detection Theory. This article assesses the extent to which the sensitivity decrement over time frequently observed in vigilance tasks can be affected by the index or statistic used to measure the sensitivity. The paper reports the results of a simulation of sensitivity decrement in vigilance tasks using two measures of sensiti...
In this paper, we study the effects of spatial attention on detection and identification of oriented lines presented at near-threshold luminance. In the first experiment, we found that the cuing effect was greater when observers had to discriminate between two close orientations than when they had to discriminate between two far-apart orientations....
El procesamiento de características como el color o la orientación de línea puede realizarse con rapidez y precisión, y sin que parezca intervenir la atención focalizada. Existe controversia sobre si el cierre puede procesarse con una eficiencia similar. En este estudio, investigamos el procesamiento de estímulos cerrados y la influencia sobre ese...
Comparamos el movimiento ilusorio de una línea (cuando un indicio visual precede a una línea que se presenta de forma instantánea a la derecha o izquierda de ese estímulo, la línea parece extenderse o propagarse desde el extremo próximo al indicio) y el movimiento real de una línea sobre la ejecución de una tarea primaria. La tarea consistía en ide...
Este artículo examina si el decremento de sensibilidad que frecuentemente se
observa en tareas de vigilancia puede estar afectado por el índice o estadístico
utilizado para medir la sensibilidad. Informamos de los resultados de un
estudio de simulación de dicho decremento utilizando dos medidas de
sensibilidad: d y A. Los resultados de estas simu...
Este artículo examina si el decremento de sensibilidad que frecuentemente se observa en tareas de vigilancia puede estar afectado por el índice o estadístico utilizado para medir la sensibilidad. Informamos de los resultados de un estudio de simulación de dicho decremento utilizando dos medidas de sensibilidad: d' y A'. Los resultados de estas simu...
This paper assesses the extent to which the sensitivity decrement frequently observed in vigilance tasks is affected by temporal variations in the luminance level of the stimuli displayed on the screen of a cathode-ray tube (CRT) monitor. First, it was confirmed that the luminance of the stimuli displayed on the screen of the CRT monitor decreases...
Psicología del Pensamiento: Debates teóricos actuales. Pensamiento implícito y explícito. Conceptos y categorías. Razonamiento condicional. Razonamiento silogístico. Razonamiento analógico. Razonamiento informal y pragmático. Razonamiento probabilístico. Pensamiento y disurso. Razonamiento moral. Pensamiento y cultura. Pensamiento en el ámbito clín...
Se recogen los trabajos presentados en las I Jornadas de Psicología del Pensamiento, celebradas en la Facultade de Psicoloxía, de la Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, los días 22 y 23 der Junio de 1998. estas jornadas estuvieron organizadas por el Departamento de Psicoloxía Social e Básica de la Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, en coor...
The research reported in this article was designed to explore the relation between visual focused attention and general intelligence (g). In two experiments, adults differing in g were given response-competition tasks (e.g., B.A. Eriksen & Eriksen, 1974). In the first experiment, a central target letter appeared in each stimulus display either alon...
Sumario: En la presente investigación se analiza la validez y fiabilidad de una serie de pruebas atencionales implementadas en programas de ordenador y de diversas medidas de cuestionario referidas a habilidades atencionales y a las dimensiones de personalidad de extraversión y neuroticismo, las cuales guardan estrecha relación con el rendimiento e...
Resumen Distintos elementos pueden organizarse en una «unidad atencional» creando un rasgo emergente, que se localiza más rápido que los elementos componentes. Este fenOmeno se denomina Efecto de Superioridad Configuracional (ESC). En una serie de cuatro experimentos con tareas de b ŭsqueda visual, comprobamos que el ESC variaba dependiendo del tip...
The results of administering the Harvard Group Scale of Hypnotic Susceptibility, Form A (HGSHS:A) of Shor and E. Orne (1962) to a Spanish sample are on the whole consistent with those results obtained in other normative studies, especially Bongartz's work with a German sample, and they confirm HGSHS:A's usefulness in non-Anglophone countries. The S...
En: Cognitiva Madrid 2001, v. 13, n. 2; p. 193-209 Se comparan el movimiento ilusorio de una línea ( cuando un indicio visual precede a una línea que se presenta de forma instantánea a la derecha o izquierda de ese estímulo, la línea parece extenderse o propagarse desde el extremo próximo al indicio) y el movimiento real de una línea sobre la ejecu...
Sumario: Diseño y experimentación de un modelo de intervención de la psicología en el reconocimiento y selección de conductores profesionales -- Pautas del consumo de fármacos, alcohol y drogas de abuso en conductores de vehículos -- Factores humanos implicados en la conducción Un ejemplar pertenece al fondo donado por D. Julio Castelo Matrán