Manfred PerlikUniversity of Bern | UniBe · Centre for Development and Environment
Manfred Perlik
Prof. Dr.
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January 2013 - present
Publications (150)
This chapter is the reworked and enlarged text of a conference paper presented at the international conference “Territorialities of Multilocality”, held on 25th and 26th of November 2021 in Sofia, Bulgaria.
Living in more than one residential place is what is understood as multi-living. As such it involves dealing with different contexts, differen...
Living in more than one residential place is what is understood as multi-living. As such, it involves dealing with different contexts, authorities, and cultures. The distance and absence of a constant place are among the main issues that multi-living people face. Space and territory, in their interrelation, are essential components of everyday life...
Value - chains innovations for
competitive and resilient
mountain areas
Competitive and resilient mountain areas
Focus Group Final Report
COVID-19 has had significant impacts on social and economic sectors worldwide. International travel and tourism are restricted as preventive measures to combat the disease. However, it is clearly visible that the mobility from urban to rural areas continues within the borders of the countries during the pandemic. Mobility to the countryside is name...
Autorisierter Originaltext von « L’ urbanizzazione delle montagne: motore per società coese o fattore di distruzione delle comunità rurali? »
In: Lorenzetti, L./Leggero, R., eds, Montagne e territori ibridi tra urbanità e ruralità: 59-74. Mendrisio: Mendrisio Academy Press.
Perlik, M./Sega, R. (2022) : Synthèse : L’avenir de l’industrie dans les vallées de montagne In : Sega, R./Perlik, M.: Les Alpes productives : 243-256. Labex-ITTEM, série Montagne et Innovation. Grenoble: PUG.
Les Alpes forment une mosaïque de lieux et d’usages qui, par leur diversité et leurs liens, dessinent un territoire complexe. Le tourisme, figure dominante dans la représentation du développement économique, n’a pas été et ne peut être la seule voie d’avenir possible.
Partant de ce constat, l’ouvrage s’attache aux espaces productifs des Alpes, et e...
Perlik, M. (2022) : Les changements des filières manufacturières en montagne et leurs répercussions socio-économiques. Dans : Sega, R./Perlik, M. : Les Alpes productives, Chapitre 7: 147-178. Grenoble : PUG.
Korporativ denken, genossenschaftlich organisieren, feudal handeln: Die Gemeinden und ihre Praktiken im Bergell des 14.–16. Jahrhunderts [Thinking Corporately, Organizing Cooperatively, Acting Feudally: Communes and Their Practices in Val Bregaglia in the 14th–16th Centuries]. By Prisca RothZurich, Switzerland: Chronos, 2018. 427 pp. Hardcover: € 5...
Urbanisation of the mountains: an engine for cohesive societies or a factor
in the destruction of rural communities?
This article examines the effects of the diffusion of urbanisation in mountain
regions over the past few decades. The author points out how the end of
the post-World War II development model and the neoliberal turn (the author calls...
Positionspapier aus der ARL 123
ISSN 1611-9983 (PDF version)
Published by the ARL – Hanover 2021
ARL – Academy for Territorial Development in the Leibniz Association
This position paper is a translated version of the following publication: Danielzyk, R., Dittrich-Wesbuer, A., Duchêne-Lacroix, C., Fischer, T., Hilti, N., Perlik, M., Petzold, K., Rit...
This article places the topic of “social innovation” in the context of the paradigm shift of the 1980s. This shift from Fordism to post-Fordism has led to a weakening of the model of the European welfare state. Social innovation has become an instrument to promote regional self-responsibility and entrepreneurial activity by local authorities. The c...
A session proposal for the The Forum Carpaticum 21-25 May 2021 in Brno http://carpathianscience.org/forum/forum-carpaticum-2020/
A session proposal for The Forum Carpaticum 21-25 May 2021 in Brno http://carpathianscience.org/forum/forum-carpaticum-2020/
Social innovation (SI) impacts are long-term changes that affect different dimensions of territorial capital (i.e., economy, society, environment, governance) for the territory in which SI occurs. Yet, systematic empirical evidence and theoretically sound assessments of the impacts of SI are scarce. This paper aims to fill the gap and assess the di...
Social innovation is perceived as a collaborative response from civic society actors to societal challenges, and as such is increasingly being recognised as a drive to advance sustainable development. Social innovation promotes civic values, particularly in marginalised rural areas that are often struggling with biophysical and market limits, as we...
Le Alpi di Clio.
Scritti per i venti anni del Laboratorio di Storia delle Alpi (2000-2020).
A cura di Luigi Lorenzetti.
Prefazione di Riccardo Blumer.
Formato 12.5 x 21 cm, 264 pagine.
Da venti anni, il Laboratorio di Storia delle Alpi promuove e sviluppa attività e ricerche dedicate alla storia dello spazio alpino. Nato nel 2000 sotto gli au...
© 2019 302 pages | 8 Color Illus. | 24 B/W Illus. Unchanged paperback edition, September 2020, £ 36.99. https://www.routledge.com/The-Spatial-and-Economic-Transformation-of-Mountain-Regions-Landscapes/Perlik/p/book/9781138784086 ______________________
Description by the publisher: Mountain regions are subject to a unique set of economic pressures...
This collection of essays highlights how given Alpine territories in Austria, Italy, and Switzerland are currently facing challenges imposed by migration, the barriers and limitations they are encountering, and the extent to which migration triggers policy and territorial innovations that can generate beneficial impacts for both migrants and local...
Multilocal living and spatial development – a compendium
Multilocality – residing and living in multiple places – is a current social and spatial phenomenon.
It is not fundamentally new, but changes with societal living conditions and
situations. It is about changing spatial mobilities that can be classified in a field of tension
between mobility a...
Multilocal living and spatial development – a compendium
Multilocality – residing and living in multiple places – is a current social and spatial phenomenon.
It is not fundamentally new, but changes with societal living conditions and
situations. It is about changing spatial mobilities that can be classified in a field of tension
between mobility a...
https://www.cambridgescholars.com/alpine-refugees .
This collection of essays highlights how given Alpine territories in Austria, Italy, and Switzerland are currently facing challenges imposed by migration, the barriers and limitations they are encountering, and the extent to which migration triggers policy and territorial innovations that can ge...
Executive Summary
«RUN» denominates a case study undertaken in the Swiss Canton of Neuchâtel (République et Canton de Neuchâtel) which is a NUTS 3 jurisdiction in the Espace Mittelland (NUTS 2) and historically dominated by the watch making and microtechnical manufacturing industry. The part of the secondary sector still exceeds 30%. The canton of...
Executive Summary
As a result of the structural change in agriculture and failed tourism investments the trade and crafts association, all 11 small municipalities of the Lumnezia valley— a poorly accessible, Romansh-speaking Swiss mountain valley in the Canton of Grison— started to work together in 1986. They agreed upon a reorientation of regiona...
In this report we present results of evaluation of 11 Social Innovation Case Studies. The assessments of the Social Innovations were based upon three main blocks. The first step of the evaluation of the social innovation initiative focuses on five evaluation criteria: Relevance, Efficiency, Effectiveness, Impacts and Sustainability (REEIS). This wa...
This open access volume is the first comprehensive assessment of the Hindu Kush Himalaya (HKH) region. It comprises important scientific research on the social, economic, and environmental pillars of sustainable mountain development and will serve as a basis for evidence-based decision-making to safeguard the environment and advance people’s wellbe...
© 2019
286 pages | 8 Color Illus. | 24 B/W Illus.
Description by the publi...
Abstract of the book
Et si la montagne, loin de son image de territoire reculé et en arrière sur son temps, était un laboratoire de solutions aux problèmes de demain ?
Cet ouvrage propose une approche sociale et culturelle de l’innovation par le prisme de...
This article discusses current European migration flows, their
impacts on the European Alps, and future options for
addressing issues of migration. It explores these issues from the
perspective of regional development, taking into account the
currently prevailing goals of economic competitiveness and
local self-interest. It focuses on the Alps, a r...
The current regional development strategies require mountain regions to specialise in their landscape resources and to value them independently. The hypothesis is that this strategy has to be questioned in view of increasing spatial inequality in Europe. In the peripheral areas, this inequality is mainly due to differences in development opportunit...
The current regional development strategies require mountain regions to specialise in their landscape resources and to value them independently. The hypothesis is that this strategy has to be questioned in view of increasing spatial inequality in Europe. In the peripheral areas, this inequality is mainly due to differences in development opportunit...
Social innovation (SI) has rapidly expanded in the debates and agenda of the research and policy communities over the last decade (Adams and Hess, 2010; Baker and Mehmood, 2015; Neumeier 2016, Haxeltine et al., 2017). There are considerable expectations of the potential of SI for addressing urgent societal challenges. Considering the diversity and...
Die Vielfalt des Phänomens der multilokalen Lebensführungen macht sie zugleich auch „unsichtbar“.
This report synthesizes expert findings on the importance of mountain regions for global green development and for achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). It illustrates the crucial environmental services that mountains provide, especially relating to water, food and energy. It also highlights fields less commonly associated with m...
Il presente articolo analizza la situazione recente e le tendenze riguardanti le abitazioni permanenti e le seconde case nell’area delle Dolomiti Patrimonio UNESCO, situata nelle Alpi orientali italiane. I risultati mostrano innanzitutto che la popolazione residente non sta crescendo in modo omogeneo, ma piuttosto in modo selettivo nelle aree urban...
The article analyses the recent status and development of permanent inhabitants and second homes in the UNESCO World Heritage (WH) Dolomites area in the Italian Alps. First, the results show that a growth of permanent population is ongoing selectively in the urban and periurban areas, confirming earlier research in the Alpine arc and showing that a...
Introduzione: Fabio Mazzola, Dario Musolino,Vincenzo Provenzano, Reti, nuovi settori, sostenibilità: prossime sfide per lo sviluppo regionale
Parte I. Reti:
Chiara Bentivogli, Fabio Quintiliani, Daniele Sabbatini, Le reti di imprese
Giovanni Foresti, Fabrizio Guelpa, Stefania Trenti, Le strategie adottate dalle imprese dei
distretti industriali n...
Announced date of publication: 15th September 2014
Citation: Schuler, M./Dessemontet, P./Perlik, M. (2012): Le territoire suisse et ses transformations depuis 1848. In: Plata, A./Mazzoleni, O., éds: Le fédéralisme face aux nouveaux défis territoriaux: institutions, économie et identité. Actes de la 3ème Conférence nationale sur le fédéralisme, Mendrisio, 26-27.5.2011. Bellinzona: Salvioni.
The article deals with the transformation of mountainous areas into residence places that replace older economic sectors (agriculture, manufacturing and even tourism) in the European mountains from the perspective of regional development and the influence on the regionally anchored assets, known as territorial capital. This new tendency affects the...
The article deals with the transformation of mountainous areas into residence places that replace older economic sectors (agriculture, manufacturing and even tourism) in the European mountains from the perspective of regional development and the influence on the regionally anchored assets, known as territorial capital. This new tendency affects the...
Mit Governance wird im Allgemeinen das gesellschaftliche Steuerungs- und Regelungssystem innerhalb sowie zwischen administrativen Einheiten
des Staates, von Institutionen der Zivilgesellschaft sowie privaten Unternehmen bezeichnet. Das Zusammenwirken der Institutionen
und Akteure aus diesen Bereichen auf einem gegebenen Territorium begründet die me...
Proceedings are published as MOSS, L.A.G./GLORIOSO, R./KRAUSE, A. (2009):: Proceedings.of the Conference « Understanding and Managing Amenity-led Migration in Mountain Regions », May 2008, The Banff Centre. Banff.
Raumplanerin spielen: Pro Natura bietet auf ihrer Website eine erkenntnisreiche Animation: «100 Jahre Siedlungsentwicklung» Für acht Städte und Landschaften in der Schweiz kann man raumplanerische Entscheide fällen: Soll der Standortwettbewerb voll spielen, können...
In the Alpine regions, two conflicting interests exist: One part complains about a lack of accessibility. The other part is connected to international roads and is mainly affected by the impacts of transalpine traffic. These regions frequently argue that a great deal of such transports are superfluous or needless. This article is based on a study w...
In the Alpine regions, two conflicting interests exist: One part complains about a lack of accessibility. The other part is connected to international roads and is mainly affected by the impacts of transalpine traffic. These regions frequently argue that a great deal of such transports are superfluous or needless. This article is based on a study w...
Adrienne Grêt-Regamey, Anne Sgard, Astrid Björnsen Gurung, Axel Borsdorf, Benedetta Castiglioni, Bernard Debarbieux, Bernard Lehmann, Christine Alewell, Didier Vancutsem, Eckart Lange, Emmanuel Reynard, Eva Spehn, Felix Kienast, Franci Petek, François Walter, Georg Wiesinger, Gerald J. Pruckner, Günter Köck, Hannelore Weck-Hannemann, Hans Karl Wytr...
This book describes and analyses the challenges and opportunities of amenity migration to mountain areas and its management, and offers related recommendations. The book's chapters cover the subject through case studies at international, regional and local levels, along with overarching themes such as environmental sustainability and equity, mounta...
Die Berggebietsregion Surselva soll einen Anschluss an die inter-nationale Eisenbahnverbindung Zürich-Mailand durch eine Tun-nelhaltestelle (Porta Alpina) erhalten. Der Artikel konfrontiert die Erwartungen an dieses Projekt mit grundlegenden ökonomischen Prozessen von Stadtentwicklung und aktuellen Prozessen weltwei-ter Bedeutungsverschiebung. In d...
Nearly two-thirds of the population in the European Alps (which totals 14.2 million) lives in towns or periurban municipalities. We state that strong towns in the Alps are necessary to prevent outmigration. But these towns must be internally integrated with their hinterlands and externally integrated in supraregional networks to maintain the qualit...