Manfred Holodynski

Manfred Holodynski
University of Münster | WWU · Institute for Psychology

Prof. Dr.


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Manfred Holodynski currently works at the Institute for Psychology in Education and Instruction (IPBE), University of Münster. Manfred does research in (1) Emotional Developmental, (2) Development of Play and Early Childhood Education, as well as in (3) Classroom Management and Video-Based Trainings.
Additional affiliations
April 2006 - present
University of Münster
  • Professor (Full)
October 1997 - March 2006
Bielefeld University
  • Professor (Assistant)


Publications (111)
Effective emotion regulation is critical for establishing and maintaining positive relationships, and it has previously been linked to several indicators of social competence. Theories agree that one core characteristic of adaptive emotion regulation is the ability to flexibly adapt emotion regulation strategies to situational demands (i.e., strate...
Lesson videos have emerged as a pivotal tool in teacher education, offering opportunities to enhance teachers' professional vision, defined as the ability to notice and interpret significant classroom interactions. This chapter explores the benefits and methodologies of using videos to support preservice and in-service teachers in developing percep...
The component model of human parenting has been extensively used to study parents’ interactions with their offspring and to examine variation across cultural contexts. The current study applies this model to nonhuman primates to investigate which forms of parenting humans share with other primates and how these interactions change over infants’ fir...
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Im naturwissenschaftlichen Sachunterricht lassen sich lernförderliche und -hinderliche Wechselwirkungen zwischen den Qualitätsdimensionen der Klassenführung und der Lernunterstützung beobachten. Der Umgang mit diesen Wechselwirkungen erfordert entsprechendes Professionswissen und die Fähigkeit, diese Wechselwirkungen im Unterricht wahrzunehmen. Dah...
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Zusammenfassung Die professionelle Wahrnehmung ist eine wesentliche Voraussetzung erfolgreichen Unterrichtens. Um die professionelle Wahrnehmung von Unterrichtsqualitätsmerkmalen wie der Klassenführung im Lehramtsstudium zu trainieren, haben sich videobasierte Präsenzkurse bewährt. Individuell adaptierbare Mastery-Learning-Angebote ermöglichen jedo...
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Introduction Promoting a professional vision of teaching as a key factor of teachers’ expertise is a core challenge for teacher professionalization. While research on teaching has evolved and successfully evaluated various video-based intervention programs, a prevailing emphasis on outcome measures can yet be observed. However, the learning process...
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Comparative perspectives are crucial in the study of human development, yet longitudinal comparisons of humans and other primates are still relatively uncommon. Here, we combined theoretical frameworks from cross-cultural and comparative psychology, to study maternal style in 10 mother–infant pairs of German urban humans (Homo sapiens) and 10 mothe...
Emotion Regulation and Parenting provides a state-of-the-art account of research conducted on emotion regulation in parenting. After describing the conceptual foundations of parenthood and emotion regulation, the book reviews the influence of parents' emotion regulation on parenting, how and to what extent emotion regulation influences child develo...
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Human mothers interact with their infants in different ways. In Western, educated, industrialized, rich and democratic (WEIRD) societies, face-to-face interactions and mutual gazes are especially frequent, yet little is known about their developmental trajectories and if they differ from those of other primates. Using a cross-species developmental...
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Emotionen, Gefühle, affektive Dynamiken: Die Anthropologie der Emotionen hat sich als ein Forschungsfeld etabliert, in dem interdisziplinär gearbeitet wird und das transnational verankert ist. 27 Autor:innen aus Sozial- und Kulturanthropologie, Philosophie, Psychologie, Soziologie, den Neurowissenschaften und der Theaterwissenschaft skizzieren die...
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The stressors of teaching can be individual and hard to identify. Merely recalling stressful events after a lesson can be biased by neglect, modification, or extenuation of memories. Therefore, the present study explores how video data can be used to reactivate or relive stressor memory. Eight teachers’ lessons were recorded while their stress was...
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In their professional vision (PV) of the classroom situation, teachers have to consider different foci such as classroom management (CM) and instructional support (IS) concurrently. However, in teacher education different foci of PV are taught almost always separately, raising the question whether PV is focus-specific or focus-integrated. Therefore...
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Zusammenfassung Klassenführung ist eine zentrale Komponente effektiven Unterrichtens. Jedoch haben Lehrkräfte vor allem zu Beginn der berufspraktischen Tätigkeit häufig Schwierigkeiten, mit klassenführungsbezogenen Herausforderungen umzugehen. Dies führt nicht selten zu Burnout oder beruflichem Dropout. Um solchen Entwicklungen entgegenzusteuern, s...
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Die Analyse von Unterrichtsvideos ist zu einer erfolgreich und vielfältig genutzten Methode in der Lehrkräftebildung geworden. Sie vermag wie keine andere Methode die Unterrichtspraxis in ihrer Authentizität zu veranschaulichen und zugleich in ihrer Komplexität zu untersuchen. Dazu sind in den letzten Jahren innovative Videoportale mit Lehrkonzepte...
In der Präsentation wird das am Standort Münster im Rahmen des Projektes "ProdiviS" entstandene videobasierte Selbstlernmodul zur Förderung der professionellen Wahrnehmung (PW) evaluiert. Konkret wird die Wirksamkeit des videobasierten Selbstlernmoduls zur Förderung der PW von Klassenführung sowie klassenführungsbezogener Selbstwirksamkeitsüberzeug...
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Classroom management is a central aspect of effective teaching. It is related to student motivation and learning achievement. Unfortunately, pre-service and beginning teachers lack on classroom management competence. Therefore, this study aims to find out, which classroom management facets pre-service and beginning teachers struggle with and ho...
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FULL TEXT: Die Professionalisierung von Lehrkräften durch Schulpraxis zu fördern, ist eine verbreitete Forderung. Nicht immer ist dies aber möglich – und ob es immer ergiebig ist, ist eine durchaus berechtigte Frage. Ob eine Analyse von Unterrichtsvideos sich ebenfalls eignen könnte, durch...
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In der Präsentation werden die am Standort Münster im Rahmen des Projektes "ProdiviS" entstandenen Selbstlernmodule zur Förderung der professionellen Wahrnehmung von Klassenführung vorgestellt. Zudem werden dazugehörige Usability-Daten und daraus resultierende Optimierungen an den Modulen dargestellt, sowie gewonnene Erkenntnisse zusammengefasst un...
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Beitrag zur Posteraustellung: Intervention, domänen-kombinierte Fähigkeit, Klassenführung, Lernunterstützung, kognitive Aktivierung, Lehrer:innenbildung, Professionelle Unterrichtswahrnemung
Emotionale Kompetenz umfasst Fähigkeiten zum Wahrnehmen und Verstehen von eigenen und fremden Emotionen sowie deren willentliche Regulation, wenn ihr spontaner Ausdruck übergeordneten Motiven und Werten der Person zuwiderläuft. Das Konzept wird in den Kontext von Emotionen sowie verwandten Kompetenzkonzepten eingeordnet. Es werden vier ausgewählte...
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This study investigated how taking different perspectives in teacher training courses influences the learning of professional vision, multiperspectivity, and strategic knowledge of classroom management. A total of 134 student teachers analyzed classroom management from one of three different perspectives: 36, from an observer perspective by viewing...
Die Qualitätsoffensive Lehrerbildung als bundesweite Initiative unterstützt seit 2016 an gut 50 Standorten Entwicklungsvorhaben in der Lehrerbildung mit 500 Millionen Euro über einen Zeitraum von zehn Jahren (BMBF, 2018). Ein zentrales Anliegen vieler Projekte innerhalb der Qualitätsoffensive Lehrerbildung ist, Studierende stärker als bisher auf Fr...
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Der Beitrag erläutert den gemeinsamen konzeptuellen Rahmen der fachspezifischen videobasierten Lehrmodule zur Förderung der professionellen Unterrichtswahrnehmung von Lehramtsstudierenden, die im Rahmen der Qualitätsoffensive Lehrerbildung Münster konzipiert und evaluiert wurden. Dazu gehören das Konstrukt der professionellen Unterrichtswahrnehmung...
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Modelle zu Lehrer*innenkompetenzen unterteilen das unterrichtsrelevante Professionswissen in domänenspezifische Wissensbereiche, u.a. in fachdidaktisches und pädagogisch-psychologisches Wissen. Durch die Trennung dieser Wissensdomänen entsteht für angehende Lehrpersonen im Rahmen der universitären Ausbildung die Problematik, isoliertes und nicht si...
As a means of psychological distancing, pretend play may facilitate emotion regulation. Up to now, however, the empirical evidence for a relation between these two is not consistent. The present study examines the impact of pretend play on reflective emotion regulation of expression with a disappointing gift task using the strategy of role-taking....
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Fluctuations in parenting behaviour are thought to be important for the development of child psychopathology. This study focusses on fluctuations in the parenting behaviour of mothers with 3–6-year-old children with a clinical diagnosis according to the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems 10th Revision (...
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For research on emotional development, defining emotions as psychological systems of appraisals, expressions, body reactions, and subjective feelings in all phases of ontogenesis raises tricky methodological issues. How can we measure single emotions when appraisals and feelings cannot be assessed from outside, when expressions do not seem to be ti...
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The aim of this study was to determine the socialization goals related to the moral education taught by preschool teachers of children aged 2–6 years in two different cultures, Indonesia and Germany. Thirteen preschools with 138 teachers from Yogyakarta, Indonesia, and 20 preschools with 73 teachers from Bielefeld and Muenster, Germany answered a q...
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Zusammenfassung. Die vorliegende Interventionsstudie beinhaltet die Evaluation einer spielbasierten Förderung der numerischen Basiskompetenz erstmals auch für eine Stichprobe von 33 4- bis 6-jährigen Kindern mit einem diagnostizierten Risiko in diesem Entwicklungsbereich. Die Studie bestand aus einem Prä-Post-Kontrollgruppendesign, bei dem die 36 K...
Einflüsse kognitiver Fähigkeiten auf die professionelle Wahrnehmung – Unterschiede zwischen Bachelor- und Masterstudierenden des Grundschullehramtes
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We describe basic concepts of contemporary teacher education from a psychological perspective, typified with examples from teacher education programs run at the University of Münster, Germany. After describing the context of teacher education in Germany, criteria are discussed which guide the selection of psychological contents to be included into...
Video-based Assessment of the Professional Vision of Classroom Management – Test Validation and the Role of General Cognitive Abilities when Analyzing Classroom Videos
Differentielle Unterschiede zwischen Bachelor- und Masterstudierenden des Grundschullehramtes hinsichtlich des Einflusses kognitiver Fähigkeiten auf die professionelle Wahrnehmung
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The comment discusses the common ground and differences of the contribution of Walle, Reschke, and Knothe (XXXX), as well as that of Clément and Dukes (XXXX) in their efforts to conceptually connect an important concept from infancy research, namely that of social referencing, with an important one from emotion research on adults, that of social ap...
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Selbstwirksamkeitsüberzeugungen und Wissen über Klassenführung stellen bedeutsame Ressourcen für die Gesundheit von Lehrkräften dar. Lehramtsstudierende in ihren Selbstwirksamkeitsüberzeugungen über Klassenführung im Verlauf ihrer universitären Ausbildung zu bestärken und ihnen handlungsnahes Wissen über Klassenführung zu vermitteln kann also ein A...
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Um im Unterricht situationsangemessen und lernförderlich handeln zu können, müssen Lehrpersonen lernrelevante Elemente des Unterrichtsgeschehens wissensbasiert bemerken und verarbeiten können. Diese professionelle Wahrnehmung kann sich auf fachdidaktische Unterrichtsaspekte wie die Lernunterstützung oder auf pädagogisch-psychologische Unterrichtsas...
Using videos to improve teaching is becoming increasingly popular. Classroom videos help teachers to gain professional vision; that is, the ability to connect theory with practice and possess the necessary situated knowledge to recognize and interpret events that are crucial for learning. However, assessing the effects of such video-based learning...
Conference Paper
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Reflective emotion regulation of expression, as the ability to volitionally control one’s emotional expressions, is an essential element of children’s socio-emotional competence and an example of hot executive functions and emotional self-regulation. Unlike studies on the volitional simulation of expression that have applied verbal and iconic instr...
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Regulating emotions volitionally requires the inhibition and modification of an elicited emotional action readiness and includes phases of reflection, planning and self-regulation. The proposed internalization model of reflective emotion regulation argues that caregivers’ co-regulation of emotionally challenging events plays a constitutive role for...
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The current study investigates the impact of instructional modality and emotional valence on the reflective emotion regulation of expression in preschool children. Twenty-three boys and girls aged 3 to 5 years took part in a social dice game of expression where they were motivated to mask their felt emotion (joy when receiving a gift resp. disappoi...
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Das theoriebasierte Analysieren von Unterrichtsfällen soll Lehramtsstudierenden zur Theorie-Praxis-Verknüpfung verhelfen. Zu der Frage, welche Rolle dabei die Repräsentationsart des Unterrichtsfalls spielt, liegen eher inkonsistente Ergebnisse vor. Die vorliegende experimen- telle Studie vergleicht einen videobasierten mit einem textbasierten Unter...
Conference Paper
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Im Vorschulalter stehen Kinder vor der Entwicklungsaufgabe, sich ihrer Emotionen und Gedanken gewahr zu werden und sie willentlich zu regulieren, um ihre Motive in sozialverträglicher Weise befriedigen zu lernen. Das entwickelte Rollenspiel mit Gleichaltrigen bietet eine kindgerechte Möglichkeit, diese Fähigkeiten zu erlernen. Daher wurde ein Inter...
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Die willentliche Kontrolle der eigenen Emotionsausdrücke (z.B. nach sozialen Darbietungsregeln) ist ein wesentlicher Bestandteil der kindlichen sozio-emotionalen Kompetenz. Im Gegensatz zu Untersuchungen relevanter Teilkompetenzen wurde für diese Fähigkeit bislang jedoch kein eindeutiger Alterseffekt nachgewiesen. Um methodische Artefakte auszuschl...
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The current study describes the development and construct validation of a situational judgment test for assessing the strategic knowledge of classroom management in elementary schools. Classroom scenarios and accompanying courses of action were constructed, of which 17 experts confirmed the content validity. A pilot study and a cross-validation wit...
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Although much has been written about “socialization” and “emotion” in different cultures, these two topics have rarely been systematically combined and analyzed from the perspective of ontogenetic development. Drawing on approaches from developmental psychology and cultural anthropology, we examine how cultural models of emotion and their correspon...
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The use of video has become popular in teacher education. Only few studies have investigated how different instructional strategies affect learning. The current intervention study compares two video-based teacher trainings with respect to classroom management in primary schools using a quasi-experimental pre-post-design. Both trainings consisted of...
Conference Paper
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The volitional regulation of emotional expression, as the ability to volitionally control one’s own expressions (e.g., according to social display rules), constitutes an essential element of children’s socio-emotional competence (McDowell, O’Neil, & Parke, 2000). In contrast to research on the relevant motor and cognitive prerequisites (e.g., the v...
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The present study investigates the internal structure of professional vision of in-service teachers and student teachers with respect to classroom management and learning support in primary science lessons. Classroom management (including monitoring, managing momentum, and rules and routines) and learning support (including cognitive activation and...
The development of volitional emotion regulation of expression was examined with a modified disappointing gift paradigm and strategy for coding children's expressions. Forty-nine boys and 49 girls aged 4, 6, and 8 were motivated to volitionally deceive an observer by false smiling, regardless of whether they received an attractive, unattractive, or...
Emotionen sind alltäglich und allgegenwärtig. Wer hat nicht selbst schon einmal Freude, Trauer, Ärger oder Scham erlebt, bei seinen Mitmenschen beobachtet und darüber gesprochen? Aber für wissenschaftliche Untersuchungen sind Emotionen nur schwer zugänglich. Woran erkennt man eigentlich genau, dass Emotionen erlebt werden und welche das im Einzelne...
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The study addresses the emergence of the social smile in two different sociocultural contexts during the first 12 postnatal weeks. We examined different eliciting mechanisms like mutual gazing, maternal smile during mutual gazing, and reciprocal maternal and infant imitation of smiling. In co-constructivist theories of emotional development, all of...
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This article approaches the interrelation between emotions and emotion regulation from a developmental perspective, embedding it in a system of psychological forms of regulation. Existing conceptions of emotion regulation are critically reviewed by contrasting an emotional and a volitional form of action regulation with a reflective form of emotion...
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This article addresses the interdependency between child-rearing goals and values, emotionally arousing child-rearing practices, and the socialization and development of so-called socializing emotions. The latter are assigned a general psychological control function that enables children to adjust their behavior and emotions to the normative prescr...
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Zur erfolgreichen Gestaltung einer angemessenen Lernumgebung gehort eine effiziente Klassenfuhrung. Eine wesentliche Voraussetzung dafur ist die Fahigkeit, klassenfuhrungsrelevante Ereignisse im Unterricht erkennen, angemessen einschatzen und mogliche Handlungsalternativen benennen zu konnen. In der vorliegenden Evaluationsstudie wird untersucht, i...
This chapter discusses how emotion regulation should be viewed within a broader developmental framework of self-regulation, and how children manage to acquire the necessary competencies to engage in it. The first part of the chapter will describe the framework of self-regulation through four distinctly separable forms of regulation; namely, (a) vol...
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In this article we argue that current theories on socioemotional development during infancy need to be reconceptualized in order to account for cross-cultural variation in caregiver–infant interaction. In line with the cultural-historical internalization theory of emotional development (Holodynski & Friedlmeier, 200622. Holodynski , M. and Friedl...
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Starting with an overview of theoretical approaches to emotion from an activity-oriented stance, this article applies Vygotsky's three general principles of development, sign mediation, and internalization to the development of emotional expressions as a culturally evolved sign system. The possible twofold function of expression signs as a means of...
The chapter starts with an overview of the ongoing debate between evolutionary and culture-relativistic approaches and their contributions to describing and explaining cultural similarities and differences in emotions. As a theoretical and methodological completion of existing approaches, the chapter highlights the importance of an integrative deve...
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Copyright - © SAGE Publications and The International Society for Research on Emotion 2010, Date revised - 20100802, Number of references - 5, Last updated - 2012-09-10, DOI - PSIN-2010-14581-025; 2010-14581-025; 1754-0739; 1754-0747, SubjectsTermNotLitGenreText - Emotional Responses, Brown, Terrance, Kozak, Arnold 1998 Emotion and the possibility...
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This chapter describes central stages in the development of emotions and emotion regulation. A developmental theory is proposed that focuses on the complex interaction of emotions and social interactions. Expression signs for emotions in caregiver–child interaction are seen as an important mediating factor that serves as the critical means of commu...
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This chapter develops a theoretical framework that is capable of integrating the biological foundations of emotions with their cultural and semantic formation. It starts by investigating two leading scientific theories about emotions: one that is dominant in biology and a second one that is dominant in psychology. In biology, we consider the theory...
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This chapter deals with the role of shame and pride in school learning and achievement situations. It discusses the proposition that these emotions are ubiquitous in academic learning, although they seem surprisingly “invisible”—not only for their protagonists, the students and teachers, but in the scientific literature on teaching and learning at...
Based on existing research on text comprehension and inspired by results from the PISA study, the program LEKOLEMO (Program for fostering reading literacy and reading motivation) for 7th grade students was developed. The training differs from existing training programs in three aspects: (1) In addition to knowledge of reading strategies and their u...
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This experimental study compared the assumptions of two developrnental models on achievement motivation during preschool age. Following the developmental model of Stipek, achievement motivated actions should be internalized already in preschool age in a way that pride and shame as their indicators can be observed already independently of the presen...
When trying to mark out the boundaries of phenomena covered by emotional development, we have to answer the question raised by Mascolo and Griffin (1998b) in the title of their book: What develops in emotional development? Despite all the differences in the existing theoretical approaches, there seems to be a general consensus that emotions possess...
This chapter presents a model of emotional development that tries to integrate each of the conclusions drawn in the previous chapter when discussing the four emotion paradigms. We understand emotions as functional psychological systems within an individual's action system. Their function is to regulate those aspects of actions that have to do with...
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