Malgorzata Anna BronikowskaUniversity of Physical Education Poznan Poland · Recreation
Malgorzata Anna Bronikowska
associate professor
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Publications (62)
The study had two aims. The first was to investigate correlation between specific types of goal orientation as a predictor of prosocial and antisocial functioning and level of moral competences. The second, was to verify whether goal orientation has an impact on the development of moral competences of students participating in a pedagogical interve...
Background and Study Aim. Research on moral competency in sports is rare, and findings are inconsistent. These findings point to moral development as a multifaceted and complex process. This process is mediated by various life situations and dilemma choices. Sport can play a crucial role in this area with its often ‘role-taking’ experience and conf...
Study aim : This systematic review drew the significant findings of carefully selected interventions to promote the social and moral competence (SC and MC, respectively) of children and adolescents mostly by investigating the effect of these interventions and focusing on strategies used.
Material and methods : A number of English written, electroni...
BACKGROUND: The development of moral competence seems to be an important factor in the context of youth development. The problem with lack of moral competence among youth has often been observed. Physical education (PE) as a subject in school seems to provide space in the curriculum where moral development can and should be experienced and practice...
Background and Study Aim. Stimulation of moral development is one of the most important tasks of modern education. Findings of recent studies indicate its importance for sound development of a young person. Research Objective: Examine the impact of moral dilemma discussions, the level of competitiveness, and years of sports training (experience) on...
In this article we focus on moral issues related to sport and e-sport. We attempt to identify the role that contemporary sport and e-sport play in the education of young people. To this end, we analyse the axiological foundations of both types of sport. In our opinion, there is a difference in the impact of e-sport and sport (especially Olympic spo...
Monografia zawierającą 16 tekstów autorów z różnych ośrodków akademickich, które swoimi treściami wpisują się w obszar problemów społecznej teorii i praktyki wychowania fizycznego, sportu i olimpizmu. Traktują tym samym aktywność fizyczną wraz z promocją zdrowia realizowaną m.in. w szkolnym wychowaniu fizycznym, na zajęciach pozaszkolnych, a także...
This article shows an important sphere of social life, i.e. Physical Culture, regarding its elements: play, games, and sports as intangible global and at the same time regional heritage of every corner of the world. Through this work, the author wants to emphasise the crucial role of traditional games and sports in the globalised world, also showin...
The study examined prosocial behaviour and the perception of fair play in the context of physical education and sport (PES) in adolescents participating in sports, and those not undertaking sports at all. The aim of this study was to explore and indicate potential associations between an understanding of the concept of fair play and selected behavi...
This study aimed to compare physical activity (PA) levels before and during a pandemic lockdown among adolescent Polish youths in relation to meeting the World Health Organization’s (WHO) recommendations of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA) and identify potential environmental factors that may affect these levels. An online survey tool...
The aim of this study was to examine adolescents’ perceptions of parental, teacher, and peer support for physical activity, and to examine the associations between these perceptions and physical activity behavior.
The study included 902 secondary school students, who completed the Short Scale of Youth’s Social Support Assessment...
The study examined the moral competence levels in adolescents participating in individual/team sports compared with those not undertaking sports at all. In total, 827 students aged 15–17 years old (45.4% boys, 54.6% girls) from randomly selected secondary schools in the Wielkopolska region in Poland participated in the study. The moral competences...
Objectives: Health-related fitness is a good predictor of health status of children and adults. Less is known about relationships of health-related fitness components between parents and children. Methods: Our study involved 58 children (30 girls and 28 boys, mean age = 7.97) and 58 parents (33 mothers, mean age = 39.32, and 25 fathers, mean age =...
Etnografi a polska czasu niepodległości (1918-2018)-w poszukiwaniu ludycznych form kultury Polish ethnography of the time of independence (1918-2018)-in search of ludic forms of culture A B S T R A C T Th is paper shows the evolution of the importance of the cultural context of intangible heritage developed through the centuries by the Polish socie...
The aim of this study is to examine the level of understanding of the principle of fair play by secondary school pupils (n = 827) from the Polish province of Wielkopolska, physical education (PE) students from Poznan University of Physical Education (n = 437), and PE teachers (n = 130). Two structured survey questionnaires were used, namely: The th...
The study purpose was to investigate the level of moral competences and prosocial behaviours in a physical activity (PA) context and differences between first year freshman students enrolled in both the physical education and sport coaching majors.
We draw on data from students of the Faculties of Physical Education (109) an...
This paper analyses the relationship between sport and politics in archaic Greece (eighth to sixth centuries BC). Although the issue of this relationship has been widely addressed by the academic literature devoted to the subject of ancient sports, there are no studies describing the relationship between both phenomena in the archaic period per se,...
Study aim: The main purpose of this study was to examine the level of moral competences of 437 pre-service physical education (PE) university students. It was also designed to evaluate the level of moral competency and the correlations with factors (i.e. Parents, Religion, School education, PE teacher, Sport coach, Studies, Media and Peers) potent...
The aim of this study was to evaluate the relationship between the motives for undertaking physical activity (PA) and the intensity of PA in Polish adolescents.
The study included 1,231 students, 515 boys (age 16.2 ± 0.7 years) and 716 girls (age 16.3 ± 0.6 years). The participants were recruited from secondary schools in 20...
Decline in physical activity (PA), specifically in adolescents raises concerns. Setting goals and strategies are often used to increase the level of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA), recently introducing also modern technological devices for achieving different goals. The aim of this study was to investigate the effectiven...
There are findings suggesting that social support could impact the physical activity (PA) levels of adolescents, depending on age and biological gender. Simultaneously, some studies report the relationship between social support and Body Mass Index (BMI) status. Because of the limited information available regarding the influence of social support...
Study aim: Both adequate time and quality time are important for the wellbeing of a family. The study evaluated the effectiveness of a 15-week family-based physical activity (PA) intervention entitled “Junior for Seniors”. It included both children and parents. The paper focuses on an important topic - family-based leisure-time physical activity (...
The promotion of physical activity (PA) in children and their parents requires effective planning and sometimes even interventions. This study shows the effect of PA during a 15-week intervention program " Junior for Seniors " by applying a socioecological model to the interpretation of the data. This comprehensive approach emphasizes the fact that...
The objective of this study was to investigate the association between physical activity (PA) and different goal setting and strategies in youth. The study took into consideration different sources of support as well as gender variations. Classmate and Teacher Support scales were used to evaluate support in physical education (PE) classes, and mode...
Aim: This study aimed to investigate how were the peer and physical education (PE) teacher variables associated with moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA) among Kosovar teenagers (13–15 years of age), and the role of age and gender in these associations. Methods: Cross-sectional data was gathered through a study conducted in seven major mun...
The aim of this paper is to examine the role of physical education (PE) teacher and classmate support in relation to sex and BMI status in adolescents' physical activity (PA) in Kosovo. A Classmate and Teacher Support Scale (with additional questions) was used on a cross-sectional sample of 608 girls and 620 boys aged 15–18, randomly selected from...
This work is aimed on Traditional Sports and Games (TSG) as an important factor of cultural
aspect of European identity in a historical perspective. The authors ground their explorations
in findings from culture-historical and contemporary studies on TSG in selected countries.
This work is directed particularly to those interested in historical kno...
General introduction - Content and goal of article
This article highlights the links between sociological and cultural models and concepts on the one hand and Traditional Sports and Games (TSG) and their characteristics on the other hand. Furthermore, it contributes to the general discourse about the role of sport for society. After short explanati...
Traditional sports and games (TSG) cultivate local and regional customs and strengthen the
sense of national belonging. Locally or regionally rooted TSG encourage exchanges between
districts, citizenship and regions and preserve a sense of cultural identity by providing marks
of roots and reference.
In this paper we overview definitions of...
Project “Recall: Games of the Past – Sports for Today” is an initiative led by TAFISA
and co-funded by the European Commission from the 1st of January 2014 to the 30th
of June 2015 under the 2013 call for actions “European Partnerships on Sport”.
It brought together 13 project partners from 9 European countries:
• Aquitaine Sport pour Tous (France)...
The aim of this article is to emphasize and acknowledge traditional sports as an important historical and socio-cultural phenomenon. By describing ‘the traditional sports and games movement’ from its organization to some key ideas, the authors show how local and national heritage of physical culture is important to every society. Within the current...
Study aim: the purpose of the present study was to investigate the potential of traditional games as a method of increasing the physical activity (PA) of women following mastectomy. A cross-sectional survey during the 20th ONCO Games was conducted and the sample included data from women divided into two groups: up to 50 years old (n = 26) and over...
Book is an Olympic education manual for middle school aged children. It containts ready-to-use lessons of Olympic education on the topics of Olympic Games, history of Olympic Games, ethics of sport and fair play, as well as examples of practical activities introducing Olympic ideals and values to pupils and young sportsman.
Students’ moral development is one of the main educational goals of physical education curricula.
Aim of Study
This study is an attempt at identifying what attitudes toward sportsmanship behavior are held by young adolescents from the countries with post-communist background.
Material and Methods
The sample included data from 547 boy...
Paper describes situation of research studies, educational and organizational activities concerning Olympism and Olympic Education undertaken in Poland in the last two decades.
Research backgrounds and hypothesis. This study investigates the student teachers preparation for the practical school placement in Poland and Kosovo. Considering the two countries with different academic backgrounds there might be reasonable differences in the state of students’ preparation to work practice. While other research concentrates on te...
1. Movement play and games – Michał Bronikowski
1.1. Introduction
1.2. Differences between a play, a game and an exercise
1.3. Inspiration for movement plays and games in modern societal and cultural trends
1.4. Examples of movement plays and games
1.5. Beyond the boundaries of the gym into a cross-subject teaching
2. Ethnology of traditi...
This paper aims to develop a theoretical position on cultural aspects of play and its derivatives (games
and sports). The author bases her explorations on findings from historical and contemporary theories on the study of
play due to varying points of view on the subject. The article is directed particularly to young scholars interested in the
Traditional Games Park - An Inspiring Educational Playground for all or Utopia in Modern Urban Agglomeration?
Introduction. The aim of this study was to find the opinions of the representative groups of Poznan citizens about the introduction of traditional games as a "new" option to activate youngsters and adults physically. Material and methods. T...
In this paper we evaluate the sustainability of changes of involvement in physical activity. The paper examines the effectiveness of a model aiming at influencing the frequency of leisure time physical activity, physical fitness and body constituency in youth.
The baseline of this study was a randomly selected sample of 13 year olds who participate...
Health deteriorates with age due to hormonal changes and reduced physical, mental and social activity. In turn, this deterioration can
lead to a wide range of problems including a fear of undertaking any forms of physical movements. Reports from exercise-based studies
indicate there might be considerable improvement with appropriately programmed ex...
In Vol 3 JQRSS branches out to experiment with different forms ethnographic data - from text to photographs. Football, sports ethics and applied qualitative research from undergrad and post grads.
This study explores the vulnerabilities and difficulties of living with burnout, clinical depression and anxiety. It does so by providing moments from my narrative of self that focuses on an interrupted body project as the result of burnout, and its impact to past, present and future selves. In the presentation of my now public experience, I invite...
Bangkok is one of the world‟s most densely populated cities. Although the Thai capital has avoided many of the recent and ongoing socio-cultural and ethno-political problems experienced by cities in neighbouring Myanmar, Cambodia and Vietnam, the dominance of drug and sex trade industries in Bangkok has led many amongst the local population to enga...
This paper presents a literature-based discussion of girls‟ participation during physical education lessons in the USA conducted using the Sport Education model developed by Daryl Seidentop (see Seidentop, 1994). First, a review of the literature about girls‟ experiences within traditional physical education is provided and following a short histor...
This research explores the relationship between some fans from two English football clubs, Everton FC and Liverpool FC. This will be framed within an examination of the meaning of rivalry, underpinned by a review of key literature on social deconstruction, the meanings gauged from football fan experiences, and how these have been portrayed in the m...
Rebound Therapy is a term referring to the use of trampolines to provide therapeutic exercise and recreation in an educational setting. It is purported to offer physiological, therapeutic and communication benefits, especially among children with “profound and multiple learning disabilities” (PMLD) and is widely used throughout Special Education Ne...
Tibet used to be an independent region of Southwest China whose people have been subjected to mass torture and imprisonment for more than half a century. This persecution has caused many to seek refuge in other countries, notably India. Exiled Tibetans have attempted to protect their culture and identity and ensure the survival of Tibetan Buddhism...
Morely, D., Bailey, R., Tan, J. and Cooke, B. (2005) Inclusive physical education, teachers‟ views of including pupils with special educational needs and/or disabilities in physical education. European Physical Education Review, 11, 1, 84-107.
The aim of the article is to examine the inclusion of pupils with special educational needs (SEN) and/or d...
Within well-developed countries there appears to be a societal trend towards a multicultural society with its pluralism of values and cultural norms. We face then one of the fundamental problems in providing a basic understanding and respect for all the people involved in the dynamic process of forming a modern society. It is here that physical edu...
Nash, C., S., Sproule, J. and Horton, P. (2008) Sport coaches‟ perceived role frames and philosophies. International Journal of Sports Science and Coaching, 3, 4, 539-554
Just how important is it for a coach to have a philosophy? Is a coaching philosophy even necessary? Will a coaching philosophy improve performance or provoke a lifelong commitment...
Study aim: To assess the intensities of three types of physical education (PE) classes corresponding to the phases of
the teaching/learning process: Type 1 - acquiring and developing skills, Type 2 - selecting and applying skills, tactics
and compositional principles and Type 3 - evaluating and improving performance skills.
Material and methods: A...
A salutogenetic approach may play an important role in developing adolescent understanding of health. On the basis of sense of coherence the study examined the relationships between self-assessed physical fitness and actual performed cardiorespiratory fitness.
Data were collected from 199 boys aged 13, randomly assigned to either an experimental or...
Modern research related to health problems has been concerned with three most important branches: psychosomatic medicine, behavioural medicine and – most recently – health psychology. This points to the need for an interdisciplinary approach to the problems of health and disease. At the same time social changes require adjustments in educational sy...