Maja Žumer

Maja Žumer
University of Ljubljana · Department of Library and Information Science


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Publications (165)
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Namen: Namen raziskave je bil zasnova prototipnega katalogizacijskega sistema, ki omogoča lažji vnos bibliografskih podatkov, temelji na prednostih modela IFLA LRM in sledi miselnemu procesu katalogizatorjev. Metodologija/pristop: Pred konceptualno zasnovo novega katalogizacijskega sistema smo za celovito razumevanje miselnih procesov katalogizator...
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Foreign research reports low use of mobile devices for reading e-texts among students, so we investigated mobile reading behaviour among UL students. Since the results of the online survey showed that low use of mobile devices for reading e-texts is also characteristic of UL students, we wanted to investigate in more detail the reasons and barriers...
This study aims to explore the use of mobile technology among students of University of Ljubljana (UL), Slovenia, in order to improve academic library services. We focused on the use of mobile library services of academic libraries in general and students' reading of full text resources on mobile devices in particular. A questionnaire was administe...
Conference Paper
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The FRBR - LRM (Library Reference Model) consolidated three previously developed conceptual models of the FR family, aiming at enabling consistent implementations of improved bibliographic information systems in libraries of the world. This paper reviews the background of the FRBR-LRM model and introduces the entities and relationships. It gives sp...
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Changes in the conceptualization of bibliographic data caused by the introduction of the IFLA LRM model have strongly influenced the development and reorganization of cataloging principles and rules, bibliographic formats, and bibliographic information systems. Nevertheless, there is still a lack of both guidance and practices in LRM implementation...
We present a qualitative evaluation of Information Literacy Online (ILO) – a multilingual MOOC for Information Literacy (IL). We evaluated the Slovene version using diary and interview methods. Evaluation was aimed at the user perceptions and user-perceived usefulness of content. The convenience sample consisted of 12 experienced LIS masters studen...
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p> Cilj . Cilj je rada analizirati kako slovenski katalogizatori percipiraju normativnu kontrolu djela i izraza te dobiti uvid u novi način razmišljanja pri procesu katalogizacije u suvremenoj paradigmi bibliografskog univerzuma temeljenoj na IFLA-inom knjižničnom referentnom modelu. Pristup/metodologija/dizajn. Istraživanje je provedeno od lipnja...
This paper reports on usability evaluation that was carried out to evaluate the LRM-based prototype interface, presented in Part 1. A combination of focus group, Wizard of Oz method, and think-aloud protocol was used. The study was conducted in May 2019 with seven Slovenian catalogers from Maribor Public Library. Although participants had some diff...
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The aim of this paper is to present a prototype cataloging interface, which provides easier data entry, follows the cataloger’s thought process and is based on the advantages of the IFLA LRM model. The paper summarizes all stages of the conceptual design and shows how the LRM was implemented. The main purpose of the cataloging interface design is t...
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Izvleček Mobilne naprave imajo pomembno vlogo v življenju študentov in s tem velike možnosti za njihovo vključenost v prihodnje načine izobraževanja. Kljub mnogim prednostim (prenosnost, priročnost) pa je njihova uporaba v študijske namene še vedno nizka. Raz loge za (ne)uporabo mobilnih naprav v študijske namene je raziskovalo več avtor-jev, ki so...
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Integrating resources are distinct in that they change over time in such a way that their previous content is replaced with updated content. This study examines how integrating resources can be modeled using the entities and relationships of the IFLA Library Reference Model (LRM) and clarifies how they can be identified. While monographs have been...
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate the rationale, technical framework, content creation workflow and evaluation for a multilingual massive open online course (MOOC) to facilitate information literacy (IL) considering cultural aspects. Design/methodology/approach A good practice analysis built the basis for the technical and conten...
Conference Paper
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Research on database and information technologies has been rapidly evolving over the last couple of years. This evolution was lead by three major forces: Big Data, AI and Connected World that open the door to innovative research directions and challenges, yet exploiting four main areas: (i) computational and storage resource modeling and organizati...
This book constitutes thoroughly reviewed and selected papers presented at Workshops and Doctoral Consortium of the 24th East-European Conference on Advances in Databases and Information Systems, ADBIS 2020, the 24th International Conference on Theory and Practice of Digital Libraries, TPDL 2020, and the 16th Workshop on Business Intelligence and B...
Namen: Slovenski knjižni trg se trenutno sooča s težavami, ki so med drugim tudi posledica neoptimalnih procesov pri upravljanju z metapodatki. V raziskavi smo želeli ugotoviti, katere so najpogostejše ovire in priložnosti na tem področju z vidika katalogizatorjev, saj so le-ti eni izmed najpomembnejših prejemnikov podatkov o knjigah in imajo dober...
Mobilne naprave imajo pomembno vlogo v življenju študentov in s tem velike možnosti za njihovo vključenost v prihodnje načine izobraževanja. Kljub mnogim prednostim (prenosnost, priročnost) pa je njihova uporaba v študijske namene še vedno nizka. Razloge za (ne)uporabo mobilnih naprav v študijske namene je raziskovalo več avtorjev, ki so ugotovili,...
Technical Report
Definição de um modelo de referência conceitual para fornecer uma estrutura para a análise de metadados não administrativos relacionados aos recursos das bibliotecas Agosto 2017 Revisado após revisão global Aprovado pelo IFLA Professional Committee Com alterações e correções até Dezembro 2017 Tradução para o português do documento "IFLA library Ref...
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This paper provides some insight into cataloguers’ and end users’ perception of the importance of bibliographic data for fiction for two purposes: required reading for school and leisure reading. To obtain information about opinion of cataloguers and users, we used multiple data collection methods: observation, think aloud protocol and in-depth int...
The FRBR (Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records) model was a revolutionary development that presented a new view of the bibliographic universe. Although FRBR has been widely accepted and extensively studied, actual implementations have been limited. This can be partly attributed to: (1) the vague and controversial definitions of the gro...
The aim of this article is to analyze how catalogers describe publications without cataloging tools in comparison with the current cataloging process. A total of 46 catalogers took part in the first study, a free description of monographic publications, while 30 catalogers performed original cataloging in their actual environment. A combination of...
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Dans ce travail nous revisitons les concepts d'interfaces documentaires pour répondre aux besoins d'une indexation reconfigurée par le numérique. La proposition repose sur un modèle d'indexation par images que présuppose une correspondance document/image-clef, dans une démarche cognitive alternative, plus indépendante de l'oralisation, mieux assist...
Conference Paper
Book metadata plays an important role in discovering, identifying and selecting books in the online bookstores. While there is a link between good book description and sales, an insufficient description may make a book unfindable and therefore lost. There are many recommendations and guidelines regarding the book metadata to be included in the book...
Conference Paper
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The model of bibliographic entities defined in the IFLA Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records (FRBR) represents a major transition from the digital card catalog to databases containing a rich structure of entities and relationships with well-defined semantics. However, the question of how to best search and present this entity-centric b...
IzvlečekV članku je predstavljen model IFLA LRM, ki je rezultat harmonizacije in uskladitve treh modelov družine FRBR. Model LRM je splošen in abstrakten in predstavlja predvsem okvir, znotraj katerega lahko načrtovalci informacijskih sistemov razvijajo konsistentne razširitve. Za definicijo modela LRM je bil, v skladu z modeli družine FRBR, uporab...
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Introduction. Online customer reviews present one of the most important factors in book purchasing or borrowing decisions. Given that only well-organized reviews are useful, Amazon has already started linking multiple formats and editions of the same book. Nevertheless, this method is not suitable for books that have appeared in many formats and ed...
IzvlečekNamen, zasnova: Ena izmed mogočih rešitev za izboljšanje funkcionalnosti in s tem tudi uporabe bibliografskih informacijskih sistemov je model Funkcionalne zahteve za bibliografske zapise (FZBZ). Model poleg entitet definira atribute in relacije, ki so potrebni za izpolnjevanje uporabniških opravil. Atribute in relacije smo v kontekstu lepo...
Conference Paper
The paper presents a preliminary report on two studies testing the same prototype system user interfaces in Slovenia and the USA. A comparison of results highlights some of the differences in performance and preferences between the two studies and leads to a discussion of possible implications for testing in different cultural environments on one h...
Conference Paper
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Resumo: Este trabalho associa a metodologia de indexação por imagens com o modelo FRSAD como um mecanismo compatível para o compartilhamento global da informação e uso de dados de assunto, ambos no contexto da Biblioteconomia e afins. O modelo conceitual da indexação imagética mostra como as imagens estão relacionadas aos tópicos e " imagens-chave...
Conference Paper
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This proposal presents the methodology of indexing with images suggested by De Brito and Caribé (2015). The imagetic model is used as a compatible mechanism with FRSAD for a global information share and use of subject data, both within the library sector and beyond. The conceptual model of imagetic indexing shows how images are related to topics an...
Conference Paper
BIBSURF is a system demonstrating search, ranking and filtering of bibliographic RDF data that is organized in form of entities representing intellectual endeavor at different levels of abstraction: item, manifestation, expression, work.
Conference Paper
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This proposal presents the methodology of indexing with images based on Peirce's semiotics. The indexing processes are analysed under the perspective of the sign both as a word and as image to show correlations between signs from literal and imaged universes. It is explained how the traditional indexing mechanisms are related to Peirce's semiotics...
Since their beginnings, bibliographic information systems have been displaying results in the form of long, textual lists. With the development of new data models and computer technologies, the need for new approaches to present and interact with bibliographic data has slowly been maturing. To investigate how this could be accomplished, a prototype...
Purpose – Despite the importance of bibliographic information systems for discovering and exploring library resources, some of the core functionality that should be provided to support users in their information seeking process is still missing. Investigating these issues, the purpose of this paper is to design a solution that would fulfil the miss...
Die 14. Internationale Konferenz der International Society for Knowledge Organization fand vom 27. bis 29. September 2016 in Rio de Janeiro statt. Der vorliegende Tagungsband untersucht in über siebzig Beiträgen von Wissenschaftlern aus aller Welt die Perspektiven und Herausforderungen der Wissensorganisation in einer und für eine nachhaltige Welt.
Die 14. Internationale Konferenz der International Society for Knowledge Organization fand vom 27. bis 29. September 2016 in Rio de Janeiro statt. Der vorliegende Tagungsband untersucht in über siebzig Beiträgen von Wissenschaftlern aus aller Welt die Perspektiven und Herausforderungen der Wissensorganisation in einer und für eine nachhaltige Welt.
Objective – This paper is a presentation of several issues – including user provided data on relationships and attributes, frbrisation, harmonisation of various models and display of bibliographic data – that have been hindering the full adoption of the Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records (FRBR) conceptual model as the basis of catalo...
The aim of this study was to determine how parents select picture books for their children and which bibliographic data are important as they choose between different versions of the same title. Thirty-six parents of preschool children aged one to six years were interviewed and observed as they chose one version of the picture book Cinderella from...
Namen, zasnova: Namen prispevka je predstaviti zadovoljstvo uporabnikov, ki iščejo leposlovno gradivo s pomočjo knjižničnega kataloga, in ključne bibliografske elemente pri izboru med različnimi verzijami. Raziskava želi odgovoriti na vprašanje, ali obstoječi bibliografski zapisi zadostujejo za identifikacijo in izbiro leposlovja v knjižničnem kata...
Aggregates have been a frequent topic of discussion between library science researchers. This study seeks to better understand aggregates through the analysis of a sample of bibliographic records and review of the cataloging treatment of aggregates. The study focuses on determining how common aggregates are in library collections, what types of agg...
Aggregates have been a frequent topic of discussion between library science researchers. This study seeks to better understand aggregates through the analysis of a sample of bibliographic records and review of the cataloging treatment of aggregates. The study focuses on determining how common aggregates are in library collections, what types of agg...
This paper provides a brief introduction to the Republic of Slovenia and presents a history of its library system. Although the first “public” library opened in 1569 and the first “public” research library in 1701, the current library system originated in the twentieth century, after World War I. The library system of Slovenia today is an organized...
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The publishing of knowledge organization systems (KOS) as Linked Open Data (LOD) has become a well-accepted practice during the last five years. More than 1,000 thesauri, classifications, taxonomies, ontologies, term lists, and other types of KOS are available as LOD datasets. However, there are still visible and invisible barriers for the real end...
Introduction. The paper presents an approach and possible methods for eliciting mental models of the bibliographic universe for music resources and comparing them to Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records (FRBR), a conceptual model of the bibliographic universe. A small pilot study using these methods is also presented. Method. There are...
Conference Paper
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A positive user experience is one of the deciding factors in the success of information systems such as digital libraries. But being a relatively new area of research, the concepts constituting a user experience do not have a strong framework and are also not easy to measure. The paper looks at the possibility of using results from reaction cards t...
Terminology registries (TRs) are a crucial element of the infrastructure required for resource discovery services, digital libraries, Linked Data, and semantic interoperability generally. They can make the content of knowledge organization systems (KOS) available both for human and machine access. The paper describes the attributes and functionalit...
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Research of user needs in the archives of Bosnia and Herzegovina (BIH) and Slovenia (SVN) has not been developed yet. In other countries this research area has begun with the development of digital archives collections. We intend to show some results of this research in combination with our original research. We interviewed six archivists from bot...
In the mid 90s, the abundance of various electronic publications exposed libraries to the problems of licensing electronic content. Various licensing principles have been prepared recently to help libraries in the process; it can be said that in general, the knowledge of licensing issues has improved in libraries of all types. Libraries form consor...
Purpose – The purpose of this research was to examine the number and type of sources cited by featured articles from the Slovene Wikipedia with the purpose of assessing their quality. A sample of random articles was also procured in order to give a clearer picture of the content of the Slovene Wikipedia. Design/methodology/approach – A research wa...
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Knowledge organization systems (KOS) are the key elements for interlinking the values of Linked Data datasets. Existing KOS products (including well-known thesauri and classification systems) need to be transformed into the constructs of Linked Data services, much more beyond what a traditional thesaurus or classification were/are developed, but ho...
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The problem addressed by this study is the assessment of alternative approaches of generating subject access points to materials that are usually not made available through regular library catalog routines. As an aid in understanding how computerized subject analysis might be approached, we suggest using the three-layer framework that has been acce...
Conference Paper
Lately, more studies have started to look into adapting information visualization to individual users. This paper adds to those studies by analysing whether gender, field of study, and experience influenced user performance and preference in four different hierarchical layouts. The results show that, generally, the three factors did not show signif...
Purpose ‐ Bibliographic records should now be used in innovative end-user applications that enable users to learn about, discover and exploit available content, and this information should be interpreted and reused also beyond the library domain. New conceptual models such as FRBR offer the foundation for such developments. The main motivation for...
FRBR, FRAD, and FRSAD models propose user tasks as a way to address and categorize functions that a catalog should support. The user tasks are not harmonized among these models, but to do that, they should first be fully understood and analyzed, especially “select” and “identify.” We decided to look at the FRBR user tasks from the perspective of in...
Purpose: The purpose of this research was to examine the number and type of sources cited by featured articles on the Slovenian Wikipedia and to compare a sample of featured articles with a sample of random articles, with the purpose of determining an indicative framework for the quality of both.Methodology: 122 featured Wikipedia articles created...
Two studies in connection with the Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records (FRBR) conceptual model are presented. While the model is based on experiences of experts, it is yet to have been tested in practice. The first study is an expert evaluation of two FRBR-based prototypes, FictionFinder and LibraryLabs, that took place in January 200...
The article represents an overview of relevant Wikipedia studies, especially those concerning featured articles. Featured articles are those that rank among the best articles according to Wikipedia’s editors and should adhere both to Wikipedia’s guidelines and rules and all specific criteria for featured articles. Studies of Wikipedia’s featured ar...
The paper brings an overview of information visualization field, concentrating on its application to information retrieval systems. It presents the basis of information visualization and the reasons that implicate the use of visualization in information retrieval systems. It also discusses the selection of the right visualization technique and port...
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Purpose: The purpose of this article is to describe some of the problems and issues faced by online library catalogues. It aims to establish how libraries have undertaken the mission of developing the next generation catalogues and how they compare to new tools such as Amazon.
The methodology presented in this paper is based on concept mapping, which is a technique for representing knowledge in graphs. Its applications are broader and cover, in addition to presentation of knowledge, the complex organization of systems such as web sites. The paper presents a method for reaching consensus from several organizations of data...
This article reports on the second part of an initiative of the authors on researching classification systems with the conceptual model defined by the Functional Requirements for Subject Authority Data (FRSAD) final report. In an earlier study, the authors explored whether the FRSAD conceptual model could be extended beyond subject authority data t...
The creation of knowledge organization systems (KOS) such as taxonomies, thesaurus, ontologies, and name authorities involve tremendous intellectual efforts. With the rapid development of Linked Data, KOS's functioning as value vocabularies has become fundamental in interlinking the values of discrete datasets. How to build on the existing value vo...
Information visualization offers an opportunity to provide quick overviews and support exploration of the information landscape. However, there are many visualization techniques and layouts to choose from and some designs work better than others. The poster presents four hierarchical layouts developed in our FrbrVis prototype to display bibliograph...
Conference Paper
FRBR is a conceptual model of the bibliographic universe. While FRBR is focused on end-users, no user studies were performed for its development. Since its release, two research groups, one at University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, and another at Kent State University, USA, started to systematically verify the FRBR model with users. This paper will pro...
Conference Paper
Although FRBR is becoming an important player in the bibliographic world, we have not seen many discussions or examples of how FRBR-based entities or relationships could best be displayed, explored or interacted with within a user interface. The paper presents a FrbrVis prototype as one possible approach to presenting FRBR-based bibliographic data...
Conference Paper
Due to the dynamic and complex characteristics of knowledge organization systems (KOS), the need for a multi-layered model to present the complex relationships among KOS resources is widely recognized. This paper reports on a continuous effort to establish such a model. Prior to this paper, a general Dublin Core Application Profile (DCAP) model was...
Purpose This paper aims to build on of a previous study of mental models of the bibliographic universe, which found that the Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records (FRBR) conceptual model is intuitive. Design/methodology/approach A total of 120 participants were presented with a list of bibliographic entities and six graphs each. They w...
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Open access is a well-established way of publishing research results. There are many studies investigating the influence of open access on visibility of articles and citation counts. In this study, an overview and analysis of bibliometric studies analysing the extent and speed of citation were prepared, with special emphasis on the impact of open a...
In the bibliographic environment, the term aggregate is used to describe a bibliographic entity formed by combining distinct bibliographic units together. Aggregates are a large and growing class of information resources—up to 20% of the bibliographic records in OCLC's WorldCat may represent aggregates. The Functional Requirements for Bibliographic...
The models in the Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records (FRBR) family all include ways to document names or terms for the entities defined in the models. The interrelationships between the models with regards to their treatment of names, identifiers and other appellation entities will be described. Current developments for integrating F...
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Metadata related to cultural items such as literature, music and movies is a valuable resource that is currently exploited in many applications and services based on semantic web technologies. A vast amount of such information has been created by memory institutions in the last decades using different standard or ad hoc schemas, and a main challeng...
The first comprehensive exploration of the development and use of the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions' (IFLA) newly released model for subject authority data, covering everything from the rationale for creating the model to practical steps for implementing it. FRSAD: Conceptual Modeling of Aboutness explores the fu...
Proceedings of the Twelfth International ISKO Conference 6-9 August 2012 Mysore, India
For the first time in their long history libraries are facing competition. There are many different information providers and users find information elsewhere. The clear advantages of the library catalogue, such as authority control, consistency and the wealth of information are obviously not utilised to their potential. A step further is therefore...
Conference Paper
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Metadata related to cultural items such as movies, books and music is a valuable resource that currently is exploited in many applications and services based on mashup and linked data. Unfortunately, existing metadata formats do not have the semantics needed for versatile integration and reuse of such information across domains and applications. Th...
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to present the findings of an empirical study of information behaviour of young Slovenian researchers. Design/methodology/approach Built on some well‐known models of scholarly information behaviour the study complements a previously conducted study of the same population, which focused on the aspects of user fr...
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Po keletą metų trukusio aptarimo ir susirašinėjimo Valstybinės bibliografijos skaitmeniniame amžiuje darbo grupė parengė naujas gaires. Jos neseniai paskelbtos. Dokumente apžvelgiami su atranka, katalogavimu ir organizaciniais aspektais susiję iššūkiai, su kuriais susiduria valstybinės bibliografijos tarnybos. Atsižvelgiant į tai, kad bibliografinė...
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Funkcinių reikalavimų bibliografiniams įrašams (FRBR) konceptualus modelis pradeda įgyti vis didesnį pripažinimą. Šis straipsnis supažindina su FRBR. taip pat galiojančių standartų ir praktinių metodų galimybėmis ir trūkumais įgyvendinant FRBR modelį. Konstatuojama, kad FRBR turėtų labiausiai pasitarnauti valstybinei bibliografijai, nes joje sutelk...
Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records (FRBR) has a direct impact on the library and information science community in the areas of information organization, information representation, and system design. Although FRBR offers great potential for libraries to develop catalogs that function more effectively to help users access bibliographi...
Introduction. This paper recaps the most important findings of a study of mental models of the bibliographic universe and compares layperson's mental models to the conceptual model of the Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records, upon which most new developments in the world of cataloguing are at least partly based. Furthermore, it positio...
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The IFLA Functional Requirements for Bibliographic Records (FRBR) conceptual model, published in 1998, focuses on the representation of the bibliographic universe, using an entity-relationship model [1]. It has direct and great impact to the whole area of knowledge organization, especially the description, access, and sharing of bibliographic resou...


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