Maja GoriItalian National Research Council | CNR · ISPC
Maja Gori
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Maja Gori is a permanent researcher at the ISPC-CNR, Institute of Heritage Science - National Research Council, Rome (Istituto di Scienze del Patrimonio Culturale del Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche).
Main interests: Balkan and Mediterranean archaeology, Pre- and Protohistory, complexity, material culture, mobility, past and present identities, agent based modelling, network analysis.
Publications (63)
Along the Adriatic and Ionian coasts of Apulia, numerous multi-phase settlements
defended by dry-stone fortifications were established during the Middle Bronze Age (c. 1700 to 1500 BC), making it the most extensively militarized region of the Italian
peninsula during that period. It was previously thought that such fortifications spread
across Ital...
This paper discusses the tension between natural science-driven and social science-driven approaches to human migration in late prehistory, focussing especially on the 3rd millennium BC. In order to understand the relevant issues at the core of these tensions, we discuss recent research on prehistoric migrations based on aDNA data and confront it w...
Migrations constitute one of the most defining features of human history from the very beginning to the present. In recent years, the increasing application of ancient DNA and isotope studies has been revolutionising our understanding of past population movements, although the interpretation of the results is often still controversial. This volume...
The Late Bronze Age (1700–900 BC) represents an extremely dynamic period for Mediterranean Europe. Here, we provide a comparative survey of the archaeological record of over half a millennium within the entire northern littoral of the Mediterranean, from Greece to Iberia, incorporating archaeological, archaeometric, and bioarchaeological evidence....
The fifth volume of Ex Novo has the pleasure to host Flaminia Bartolini as guest editor for the special issue titled Heritage in the Making. Dealing with Legacies of Fascist Italy and Nazi Germany. This collection of peer-reviewed papers stems in part from the successful workshop held at McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research, University of...
The so-called Cetina culture can be described as a widespread pattern of interconnections traceable through a particular ceramic style that spread in the Adriatic-Ionian area in the second half of the 3rd millennium BC. The diffusion of Cetina ceramic types across the central Mediter-ranean is the material evidence reflecting the movement of small...
The archaeological site of Sovjan is situated on the edge of the Korçë Basin, southeastern Albania. Its remarkably long and well investigated stratigraphic sequence, spanning from the Neolithic till the Iron Age, makes it an important type- and reference-site for the whole region. At different periods of prehistory it was located on the shores of t...
Long-standing archaeological narratives suggest that the 3rd millennium cal BC is a key period in Mediterranean and European prehistory, characterized by the development of extensive interaction networks. In the Balkans for instance, the identification of such interactions relies solely upon typological arguments associated with conflicting local t...
Paper can be downloaded here–> https://thersites-journal.de/index.php/thr/article/view/152
This article focuses on the Cyclopean masonry walls of the city of Alatri, in the Latium Vetus, and on their role in the present identity-building process. Traditional chronology for these structures — now also supported by data from stratigraphic excavatio...
Studies on the “uses of the past” have steadily and consistently advanced over the past twenty years. Following the seminal studies by Hobsbawm and Ranger and Benedict Anderson on the role of narratives of the past in constructing (national) identities, and thanks the always more widespread practice of reception studies, the attention for cultural...
The fourth volume of Ex Novo has the pleasure to host Heleen van Londen, Marjo Schlaman, and Andrea Travaglia as guest editors of the special issue titled The Natural and The Cultural. Integrating Approaches in Landscape Heritage Management. This timely collection of peer-reviewed papers and short essays seek to bridge the longstanding gap between...
This edited book stems from the session "Archaeology of Mountainous Landscapes in Balkan Prehistory" held at the 25th EAA in Bern. In that occasion the interplay between human groups and the mountainous landscape of the Balkan Peninsula and its change over time were discussed. The main goal of the proposed volume is to stimulate a theoretical infor...
In this study we present new absolute dates for the Early Eneolithic in Serbia. Four of them confirm the recently
obtained dates from that period (Bubanj-Hum I culture) but two samples (from Mokranjske stene and Bubanj) provide somewhat
later dates for this period, although their stratigraphic context makes their interpretation difficult. Pottery f...
Every society experiences movement. As a structural component of human behavior and human mind, movement necessarily influences our ways of thinking, our relationship with people, space, time, and traditions; it modifies how we organize as groups, our perception of things and the way in which we interact with them. For its role in shaping societies...
In this poster we present an agent-based model (ABM) for the Cetina phenomenon. On the basis of the available archaeological record, we assume that small groups of people migrated from Dalmatia to Italy. The question that cannot be answered with (current) data is:
"Why did people migrate from Dalmatia to Italy?"
The paper presents three Late Bronze Age absolute dates from contexts located in the territory of western Serbia and northern Republic of Macedonia, and discusses them together with further absolute dates from the same period, which will be published shortly by one of the authors and other colleagues. On the basis of these dates the Late Bronze Age...
On the 23rd of August 2015 Daesh blew up the 2,000-year-old Baal-Shamin temple in the world-famous Greco-Roman site of Palmyra. This event triggered a profound emotional reaction in society at large, and the ruins soon became an iconic symbol of world heritage in danger. The appalling images of the ruins of Baal Shamin reinforced the perception, es...
The aim of this paper is to contribute to the review of some chronological and cultural aspects that characterize the interpretation of Balkan-Aegean relations at the end of the 3rd millennium BC. By presenting data based on pottery analysis combined to stratigraphy and radiocarbon dating of levels 9-8-7 from Sovjan, a lakeside pile dwelling settle...
Emilie Sibbesson , Ben Jervis and Sarah Coxon , eds. Insight from Innovation: New Light on Archaeological Ceramics. Papers Presented in Honour of Professor David Peacock's Contributions to Archaeological Ceramic Studies (Southampton Monographs in Archaeology, New Series 6. St. Andrews: The Highfield Press, 2016, xxxvi and 277pp., 85 colour and b/w...
By adopting historical and sociological approaches to archaeology, this paper focuses on the development of archaeology in Albania and Yugoslavia and their relation first to fascism and then to communism and socialist regimes. Identity issues based on archaeological discourse in former Yugoslavia and Albania are often perceived and regarded by west...
An introduction to Ex Novo.
During the second post-war period (1945-1960s), the Italian Communist party was a hub of intellectuals, and as such influenced the development of Italian archaeology as well. Marxist ideology indeed was perceived as means to enfranchise the discipline from the old academia. Focusing on of the so-called “Roman school” of archaeology, this paper ana...
I pendagli che presentano un’iconografia riconducibile al motivo della ruota raggiata sono ampiamente diffusi in Europa a partire dal Bronzo Medio, con un’attestazione significativa soprattutto nella tarda età del bronzo. Il motivo appare riprodotto su supporti di diverso tipo che comprendono sia pendagli, spilloni e teste di spillone in metallo e...
A revised chrono-cultural framework for the southwestern Balkans during the late 3 rd and early 2 nd millennium BCE.
Archaeology plays a fundamental role in the Israeli–Palestinian conflict. The practice of archaeology in Israel is embedded in the national identity construction discourse and has severe repercussions on domestic politics. From archaeological remains it is demanded to give proof of precedence and legitimate claims over land. The relation between na...
This paper discusses the use of archaeology in the southwestern Balkans in national and trans-national identity construction on ethnic basis. It explores the recent scenarios in Albania, Kosovo and the Republic of Macedonia (FYROM) where the use of archaeology in political issues is inherited from the communist era and reinterpreted to suit the pre...
La campagne de 2011 a été centrée sur les trois axes autour desquels s’organisent les activités de la mission depuis 2008 : 1) l’exploration du site néolithique de Kallamas, au bord du lac de Prespa (nouveaux sondages, poursuite de l’étude du matériel) ; 2) l’étude des données des fouilles de Sovjan en vue de la publication ; 3) la prospection arch...
In this paper we analyze the bronze pendants-wired, smelted and flattened-found in the Central-Northern Italy and dated to the Middle and Late Bronze Age. The data collection and the classification of the findings allowed us to elaborate the geographical distribution of the identified types as first step of the analysis. In order to advance some st...