Maike PuheKarlsruhe Institute of Technology | KIT · Institute for Technology Assessment and Systems Analysis (ITAS)
Maike Puhe
Doctor of Engineering
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Publications (25)
Wir stellen Ergebnisse einer repräsentativen Bevölkerungsumfrage (N = 1.507) vor, die wir 2022 in Deutschland durchgeführt haben. Dabei konzentrieren wir uns auf ein Fragenset, das sich den Einstellungen zu restriktiven Maßnahmen im Bereich individueller Pkw-Mobilität widmet.
Urban ropeways are a novel option to extend public transport. Technically suited to a range of use cases, urban ropeways have not yet been implemented as part of a public transport solution in Germany. Rather than the technology itself, specific routines and practices of the public transport service regime have been identified as main challenges. B...
Social acceptance is seen as an important prerequisite for a successful adoption and diffusion of automated driving technologies and services. The paper presents a proposal about how social acceptance could be conceptualized and argues that expectations and promises regarding the role of autonomous driving in future mobility systems should play an...
Viele ExpertInnen gehen davon, dass automatisiertes Fahren (AF) in den nächsten Jahrzehnten zu tiefgreifenden Änderungen des Mobilitätssystems führen kann. Soziale Akzeptanz wird oft als wichtiger Einflussfaktor dafür gesehen, wie schnell und in welcher Form sich automatisierte Fahrtechnologien und -dienste verbreiten. Angesichts
der ihr zugeschri...
Viele ExpertInnen gehen davon, dass automatisiertes Fahren (AF) in den nächsten Jahrzehnten zu tiefgreifendenÄnderungen des Mobilitätssystems führen kann. Soziale Akzeptanz wird oft als wichtiger Einflussfaktor dafür gesehen,wie schnell und in welcher Form sich automatisierte Fahrtechnologien und -dienste verbreiten. Angesichtsder ihr zugeschrieben...
Large-scale changes are expected for urban mobility systems, triggered by digitalization and various other factors such as climate concerns or urbanization. For researchers and planners, it is therefore becoming increasingly important to understand the determinants of variability and stability of travel decisions. The motivation for the study is th...
Viele Städte zielen darauf ab, die Anzahl und Nutzung privater Pkws zu reduzieren, um mehr Raum für andere Verkehrsmittel zu schaffen sowie die Aufenthaltsqualität im öffentlichen Raum zu erhöhen. Die Digitalisierung bringt hier neue Optionen, die über Apps den Zugang zu Alternativen zum eigenen Pkw erleichtern oder neue Angebote ermöglichen (z.B....
Transport systems are affected by fundamental technical and social dynamics. For planners and researchers, travel demand models are an important tool to gain insights into possible effects of these dynamics and to find appropriate ways of dealing with them. However, most state-of-the-art travel demand models underestimate social aspects of travel c...
The particular framing of standard transport demand models is reliable in capturing well-known cause-effect relations and impacts of transport measures, where there is sufficient knowledge available regarding the behavioral implications of that particular intervention. However, simulation models are increasingly used to give statements about future...
Analyzing life events and its consequences for travel behavior routines has gained importance in research over the past years. This paper captures effects of an office relocation in Karlsruhe, Germany with a total of 120 employees. A survey approach, including longitudinal elements, has been developed to capture short- and long-term effects of the...
Analyzing life events and its consequences for travel behavior routines has gained importance in research over the past years. This paper captures effects of an office relocation in Karlsruhe, Germany with a total of 120 employees. A survey approach, including longitudinal elements, has been developed to capture short- and long-term effects of the...
Urban ropeways are a novel option in public transport, using established technology known from the mountains to deliver public transport in urban areas. Generally seen as environmentally friendly with a small ecological footprint, the potential of urban ropeways has not yet been demonstrated in Germany. Applying the 'multi-level perspective' establ...
The aim of this paper is to study the effects of office relocation on travel behavior and household organization of employees and their household members. In general, office relocation can have various short and long term impacts and may influence decisions relating to mode choice and task sharing within the household. Most of these impacts usually...
Im März 2012 zog das Institut für Technikfolgenabschätzung und Systemanalyse (ITAS) des Karlsruher Instituts für Technologie (KIT) in die Karlsruher Innenstadt um. Bis dahin war es auf einem Gelände im suburbanen Raum inmitten des Hardtwaldes untergebracht. Dieser garantierte eine gute Pkw-Anbindung und ausreichend kostenlose Parkplätze. Die Anbind...
Integrated e-ticketing has long been on the agenda of EU transport policy, but yet there is no wider-scale application available. The implementation of an integrated e-ticketing scheme is a complex process that requires synchronized activity of heterogeneous actors. This paper assesses the different interests and barriers of private actors, governm...
This paper addresses the relevance of the demand side for the achievement of sustainable transport in urban areas. The underlying thesis is that a better understanding of user habits, perceptions and attitudes with its specific dynamics is essential for a successful design of targeted transport policies. In line with this, the paper at hand is base...
In Deutschland ist der öffentliche Verkehr (ÖV) ein traditioneller Bereich der öffentli-chen Daseinsvorsorge. Busse und Bahnen tragen wesentlich dazu bei, dass Pendler rechtzeitig ihren Arbeitsplatz erreichen und alle Mitglieder der Gesellschaft auch dort mo-bil sein können, wo es sich rein ökonomisch nicht rentiert. Der Trend, den ÖV zu liberali-s...
Report from the first conference within the European project PACITA
Prague, Czech Republic, March 13–15, 2013