Maik BeegeUniversity of Education Freiburg · Department of Psychology
Maik Beege
Jun.-Prof. Dr.
Doing absolutely important stuff.
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Hi guys.
I am working on various projects regarding learning with multimedia . I published various articles with regard to different media and learning processes. Fell free to reach out but it would be better if you write a mail. I am only partially online here.
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October 2021 - present
April 2015 - September 2021
October 2009 - March 2015
Publications (82)
In research practice, it is common to measure cognitive load after learning using self-report scales. This approach can be considered risky because it is unclear on what basis learners assess cognitive load, particularly when the learning material contains varying levels of complexity. This raises questions that have yet to be answered by education...
Recent research has shown that enhancing instructional videos with questions, such as self-explanation prompts, and thus shifting the process from receptive to constructive learning, is beneficial to learning. However, the inclusion of questions is often confounded with the implementation of learner pacing through navigation features. Furthermore,...
Students' attitudes toward the use of video-based media in physical education are an understudied in empirical research topic. While teachers' attitudes towards the use of media in schools and lessons are increasingly being researched as a facet of professional skills development, students' attitudes towards the use of digital media in schools are...
In formal educational settings, such as online university lectures, instructional videos often consist of PowerPoint slides accompanied by a video or audio explanation from the instructor. It has been assumed that the social cues provided by the instructor’s video may facilitate affective processes and affect learning outcomes. Research on instruct...
360 videos raised the attention of educators, as they can mediate complex environments in educational settings. However, learning irrelevant cognitive strains might be imposed because it is necessary to navigate through spherical material. These down-sides could be compensated by using signalling techniques. In a two (macro-level vs. no signalling)...
The rapid development of AI in the recent years has triggered numerous discussions in the education sector. AI offers numerous opportunities, but also challenges, especially for teachers. This study therefore examines the extent to which STEM teachers assess the benefits but also the risks of ChatGPT and how this influences the future use of AI in...
To explain successful subject matter learning with digital tools, the specification of mediating cognitive processes is crucial for any empirical investigation. We introduce a cognitive process framework for the mechanisms of learning with digital tools (CoDiL) that combines core ideas from the psychology of instruction (utilization-of-learning-opp...
Researchers disagree on the extent to which social cues in instructional videos influence learning and learning-relevant outcomes and processes. The instructor presence effect states that visible instructors in instructional videos lead to increased social presence and higher scores in subjective ratings like motivation, social presence, or affect,...
In order to explain successful mathematics learning with digital tools, the specification of learning activities is crucial for any empirical investigation. We introduce a cognitive process framework for the mechanisms of (mathematics) learning with digital tools that combines core ideas from the psychology of instruction (utilization-of-learning-o...
Results from experimental research in instructional psychology imply that a deep menu structure of a e-learning website may provide useful segmentation. However, menu depth also increases the need for navigation and thus, might have impairing effects on learning. Furthermore, instructional support can be provided by including a checkli...
Pedagogical agents were found to enhance learning but studies on the emotional effects of such agents are still missing. While first results show that pedagogical agents with an emotionally positive design might especially foster learning, these findings might depend on the gender of the agent and the learner. This study investigated whether emotio...
Although whiteboard animations are increasingly used for educational purposes, there is little empirical evidence as to why such animations can enhance learning. To specify essential elements, their dynamic visual presentation, as well as their narrative embedding, were found to be theortically important. In a first Experiment (N = 133) with a 2 (p...
According to cognitive load theory, learning can only be successful when instructional materials and procedures are designed in accordance with human cognitive architecture. In this context, one of the biggest challenges is the accurate measurement of the different cognitive load types as these are associated with various activities during learning...
Whiteboard animations encounter increasing popularity among learners. However, due to their transient nature, such animations can quickly exceed learners’ working memory capacities. To compensate for this transience, the segmentation principle (i.e., separating the animation into smaller, “digestible” segments) can be used to give learners more tim...
The application of 360° videos raised the attention of educators and researchers, as it appears to be an approachable option to mediate complete environments in educational settings. However, challenges emerge from the perspective of educational psychology. Learning irrelevant cognitive strains might be imposed because it is necessary to navigate t...
Several studies highlight the importance of the order of different instructional methods when designing learning environments. Correct but also erroneous worked examples are frequently used methods to foster students’ learning performance, especially in problem-solving. However, so far no study examined how the order of these example types affects...
For more than three decades, cognitive load theory has been addressing learning from a cognitive perspective. Based on this instructional theory, design recommendations and principles have been derived to manage the load on working memory while learning. The increasing attention paid to cognitive load theory in educational science quickly culminate...
Since distance learning takes on an ever-greater role in educational settings, learning from instructional videos has gained enormous popularity in research. In this vein, there is an ongoing discussion whether the instructor should be visible throughout the video and if so, how the instructor should be designed. Under the premise that the perceive...
Lernen mit digitalen Medien ist ein zwar junges aber weit erforschtes Feld der psychologischen Forschung. Ein Großteil der Forschung widmete sich dabei der Erforschung kognitiver Prozesse bei der Selektion und Verarbeitung sowie der Speicherung und dem Abruf von Informationen. Erst in den letzten 20 Jahren wurden verstärkt begleitende psychische Pr...
For a long time, research on individuals learning in digital environments was primarily based on cognitive-oriented theories. This paper aims at providing evidence that social processes affect individual learning with digital materials. Based on these theories and empirical results, a social-processes-augmented theory is suggested: the Cognitive-Af...
Concept maps are assumed to enhance learning as their inherent structure makes relations between information more salient. Nevertheless, research on how to design concept maps as conducive to learning as possible is still rare. In particular, the salience of spatial arrangement of thematically related concepts within the map as well as the complexi...
The disfluency effect postulates that intentionally inserted desirable difficulties can have a beneficial effect on learning. Nevertheless, there is an ongoing discussion about the emergence of this effect since studies could not replicate this effect or even found opposite effects. To clarify boundary effects of the disfluency effect and to invest...
Body movements such as gestures and facial expressions are an essential part of human communication. While first results show that body movements of pedagogical agents in educational videos foster learning when they are learning-related, the impact of unrelated gestures and facial expressions is still not fully examined. This study investigated whe...
Learning from erroneous worked examples could enhance learning in contrast to problem-solving tasks. The type of error was hypothesized to be a moderator and accuracy of error detection and correction a mediator of this effect. This study examines the influence of simple syntactic (the structure of the code) and complex semantic (the logic or conte...
Nach der Selbstbestimmungstheorie (Ryan & Deci, 2000) fördern sowohl die Bereitstellung von Wahlmöglichkeiten als auch eine geringere Aufgabenschwierigkeit sowohl die Motivation als auch Lernleistungen von Lernenden über eine Steigerung des Autonomie- und Kompetenzerlebens als psychische Grundbedürfnisse (z.B., Goemaere et al., 2018, Schneider et a...
Concepts maps can be an effective way to present conceptual relationships to learners. However, teachers using concept maps suffer from a lack of evidence-based principles. Highlighting the organization of the information and making its structure more salient might be more helpful for learners, especially as concept maps increase in size and comple...
Concept Maps are assumed to enhance learning as their inherent structure makes relations between information more salient. Nevertheless, research on how to design concept maps as conducive to learning as possible is still rare. In particular, the salience of spatial arrangement of thematically related concepts within the map as well as the complexi...
Learning materials often consist of pictures that do not pursue a learning goal but an aesthetics function. Such decorative pictures were found to hinder learning by an increase of learning-irrelevant cognitive load (i.e., the seductive detail effect). Studies also showed that various details within a learning setting could have a retrieval-enhanci...
Statistical concepts are quite abstract and difficult for students to understand, leading to high examination failure rates. This study investigated whether the use of decorative pictures during online learning could enhance learning performance or reduce cognitive load. Although many multimedia studies showed the negative influences of decorative...
Text-based learning media are often used in primary, secondary and university education. Therefore, text designers can support the learner by highlighting the most relevant information by using visual cues. Despite this signaling effect’s broad empirical basis, the extent to which the effectiveness of educational signals is dependent on moderator v...
Until sufficient practical experience and documented examples are available, emerging technological methods to create educational content typically require in-depth knowledge from different fields in order to apply them in the most beneficial way. The method of creating photorealistic 3D models (PR3DMs) of real-world objects with the methods of pho...
The entity players compete with is an important element of competitive mechanisms. However, this crucial element is barely investigated within educational video games, as educational psychology research focuses mainly on supportive role models (e.g., pedagogical agents, intelligent tutorial systems). Nevertheless, the influence on learning must be...
The emotional design hypothesis states that features in digital learning materials can elicit emotional reactions. Voice-related cues, such as enthusiastic accentuations are getting more into the focus of research. These emotion-related cues have to be additionally processed to the relevant instructions while learning, so that the overall amount of...
Lecturers in educational videos often use gestures to emphasize what has been said or highlight learning relevant information, which is visible on the screen. However, differences in types of lecturer gestures, such as rhythmic (beat) gestures and signaling (deictic) gestures, have not been investigated thoroughly yet concerning human lecturers in...
Many (digital) learning materials are often based on a combination of text and pictures, whereby pictures often only serve a decorative (learning-irrelevant) function. Such decorative pictures were proven as detrimental for learning success. In contrast, research on retrieval cues (also known as memory cues) showed that a visual-semantic connection...
Text-based learning environments are often used in primary, secondary, university, and online education. Two prominent design recommendations for improving learning instructional texts are the signaling principle (i.e., highlighting the most important information) and the disfluency principle (i.e. impairing the ease of identifying words). Despite...
Concept Maps sind Diagramme, die Beziehungen zwischen Konzepten und Ideen visuell wiedergeben (Novak & Cañas, 2006) und häufig Anwendung beim Lernen finden. Sie gelten grundsätzlich als lernförderlich, da Lernende weniger kognitive Verarbeitungsstrukturen benötigen, um relevante Informationen zu extrahieren (Schroeder, Nesbit, Anguiano & Adesope, 2...
Die Implementation von affektiven Gestaltungsprinzipien in multimedialen Lernumgebungen brachte bisher gegensätzliche Ergebnisse hervor. Während in einigen Lernsituationen Emotionen als zusätzliche kognitive Belastung wirkten und die Lernergebnisse negativ beeinflussten (Cognitive Load Perspektive), wurde in anderen Untersuchungen festgestellt, pos...
The split-attention effect refers to learning with related representations in multimedia. Spatial proximity and integration of these representations are crucial for learning processes. The influence of varying amounts of proximity between related and unrelated information has not yet been specified. In two experiments (N1 = 98; N2 = 85), spatial pr...
The motivation for students to keep working with online materials can fade quite rapidly. Reasons for it might lay in the limited perceived autonomy while reading and solving tasks on computers. Based on previous school setting experiments and the self-determination theory, a provision of choice might help to improve learners’ perception of autonom...
The segmenting effect states that people learn better when multimedia instructions are presented in (meaningful and coherent) learner-paced segments, rather than as continuous units. This meta-analysis contains 56 investigations including 88 pairwise comparisons and reveals a significant segmenting effect with small to medium effects for retention...
In der vorliegenden Synopse werden drei veröffentliche Publikationen gebündelt. Die Experimente tragen zur aktuellen wissenschaftlichen Diskussion über die positiven oder negativen Auswirkungen sozialer Entitäten und sozialer Hinweisreize in digitalen Lernmedien bei. Zunächst werden die theoretischen Grundlagen zusammengefasst. Weiterhin werden die...
According to the Self-Determination Theory, the autonomy-supporting feature of choice leads to an increase in intrinsically motivated behavior. Although this effect was replicated multiple times, instructional designers often dread to include choice options in single tasks because of the high effort in designing additional materials or a higher cog...
Social entities are implemented within educational videos in order to create a stimulating learning environment that will serve for social identification and knowledge transfer. In two experiments performed for this study, university students watched an instructional video about multiple sclerosis (experiment 1) or amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ex...
In the educational context, the influences of the emotional charge of audiovisual media are rarely investigated. Additionally, the mood of the learner influences learning with multimedia. This study aims to investigate the influence of both variables on learning with videos. Therefore, 162 school students watched educational videos which were manip...
Die Forschung zu digitalen Lernmaterialien wurde lange Zeit durch rein kognitiv ausgerichtete Theorien dominiert. Dieser Beitrag widmet sich der Fragestellung, inwieweit der individuelle Umgang mit digital präsentierten Lernmaterialien auch sozialen Prozessen unterliegt. Dafür werden Theorien herangezogen, die soziale Einflüsse auf Lernprozesse pro...
The inclusion of human-like shapes like arms or faces in rather abstract pictures triggers the tendency of anthropomorphism, which is defined as the attribution of human characteristics to nonhuman objects. Anthropomorphism-triggering features in digital learning materials were found to enhance the performance of students. However, the probability...
Several design factors of educational videos are discussed in order to foster learning performance.
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The signaling effect states that learners profit from cues that highlight the organization of specific relevant information within materials. This meta-analysis includes 103 studies and N = 12,201 participants. 139 retention and 70 transfer performance measures were used to determine separat...
Anthropomorphisierung bezeichnet im Lernkontext die Tendenz von Personen, menschliche Charakteristiken auf nicht-menschliche Objekte zu übertragen. Dieser Effekt wird in multimedialen Lernmaterialien durch Designelemente wie menschliche Gesichter oder soziale Hinweiszeichen hervorgerufen und kann die Lernleistung erhöhen. Bisher konnten Studien die...
Social entities are often implemented within educational videos in order to create a stimulating learning environment which serves for knowledge transfer and social identification. Recent research revealed that the effect of social entities is linked to several boundary conditions. In order to specify these conditions, this study aimed at investiga...
Instructional designer use external representations such as pictures in order to represent, organize, explain or decorate a learning material. In the case of decorative pictures (e.g., photographs or illustrations), the aim is to make a learning material aesthetically appealing rather than to provide learning topic-related information. As such, the...
Decorative pictures in multimedia materials were long been regarded as detrimental (seductive) for learning. In contrast, resent research has shown that the impact of these pictures is moderated by a number of variables. In a series of experiments, this presentation examines if the emotional charge of decorative illustrations can be verified as an...
Presentation held at the EARLI 2017
The signaling effect states that learners profit from cues that highlight organization or relevant information. This meta-analysis includes 95 studies and N = 11,499 participants. One hundred thirty-one retention, 67 transfer performance and 23 cognitive load measures were used to determine separate mean effect sizes. Additionally, nine possible mo...
Decorative pictures, which make a learning text aesthetically appealing rather than provide information, have been predominantly found to impair learning by an increase of learning-irrelevant cognitive processes. Recent research, however, indicates that this effect is moderated by various factors. On the basis of cognitive–affective theories and st...
Numerous studies were conducted to investigate how recipients are affected by the miscellaneous characters in multimedia. However, there is a lack of research concerning the connection between parasocial processes and learning performances. This study aims to investigate the influence of addressing (as a social encounter of parasocial interaction)...
Although many of the existing educational videogames rely on leaderboard mechanisms, dedicated research on their effectiveness or how they should be implemented is missing. In this study, competitive effort, perceived difficulty and connected gameplay which are revealed to be core concepts of leaderboards, are manipulated to examine how leaderboard...
Pedagogical agents are frequently used in digital learning environments. On the basis of the computers-as-social-actors paradigm (CASA), learners do not differentiate between the interaction with these characters and any other social interaction. Therefore, the appearance of pedagogical agents is vulnerable to stereotyping mechanisms such as ageism...
When people attribute human characteristics to nonhuman objects they are amenable to anthropomorphism. For example, human faces or the insertion of personalized labels are found to trigger anthropomorphism. Two studies examine the effects of these features when included in decorative pictures in multimedia learning materials. In a first experiment,...
Pedagogical agents are used more frequently in digital learning environments. On the basis of the computers-as-social-actors paradigm (CASA), learners do not differentiate between the interaction with these characters and any other human social interaction. Therefore, the appearance of pedagogical agents is vulnerable to stereotyping mechanisms suc...
Complex, multimedia software such as educational videogames offer a wide range of elements to modify learner behavior. The adjustment of such software might support learning, especially in complex settings like collaborative or cooperative scenarios. Coming from a theoretical background of educational psychology, our experiment seeks to implement t...
Interactive multimedia environments such as educational videogames offer great potential for learning in groups with multiple players. Multiplayer games might lead to competition among the learners which is frequently used to motivate them to play again. Additionally, competitive outcomes as discrepancies to a desired standard might differ between...
In multimedia learning settings, limitations in learners’ mental resource capacity need to be considered to avoid impairing effects on learning performance. A prominent and influential theory that provides advice for the conducive design of media-transmitted instructional content from a cognitive perspective is the Cognitive Load Theory (CLT). Base...
Considering learners’ cognitive scopes and limitations exhibits broad impact on the design of instructional material. In this context, the influential Cognitive Load Theory postulates distinct facets that amount to the overall construct of cognitive load. While task complexity and learners’ previous knowledge constitute intrinsic load, extraneous l...
In multimedia learning settings, limitations in learners’ mental resource capacities need to be considered to avoid impairing effects on learning performance. Based on the prominent and often quoted Cognitive Load Theory, this study investigates the potential of a single experimental approach to provide simultaneous and separate measures for the po...
Nutzern von digitalen Lernspielen (educational videogames/Serious Games) explizite Spielziele vorzugeben, gehört zu den grundlegenden Aufgaben im Entwicklungsprozess. Hierbei stellt sich jedoch die Frage, welche Ziele am sinnvollsten sind. Der folgende Artikel beschäftigt sich mit dieser Fragestellung aus Sicht der
Pädagogik, Psychologie und des Ga...