Mahmoud Mamou

Mahmoud Mamou
National Research Council Canada | NRC · Institute for Aerospace Research



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December 2009 - December 2009
Cadi Ayyad University
  • Lecturer
  • Stability analyses
June 1999 - present
National Research Council Canada
  • Research Officer


Publications (271)
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In support of Canadian industrial and defence ship design and offshore helicopter operations, a series of Ship–Helicopter Operational Limits Analysis and Simulation (SHOLAS) projects are being conducted at the National Research Council Canada (NRC) in collaboration with Defence Research and Development Canada (DRDC). This study presents a brief ove...
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The paper presents some of the results obtained during the wind tunnel testing of a morphing wing experimental model representing a full-scale portion of a regional aircraft wing equipped with an aileron. The work is a part from a major morphing wing project developed as collaboration between industries, universities and research centers from Canad...
Conference Paper
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The paper presents some of the results obtained during the wind tunnel testing of a morphing wing experimental model representing a full-scale portion of a regional aircraft wing equipped with an aileron. The work is a part from a major morphing wing project developed as collaboration between industries, universities and research centers from Canad...
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Analytical and numerical investigations were performed to study the influence of the Soret and Dufour effects on double-diffusive convection in a vertical porous layer filled with a binary mixture and subject to horizontal thermal and solute gradients. In particular, the study was focused on the effect of Soret and Dufour diffusion on bifurcation t...
High-speed rolling element bearings for aircraft engines are custom-made components and operate under high temperature conditions owing to the elevated rotational speeds and loads. Therefore, assessing the various heat generation sources and mechanisms is worth investigating to accurately quantify the overall power loss within the bearing. In this...
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The present paper reports on an analytical and numerical study of combined Soret and Dufour effects on thermosolutal convection in a horizontal porous cavity saturated with an electrically conducting binary fluid under a magnetic field. The horizontal walls of the system are subject to vertical uniform fluxes of heat and mass, whereas the vertical...
In the present paper, a numerical investigation was performed to assess the effect of the rheological behavior of non-Newtonian fluids on Rayleigh–Bénard thermosolutal convection instabilities within shallow and finite aspect ratio enclosures. Neumann and Dirichlet thermal and solutal boundary condition types were applied on the horizontal walls of...
Conference Paper
Rolling-element bearings operate in the elastohydrodynamic regime where only a thin layer of lubricant is needed in the contact area. However, under severe operating conditions such as those encountered in aircraft engines (high speeds and heavy loads); a significant amount of heat is generated due to friction. Therefore, fresh oil must to be const...
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Thermo-diffusion and double-diffusion convection flows within multi-components enclosure subject to vertical and horizontal thermal gradients is investigated numerically and analytically. The focus of the present investigation is to determine the thresholds for oscillatory and stationary convection as function of the lateral heating factor and the...
Conference Paper
This paper exposes methodologies and results obtained in a morphing wing application that was developed starting from a full-scaled portion of a real aircraft wing. The experimental model used a full scaled portion of a real aircraft wing, which was also equipped with an aileron. The morphing wing application has been developed during a three years...
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The present study focuses on double diffusion natural convection in a square cavity saturated by an inclined porous medium subjected to cross temperature and concentration gradients. The Darcy model with the Boussinesq approximation, energy and species transport equations are solved numerically using the classical finite difference method with a ti...
The present study deals with double diffusive convection within a horizontal well packed porous layer of finite aspect ratio where thermo-diffusion has a predominant effect on the convective flow stability. The porous layer is subject to vertical thermal and solutal gradients and a lateral heating flux. The investigation is focused on a special sit...
Conference Paper
High-speed rolling element bearings for aircraft engines are custom-made components and operate under high temperatures due to the elevated rotational speeds and loads. Therefore, understanding the various heat generation sources and mechanisms is worth investigating to accurately quantify power losses within the bearing. In this context, a parame...
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The paper presents the design and experimental testing of the control system used in a new morphing wing application with a full-scaled portion of a real wing. The morphing actuation system uses four similar miniature brushless DC (BLDC) motors placed inside the wing, which execute a direct actuation of the flexible upper surface of the wing made f...
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The paper presents the design, numerical simulation, and wind tunnel experimental testing of a fuzzy logic-based control system for a new morphing wing actuation system equipped with Brushless DC (BLDC) motors, under the framework of an international project between Canada and Italy. Morphing wing is a prime concern of the aviation industry and, du...
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The paper deals with the design and experimental validation of the actuation mechanism control system for a morphing wing model. The experimental morphable wing model manufactured in this project is a full-size scale wing tip for a real aircraft equipped with an aileron. The morphing actuation of the model is based on a mechanism with four similar...
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In this study, the Dufour and Soret effects on natural double‐diffusion convection in a horizontal porous layer was studied numerically using FORTRAN 90 programming and analytically near various convection onset thresholds. The porous layer was subject to a uniform heat and mass fluxes on the horizontal walls while the vertical walls were impermeab...
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A new wing-tip concept with morphing upper surface and interchangeable conventional and morphing ailerons was designed, manufactured, bench and wind-tunnel tested. The development of this wing-tip model was performed in the frame of an international CRIAQ project, and the purpose was to demonstrate the wing upper surface and aileron morphing capabi...
This paper reports a numerical study of natural convection in an inclined enclosure filled with a fluid-saturated porous medium. The Darcy-Dupuit model, which includes effects of flow form drag, is used to describe the flow in the porous layer. Thermal boundary conditions of the Neumann type are applied on the long side walls of the enclosure while...
The present study is focused on Lapwood convection in isotropic porous media saturated with non-Newtonian shear thinning fluid. The non-Newtonian rheological behavior of the fluid is modeled using the general viscosity model of Carreau–Yasuda. The convection configuration consists of a shallow porous cavity with a finite aspect ratio and subject to...
A morphing wing can improve the aircraft aerodynamic performance by changing the wing airfoil depending on the flight conditions. In this paper, a new control methodology is presented for a morphing wing demonstrator tested in a subsonic wind tunnel in the open-loop configuration. Actuators integrated inside the wing are used to modify the flexible...
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This paper considers natural Lapwood convection in a shallow porous cavity filled with a binary fluid. The investigation is mainly focused on the nonlinear behaviour of subcritical convection and the bistability phenomenon caused by the combined effects of porous medium form drag and double-diffusive convection. The Dupuit–Darcy model, which includ...
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In aircraft wing design, engineers aim to provide the best possible aerodynamic performance under cruise flight conditions in terms of lift-to-drag ratio. Conventional control surfaces such as flaps, ailerons, variable wing sweep and spoilers are used to trim the aircraft for other flight conditions. The appearance of the morphing wing concept laun...
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In this paper, an ‘in-house’ genetic algorithm is described and applied to an optimization problem for improving the aerodynamic performances of an aircraft wing tip through upper surface morphing. The algorithm’s performances were studied from the convergence point of view, in accordance with design conditions. The algorithm was compared to two ot...
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In the present paper, an ‘in-house’ genetic algorithm was numerically and experimentally validated. The genetic algorithm was applied to an optimization problem for improving the aerodynamic performances of an aircraft wing tip through upper surface morphing. The optimization was performed for 16 flight cases expressed in terms of various combinati...
Conference Paper
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A wing tip demonstrator equipped with a conventional aileron and with a morphing aileron was designed, manufactured and tested during three wind tunnel sessions at the NRC subsonic wind tunnel facilities in Ottawa. Experimental data during wind tunnel tests was recorded from 32 Kulite sensors installed on the morphing skin, Infrared readings and Lo...
This paper reports a numerical study of natural convection in at all porous enclosure filled with a binary fluid. The Darcy–Dupuis model, which includes effects of the form drag force, is adopted to describe the flow in the porous medium. The two vertical walls of the cavity are subject to constant gradients of temperature while the two horizontal...
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This paper presents the results obtained from the numerical simulation and experimental wind tunnel testing of a morphing wing equipped with a flexible upper surface and controllable actuated aileron. The technology demonstrator is representative of a real aircraft wing tip section, and it was developed following a complex, multidisciplinary design...
Conference Paper
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The research presented in this present paper was done within the framework of the international CRIAQ MDO505 Morphing Wing project, developed as a collaborative research project between academia, research centres and industry partners. The work exposed in the paper is related to the development of an experimental morphing wing model and its perform...
Conference Paper
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Dans ce travail, les études numériques et analytiques ont été réalisés pour évaluer l'effet de la trainée de forme Darcy-Dupuit convection dans une cavité poreuse horizontale rectangulaire saturée par un fluide, soumise à un gradient thermique vertical. L'effet de la trainée de forme sur le seuil de bifurcation Hopf (caractérisant le point de trans...
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Combined effects of magnetic field and thermodiffusion (Soret effect) on natural convection within an electrically conducting binary mixture, confined in a horizontal sparsely packed porous enclosure subjected to uniform fluxes of heat and mass, is studied analytically and numerically. In the limit of a shallow enclosure, an analytical solution is...
Conference Paper
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The paper presents the development of an experimental morphing wing model and its performance evaluation by using some wind tunnel tests. The model was designed, fabricated and tested during a multidisciplinary collaborative research project involving industrial partners, research entities and academia from Canada and Italy. It was based on the dim...
Conference Paper
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This paper presents numerical optimization and experimental wind tunnel testing of a morphing wing tip equipped with an adaptable upper surface, and a rigid aileron. The wing model represented the wing-tip of a regional transport aircraft, including the structure capable of withstanding flight loads, and an active control surface. The wing box adap...
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The research presented in this present paper was done within the framework of the international CRIAQ MDO505 Morphing Wing project, developed as a collaborative research project between academia, research centres and industry partners. The work exposed in the paper is related to the development of an experimental morphing wing model and its perform...
Conference Paper
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Dans ce travail on a étudié numériquement un écoulement autour d‘un obstacle bidimensionnel 2D à l’aide de la technique de dynamique de fluide computationnelle (CFD). Le but de cette étude est d’évaluer les performances de ANSY CFX v12.1 pour la simulation des écoulements turbulents du vent en utilisant les équations de Navier-Stokes avec plusieurs...
Conference Paper
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Dans ce travail, les études numériques et analytiques ont été réalises pour évaluer l’effet de la force de la trainée de forme Darcy-Dupuit convection dans une cavité poreuse horizontale rectangulaire saturée par un fluide, soumise à un gradient thermique verticale. L’effet de la trainée de forme sur le seuil de bifurcation Hopf (caractérisant la t...
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Non-Newtonian subcritical convection in a Rayleigh-Bénard configuration was investigated numerically, using rigid boundary conditions. The flow configuration consisted of a finite aspect ratio enclosure subject to a vertical temperature gradient, which was established by heating and cooling the lower and the upper walls by either a constant heat fl...
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In the present paper, numerical and analytical investigations were performed to assess the effect of the form drag force on Dupuit-Darcy convection in a shallow porous enclosure, subject to a vertical thermal gradient. The effect of the form drag on the threshold of Hopf bifurcation (characterizing the transition from steady to unsteady convection)...
Conference Paper
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The present study dealt with a numerical study of double diffusive natural convection flow in a binary fluid contained in a tilted square cavity under cross temperature and concentration gradients. The mass, momentum and energy conservation equations were solved numerically using a finite-difference method. The study was focused on the cavity tilte...
Conference Paper
Aerodynamic testing of high fidelity models is a standard practice for aircraft manufacturers. With the development of phased microphone array technology, aeroacoustics can become an integral part of the design process of an airplane. In 2012, the National Research Council Canada and Bombardier Aerospace carried out a collaborative research program...
Conference Paper
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In this work, we studied a convective heat trans- fer in a rectangular horizontal porous cavity saturated by a fluid. The vertical walls of the enclosure are kept adiabatic and impermeable. On the other hand, the horizontal walls are subject to constant flux of heat with the lower wall being heat- ed and the upper wall being cooled. For slender por...
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Numerical simulations were performed to analyse the possibility of damping abrupt incoming free stream disturbances upon a porous aerofoil using an unsteady Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes (URANS) model. To mimic the turbulence disturbance levels that are typically encountered in the atmosphere, two flow configurations were considered. In the first...
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The present paper describes the design of a hybrid actuation control concept, a fuzzy logic Proportional-Integral-Derivative plus a conventional On-Off controller, for a new morphing mechanism using smart materials as actuators, which were made from Shape Memory Alloys (SMA). The research work described here was developed for the open loop phase of...
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The paper presents the numerical and experimental validation of a hybrid actuation control concept – fuzzy logic proportional-integral-derivative (PID) plus conventional on-off – for a new morphing wing mechanism, using smart materials made of shape memory alloy (SMA) as actuators. After a presentation of the hybrid controller architecture that was...
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The main objective of this research work is the development of an actuation control concept for a new morphing actuation mechanism made of smart materials, which is built from a shape memory alloy (SMA). Two lines of smart actuators were incorporated to a rectangular wing to modify the upper wing surface, made of a flexible skin, with the intention...
Conference Paper
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The paper presents the design of an intelligent actuation control concept, self-tuning fuzzy logic Proportional-Integral-Derivative plus conventional On-Off, for a new morphing mechanism using smart materials made of Shape Memory Alloy (SMA) for the actuators. In this way, two fuzzy inference systems were developed and implemented in the self-tunin...
Conference Paper
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The main objectives of this research work are: the design and the wind tunnel testing of a controller for a new morphing mechanism using smart materials made of Shape Memory Alloy (SMA) for the actuators, and the aero-elasticity studies for the morphing wing. The finally obtained configuration for the controller is a combination of a bi-positional...