Mahmoud Yousef Askari

Mahmoud Yousef Askari
Al Ain University · Department of Business Administration

Doctorate in Leadership


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Dr. Mahmoud Yousef Askari is an associate professor of management at Al Ain University with research expertise in Utility, Persuasion and Rational Decision Making, Incentives and Motives, Innovation & Entrepreneurship. Dr. Askari is the author of four management books/textbooks, and many peer-reviewed journal articles. He earned his Doctorate from The University of Calgary, Canada, and served as a Financial Analyst and Management Consultant in Toronto, Canada before joining academia in 2015.


Publications (31)
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This paper highlights the needs of faculty development for business professors and sheds light on why business education is unique when compared to other disciplines. The paper argues that different disciplines should not be painted with the same faculty development brush when designing a development strategy. It also proposes that business profess...
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This study followed a qualitative research approach to investigate how well-educated professionals see the role of formal education in building human capital. Individuals need to understand the relationship between education and their human capital to justify the time and money they invested to get their education. Colleges and universities need to...
This paper proposes that the ability to perform a task or take an action can be maximized by redirecting the “busy” ability of the individual using alternative incentives. The paper hypothesizes that an individual’s full ability to do something can be reached if suitable and favourable incentives are offered to the targeted individual to replace ex...
This paper proposes that there are four variables for every action, three independent variables: (Incentive, Motive, Ability), and one dependent variable: (Action). These four variables are proposed to be components of all actions performed by individuals, organizations, or nations, and can be referred to as Life Movement Variables. The paper propo...
This paper proposes that sharing tangible and intangible assets with others in a peer-to-peer process is imbedded in every economic transaction, and that sharing has been an everyday economic activity throughout history. The paper proposes that utilizing one’s needed goods and services in any economy can only be possible through sharing, and that a...
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الحمد لله الذي أنزل الكتاب، ويَسَّرَ الأسباب، وفتح بالعلم لعباده الأبواب، والحمد لله الذي عَلَّمَ الناس من علمه، ورزقهم من فضله، فلك الحمد والشكر ربي على فضلك العظيم، وعطائك الكريم، إنك أنت العليم الحكيم. أضع بين يدي القارئ العربي الكريم كتابي هذا، بحول الله ومشيئته، راجياً من الله جَلَّ في عُلاه، أن يجعله عوناً للدارسين والممارسين لموضوع الإقناع،...
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أضع بين يدي القارئ العربي الكريم كتاب "الإدارة" هذا، راجياً من المولى عزّ وجلّ أن يُعين به الدّارسين، وأنْ يجعله عَوْناً لطلاب العِلم والمُهتمين، ومُرشداً للعَامِلين في الإدارة والمُمارسين. فقد كانت معرفة الإدارة وما زالت، مفتاح النّجاح في إدارة المجتمعات والدول، وفي إدارة المنظمات بأنواعها، الربحية منها وغير الربحية. ذلك أن الفرق بين النّجاح والفش...
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لأهمية موضوع الابتكار وريادة الأعمال في عصرنا هذا، فإنني أضع بين يدي القارئ العربي الكريم هذا الكتاب الذي يتناول بالتفصيل موضوع الابتكار وريادة الأعمال، والذي يقدم في فصوله العشرة ما يحتاجه الدارس من معرفة علمية، وأمثلة عملية لتعلم الإبداع والابتكار، ولبدء نشاط تجاري جديد. فقد ثبت في دول العالم المختلفة، الغنية منها والفقيرة، أن نجاحها في استدامة إ...
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In this paper, we provide further support for using profit sharing to enhance productivity and profitability from the retail food industry in Canada. The overall gross profit percentage (GP%) of a retail store was used as a measure of productivity and profitability for the store. In addition, and as another measure of productivity, the study compar...
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In this paper, I propose that individualism and selfishness are embedded in every individual, and that their existence is needed to provide rationale for the actions of individuals. I argue that people are motivated by their targeted benefits as individuals, and rationalize their decisions to reach their individual targets using their selfishness i...
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This paper is an attempt to contribute to the field of behavioral economics by proposing a new perspective of utility and rational decision making. We use the method of Thought Experiment, as well as, hypothetical examples of decision making to explain the rationality of decisions that might be seen by economics as irrational. We hypothesize that a...
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This book proposes that a new social contract between governments and citizens is needed to facilitate higher education funding. The rationale for this new social contract is based on the lifelong relationship of governments and citizens that should be seen as a partnership between two partners. The book assumes that the relationship between govern...
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أقدم في هذا الكتاب تصورا جديدا لحركة الحياة وما يحددها وماهية أركانها ضمن تصور جديد يساعد على فهم أفعال الناس وما يحفزهم للقيام بها. وأضع بين يدي القارىء الكريم معادلة لفهم جوانب حركة الحياة الأربعة. وإنني لأرجو من الله سبحانه وتعالى أن ينفع به خلقه، وأن يعينهم على فهم ما يحدث في هذه الحياة من أفعال تصدر عن البشر أو المؤسسات أو الدول، وأن يعين به ع...
This paper sheds light on the role of incentives in explaining why we do what we do. In this paper, we theorise that no action will take place in vacuum or without a certain incentive(s) and that for each and every action or behaviour, there is a known and/or a hidden incentive. We also theorise that the existence of incentives behind every action...
Conference Paper
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This Empirical study introduces the partnership approach as a social contract for higher education funding in which the three life stages of citizens (the learning stage, the working stage, and the retirement stage) can be used as a guiding rationale to support the full government funding of higher education. The paper assumes that the lifelong par...
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In this paper, we propose that universities could facilitate the employability of their graduates by utilising the three main university functions of teaching and learning, research, and community engagement. Our approach is built on the assumption that the role of universities in the success of their graduates might exceed the transmission of theo...
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This paper compares and contrasts different strategies to balance academic institutions’ operating budgets. Some strategies use economic theory to recommend a budgeting technique, others use management methods to cut cost, and some strategies use a management accounting approach to reach a balanced budget. Through the use of a simplified numerical...
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People are different, regardless of their assumed similarities, and acknowledging this reality is important for proper communication and interaction. Failing to acknowledge the existence of differences among those with whom we interact could lead to miscommunication, or even conflict in some cases. Thus, a high level of sensitivity is needed to att...
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This paper is an attempt to study the role of the advisory board members in improving education quality and to determine if such role improves education quality. The study utilised a questionnaire that was constructed based on the literature review covering advisory board tasks, roles, and member characteristics and the effects of these factors on...
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This study provides empirical evidence that using the minimum wage as a tool to generate extra taxes to establish a fully publically-funded higher education system is a harmless approach to boost funding for human capital development without changing governments' spending priorities or raising current tax rates. The paper proposes a method to finan...
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In this paper, I present a new vision of fairness and a Theory of Equality and Intangible Wealth Distribution. The paper starts with a brief historical background on the notions of fairness and equality of opportunity and their link to the distribution of wealth and income in history. The paper then presents a discussion on how equality and the dis...


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