Mahfuz Judeh

Mahfuz Judeh
Applied Science Private University · Business Administration



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- President, Applied Science Private University, Jordan, from July 2013 till July 2021... President Consultant -Dean, Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences, Applied Science University, Jordan, from Sept. 2006 till July, 2013. -Quality and Accreditation Director (Quality Assurance, ISO 9000, Strategic Planning, and Accreditation), Applied Science University, Sept. 2010 untill July 2013. - Member of BOD, Jordan Society for Quality. - Research Interest: TQM and HRM.
Additional affiliations
July 2013 - July 2021
Applied Science Private University
  • university president
September 2006 - July 2013
Applied Science Private University
  • Head of Faculty
August 1997 - June 2003
Algerie Unibversity
Field of study
  • Human Resource Management


Publications (92)
In this study, we highlight the need and develop a job delight objective measurement. In the literature, there is a lack of an appropriate scale to measure job delight. The purpose of this study is to address this research gap by proposing an initial scale to measure job delight using input from scholars and experts in the field pertaining to job d...
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Abstract Organizations are increasingly being responsible for providing good and healthy work ‎environment that can help in supporting employees performing their duties. Supportive work ‎environment can increase the degree of employee engagement, which in turn, makes them more ‎attached to their roles. The purpose of the current study is two-folded...
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The aims of the paper are to investigate the perceived levels of interpersonal trust in hotels and tourism corporations in Jordan, and to uncover if there are significant differences in interpersonal trust due to gender, marital status, age, experience, and educational level. The study is conducted via a survey through the administration of questio...
The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between distributive justice, procedural justice, interactional justice, job security, and organizational citizenship behavior. Data was collected from 382 employees from the largest six Jordanian banks listed in Amman Stock Exchange, and structural equation modeling (SEM) was employed,...
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Although there have been unprecedented advances in technology worldwide, it is challenging for businesses and marketers to develop novel strategies of attracting consumers because the latter's online shopping intentions have not changed according to the technological advances. Given these considerations, the present paper investigated how online sh...
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This study attempted to examine the extent to which Ibn Al-Haytham Hospital in Jordan, as a case study,implemented TQM constructs. The study also aimed at investigating if there were significant differences in therespondents` perception on TQM implementation due to demographic variables (gender, age, education, andyears of experience). For this pur...
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The aim of this study was to determine the level of employee involvement and extent of teamwork effectivenessamong employees working in the Jordanian glass and ceramic industries listed in Amman Stock Exchange inJordan. The study aimed also at examining the significant effect of employee empowerment on teamworkeffectiveness. Furthermore, the study...
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This study attempted to examine the effect of two selected personality traits on intent to leave. A theoretical framework was proposed to suggest link among the two variables and a questionnaire was distributed to collect data from employees in insurance corporations in Jordan. Of the 500 questionnaires distributed, 331 valid responses were receive...
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The aim of this study was to examine the relationship between employee socialization and organization commitment. The study also aimed at assessing the mediating effect of role ambiguity and role conflict on the relationship between employee socialization and organization commitment in a large telecommunication organization located in Jordan.A surv...
Green Training and Job Delight
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In light of a turbulent work environment, employee performance is considered a critical issue for organizations. Hence, management must set effective strategies and policies to stimulate and enhance employee performance. This study aims to analyze the importance of organizational citizenship behavior (OCB) since it could affect individual and organ...
Organizations, in general, have been emphasizing the green human resource management practices in the last two decades in order to change employees` attitudes and evoke their positive behaviors. Management can elicit employees` positive attitudes and behaviors through implementing green training and development, as one of the main human resources f...
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Economic sustainability allows hotel customers and other stakeholders to profit from hospitality services. Hotels can improve their marketing success by leveraging technologies and innovation strategy initiatives to suit guests' ever-changing needs. Thus, this paper investigated the effect of service quality on marketing performance among hotels in...
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Product/service extension is crucial for product/service development strategies; therefore, the study aims to investigate the impact of brand extension on consumers’ purchase intentions. Data were collected by questionnaire from 221 clients of Jordanian banks. SPSS 25 supported with AMOS has been used for structural equation modeling (SEM) to test...
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The purpose of the current study is to identify the antecedents of psychological ownership and organizational commitment since these constructs could influence different behavioral outcomes at the workplace, such as task performance, creativity, and organizational citizenship behavior. Through practicing resonant leadership, highly empowered employ...
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This study presents a measurement scale for human resource management approaches post-COVID-19 crisis to ease management planning and control of human resource activities through a Delphi-study involving 40 university experts. A causal relationship between post-COVID-19 human resource management approaches and organizational entrepreneurship was fo...
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Abstract ‎ In a rapidly changing environment and continuing competitive pressure in the business world, the ‎management of human resources has emerged as a significant problem. Primarily, organizations ‎experience difficulty in retaining the top talent and sustaining a healthy work environment for ‎improving their engagement and retention prospects...
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Background: Out-of-hospital cardiac arrest is a major cause of mortality worldwide. When basic life support techniques are implemented quickly, the chance of survival is doubled. Therefore, this study evaluated public awareness, knowledge and attitudes towards basic life support in Jordan. Methods: A descriptive, cross-sectional design with a conv...
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The purpose of the study was to assess the effect of organizational trust on job performance. The study also investigated the mediating role of employee engagement in the relationship between organizational trust and job performance. Data were collected through a self-administered questionnaire from a sample of 268 employees working in electrical i...
The purpose of the study was to assess the effect of organizational trust on job performance. The study also investigated the mediating role of employee engagement in the relationship between organizational trust and job performance. Data were collected through a self-administered questionnaire from a sample of 268 employees working in electrical i...
Conference Paper
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On behalf of Applied Science University and the Organizing Committee, I am honored to warmly welcome all participants of the 2014 6th International Conference on Computer Science and Information Technology (CSIT) being held at Applied Science University, Amman, Jordan. The success of the conference depends on the Organizing Committee who has worked...
Conference Paper
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This study aimed to investigate and identify the different motives of faculty members of Jordanian universities in conducting scientific research. Study population included faculty members at public and private universities in Jordan for the academic year 2013-2014. Convenience sample was used in this study. (120) Questionnaires were distributed to...
Conference Paper
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The main aim of the current study was to examine the effect of emotional intelligence on retention. The study also aimed at analyzing the role of job involvement, as a moderator, in the effect of emotional intelligence on retention. Using data gathered from 241 employees working with hotels and tourism corporations listed in Amman Stock Exchange in...
After presenting the theoretical background and the proposed hypotheses, the research depicts Figure (I) which illustrates all the relationships among the constructs under study. Fig. I The Research Model The model includes three hypotheses to be investigated, which represent the following constructs: emotional intelligence as the independent varia...
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بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم مقـدمـة يعرف الجهاز المصرفي لبلد ما بأنه المؤسسات المصرفية والأنظمة والقوانين التي تعمل في ظلها هذه المؤسسات. ومن هنا كان منطلق هذا الكتاب بأقسامه الستة فهو يعالج في القسم الأول منه البنوك التجارية فيعطي لمحة عامة عنها ويشرح المواضيع التالية المتعلقة بها: خلق النقود، القوائم المالية للبنك التجاري، مصادر تمويل البنك التجاري،...
Conference Paper
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The purpose of this paper was to assess the impact of perceived organizational support on job satisfaction and to examine the role of organizational commitment as a mediator between the two variables. The paper used data collected from a sample survey of 194 employees working in the electric industry in Jordan. Descriptive statistics, correlations...
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Trust within organization plays an important role in enhancing the interaction among superiors and subordinates which are reflected on the way effective organizational goals are achieved. One of the core functions of effective manager is to enhance confidence climate with his/her relations with peers and subordinates. Furthermore, employee empowerm...
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Job performance, in general, is a critical factor for business success. In a rapidly changing technology and communications sector, there is a need to study the factors that may result in good or bad performance, since identifying these factors could lead to improvements in the work environment. The purpose of this study was to assess the effect of...
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The purpose of the current study was to identify the impact of internal marketing dimensions: vision, rewards, communications, employees' training and development, leadership and managerial support on the quality of health care in a large private hospital in Jordan. The study included a convenient sample which was selected randomly and consisted of...
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The main purpose of this study was to examine the effect of strategic human resource management on continuous improvement. The study also aimed at analyzing the role of knowledge sharing, as a moderator, in the correlation between strategic human resource management and continuous improvement. Data was collected through questionnaires from a sample...
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المقدمـــة بدأ مفهوم إدارة الجودة الشاملة بالظهور في الثمانينات من القرن العشرين، حيث يتضمن هذا المفهوم جودة العمليات بالإضافة إلى جودة المنتج، ويركز على العمل الجماعي وتشجيع مشاركة العاملين واندماجهم، بالإضافة إلى التركيز على العملاء ومشاركة الموردين. وقد بدأت بعض الجامعات في الفترة الأخيرة بتدريس مادة إدارة الجودة الشاملة ضمن تخصصاتها إيماناً من...
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بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم مقدمة اننا لا نغالي إذا قلنا أن الإدارة تسهم، مع عوامل أخرى بالطبع، في نجاح أو فشل أي مدير او جماعة صغيرة او منظمة أو مجتمع. فإذا قلنا عن الإدارة هي ذلك النشاط التي يطوّع الموارد البشرية وغير البشرية لتحقيق أهداف معينة، فإننا ندرك أهمية الإدارة على المستويات سالفة الذكر. فإذا احسن مدير استثمار موارده المتاحة من بشر وأموال وم...
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مقدمة الكتاب الحمد لله رب العالمين والصلاة والسلام على سيدنا ومولانا محمد النبي العربي وعلى آله وصحبه اجمعين. ليست دراسة مفهوم ووظائف منظمات الأعمال وليدة الساعة أو أن الذي درسها كاتب واحد، بل هي دراسة امتدت منذ عقود عديدة سالفة منذ نشوء علم الإدارة. وان هذا الكتاب حول منظمات الأعمال – المفهوم والوظائف – هو نتاج تطور مستمر للدراسة العلمية، حول مف...
The aim of the paper is to determine perceptions regarding organizational justice in media corporations in Jordan. The study also aims to determine whether ethical decision making and organizational justice are related. The study is conducted via a survey through the administration of questionnaires. A convenience sample of 214 employees was drawn...
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The aim of this study was to determine the level of employee involvement and extent of teamwork effectiveness among employees working in the Jordanian glass and ceramic industries listed in Amman Stock Exchange in Jordan. The study aimed also at examining the significant effect of employee empowerment on teamwork effectiveness. Furthermore, the stu...
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The objective of this study is to investigate the main factors that influencing the customers' buying behavior toward apartment, and tried to identify the most influencing factors that affect buying. A convenience sample consists of 120 persons who already bought an apartment in different areas in Amman. One sample t-test, independent sample t-test...
The aim of this study was to explore organizational learning implementation levels in the private hospitals in Jordan and its effect on job performance. For the purpose of this study, (5) hospitals were randomly chosen, and (500) questionnaires were distributed on their employees. Total of (324) questionnaires, which comprises (64.8%) of the distri...
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مقدمة تعتبر العلاقات العامة من المواضيع الحديثة نسبيا والتي أصبحت تحظى باهتمام الحكومات والدول بالاضافة إلى اهتمام الشركات والمؤسسات الخاصة بها. فالعلاقات العامة هي حلقة الوصل بين المنشأة وجماهيرها ، ولن تستطيع أي منشلأة أن تقوم بأداء مهامها وأعمالها وبالتالي تحقيق أهدافها دون وجود ثقة متبادلة بينها وبين جماهيرها. يهدف هذا الكتاب الى التعرف على ا...
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مقدمـة :- يعتبـر البحث العلمي من الموضوعات الأساسيـة التي ساهمت بشكـل فعال في تطور البشريـة وحل مشكلاتها ، وما التقدم العلمي الذي وصلنا إليه الآن إلا ثمـرة جهود كبيـرة ومساهمات نشيطـة من قبـل باحثين أدت تجاربهم وأبحاثهم والنتائج التي توصلوا إليها إلى إثـراء العلم وتقدمـه . وقد تم توجيـه هذا الكتاب إلى طلبـة البكالوريوس والماجستيـر والدكتـوراه في ال...
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The aims of the paper are to investigate the perceived levels of interpersonal trust in hotels and tourism corporations in Jordan, and to uncover if there are significant differences in interpersonal trust due to gender, marital status, age, experience, and educational level. The study is conducted via a survey through the administration of questio...
Conference Paper
The study of transformational leadership has received much interest from researchers during the last three decades. The purpose of this study was to investigate the gender differences in transformational leaders` behaviors. Transformational leadership was measured by utilizing Bass and Avolio`s (1990) Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire. A questio...
The purpose of this study was to identify the role of organizational culture in predicting the strength of organizational identity. To achieve the aim of the study, a sample of four Jordanian private universities was randomly chosen and 280 questionnaires were distributed on teaching staff working in these universities, out of which 226 were return...
The study aims at identifying the extent of commitment of each of Qassim Cement Company in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and Lafarge Cement Jordan in implementing environmental management systems, as well as exploring if there are significant differences in the commitment level between the two companies. In addition, the study aims at recognizing any...
هدفت الدراسة إلى التعرف على مدى التزام كل من شركتي إسمنت القصيم في المملكة العربية السعودية ولافارج الإسمنت الأردنية بتطبيق أنظمة الإدارة البيئية وكذلك التعرف على مدى وجود فروق ذات دلالة إحصائية في مستوى الالتزام لدى كل منهما. كما هدفت الدراسة إلى التعرف على مدى وجود اختلافات ذات دلالة إحصائية في إجابات المبحوثين عن الالتزام بأنظمة الإدارة البيئية...
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Expected and Perceived Quality of Municipality of Great Amman Library Services (Empirical Study of Library Users' Viewpoint) Abstract This study aims to investigate the level of the expected and perceived quality from the point of service from viewpoint of the users of libraries of municipality of greater Amman; to identify the gaps between the two...
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Expected and Perceived Quality of Municipality of Great Amman Library Services (Empirical Study of Library Users' Viewpoint) Abstract This study aims to investigate the level of the expected and perceived quality from the point of service from viewpoint of the users of libraries of municipality of greater Amman; to identify the gaps between the two...
Expected and Perceived Quality of Municipality of Great Amman Library Services (Empirical Study of Library Users' Viewpoint) Abstract This study aims to investigate the level of the expected and perceived quality from the point of service from viewpoint of the users of libraries of municipality of greater Amman; to identify the gaps between the two...
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المقدمة تحظى الموارد البشرية باهتمام كبير في عالمنا اليوم نظراً للأهمية النسبية لهذه الموارد مقارنة بالموارد الأخرى، وبسبب دورها الفعال في كافة العمليات الانتاجية والبيعية والإدارية والمالية وغيرها. ان التطورات السريعة في مجال الصناعات والخدمات والتكنولوجيا أدى إلى تغييرات ملموسة في تصميمات الهيكل التنظيمي للمنظمات وبالتالي في احتياجاتها من الموار...
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The study aims at identifying the extent of commitment of each of Qassim Cement Company in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and Lafarge Cement Jordan in implementing environmental management systems, as well as exploring if there are significant differences in the commitment level between the two companies. In addition, the study aims at recognizing any...
Conference Paper
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The current global crisis has different effects on all sectors and activities in developed and developing countries. The banking system is the most sensitive sector in regard with this effect which is reflected on the activity level and the components of banking system. This research attempts to identify the effects of the current global crisis on...
The study aims to investigate Jordanian consumer's loyalty towards trade marks of food products, the impact of marketing mix components on this loyalty, and to identify the role of marketing mix components in determining the consumer's loyalty levels. A survey was conducted over 300 consumers visiting large retail markets in Amman, only 240 questio...
يعيش العالم في هذه الفترة عصر الاقتصاد الرقمي حيث تتوفر ثروة ضخمة من المعرفة وتكنولوجيا المعلومات بمختلف أشكالها في شتى المجالات. يهدف هذا البحث إلى قياس مستوى المعرفة في المستشفيات الأردنية الخاصة وكذلك بيان دور إدارة المعرفة في تفعيل الاتصالات الإدارية في ظل الاقتصاد الرقمي من خلال إيجاد نموذج خطي يمكن استخدامه للتنبؤ بمدى فعالية الاتصالات الإدار...
Conference Paper
ظهرت الحاجة إلى تطبيق مبادئ الحوكمة المؤسسية على كافة المنظمات سواء كانت صناعية أو خدمية ، وذلك بعد أن أدت حالات التعثر والانهيار التي تعرضت لها بعض المنظمات العالمية ، إلى ضعف ثقة الأطراف المعنية ، وخاصة المستثمرين ، بهذه المنظمات. هدفت هذه الدراسة إلى وضع إطار برنامج لرفع مستوى الحوكمة المؤسسية في الجامعات الأردنية الخاصة والمدرجة في سوق عمان الم...
Higher education institutions face a lot of changes and challenges, which necessitate applying new management and performance improvement concepts, as an attempt to achieve excellence. Six Sigma is considered to be one of the best methodologies that help in this regard. This methodology may be utilized to improve quality in all industrial and servi...
This study aimed at identifying the effect of the implementation of the Balanced Scorecard on the organizational commitment. The study, also, aimed at recognizing the effect of some demographic factors on the organizational commitment. For this purpose, a 30-item questionnaire was developed and distributed to collect the needed information to test...
هدفت هذه الدراسة إلى التعرف على تأثير نظام قياس الأداء المتوازن في الالتزام المؤسسي بالإضافة إلى التعرف على تأثير العوامل الديموغرافية على مستوى الالتزام المؤسسي. ولتحقيق غايات الدراسة فقد قام الباحث بتصميم استبانه مكونة من 30 عبارة لقياس متغيرات وأبعاد الدراسة. أشارت نتائج الدراسة إلى وجود تأثير معنوي لعملية تقييم الأداء المؤسسي على الالتزام المؤس...
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This study aimed to identify the effects of Organizational Justice on the Innovation climate for the employees of the Jordanian Pharmaceutical companies. For this purpose, a sample of (4) companies was selected randomly. A questionnaire was developed and distributed on all (517) employees. A number of (457) questionnaires were returned which compri...
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المقدمة هذا هو الجزء الثاني من كتاب التحليل الاحصائي حيث تم تقديم الجزء الأول من هذا الكتاب بعون الله والذي تضمن التحليل الإحصائي الأساسي والذي يفترض بالباحث العادي وطالب مرحلة البكالوريوس أن يلم بمحتوياته ويتقن استخدام أدواته وأساليبه. كما ذكرنا في مقدمة الجزء الأول فإن البرنامج الإحصائي المعروف باسم الحزم الإحصائية للعلوم الاجتماعية (SPSS) Statis...
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المقدمة تعتبر عملية إجراء البحوث أداة مهمة تقوم بها المنظمات على اختلاف أشكالها سواء كانت هادفة للربح أو غير هادفة للربح, ومن أهم خطوات إجراء البحوث العلمية والاجتماعية والإنسانية التحليل الإحصائي والذي تعتمد عليه نتائج البحث وتوصياته بشكل كبير. ونحن نعلم كم لهذه النتائج والتوصيات من أثر على اتخاذ القرارات وحل المشكلات وبالتالي على نجاح المنظمة أو...
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الارتباط والانحدار Correlation and Regression 8-1. معامل الارتباط 8-2. الارتباط الجزئي 8-3. الانحدار الخطي البسيط
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الفصل الثالث تصنيف المجموعات Classification 3-1 التحليل العنقودي 3-2 التحليل التمييزي
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المقدمة عزيزي الدارس ، مرحبا بك الى مقرر "إدارة مخاطر الائتمان (4349)" ، وهو يتناول أبعاد العملية الائتمـــانية المرتبطة بالعمل المصرفي الذي يشــكل أهمية خاصة للجــهاز المصرفي ، ولنمو المشروعات على اختلاف أنواعها. حيث يتولى الائتمان مهمة إمــداد القطاعات الاقتصادية بما تحتاج له من أموال لازمة للانتاج ، على أن يتم تســديدهـا في المستقبل ، حيث أن الم...
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مقدمــة تعتبر فلسـفة إدارة الجودة الشــاملة Total Quality Management من الفلسـفات الإدارية الحديثة نســبياً ، فقد بدأ الاهتمام بإدارة الجودة الشـــاملة في الثمانينـــات من القرن العشـــرين ، واســـتمر هذا الاهتمام يكبر ويزداد إلى الحد الذي جعل الكثير من المفكريـــن يصفون هذا العصر بأنه عصر الجودة. وحتى نســتطيع أن نواكب متطلبات المرحلة الحاليـة ، و...
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The study intended to investigate the bank clients toward the concept and importance of electronic marketing and its role to enforce the relationship with clients. The impact of electronic marketing on quality banking service is also investigated, in addition to provide information base to facilitate decision making process. The researchers used An...
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ملخص معوقات التأجير التمويلي توصلت الدراسة الى أن هناك مستوى من الادراك لوجود معوقات للتأجير التمويلي عند مدراء الشركات المساهمة العامة في الأردن. وكانت معظم هذه المعوقات مالية وقانونية وثقافية\ات محاور فرعية عديدة. كما كان هناك علاقة بين ادراك معوقات التأجير التمويلي ومتغيرات المركز الوظيفي والمستوى التعليمي ، وتم استبعاد أثر متغيري الجنس والعمر.
This Study seeks to explore the reasons for clients’ motives for dealing with commercial banks in Jordan. Specifically to investigate the effect of clients’ demographics factors on their loyalty and the extent of this effect with regard to: personal motives, bank reputation, financial status and quality of bank services. The results show that ther...
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هدفت الدراسـة إلى التعريف بالطرق المتبعــة لتحديــد الاحتياجــات التدريبيـــة ، بالإضافة إلى تقديـــر إدراك المبحوثـين لمدى نجـــاح إدارة الجودة الشــــاملة في الشـــركات الأردنيـة المســاهمة العامة المتبنيـة للجودة. كما هدفت الدراسـة إلى اختبار طبيعة تأثيــر متغيـــر تحديد الاحتياجات التدريبية بأبعاده: تخطيط الاحتياـات التدريبيـة ، العامليـن في أن...
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مقـدمة:- أصبـح موضــوع الاســتثمار والتمويــل مـن المواضيــع الهامــة التي تتبوأ مكانــاً رئيســياً في مختلف الدول المتقدمــة والناميــة على حد سواء من أجل رفع معدلات تنميتهــا الاقتصادية وتحقيق اســـتقرارها الاقتصادي والعمل على إشـباع احتياجاتها الأســاســية وتنمية ثرواتهـا الوطنيـة ، ومن أجل التوصل إلى تحقيق هذه الأهداف فإن ذلك يتطلب البحث عن الس...


Questions (145)


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