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Magdalena Nowicka

Magdalena Nowicka
German Centre for Integration and Migration Research DeZIM



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Head of Department Integration, DeZIM e.V. (German Center for Integration and Migration Research) and Honorary Professor, Institute of Social Sciences, Humboldt-Universitaet zu Berlin
Additional affiliations
April 2006 - February 2013
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität in Munich
  • Researcher
March 2013 - present
Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
  • Professor (Full)
January 2010 - February 2013
April 2002 - July 2005
September 1999 - June 2001
Jagiellonian University
Field of study
  • Comparative European Cultural Studies
September 1996 - June 1999
University of Warsaw
Field of study
  • Political Sciences/European Integration


Publications (153)
The arrival of refugees from predominantly Muslim countries in the core of Europe has fuelled discussions on European solidarity. This article explores the sources of solidarity in Europe in the aftermath of the ‘refugee crisis’ of 2015. By focusing on migrants’ attitudes towards refugees, the article considers solidarity in light of contradictory...
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Transnationalism as a perspective that scrutinizes localities in more than one nationstate has helped to illuminate those aspects of lives of migrants that remain hidden when migration is seen through the lens of conventional migration theory. Social connectivity provides a context in which effects of migration can be studied. Yet reducing transnat...
The power of nationalism is evident in how people perceive the world around them as ‘normal’. A national normality is constituted through education and media but also in everyday encounters with the state or state-regulated institutions in the fields of education, welfare provisions, medical care, finance and others. When people migrate between cou...
This article examines how highly skilled immigrants from Poland become middle-class in Germany through a transnational and intersectional lens. Hence, it asks what is the middle-class, and who and where belongs to it. First, it considers the fluidity of social class in post-socialist Poland to deconstruct middle-classness. Second, it draws on Reckw...
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This article discusses the present‐day positionality of Polish immigrants in Germany and the discursive possibilities for articulating their experiences of discrimination as racism. As interviews with these immigrants do not capture explicit accounts of racism, and there is practically no research on racism directed at Eastern Europeans in Germany,...
Technical Report
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This study report outlines the background context, research questions and design of the project: A longitudinal qualitative panel study of settlement experiences of Ukrainian protection-holders in Berlin and Munich. The project was funded by the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth (Bundesministerium für Familie, Se...
The study analyses subjective perceptions of Ukrainian protection-holders concerning their settlement processes in Germany. The material made accessible consists of 78 english languaged transcripts of semi-structured interviews from a longitudinal qualitative panel (LQP) study. Between September 2022 and March 2024, five waves of interviews were co...
Transnational family research documented well the challenges that migrated adult children experience when they want to provide care to their stayed‐behind families. Yet similar results are provided by research on long‐distance carers who are not international migrants. So far, it remains unclear how challenges of providing support to family members...
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Die Zu- und Abwanderung von Personen mit Migrationserfahrung bietet deutschen Kommunen große Chancen, zum Beispiel um dem Fachkräftemangel entgegenzuwirken oder das eigene Verwaltungshandeln vielfaltsgerechter zu gestalten. Dabei stehen sie vor der Herausforderung, sowohl den unterschiedlichen Bedürfnissen neu angekommener Menschen gerecht zu werde...
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Dieses Policy Paper präsentiert Ergebnisse der wissenschaftlichen Begleitstudie zum Projekt POLITFIX in Niedersachsen. Das parteiunabhängige Netzwerk POLITFIX wurde mit dem Ziel gegründet, den politischen Ein- und Aufstieg von Frauen mit Zuwanderungsgeschichte zu unterstützen. Im Gegensatz zu anderen Studien, die sich primär mit Hürden und struktur...
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Previous research suggests that migrants develop binational identities – a sense of belonging to both their country of origin and of settlement. These identities, in turn, are determined by the way they are treated by the majority population of the receiving society. This article aims to contribute nuance to these understandings of binational ident...
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The debates at the nexus of migration and gender often focus on the supposedly diverging ideals Muslims and Christians have about gender. Migrant femininities and masculinities are framed in contrast to liberal, Western values and they undermine the efforts for more gender equality in Western societies. Only a few studies have addressed non-Muslim...
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Our resarch started with the premise that Brandenburg, and in particular the logistics centre of Großbeeren/Ludwigsfelde and the new Tesla Gigafactory, attracts Polish workers who commute to work on daily basis from their hometowns in the Lubuskie region. This VISION Note considers our assumptions about the nature of commuting mobilities in this bo...
Grenzübergreifende Praktiken und Strukturen sind allgegenwärtig und gut dokumentiert. Dennoch gibt es keine einheitliche Theorie des Transnationalismus. Das Buch schlägt vor, Transnationalismus als ein Ergebnis grenzübergreifender Prozesse zu betrachten. Transnationalismus gleicht nicht einer Struktur, sondern verweist auf das, was innerhalb der St...
Transnational practices and structures are ubiquitous and well documented. Yet there is no unified theory of transnationalism. This second revised and updated edition proposes to view transnationalism as an outcome of cross-border processes. Transnationalism does not resemble a structure, but refers to what happens within structures and focuses on...
Transnational practices and structures are ubiquitous and well documented. Yet there is no unified theory of transnationalism. This second revised and updated edition proposes to view transnationalism as an outcome of cross-border processes. Transnationalism does not resemble a structure, but refers to what happens within structures and focuses on...
Transnational practices and structures are ubiquitous and well documented. Yet there is no unified theory of transnationalism. This second revised and updated edition proposes to view transnationalism as an outcome of cross-border processes. Transnationalism does not resemble a structure, but refers to what happens within structures and focuses on...
Transnational practices and structures are ubiquitous and well documented. Yet there is no unified theory of transnationalism. This second revised and updated edition proposes to view transnationalism as an outcome of cross-border processes. Transnationalism does not resemble a structure, but refers to what happens within structures and focuses on...
Transnational practices and structures are ubiquitous and well documented. Yet there is no unified theory of transnationalism. This second revised and updated edition proposes to view transnationalism as an outcome of cross-border processes. Transnationalism does not resemble a structure, but refers to what happens within structures and focuses on...
Transnational practices and structures are ubiquitous and well documented. Yet there is no unified theory of transnationalism. This second revised and updated edition proposes to view transnationalism as an outcome of cross-border processes. Transnationalism does not resemble a structure, but refers to what happens within structures and focuses on...
Transnational practices and structures are ubiquitous and well documented. Yet there is no unified theory of transnationalism. This second revised and updated edition proposes to view transnationalism as an outcome of cross-border processes. Transnationalism does not resemble a structure, but refers to what happens within structures and focuses on...
Transnational practices and structures are ubiquitous and well documented. Yet there is no unified theory of transnationalism. This second revised and updated edition proposes to view transnationalism as an outcome of cross-border processes. Transnationalism does not resemble a structure, but refers to what happens within structures and focuses on...
Transnational practices and structures are ubiquitous and well documented. Yet there is no unified theory of transnationalism. This second revised and updated edition proposes to view transnationalism as an outcome of cross-border processes. Transnationalism does not resemble a structure, but refers to what happens within structures and focuses on...
Transnational practices and structures are ubiquitous and well documented. Yet there is no unified theory of transnationalism. This second revised and updated edition proposes to view transnationalism as an outcome of cross-border processes. Transnationalism does not resemble a structure, but refers to what happens within structures and focuses on...
Transnational practices and structures are ubiquitous and well documented. Yet there is no unified theory of transnationalism. This second revised and updated edition proposes to view transnationalism as an outcome of cross-border processes. Transnationalism does not resemble a structure, but refers to what happens within structures and focuses on...
Transnational practices and structures are ubiquitous and well documented. Yet there is no unified theory of transnationalism. This second revised and updated edition proposes to view transnationalism as an outcome of cross-border processes. Transnationalism does not resemble a structure, but refers to what happens within structures and focuses on...
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The main purpose of the article is to present and compare various strategies aimed at encouraging research participants to voice their experiences of racism and discrimination. This is supplemented by the discussion on how scholars can unveil the intersections of multiple systems of oppression reverberating in research participants’ narratives, giv...
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Die polnische Bevölkerung war lange Zeit von Auswanderungen geprägt. Erst seit 2016 sind es mehr Zu- als Abwanderungen. Wie ist es dazu gekommen? Und welche Migrationsbewegungen waren zentral für Polen?
Racism operates though material discrimination and through emotions. Racialised subjects feel their location in hierarchical social space, and spatial arrangements can facilitate racial perceptual segregation. The first aim of this article is to discuss which emotions are involved in young people's narrations about their experiences and exposure to...
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Homes are spaces permeated by global flows. Homes of international migrants anchor objects and people with their norms, values and ideas that originate in different countries. From an auto-ethnographic perspective, I scrutinize selected objects in my own flat to ask what a transnational perspective can tell us about home spaces in the globalized co...
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This VISION Note engages with the teaching qualitative methods in relation to research project and how to facilitate foregrounding methodological reflexivity in students new to qualitative interviewing.
Revisualising Intersectionality offers transdisciplinary interrogations of the supposed visual evidentiality of categories of human similarity and difference. This open-access book incorporates insights from social and cognitive science as well as psychology and philosophy to explain how we visually perceive physical differences and how cognition i...
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In Deutschland werden viele Haushalte bei der Betreuung älterer Angehöriger durch osteuropäische Betreuungskräfte unterstützt. Die Betreuung basiert dabei auf einem transnationalen Rotationssystem (zirkuläre Migration): Die Betreuer*innen arbeiten in Tandems und wechseln sich bei der zu leistenden Betreuung ab. Wenn eine Betreuungskraft nach Hause...
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Trotz der erlassenen Hygienemaßnahmen und Reisebeschränkungen hat sich die erste Welle der Coronapandemie kaum auf das Einkommen oder die Arbeitszeit der befragten polnischen Betreu-er*innen in Deutschland ausgewirkt.• Die meisten befragten Betreuungskräfte sind während der pandemiebedingten Reisebeschränkungenin Deutschland geblieben und haben wei...
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This chapter engages with seeing as a socio-cultural process and asks if it is possible to see beyond established categories. Nowicka illustrates how people struggle to order others into neatly delineated groups related to their gender, sexuality, race, and ethnicity. Drawing on research from cognitive science and philosophy, the chapter investigat...
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The introduction to Revisualising Intersectionality explains the proposal for a revisualising of intersectionality as a double strategy of revising intersectionality and infusing it with a stronger focus on visual perceptions of similarity and difference to understand social stratification and inequality. Haschemi Yekani and Nowicka briefly situate...
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Racism has largely been absent from political, popular and scientific debates in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE). Various authors point to the lack of a colonial tradition in the region, and thus the absence of a larger black population. In turn, they argue, anti-black attitudes could not flourish, so racism is a problem of post-colonial countries...
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Revisualising Intersectionality offers transdisciplinary interrogations of the supposed visual evidentiality of categories of human similarity and difference. This open-access book incorporates insights from social and cognitive science as well as psychology and philosophy to explain how we visually perceive physical differences and how cognition i...
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In the conclusion of Revisualising Intersectionality , Nowicka and Haschemi Yekani underscore the need for a transdisciplinary revision of the visual anchoring of difference in scientific knowledge production. In cognitive and psychological research, the habitual use of gender or race as categories that can be accessed by relying on visual inputs n...
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Representative studies in Germany show that young migrants have more negative attitudes toward homo-sexual people than those without migration experience. This difference is often explained in public and scientific debates by their religious beliefs. Current international research seeks to better understand the re-lationship between religious affil...
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n the German public discourse, young migrants and people of migrant descent are often associated with re-ligious fanatism, troubled families, violence and patriarchal gender relations. However, there is a lack of re-search that systematically investigates the ideas of young people of migrant descent regarding these issues and provides empirical evi...
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As COVID-19 puts older people in long-term institutional care at the highest risk of infection and death, the need for home-based care has increased. Germany relies largely on migrant caregivers from Poland. Yet the pandemic-related mobility restrictions reveal the deficiencies of this transnational elder care system. This article asks if this syst...
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Deutschland bekennt sich zur interkulturellen Öffnung des öffentlichen Dienstes. Bisher wird der Öffnungsgrad mithilfe der Kategorie „Migrationshintergrund“ gemessen. Gleichzeitig wird die Abschaffung dieser Kategorie gefordert und darauf hingewiesen, dass sie nicht geeignet ist, rassistische Diskriminierungen zu bekämpfen. Der Beitrag fasst den Di...
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Deutschland bekennt sich zur interkulturellen Öffnung der öffentlichen Verwaltung, doch diskutiert weiter über Instrumente und Kategorien. Deshalb wird in diesem Beitrag der Blick auf ausgewählte Länder gerichtet und gefragt, ob und wie Deutschlandähnliche Maßnahmen übernehmen und anwenden könnte. Die Beispiele zeigen: Ohne politischen Willen geht...
Technical Report
Kurzfassung zur Studie Wohlfahrtspflegerische Leistungen von säkularen Migranten organisationen in Deutschland, unter Berücksichtigung der Leistungen für Geflüchtete https://www.dezim-institut.de/fileadmin/Publikationen/Briefing_Notes/210301_DBN_05_dt_final.pdf
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This article analyzes migrant narratives on masculinity through an intersectional perspective that is sensitive to spatial aspects. Drawing on research with migrants in Berlin and Munich in Germany, we unpack how (self-identified) Polish men negotiate their gender identity vis-à-vis other people in these cities whom they perceive as ethnic, religio...
Dieser Beitrag erläutert, wie die Wissenschaft die Begriffe „Transnationalismus“, „transnational“ und „Transnationalisierung“ versteht und was an der Transnationalisierung der sozialen Welt neu und wichtig ist. Dabei werden die Entwicklung des Forschungsfeldes dargestellt, die methodologische Kritik der Sozialtheorie und klassischen Migrationsforsc...
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This reference book provides the reader with an exhaustive array of epistemological, theoretical, and empirical explorations related to the field of cosmopolitanism studies. It considers the cosmopolitan perspective rather as a relevant approach to the understanding of some major issues related to globalization than as a subfield of global studies....
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In this chapter, the conjuncture of British austerity politics, the Brexit vote and migrants’ perceptions of both are scrutinized. The author draws her insights from a longitudinal study among Polish migrants in London and Birmingham.While analysing migrants’ perceptions of austerity politics and the Brexit vote, this chapter also looks at their pa...
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The Brexit vote and its results have become a key theme in European media, and countless experts and journalists have shared their opinions on the reasons behind Brexit and its possible effects. Scholars soon followed with analyses that led to one conclusion: Brexit resulted from a “toxic mix of immigration and austerity” (Gietel-Basten, 2016). Yet...
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The institutionalized inclusion of the Freie Wohlfahrtspflege in state social policy is not only a special feature of the political system in Germany, but is also seen as a model of success. This study examines social services provided by migrant organizations in terms of their scope, quality, and the conditions of provision.
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The institutionalized inclusion of the Freie Wohlfahrtspflege in state social policy is not only a special feature of the political system in Germany, but is also seen as a model of success. This study examines social services provided by migrant organizations in terms of their scope, quality, and the conditions of provision.
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The institutionalized inclusion of the Freie Wohlfahrtspflege in state social policy is not only a special feature of the political system in Germany, but is also seen as a model of success. This study examines social services provided by migrant organizations in terms of their scope, quality, and the conditions of provision.
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The institutionalized inclusion of the Freie Wohlfahrtspflege in state social policy is not only a special feature of the political system in Germany, but is also seen as a model of success. This study examines social services provided by migrant organizations in terms of their scope, quality, and the conditions of provision.
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The institutionalized inclusion of the Freie Wohlfahrtspflege in state social policy is not only a special feature of the political system in Germany, but is also seen as a model of success. This study examines social services provided by migrant organizations in terms of their scope, quality, and the conditions of provision.
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The institutionalized inclusion of the Freie Wohlfahrtspflege in state social policy is not only a special feature of the political system in Germany, but is also seen as a model of success. This study examines social services provided by migrant organizations in terms of their scope, quality, and the conditions of provision.
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The institutionalized inclusion of the Freie Wohlfahrtspflege in state social policy is not only a special feature of the political system in Germany, but is also seen as a model of success. This study examines social services provided by migrant organizations in terms of their scope, quality, and the conditions of provision.
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The institutionalized inclusion of the Freie Wohlfahrtspflege in state social policy is not only a special feature of the political system in Germany, but is also seen as a model of success. This study examines social services provided by migrant organizations in terms of their scope, quality, and the conditions of provision.
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The institutionalized inclusion of the Freie Wohlfahrtspflege in state social policy is not only a special feature of the political system in Germany, but is also seen as a model of success. This study examines social services provided by migrant organizations in terms of their scope, quality, and the conditions of provision.
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The institutionalized inclusion of the Freie Wohlfahrtspflege in state social policy is not only a special feature of the political system in Germany, but is also seen as a model of success. This study examines social services provided by migrant organizations in terms of their scope, quality, and the conditions of provision.
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This contribution looks back at the last years of the conviviality debate which attempts to grasp the chimerical nature of mundane human encounters. It uses the term ‘fantasy’ to point to how conviviality emerges in the literature as an imaginary of the relationship between me/us and them/others. It argues that this imaginary is embedded in the Wes...
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Die Babyboomer-Generation wird ab Ende 2019 in Rente gehen. Damit öffnet sich ein Zeitfenster für Vielfalt in der öffentlichen Verwaltung: Behörden können durch Neueinstellungen ihren Beschäftigtenanteil mit Migra-tionshintergrund erhöhen und einen Beitrag zu Reprä-sentanz und Teilhabe von Zugewanderten und ihren Nachkommen leisten. Die Studie Ein...
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Im Folgenden möchte ich drei miteinander verzahnte Aspekte des Kosmopolitismus- Konzeptes beleuchten, die mit der Mobilität – der physischen und intellektuellen Reise – zu tun haben: Trespassing, Transgressing und Transcending. Die englischen Begriffe deuten auf das Prozessuale hin: Trespassing als ein Prozess des Überschreitens der Grenzen, des Ei...
Anti-migrant populism is on the rise across Europe, and diversity and multiculturalism are increasingly presented as threats to social cohesion. Yet diversity is also a mundane social reality in urban neighbourhoods. With this in mind, Studying Diversity, Migration and Urban Multiculture explores how we can live together with and in difference. Wha...
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Research encounters, in particular those that happen in the course of studies into migration-driven processes, are a particular form of such encounters with difference that carry a potential for conviviality, for they encourage research participants to negotiate their own and others’ belongings and mutual expectations regarding the outcomes of this...
The recent massive arrival of war refugees has challenged Europe’s political unity and fanned the flames of anti-Muslim populism. Both discourses have been framed in terms of ‘shifting solidarity’ between the European Union member states, their citizens and the refugees. At stake, the article argues, is the delineation of the collectivity linked by...
Policy Brief des SVR-Forschungsbereichs 2019-1 https://www.svr-migration.de/wp-content/uploads/2019/04/SVR-FB_Politische_Selbstwirksamkeit.pdf
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Driven by empathy with refugees’ condition and the desire to contribute to implementation of human rights in the everyday, volunteer local initiatives promise to make a real difference. While the proliferation of such initiatives is well documented, the processes of their institutional development are not. In this chapter, we trace the transformati...
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Cross-border practices and structures are common and well described in research literature. However, there is no theory on transnationalism. This book proposes that transnationalism should be seen as an outcome of cross-border processes. Transnationalism is not congruent with structures, but focuses on what happens within those structures. This boo...
Cross-border practices and structures are common and well described in research literature. However, there is no theory on transnationalism. This book proposes that transnationalism should be seen as an outcome of cross-border processes. Transnationalism is not congruent with structures, but focuses on what happens within those structures. This boo...
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Social sciences are interested in ethnic entrepreneurship as a chance for migrants to (better) integrate into the host labour market, and in consequence into a host society. Th e multidimen-sional models capture a wide range of factors at the bottom of the economic behaviour of migrant entrepreneurs, and they increasingly consider that migrants mig...
The Brexit referendum was an earthquake to those in otherwise privileged positions: white intra-European migrants. Poles form the largest among these groups in the UK. As much as they are vulnerable to discrimination as non-British citizens, these migrants benefit from their whiteness and European heritage. They are objects of anti-immigrant campai...
The Brexit referendum was an earthquake to those in otherwise privileged positions: white intra-European migrants. Poles form the largest among these groups in the UK. As much as they are vulnerable to discrimination as non-British citizens, these migrants benefit from their whiteness and European heritage. They are objects of anti-immigrant campai...
Ist das Konzept Postmigrantische Gesellschaft eine Zeitdiagnose, in der sich die Gesellschaft widerspiegelt? Wenn ja, was sehen wir, wenn wir durch die Brille dieser Zeitdiagnose die deutsche Gesellschaft betrachten? Dieser Beitrag untersucht die Postmigrantische Gesellschaft durch die Perspektive der Gegenwartsdiagnose als ein Genre an der Grenze...
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Welche Rolle spielt die eigene Erfahrung als Migrant*in oder als Geflüchtete*r für die Motivation, den neuen Geflüchteten in Europa zu helfen? Sind „alte“ Migrant*innen solidarischer als Deutsche ohne Migrationshintergrund oder fürchten sie mehr als diese um ihre Arbeitsplätze und Sozialleistungen und lehnen deswegen die Aufnahme von Geflüchteten a...
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Die „Flüchtlingskrise“ ist eine Krise der Solidarität, nicht der Zahlen, mahnte der UN-Generalsekretär Ban Ki-moon in Washington, D. C. im April 2016 (UN 2016). Er appellierte an die Länder Europas zu mehr politischer Einheit und erinnerte an die wahren Ursachen der Krise: die globale soziale und öko- nomische Ungleichheit und politische Marginalis...
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This article presents an inquiry into which tacit differences are relevant for how people make sense of encounters with others in urban settings, and how, if at all, they are translated into ethnic categories understood as ‘basic operators’ in everyday life. Drawing from our interviews with twenty Polish mothers living in Berlin and Munich, we argu...
This article has been included in Ethnic and Racial Studies Journal Recent Influential Papers collection. Check it out free until December 31st: https://think.taylorandfrancis.com/ethnic-and-racial-studies-most-influential-papers-2020/ Thinking of racism through the lens of its geographies and temporality – a transnational lens, as I understand it...
Dieser Artikel beschäftigt sich mit den Herausforderungen, denen Migrationsforschende begegnen, die selbst Migrantinnen und Migranten sind - also solche, die sich in der Position eines sogenannten Insiders befinden. Dieser Artikel bringt daher zwei Diskussionsstränge zusammen: die Literatur zur "Insider-Forschung" einerseits und die Debatte über di...
This contribution investigates the social distance of immigrants from Poland in four Western European cities – London, Birmingham, Berlin and Munich – sparticularly Polish immigrants’ distance towards members of ethnic, religious and sexual minorities in their various social roles. Presenting unique data from the first wave of a longitudinal qualit...


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