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January 2009 - present
May 2011 - present
- Lectures in the field of marine geology for high school students
September 2010
September 2005 - June 2010
University of Gdansk, Faculty of Oceanography in Gdynia, Poland
Field of study
- Marine Geology
Publications (40)
Multiproxy analyses (including benthic and planktonic foraminifera, δ18O and δ13C records, grain-size distribution, ice-rafted
debris, XRF geochemistry and magnetic susceptibility) were performed on a
14C-dated marine sediment core from Storfjordrenna, located off of
southern Svalbard. The sediments in the core cover the termination of
Benthic foraminifera tests (living + dead) and conductivity, temperature and depth (CTD) records in Hornsund Fjord (SW Spitsbergen) were studied over five non-consecutive summer seasons during 2002–2011. The data indicated significant changes in the abundance of benthic foraminifera, species composition and the variability of hydrological and micro...
The increasing influence of Atlantic Water (AW) in the Barents Sea, a process known as “Atlantification”, is gradually decreasing sea ice cover in the region. Ongoing global climate warming is likely to be one of its drivers, but to further understand the role of natural variability and the biogeochemical impacts of the inflow of AW into the wester...
The main goal of this study is to reconstruct the paleoceanographic development of Storfjorden during the Neoglacial (∼4 cal ka BP). Storfjorden is one of the most important brine factories in the European Arctic and is responsible for deepwater production. Moreover, it is a climate-sensitive area influenced by two contrasting water masses: warm an...
The Younger Dryas (YD) is recognized as a cool period that began and ended abruptly during a time of general warming at the end of the last glacial. New multi-proxy data from a sediment gravity core from Storfjordrenna (western Barents Sea, 253 m water depth) reveals that the onset of the YD occurred as a single short-lived dramatic environment det...
Previous sedimentary and model-based investigations of the Storegga tsunami were primarily limited to the regions proximal to its origin. However, the catastrophic event may have had impacts extending to distances much greater than previously recognized, which remain elusive. Here, we investigated the Storegga slide-induced tsunami currents propaga...
The last deglaciation was marked by abrupt shifts between cold and warm states reflecting an integrated response to the gradually increasing summer insolation at northern latitudes, changing ocean circulation, and the retreat of the Northern Hemisphere ice sheets. In this study, we present new multiproxy reconstructions of water mass properties and...
In high northern latitudes, the Middle to Late Holocene was a time of orbitally-induced atmospheric cooling. This led to increased sea-ice production in the Arctic Ocean and its export southward, a decrease in sea surface temperatures (SST), and glacier advances at least since 5-4 ka BP. However, the response of the ocean-climate system to decreasi...
In high northern latitudes, the Middle to Late Holocene was a time of orbitally-induced atmospheric cooling. This led to increased sea-ice production in the Arctic Ocean and its export southward, a decrease in sea surface temperatures (SST), and glacier advances at least since 5-4 ka BP. However, the response of the ocean-climate system to decreasi...
While general trends in the inflow of Atlantic Water (AW) to the European Arctic over the present interglacial (the Holocene) are well known, regional changes in climate and the AW current and subsequent environmental responses are less well established. In particular, there is only limited knowledge on the development of ocean currents after the l...
The flow of the Atlantic Water (AW) via the Return Atlantic Current (RAC) regulates the oceanographical conditions in the Northwestern (NW) Greenland Sea in the Fram Strait. As the intensity of the RAC might significantly influence both deep-water formation in the area and the stability of the Northeast Greenland Ice Sheet (NE GIS), knowledge of it...
The Nordic Seas are a key region for global ocean circulation, crucial in water mass exchange between the North Atlantic and the Arctic oceans, and deepwater formation. The advection of Atlantic Water (AW) to the Nordic Seas is decisive for the oceanography and climate of the region and beyond. Here, we present a set of sedimentary records, includi...
The flow of the Atlantic Water (AW) via the Return Atlantic Current (RAC) regulates the oceanographical conditions in the Northwestern (NW) Greenland Sea in the Fram Strait. As the intensity of the RAC might have a significant influence on both deep-water formation in the area and on the stability of the Greenland Ice Sheet (GIS), knowledge of its...
Benthic foraminifera are one of the most widely and abundantly distributed organisms in the fjords of Svalbard and Norway. Due to their short life span and quick reactivity to environmental changes they can be used as indicators of the “atlantification” process. Here, we compare the benthic foraminifera assemblages along the latitudinal gradient, f...
Norwegian fjords have been recently recognized as hot spots for carbon burial due to the large amounts of terrestrial organic matter delivered to fjord sediments, as well as the high sediment accumulation rates. Here, we present the first data on the contribution of benthic foraminiferal inorganic carbon to the sediments of three Norwegian fjords....
Svalbard fjords are facing a significant increase in Atlantic water inflow, which influences all ecosystem components, thus the objective of this study was to assess how recent Atlantification impacts the functioning of zooplankton community. For this purpose, two year-round operating sediment traps and associated hydrographic instruments, providin...
This correction stands to correct the original article as it was published with omitted funding information. To correct this, the authors have raised this correction and would like readers to know the following: “J.P. was supported by the National Science Centre Grant No. 2015/19/D/ST10/00244.” The original article has been corrected.
Foraminifera are numerically abundant components of the benthic fauna; thus, they are very important compounds in
glaciomarine environments. However, ongoing oceanographic changes may infuence their distribution, abundances and
diversity diferently at diferent times of the year. In the present study, we aimed to assess seasonal environmental change...
The main goal of this study was to reconstruct the paleoceanographic development of Storfjorden during the Neoglacial (~ 4 cal ka BP). A multiproxy approach was applied to provide evidence for interactions between the inflow of Atlantic Water (AW) and sea-ice coverage, which are the major drivers of environmental changes in Storfjorden. The sedimen...
The palaeoceanographic evolution of the SW Svalbard shelf west of Hornsund over the last 14 000 years was reconstructed using benthic foraminiferal assemblages, stable oxygen and carbon isotopes, and grain-size and ice-rafted debris data. The results reveal the complexity of the feedbacks influencing the shelf environment: the inflow of Atlantic an...
A new dataset of benthic foraminiferal assemblages from Adventfjorden (tributary fjord of Isfjorden, West Spitsbergen) was compared with the results of a study conducted by Zajączkowski et al. (2010) in Hornsund (West Spitsbergen). According to Nilsen et al. (2016), Atlantic water inflow to the Isfjorden Trough occurs more readily than to anywhere...
The aim of this study was to determine the amount of organic and inorganic carbon in
foraminifera specimens and to provide quantitative data on the contribution of foraminifera
to the sedimentary carbon pool in Adventfjorden. The investigation was
based on three calcareous species that occur commonly in Svalbard fjords: Cassidulina
reniforme, Elphi...
As a consequence of ongoing climate warming, nearly all tidal glaciers in Arctic are retreating; hence, the seascape of glacial fjords is changing in many aspects. We took the example of Hornsund, the well-studied Svalbard fjord, with over 30 years of almost continuous observations of marine system. Recent data were collected during summer oceanogr...
This paper presents a reconstruction of climate-driven environmental changes over the last millennium in Hornsund Fjord (Svalbard), based on sedimentological and micropalaeontological records. Our palaeo-investigation was supported by an analysis of foraminiferal ancient DNA (aDNA), focusing on the non-fossilized monothalamous species. The main cli...
The aim of the project was to create a tool with which to support regional lake quality assessment using Landsat 8 imagery data. The model of assigning the ecological status was implemented in GIS for the northern part of Poland and classifies lake quality for several classes according to classification of WFD using two basic assumptions. The first...
Arctic coastal zones serve as a sensitive filter for terrigenous matter input onto the shelves via river discharge and coastal erosion. This material is further distributed across the Arctic by ocean currents and sea ice. The coastal regions are particularly vulnerable to changes related to recent climate change. We compiled a pan-arctic review tha...
Clim. Past Discuss., 11, 3665–3698, 2015
This paper presents the reconstruction of climate-driven environmental changes of the last millennium from Hornsund Fjord (Svalbard) based on sedimentological and micropalaeontological records. Our palaeo-investigation was supported by the analysis of foraminiferal ancient DNA (aDNA), focusing on non-fossilised monothalamous species. The main clima...
In recent years, numerous new proxies have been developed for the reconstruction of past environmental conditions in the polar regions. In this review we focus on the selected methods that are used in the reconstruction of the Arctic marine paleoenvironments, i.e., organic (IP25 and PIP25 index, UK37 and UK'37 and GDGT palaeothermometry) and inorga...
The Eurofleets-2 PREPARED cruise was conducted during June 5–15, 2014 on board the Norwegian R/V G.O. Sars to investigate the present and past oceanographic flow regime and patterns around two contourite drifts located in the eastern side of the Fram Strait (south-western margin of Spitsbergen). To achieve the main objective of the project, we plan...
Multiproxy analyses (incl. benthic and planktonic foraminifera, δ18O and δ13C records, grain-size distribution, ice-rafted debris, XRF geochemistry and magnetic susceptibility) were performed on a 14C dated marine sediment core from Storfjordrenna, off southern Svalbard. The sediments in the core cover the termination of Bølling–Allerød, the Younge...
New knowledge created by scientists ought to find a direct and fast road to schools. But far too often schools and research institutions turn out to be separate universes light years apart while the challenges of an ever-changing global society call for action. New tools have to be found, experiences need to be exchanged to let the next generation...
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