Maciej BałtowskiMaria Curie-Skłodowska University · Faculty of Economics
Maciej Bałtowski
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September 2009 - January 2016
Publications (51)
Ekonomia instytucjonalna stała się ostatnio nie tylko popularnym podejściem badawczym, ale wręcz w niektórych obszarach nauk społecznych dominującym paradygmatem (…). Naukowcy badają instytucje gospodarcze i całe złożone zbiory instytucji, które warunkują i kształtują mechanizmy lub organizacje, takie jak „rynki” lub firmy. Analizują także instytucj...
This handbook presents the latest theoretical and applied thinking on state capitalism, i.e., the institutional, policy, and ownership arrangements that reflect the direct influence of the state on the economy and firm behavior. It is a timely volume given the worldwide changes regarding the role of the state in the economy. Starting in the 1980s,...
Theoretical background: In the last 20–30 years, particularly after the financial crisis of the end of the first decade of the 21st century, state-owned enterprises (SOEs), historically associated with local markets, have increasingly expanded internationally. As a result, foreign state-owned enterprises (FSOEs) have emerged in many countries, part...
Theoretical background: The article is devoted to the knowledge gap in understanding processes of growing state interventionism in a number of post-communist countries, Poland being one of the most notable examples. This evolution is still understudied in the literature, both in terms of evidence and proper theoretical framework. Existing theoretic...
State-Owned Enterprises in the Global Economy, Routledge,
New York-London, 2022, pp. 342 (forthcoming)
Table of Contents
1.1. Before the First World War
1.2. From the First to the Second World War
1.3. From the Second World War...
The aim of this study is to explain the special feature of the contemporary Polish
economy which is the lack of oligarchy after 30 years of the post-communist
The article consists of three parts. The first covers the theoretical and methodological
framework for further analysis. We present the definitions and classifications
of olig...
We discuss the emerging economic systems of Poland and Hungary using the state capitalism approach and suggest some general lessons. We define state capitalism in the broad and narrow senses, and propose six major manifestations of state capitalism of the populist variety, and five major state capitalism tools. Applying this framework to the post-S...
The task of this paper is to study the growing state interventionism in Poland using the state capitalism approach which have been refined by the authors to be more applicable for studying transition economies. Using this framework, the history of state capitalism formation and its present state in Poland are studied, including specific features of...
The article aims to empirically indicate the share and industry characteristics of the largest state-owned enterprises in five selected countries of Central and Eastern Europe. Furthermore, based on the analysis, an attempt is made to answer relevant research questions: Whether and to what extent after almost 30 years of transition have the economi...
The paper discusses the role of the state in shaping an economic system which is, in line with the welfare economics approach, capable of performing socially important functions and achieving socially desirable results. We describe this system through a set of indexes: the IHDI, the World Happiness Index, and the Satisfaction of Life index. The cha...
The paper is devoted to the process of increasing involvement of the Polish state in the enterprise sector which is a reversal of de-statization trends of the first quarter of a century of post-communist transition in this country. Despite growing statism which during the last decade can be seen in economic policy in many countries throughout the w...
The presentation is devoted to the process of increasing involvement of the Polish state in the enterprise sector which is a reversal of de-statization trends of the first quarter of a century of post-communist transition in this country. It is an attempt to analyze the ways and methods of the “return of state-owned enterprises,” as well the main d...
The task of this paper is to study the growing state interventionism in Poland using the state capitalism approach. In particular, we try to refine the state capitalism concept in order to make it more applicable for studying transition economies, and with the help of this to analyse state capitalism manifestations in Poland. State capitalism in th...
Celem artykułu jest teoretyczna i empiryczna analiza nowego, ważnego fenomenu współczesnej gospodarki w skali globalnej, tj. wzrostu zakresu oraz znaczenia przedsiębiorstw państwowych. Szczególną uwagę poświęcono roli przedsiębiorstw państowych w polskiej gospodarce rozpatrywanej na tle tendencji ogólnoświatowych. Autorzy omawiajają najpierw proble...
The goal of the presentation is to show preliminary results of an empirical research on the role of the state in shaping the economic system which is, in line with the welfare economics approach, capable to generate people’s well-being, understood as possibility to pursue their life goals and achieve life satisfaction. In the article, such a system...
The purpose of the paper is to analyse the weaknesses, both epistemological and applicative, of the contemporary orthodox economics and, based thereon, to indicate the necessary changes it needs to undergo. Two groups of weaknesses are distinguished here – the intrinsic ones and the acquired ones. The former ones result from diversity and variabili...
The goal of the presentation is to show preliminary results of an empirical research on relations between the quality of economic system measured by its ability to generate development and well-being of society in a given country and the level of statism in its economic policy. The presentation consists of three parts. The first one discusses the t...
The paper presents an analysis of the shift in the ownership policy of the Polish government in office since 2015 towards a more active role of the state and a more reluctant attitude towards privatisation. This shift reflects a general change in the paradigm of the role of the state towards the concept of the state as a strong market player, which...
This paper presents an analysis of the causes and manifestations of Poland’s recent shift in economic policy towards a more active role of the state, and uses privatization policy as an example. This change coincided with a shift in “fashion” in economic policy, away from the idea of “state failure” and more towards the idea of “market failure.” Ou...
This article analyses the difference between the state’s formal and real shares in the Polish economy. We identify two basic types of corporate control exercised by the state over enterprises through ownership (in the case of majority ownership) and non-ownership tools (in the case of minority ownership). Consequently, we distinguish between two ty...
Przedsiębiorstwa państwowe są i prawdopodobnie pozostaną nadal istotnym elementem współczesnych systemów gospodarczych, szczególnie w krajach postsocjalistycznych oraz rozwijających się. Analiza istniejących w różnych krajach zasad funkcjonowania sektora przedsiębiorstw państwowych, jak również zasad realizowania przez państwo funkcji właścicielski...
Celem opracowania jest analiza miejsca i roli przedsiębiorstw państwowych we współczesnej gospodarce, szczególnie w krajach podlegających przemianom ustrojowym po roku 1990, takich jak Polska czy Rosja. Pierwsza część artykułu zawiera krótki rys historyczny dotyczący znaczenia przedsiębiorstw państwowych w gospodarce, a także rozważania na temat de...
The article aims to present the evolution of Swedish and Finnish economies from a welfare state to a model of a knowledge-based competitive economy, and to identify factors which determine the competitiveness of these economies in view of the rise of the post-industrial information society. The article analyses selected statistical data on Swedish...
Book description: Privatization has dominated industrial restructuring programs since the 1980s and continues to do so. This authoritative and accessible Handbook considers all aspects of this key issue, including: the theory of privatization; privatization in transition, developed and developing economies; as well the economic regulation of privat...
The purpose of this article is to compare economic discussion on privatisation, expected privatisation outcomes and actual results in Poland. First it discusses the privatisation of state enterprises in the broader context of the economic transformation programme designed and introduced at the end of 1989 and the beginning of 1990. It examines the...
Book description: This book provides a comparative analysis of the emerging corporate control structures in the transition economies. It details characteristics of corporate governance in the two largest transition economies: Russia and Poland. It explores what kind of ownership structures are emerging in these two countries and to what degree they...
Praca habilitacyjna. Politechnika Lubelska, 1991. Bibliogr. s. 199-207. Indeks.