Mabel Tudino

Mabel Tudino
University of Buenos Aires | UBA · Department of Inorganic, Analytical and Physical Chemistry


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Publications (75)
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Peatlands in southern South America (Tierra del Fuego region, TdF) play a key role in the ecological dynamics of Patagonia. It is, therefore, necessary to increase our knowledge and awareness of their scientific and ecological value to ensure their conservation. This study aimed to assess the differences in the distribution and accumulation of elem...
In order to provide an updated baseline assessment of elemental concentrations in native lichens samples collected at eight selected sampling sites from Tierra del Fuego (South Patagonia), we have determined the concentration of more than forty elements in Usnea barbata by means of different analytical techniques (INAA, ICP-MS, ICP-OES, AMA and CV-...
A method based on flow injection hydride generation atomic absorption spectrometry (FI-HGAAS) with an on-line pre-reduction of Se(VI) to Se(IV) was developed and optimized to determine phosphate-extractable Se (0.1 M phosphate buffer KH2PO4/K2HPO4 at pH 7). The extracted fraction involves water-soluble Se (i.e. the most mobile Se fraction) and exch...
In this work we present a proof of concept for the optimization of the analytical performance in ThermoSpray Flame Furnace Atomic Absorption Spectrometry (TS-FFAAS) by using different systems of sample injection. The influence of different operational variables was studied with emphasis on the characteristics of the ceramic capillary employed for s...
The purpose of this paper is to investigate the trace metal content in edible biomonitors (i.e., mollusks) in the Beagle Channel (southern Patagonia) and to assess the human health risks associated with their consumption. Rationale: The monitoring breakdown structure (MBS) conceptual model was applied to four sampling campaigns (2005 → 2012) that c...
In this study we propose a conceptual framework, i.e. the Monitoring Breakdown Structure (MBS) as a tool for the management of marine ecosystems. The conceptual framework thinks through the complexity of marine ecosystems keeping into account the variety (space) and variability (time) dimensions. Consistently with the MBS we have built the control...
In this study, we presented the influence of nanoparticle coatings over the inner furnace wall used in TS-FF-AAS for the determination of trace elements (Ag, Cd, Pb, and Se) in different complex matrix. The use of ceramic nanomaterials (ZrO 2 and TiO 2 ) as a coating, produced by the dipcoating technique, enabled enhanced analytical performance (an...
In this study, we have investigated Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb and Zn in the biomonitors Mytilus chilensis and Nacella (P) magellanica sampled along seven selected sampling sites along 170 km of the coastal area of the Beagle Channel (Tierra del Fuego, Argentina) in four sampling campaigns: 2005, 2007, 2011 and 2012. The control charts were built by applyi...
In this work we present the use of EMFAAS (Electrothermal Metallic Furnace Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy) for the determination of Cd in tobacco cigarettes of five commercial brands. Optimization of the experimental conditions was done by controling the sample flow rate and the temperature of both, the injection capillar and the atomization cell ....
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Lead is known to be a highly toxic metal; it is often found in soils with the potential to be incorporated by plants. Here, the bioaccumulation of lead by rapeseed (Brassica napus) from a soil with Pb(II) added just before sowing is studied. The effect on plant organs is also studied at the ontogenetic stages of flowering and physiological maturity...
Buscando mejorar el desempeño de la absorción atómica, se insertó sobre el mechero una celda que confina la muestra en un espacio de dimensiones conocidas, a la vez que la totalidad de la misma se inyecta impulsada por una bomba peristáltica que trabaja a bajos caudales, técnica que se denomina producción de aerosol térmico con tubo montado en llam...
In this work, the electrochemical response of Vanadium(V) species on magnetite film electrodes is investigated. Magnetite is deposited electrochemically on glassy carbon electrodes, with an intermediate layer of poly(thiophene) to avoid water infiltration. These electrodes show good reproducibility and stability up to pH=2.0. Mononuclear V(V) speci...
We present an atomization system for atomic absorption spectrometry comprised of a stainless steel furnace heated by the Joule effect by means of its intrinsic resistance. This new kind of furnace does not require any gases during operation. Samples are introduced with an independently controlled thermospray injector. The device outperforms convent...
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The ability of lichens to accumulate different air pollutants beyond their needs in line with the atmospheric levels has conducted to their widely acceptance as biomonitors of inorganic and organic air pollution. Either by determining the concentration of accumulated pollutants or by tracking for damages in their health promoted by pollutants, lich...
In this work, we present the combined effect of artificial neural networks (ANN) and experimental design as a suitable analytical tool for improving the performance of thermospray flame furnace atomic absorption spectrometry (TS-FFAAS) using Mg as leading case. To this end, mixtures of different amounts of methanol, ethanol, and i-propanol inwaterw...
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In this paper we describe the characteristics and the applications of the multivariate methods for spectroscopic and chromatographic techniques independent component analysis (ICA) and two-dimensional correlation spectroscopy (2DCOS) focused to their use in environmental studies. In our opinion, these methods are important because they allow to cha...
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This study demonstrates the influence of the solvent when thermospray flame furnace atomic absorption spectrometry (TS-FF-AAS) is employed for the determination of elements of low volatility, taking magnesium (Mg) as leading case. Several organic solvents/water solutions of different characteristics (density, surface tension, viscosity, etc.) and p...
The main objective of this work is the study of correlations between the efficiency of the distribution of the permanent platinum group modifiers Pd, Rh and Ir over the graphite surface with the aim of improving analytical signal of tellurium. Modifier solution was deposited onto the platform and pyrolysed after drying. In the case of Pd, the physi...
In this paper we describe the characteristics and the applications of the multivariate methods for spectroscopic and chromatographic techniques independent component analysis (ICA) and two-dimensional correlation spectroscopy (2DCOS) focused to their use in environmental studies. In our opinion, these methods are important because they allow to cha...
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Soil pollution by heavy metals, particularly lead, is an important environmental concern; the bioavailability of such pollutants is strongly dependent on their chemical form. Here, the speciation of Pb(II) in soil fractions as a function of time shortly after its incorporation is studied, using a selective sequential extraction method. The sample c...
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The European Integrated Pollution Prevention and Control (IPPC) came into force in 1996. In 2010, the EU Parliament approves the Industrial Emissions Directive (IED) that abrogates the IPPC directive. This directive lays down measures designed to regulate emissions arising from the activities of large European industries which recorded a constant d...
The distribution of inorganic arsenic species in groundwater used as drinking water supply by the peri-urban and rural population from central-western area of Santa Fe Province, Argentina, was studied. An analytical methodology based on an online system of atomic absorption spectrometry with hydride generation and flow injection (FI-HGAAS) was used...
This work describes the development of a new analytical procedure able to determine gold by thermospray flame furnace atomic absorption spectrometry (TS-FF-AAS) using nickel tubes (NiT) and quartz tubes (QT) as atomization cells. Experiments involving changes in the flow injection operational parameters, reagent concentrations and sizes of the QT w...
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Nacella species and Mytilus species constitute a popular food in the Beagle Channel zone as both of them are well distributed in the area. With the aim to infer the daily intake of heavy metals through the consumption of these gastropod molluscs in the diet, more than one hundred individuals of Nacella (P) magellanica were sampled, separated in vis...
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With the aim to evaluate the mollusk Nacella (P)magellanica as biomonitor of elemental pollution in seawater of the Beagle Channel, more than one hundred individuals of the gastropod were sampled, separated in viscera and muscle, and then examined with respect to the accumulation of Cd, Cr, Cu, Ni, Pb and Zn. Collection was performed in seven strat...
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In order to test the aptitude of individuals of Mytilus chilensis as biomonitors of heavy metals pollution in seawater, several samples of this mollusk together with surrounding seawater samples were collected along 170 km of the coastal area of the Beagle Channel (Tierra del Fuego, Argentina) in 2005 and 2007. The study, performed in seven locatio...
A simple and robust on-line sequential injection system based on solid phase extraction (SPE) coupled to a flow injection hydride generation atomic absorption spectrometer (FI-HGAAS) with a heated quartz tube atomizer (QTA) was developed and optimized for the determination of As(III) in groundwater without any kind of sample pretreatment. The metho...
A flow injection system coupled to hydride generation atomic absorption spectrometry with heated quartz tube atomizer was employed for the selective determination of As(III) in real groundwater samples under nonacidic conditions. The use of low-acidity conditions was carefully evaluated in order to minimize the interconversion of redox arsenic spec...
Several studies involving the physicochemical interaction of three silica based hybrid mesoporous materials with metal ions of the group IB have been performed in order to employ them for preconcentration purposes in the determination of traces of Cu(II), Ag(I) and Au(III). The three solids were obtained from mesoporous silica functionalized with 3...
In this work, a non-chromatographic procedure for the on-line determination of ultratraces of V(V) and V(IV) is presented. The method involves a solid phase extraction-flow injection system coupled to electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry (SPE-FI-ETAAS). The system holds two microcolumns (MC) set in parallel and filled with lab-made mesopor...
A lab-made hybrid mesoporous solid was employed in a flow injection solid phase extraction electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometric (FI–SPE–ETAAS) system for the selective retention of Cr(VI). The solid was prepared by co-condensation of sodium tetraethylortosilicate and 3-aminopropyltriethoxysilane by sol–gel methodology and one-pot synthesi...
An hybrid mesoporous material synthesised in our laboratories for solid phase extraction (SPE) in flow through systems has been used for analytical purposes. The solid was obtained from mesoporous silica MCM-41 functionalized with 3-aminopropyltriethoxy silane by Sol–Gel methodology. In order to exploit the large sorption capacity of the material t...
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Multidrug-resistant Plasmodium falciparum malaria is a severe public health problem on the Thailand-Myanmar border. Many villagers buy packets of 4-5 mixed medicines ("yaa chud") from shops without medical assessment as their first-line malaria treatment. In 2000-2001 a local researcher purchased 50 yaa chud from 44 shops around Mae Sot, Thailand a...
A flow injection hydride generation system with a metal furnace atomizer (Inconel 600® alloy) was employed for Bi and Se determination. The presented methods have linear ranges up to 200 and 500 μg L− 1 for Bi and Se, respectively, with good linearities (r2 = 0.9997 and 0.9974, respectively). The limits of quantification obtained according to IUPAC...
In this paper, two time-based flow injection (FI) separation pre-concentration systems coupled to graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry (GFAAS) for tellurium determination are studied and compared. The first alternative involves the pre-concentration of the analyte onto Dowex 1X8 employed as packaging material of a micro-column inserted i...
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A simple and sensitive HPLC post-derivatization method with colorimetric detection has been developed for the determination of N-nitroso glyphosate in samples of technical glyphosate. Separation of the analyte was accomplished using an anionic exchange resin (2.50mmx4.00mm i.d., 15mum particle size, functional group: quaternary ammonium salt) with...
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The characterization of three types of Marche (Italy) honeys (Acacia, Multifloral, Honeydew) was carried out on the basis of the their quality parameters (pH, sugar content, humidity) and mineral content (Na, K, Ca, Mg, Cu, Fe, and Mn). Pattern recognition methods such as principal components analysis (PCA) and linear discriminant analysis (LDA) we...
In this work, studies on the bioaccumulation of Cd and Pb by Ulva lactuca at different sites of Gulf San Jorge (Patagonia, Argentina) are presented. Higher values of bioaccumulated Cd were found in Punta Maqueda - a site believed to serve as a control - in comparison to those in Punta Borja, a place highly exposed to urban and industrial activities...
The aim of this work is the study of the best conditions for thermal stabilization of tellurium in graphite furnaces under different experimental conditions, including highly concentrated nitric and hydrochloric acids solutions as those resulting of drastic dissolution procedures. The influence of different noble metals used as matrix modifiers in...
The chemical reaction between Cu(II) and 1,5-diphenylcarbazide (DPC) is revised from an analytical perspective. It is shown that instead of a Cu–DPC complex, an oxygen mediated DPC oxidation to diphenylcarbazone (DPCO) is the main reaction involved where Cu(II) acts as catalyst. Therefore, the signal observed corresponds to the oxidation product DP...
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The lichen Evernia prunastri has been employed for biomonitoring the atmospheric deposition of heavy metals at urban, rural and industrial sites in Central Italy. Lichen samples have been collected in a control site 1500 m a. s. l. (Parco Nazionale dAbruzzo, Central Italy) and subsequently transplanted at urban site (Cassino city center), at rural...
The flow injection (FI) analytical determination of Se(IV) with 2,3-diaminonaphthalene (DAN) was assayed employing enhanced fluorometric detection. The different variables affecting the reaction rate between Se(IV) and DAN were studied in batch mode, and the best conditions for the 4,5-benzopiazselenol (Se–DAN complex) formation were found. On this...
A time-based flow injection (FI) separation pre-concentration system coupled to an electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometer (graphite furnace) has been developed for the direct ultra-trace determination of selenite and selenate in drinking water. The pre-concentration of both forms of selenium is carried out onto a micro-column packed with an...
A mathematical model for fitting the experimental ICM (integrated conductimetric method) curves developed by the authors in a previous work, is presented for the first time in this study. The proposed model fits the experimental curves with great precision and allows to predict physical dispersion for single-line flow injection system. The correlat...
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This review focuses on tbeoretical and practical aspects of tbe biologica! monitoring of heavy metals in tbe marine environment, covering tbe analyses of seawater, sediment and marine biota as tbe materials of study for a full characterization of tbe pollution degree of tbe geographical area investigated.
A novel methodology for the determination of iron at the ppb level by spectrophotometric flow injection analysis is described. The method is based on the control of the flow dissolution of the colorimetric reagent 1,10-phenanthroline. This is achieved by means of the minimization of the area of contact between the carrier and the solid reagent, thu...
The ENSO event of 1997-1998 triggered one of the largest floods of the Paraná River since the beginning of its hydrological records (in 1884). The concentration and transport of particulate nutrients and metals of the river were assessed during the flood, and compared with the available information for normal periods. Suspended matter (SM) concentr...
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Cd, Cr, Cu and Pb concentrations were measured in the water and these plus Zn were measured in the diet, muscle and liver of the detritivorous fish Prochilodus lineatus and the omnivorous fish Pterodoras granulosus at two sites (Lower Paran River and Ro de la Plata right margin) located upstream and downstream, respectively, from Buenos Aires, an i...
A flow injection system coupled to a photodiode array spectrophotometer (FI-PDA) for the multicomponent kinetic determination of Cu, Zn, Co, Ni and Fe at trace levels is presented. The substitution reaction of metal-nitrilotriacetic complexes (M-NTA) by 4-(2-pyridilazo) resorcinol (PAR) instead of the direct complexation of the free ions with PAR i...
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A new strategy for the instrumental control of sample dispersion in continuous flow systems is presented. The method is based on shaking a loosely held straight reactor while the sample travels through the flow injection manifold. This external disturbance yields a sample transport more similar to the plug flow type because of the changes promoted...
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Selenium was determined in samples with high copper and iron contents by hydride generation-inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (HG-ICP-OES) after flow-injection (FI) on-line copper and iron removal and selenium(VI) reduction. A Dowex 1X-8 anion-exchange microcolumn was used for the separation of selenium from copper and iron a...
A simple flow injection manifold coupled to a hydride generation atomic absorption spectrometer has been designed for Se(VI) and Se(IV) determination. On-line reduction of Se(VI) is performed by passing the sample, in 6.8M hydrochloric acid, through a conventionally heated water bath. Complete conversion into Se(IV) is achieved in about 1min.Conven...
The ultratrace determination of Cd species in natural waters by using an automatic on-line extraction preconcentration system coupled to a graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometer is presented. Two operational fractions with environmental meaning (able and not able to be accumulated by aquatic organisms) were determined through kinetic discr...
Cd, Cu and Zn content in sediments and bivalves (Limnoperna fortunei and Corbicula fluminea) were studied in the lower 500 km stretch of the Paran River and in the right margin of the Ro de la Plata Estuary. Both bivalves species showed higher metal contents at the Paran River, possibly related to water chemistry. The Paran water is circumneutral a...
Three different calibration approaches: Partial Least Squares, Unfold Partial Least Squares and n-way Partial Least Squares are compared in terms of explained variance, root mean square error of calibration and root mean square error of cross-validation. Attention is also focused on the application of genetic algorithms to spectral data as a way to...
The content of cadmium, lead, chromium, copper and zinc in algal samples from the Southern Atlantic coasts was determined by atomic absorption spectrometry. Algal population samples of Ulva lactuca, Enteromorpha prolifera and Porphyra columbina from Gulf San Jorge, Argentina, were collected, composited and pooled. Two stations with different exposu...
The insights provided by integrated detection (conductimetric) as a novel approach to follow physical dispersion in continuous-flow manifolds are presented. This approach replaces the conventional instantaneous detection and permits to follow the dispersion phenomena, including details of the radial component as the sample plug travels the manifold...
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Cu, Cr, Pb, Zn and Fe in water, sediment and tissue of the emergent macrophyte Schoenoplectus californicus were studied in three coastal environments differing in aquatic chemistry and tide amplitude: a deltaic floodplain marsh, a coastal vegetated strip of the river and a tidal marsh at the south margin of the Ro de la Plata Estuary. Metal content...
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Aluminum (Al) has no known physiological function and is not considered an essential dietary compound. Nowadays, it is recognized as an element that can produce adverse effects on biological systems. The present study determined Al partitioning in the body compartments of rats that have been orally exposed for 15 weeks. Three experimental groups we...
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Corbicula jZuminea was collected at monthly intervals in November 1991-June 1993, and in March, April 1995 at a site located in the vicinity of strong sources of industrial and sewage effluents (confluence of the Rivers San Antonio and Vinculacibn, SaV); and in November 1994 and March, April 1995 at a presumably less polluted one (Parana de las Pal...
An automatic separation preconcentration system coupled to an electrothermal (graphite furnace) atomic absorption spectrometer is described. The preconcentration step is performed on a chelating resin microcolumn (Chelex-100) placed in the injection tip of the autosampler. A time based manifold with two- and three-way solenoid valves commanded by a...
An alternative procedure for the flow injection spectrophotometric determination of CrVI with 1,5-diphenylcarbazide (DPC), involving on-line dissolution of the reagent, is presented. Solid DPC (25% m/m in silica) is packed in a PTFE column, which is then incorporated in a single-line flow system so that reagent dissolution is effected as the sample...
This study has been carried out in an uncontrolled dump in the suburbs of Buenos Aires, Argentina. This dump still contains solid wastes of different types in direct contact with the human consumption aquifer. After 18 years of overturning the dump was closed in 1992, and the reclamation works started. Three leachate samplings were carried out in t...
Cadmium and lead concentrations were determined in some common algal species living in the southernmost coasts of Argentina. Two different sampling areas were chosen: Gulf Nuevo, a locality being influenced by a developing industrial city, and Bay Camarones, a traditional harvest area for seaweed exploitation. Selected species of the genera Lessoni...
The effects of in vivo administration or in vitro addition of zinc on 5'-deiodination of thyroxine (T4) and the concentration of nonprotein sulfhydryl groups (NPSH) in rat liver were studied in 200-240 g body weight male Wistar rats. Twelve rats were injected i.p. with zinc sulphate 2 mg/kg body weight 24 h before the experiments were started. Anim...
Studies on vanadium and nickel contents in oiled marine birds from Punta Tombo (Argentina) are shown attending to the fact that the relationship between these two metals in crude petroleum seems to be a function of its geographical source and can provide valuable information for characterizing petroleum residues in polluted samples
Arsenic in the inorganic and organic forms was analyzed in species of marine macro-algae growing in the South Atlantic Ocean. Species of the genera Lessonia, Gigartina, Adenocystis, Leathesia and Colpomenia were investigated. Arsenic accumulation was found in all species studied. Total As content ranged from 5.3 to 56.9 microg As g(-1) and the leve...


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