Maarja Beerkens

Maarja Beerkens
Leiden University | LEI · Institute of Public Administration



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Publications (43)
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As a response to competitive market forces and governmental steering policies, Australian universities have strengthened considerably their internal research management in the last two decades. This paper examines empirically the effect of management on academic research productivity. The results suggest that management practices indeed seem to hav...
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About ten years ago, an innovative instrument was developed to promote internationalization in European higher education institutions— a Certificate for Quality in Internationalization (Cequint). The initiative fits well the contemporary governance philosophy that promotes voluntary instruments, an individualized approach, and an orientation toward...
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Academic leadership is becoming an increasingly prominent topic, as universities have grown in complexity and policy reforms in many countries have strengthened the strategic role of university leaders. The importance of leadership on all organizational levels-the top management, deans and department heads, and curriculum and course directors-is in...
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Stakeholder engagement has become a daily practice for contemporary universities. Stakeholders are involved in all levels of decision-making: from supra-national policy-making to universities’ strategic management, and down to curriculum-level quality evaluation. This chapter examines changes in higher education governance that have contributed to...
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Contemporary universities have many different tasks. Next to the traditional research and teaching mission, universities are also expected to engage in other activities that create social value. A balance between these different tasks varies across higher education systems, institutions, and individuals. This chapter examines the position of intern...
The academic environment in Estonia went through a major transformation over the last three decades. The dissolution of the Soviet Union meant a structural change in the organization of the higher education and science system, and it required a rapid reorientation towards a western scientific community and to the needs of a drastically changed econ...
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Rapidly accumulating literature on public leadership tends to zoom in on specific aspects of leaders’ behavior. Such a fragmented approach may overlook the most challenging aspect of effective leadership: combining diverse behaviors in relation to various stakeholders to match contextual needs. This article therefore argues for a comprehensive appr...
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Performance data in higher education has gone through a major development in the last few decades. Simple input measures have given way to increasingly nuanced and dynamic output measures and performance indicators have become an integral part of management at the organisational and system level. The evolution of higher education performance measur...
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Student employment is a complex phenomenon. The pro-portion of working students varies considerably across countries in Europe: from 77% in the Netherlands to 24%in Serbia and Italy. What explains such a variation, and what does it say about the learning and living environment of students in these countries? While we know about the profile of worki...
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Public organizations are often characterized by contextual ambiguity, which creates extra demands on leaders. Yet to what extent leaders adapt their behavior to the ambiguity remains largely unknown. Drawing on the concept of requisite variety, we hypothesize that more ambiguous situations require more complex leadership behavior. Furthermore, it i...
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„Akadeemilised töötajad teadmusühiskonnas“ on laiapõhjaline Eesti kõrgkoolide ning teadusarendusasutuste akadeemilist personali hõlmav küsitlus, mis keskendub töötajate rahulolule, töökeskkonna tingimustele ning akadeemilise töö olemusele ning muutustele.
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The role of hybrid organizations in the public sector has increased rapidly. This paper studies employees' perception of the hybridity and it examines the premise that the administrative tradition can explain variation in hybrid accountability arrangements. A crosscountry comparison of Export Promotion Agencies shows that perceived accountability r...
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Evidence-based policy has become a norm in the current policy-making rhetoric, affecting also higher education quality assurance. This article agrees with critics that rigorous ex-post impact studies are highly challenging in the field of quality assurance. Nevertheless, there are alternative ways how evidence can effectively guide quality assuranc...
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The ERC grant system has had a significant impact on the academic profession in Europe, by enforcing norms about what constitutes a promising research career, increasing the autonomy of individual top scholars and facilitating competition between universities. Winning an ERC starting grant has a considerable effect on individual career prospects. A...
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Over the last few decades, many countries have introduced market mechanisms to coordinate their higher education sector. Market as a coordination instrument relies on the idea that competition creates effective incentives for organizations to improve quality and to contain costs for their services. Markets, however, can deliver these benefits only...
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The issue of open access to scientific research has become a prominent policy topic over the last decade in Europe, in the US and in many western and non-western countries. Although countries attempt to address the issue within their national boundaries, it is increasingly clear that scientific publishing is a global industry and regulating it with...
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Stakeholder engagement has become a norm in higher education governance in Europe, particularly in the area of quality assurance. Diverse expectations and experiences of various stakeholder groups are expected to contribute to a more effective and comprehensive quality assurance system. This paper examines empirically the assumption that stakeholde...
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In the global competition of higher education, research intensity has become the key indicator of the quality of universities. This raises the issue of how, and whether at all, research intensive environment offers a better learning experience for students. One potential answer to this dilemma lies in research-related teaching. In this empirical pa...
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Increasing participation in the Erasmus study abroad program in Europe is a clear policy goal, and student-reported barriers and drivers are regularly monitored. This article uses student survey data from seven countries to examine the extent to which student-level barriers can explain the considerable cross-country variation in Erasmus participati...
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Higher education quality assurance systems develop within a complex political environment where national level goals and priorities interact with European and global developments. Furthermore, quality assurance is influenced by broader processes in the public sector that set expectations with respect to accountability, legitimacy and regulatory qua...
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The 1990s were characterized by the rise of quality assurance and quality regulation in higher education. While countries experiment with a great variety of quality assurance instruments, there is quite a consistent trend towards relying on semi-governmental or formally independent quality assurance agencies. In recent years though such ‘agencifcat...
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The new demands of mass systems of higher education and the emerging environment of global academic competition are altering the traditional institutions for assuring academic standards in universities. As a consequence many nations are experimenting with new instruments for academic quality assurance. Contemporary government control of academic qu...
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In this article, we look at the barriers to international student mobility, with particular reference to the European Erasmus program. Much is known about factors that support or limit student mobility, but very few studies have made comparisons between participants and nonparticipants. Making use of a large data set on Erasmus and non-Erasmus stud...
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In the last two or three decades, many countries all over the world make use of various market instruments to steer and manage their academic research sector. Proponents of a market approach claim greater efficiency and sharper incentives while critics point to the peculiarity of the university sector that is likely to cause an inefficient stratifi...
In the last two or three decades, many countries have used various market instruments to steer and manage their academic research sector. Proponents of a market approach claim greater efficiency and sharper incentives while critics point to the peculiarity of the university sector that is likely to cause an inefficient stratification amongst univer...
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For the last few decades, European higher education has gone through significant transformation which has been driven by broad global developments, such as massification of higher education, a global competition, and economic benefits of education (Maassen & Stensaker, forthcoming). The direct and indirect influence of the European dimension is ano...
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Student employment is increasingly common in many countries. Compared to earlier decades, not only more students work but they also work longer hours. Among European countries Estonia is one of the clear “leaders” in student employment. This study uses survey data from 2,496 students in Estonian public and private universities to examine the reason...
The basic idea underlying the pilot project ‘CHE Ranking of European Universities’ is that the evolution of a common European Higher Education Area in the context of the Bologna process and a common European Research Area in the Lisbon strategy will lead to growing European mobility of students and higher education staff. Hence, comparable informat...
The massification of higher education, the rapid development of new academic subjects and fields, the growing international market competition among universities, the associated deregulation of government policy and growing institutional autonomy, the commercial provision of quality information, and the resulting academic arms race for research rep...
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University rankings have become widely influential in the last 10 years, both on a national and international scale. Rankings as a consumer information tool can function as an effective quality assurance mechanism. Most existing university rankings, however, seem to distort rather than improve the higher education market. The CHE ranking in Germany...
The impact of globalization and massification has altered radically the traditional relationship between the state and institutions of higher education. As a consequence the leading nations are experimenting with new instruments for academic quality assurance. We have selected fourteen innovative policy instruments designed to help assure academic...
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Over the last decade the structure of higher education in most countries has undergone significant change brought about by social demands for expanded access, technological developments, and market forces. In this period of change the traditional concerns with access and cost have been supplemented by a new concern with academic quality. As a conse...
This volume summarizes a significant body of research systematically analyzing innovative external quality assurance policies in higher education around the world. It will be essential reading for policy makers, administrators and researchers alike. Over the last decade the structure of higher education in most countries has undergone significant...
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Universities in Latin America are increasingly considered instruments of social and economic development and face rising expectations in regard to supplying relevant skills, undertaking applied research, and engaging in commercial activity. The paper discusses trends and challenges within Latin American universities, as well as policy options avail...
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The global expansion of access to higher education has increased demand for information on academic quality and has led to the development of university ranking systems or league tables in many countries of the world. A recent UNESCO/CEPES conference on higher education indicators concluded that cross-national research on these ranking systems coul...
The global expansion of access to higher education has increased demand for information on academic quality and has led to the development of university ranking systems or league tables in many countries of the world. A recent UNESCO/CEPES Conference on higher education indicators concluded that cross-national research on these ranking systems coul...
Prologue In the summer 2010 the dull topic of higher education quality assurance reached the front pages of the national media in the Netherlands. One of the largest universities of applied sciences in the country, named InHolland, was accused in examination fraud. The school offered an "alternative study route" to hundreds of students in the Media...


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