Maaike J. van den Haak

Maaike J. van den Haak
Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam | VU · Language and Communication Department



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July 2001 - September 2006
University of Twente
  • PhD Student


Publications (18)
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Health consumers are increasingly expected to play an active role with respect to their health and make informed decisions. Therefore, it is essential that health information meets the needs and expectations of health consumers. Online health information is examined from the perspectives of patients with uterine cervical dysplasia undergoing a freq...
At risk? Me? A report on two studies into how people give meaning to information in online health checks . This article reports on two qualitative user studies that were designed to understand how people interpret and give meaning to information from online health checks. The object of both studies was the Dutch PreventionConsult, consisting of a s...
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Background: Disease risk calculators are increasingly web-based, but previous studies have shown that risk information often poses problems for lay users. Objective: To examine how lay people understand the result derived from an online cardiometabolic risk calculator. Design: A qualitative study was performed, using the risk calculator in the...
Conference Paper
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The internet is an increasingly popular source of consumer health information (CHI). Worldwide, millions of people regularly visit CHI websites to seek answers to medical issues, either for themselves or their loved ones. As CHI websites play such a vital role in people's health behaviour, the evaluation of these sites has often been addressed in s...
Usability methods have received relatively little methodological attention within the field of E-Government. This paper aims to address this gap by reporting on a usability test of the municipal website of Deventer (the Netherlands), carried out by means of three variants of the think-aloud method (concurrent/retrospective think-aloud protocols and...
To evaluate Web sites, usability experts often use methods that were originally employed for the evaluation of software applications. In doing so, they assume that these methods will work exactly the same for both types of test objects. However, there is a major difference between transactional software applications and informational Web sites, a d...
This paper focuses on the interaction between teams of participants in the constructive interaction (CI) method. We analyzed transcripts and video recordings from five CI sessions in order to determine the types and frequencies of communicative acts performed as well as their usefulness to usability testers. In addition, we examined the contributio...
Conference Paper
The think aloud method is widely used in usability research to collect user's reports of the experience of interacting with a design so that usability evaluators can find the underlying usability problems. However, concerns remain about the validity and usefulness of think aloud in usability studies. In this panel we will present current studies of...
Conference Paper
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This paper focuses on the interaction between test participants and test facilitator in two variants of the think-aloud method. In a first, explorative study, we analyzed think-aloud transcripts from two usability tests: a concurrent think-aloud test and a constructive interaction test. The results of our analysis show that while the participants i...
This paper describes a comparative study of three usability test approaches: concurrent think-aloud protocols, retrospective think-aloud protocols, and constructive interaction. These three methods were compared by means of an evaluation of an online library catalogue, which involved four points of comparison: number and type of usability problems...
Conference Paper
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Think-aloud protocols are commonly used for the usability testing of instructional documents, Web sites and interfaces. This paper addresses the benefits and drawbacks of two think-aloud variations: the traditional concurrent think-aloud method and the less familiar retrospective think-aloud protocols. It also offers an outline of a long-term resea...
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Think-aloud protocols are a dominant method in usability testing. There is, however, only little empirical evidence on the actual validity of the method. This paper describes an experiment that compares concurrent and retrospective think-aloud protocols for a usability test of an online library catalogue. There were three points of comparison: usab...
Hardopdenkprotocollen zijn een veelgebruikte methode voor de formatieve evaluatie van software, interfaces, websites en instructieve documenten. De methode houdt in dat gebruikers uit de doelgroep een aantal taken met behulp van het te evalueren communicatiemiddel uitvoeren en daarbij voortdurend hun gedachten verbaliseren. De methode heeft face va...


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