M. L. Sánchez-BernardosComplutense University of Madrid | UCM · Facultad de Psicología
M. L. Sánchez-Bernardos
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M. L. Sánchez-Bernardos currently works at the Facultad de Psicología, Complutense University of Madrid. M. L. does research in Personality, psychpathology, personality disorders,go English Literature, and Literary Theory and Abnormal Psychology. Their current project is about fiction, fantasies and realities
Skills and Expertise
Publications (56)
Different units of analysis to study gender differences in psychological domains have been proposed. Basically, the present chapter is focused on the trait domain, characteristic adaptations, the objective biography, self-schemas, and character strengths. The main results point to some differences between men and women at the trait level, but the m...
Background: It is generally accepted that breast reconstruction (BR) provides psychological benefits
for women who had undergone mastectomy for breast cancer by restoring bodily changes caused by
surgery. Spanish research on these issues is still scant, and the published studies reveal conflicting results.
This study aims to explore the ps...
Warmth and competence are universal dimensions of social perception that articulate the perception of other individuals and social groups. However, there are no scales that have systematically been used in psychosocial research. The purpose of this study is to construct two scales, one on warmth and another on competence, which could be used at the...
Different units of analysis to study gender differences in psychological domains have been proposed. Basically, the present chapter is focused on the trait domain, characteristic adaptations, the objective biography, self-schemas, and character strengths. The main results point to some differences between men and women at the trait level, but the m...
This study was aimed to analyze the relationships of fantasy proneness with the personality domains encompassed within the Five-Factor Model of personality in an adult sample. A 15-item scale from the Creative Experiences Questionnaire with adequate internal consistency was used to measure fantasy proneness. The results showed two components of fan...
This study was aimed to analyze the relationships of fantasy proneness with the
personality domains encompassed within the Five-Factor Model of personality in
an adult sample. A 15-item scale from the Creative Experiences Questionnaire
with adequate internal consistency was used to measure fantasy proneness. The
results showed two components of fan...
The aim of this study is to develop a Spanish version of the Body Image Scale (Hopwood et al. Eur J Cancer 37(2):189-197, 2001) and to analyze its psychometric properties in a sample of women with breast or gynaecological cancer.
Methods: The Spanish version of the Body Image Scale was developed using a forward and backward translation technique....
Personality correlates of fantasy proneness were studied in a sample of Spanish adolescents. Four-hundred and ninety-five adolescents filled out the CEQ (Creative Experiences Questionnaire, Merckelbach, Horselenberg, & Muris, 2001) and a checklist of personality adjectives (from Goldberg, 1990) tapping Neuroticism, Extraversion, Openness to Experie...
The main purpose of this study is to test if children with cancer receiving chemotherapy show a poorer physical self-concept, less self-esteem and more anxiety and depression than healthy children (with no cancer history) within the same age range (9-16 years old) and social condition. Furthermore, the capacity of self-concept and self-esteem to pr...
The main purpose of this study is to test if children with cancer receiving chemotherapy show a poorer physical self-concept, less self-esteem and more anxiety and depression than healthy children (with no cancer history) within the same age range (9-16 years old) and social condition. Furthermore, the capacity of self-concept and self-esteem to pr...
El objetivo principal de este estudio es comprobar si los niños con cáncer (en tratamiento con quimioterapia) presentan peor autoconcepto físico, menos autoestima y más ansiedad y depresión que los niños sanos (sin historia de cáncer) de los mismos rangos de edad (9-16 años) y condición social. Adicionalmente, se analiza la capacidad predictiva del...
This paper addresses the role played by both birth order and perception of parental investment in adolescent interpersonal relationships and affectivity. A sample of 287 high-school students was administered the DOI-J, the PANAS, and a scale of parental investment. The results showed that firstborns did not differ significantly from laterborns on a...
This paper addresses the role played by both birth order and perception of parental investment in adolescent interpersonal relationships and affectivity. A sample of 287 high-school students was administered the DOI-J, the PANAS, and a scale of parental investment. The results showed that firstborns did not differ significantly from laterborns on a...
This paper addresses the role played by both birth order and perception of parental investment in adolescent interpersonal relationships and affectivity. A sample of 287 high-school students was administered the DOI-J, the PANAS, and a scale of parental investment. The results showed that firstborns did not differ significantly from laterborns on a...
Previous research has found substantial relationships between fantasy proneness and schizotypy in adulthood. The aim of the present study is to examine the connections between these constructs in an adolescent sample. A sample of 511 adolescents filled out a measure of fantasy proneness and a measure of psychotic-like phenomena. The factorial patte...
Most people hold beliefs about personality characteristics typical of members of their own and others' cultures. These perceptions
of national character may be generalizations from personal experience, stereotypes with a “kernel of truth,” or inaccurate
stereotypes. We obtained national character ratings of 3989 people from 49 cultures and compared...
The Self-Discrepancy Theory (Higgins, 1987) has become very fruitful when it is applied to adulthood, but there is a paucity of studies dealing with this theory and adolescence even though it is a suitable period of growth for different selves. The aim of the present study is to analyze the relationships among Actual/Ideal and Actual/Social Self-Di...
Personality correlates of fantasy proneness were studied in a sample of Spanish adolescents. Four-hundred and ninety-five adolescents filled out the CEQ (Creative Experiences Questionnaire, Merckelbach, Horselenberg, & Muris, 2001) and a checklist of personality adjectives (from Goldberg, 1990) tapping Neuroticism, Extraversion, Openness to Experie...
Self-discrepancies and interpersonal relationships in adolescence. The Self-Discrepancy Theory (Higgins, 1987) has become very fruitful when it is applied to adulthood, but there is a paucity of studies dealing with this theory and adolescence even though it is a suitable period of growth for different selves. The aim of the present study is to ana...
A full understanding of the biology and behavior of humans cannot be complete without the collective contributions of the social sciences, cognitive sciences, and neurosciences. This book collects eighty-two of the foundational articles in the emerging discipline of social neuroscience.
The book addresses five main areas of research: multilevel int...
El objetivo principal de este trabajo es mostrar los diferentes patrones de actuación en una tarea de denominación de dibujos y otra de emparejamiento palabra oída-dibujo, de un grupo de pacientes con enfermedad de Alzheimer (EA) y de un grupo de control. La ejecución de los pacientes, subdivididos en función de la severidad de la demencia en leves...
Examines, in the context of the Five Factor Model, the contradictory role played by the Openness to Fantasy and Openness to Actions facets (of the Openness to Experience factor) in the prediction of depression. 112 Ss (aged 17–67 yrs) filled out the NEO-PI and the BDI depression questionnaires. A stepwise regression shows that the Fantasy facet of...
El presente trabajo presenta una batería o conjunto de pruebas que se han elaborado con la finalidad de poder evaluar el deterioro de la memoria semántica y/o conceptual en pacientes con Alzheimer. Más en concreto, pretende evaluar el conocimiento de determinadas categorías semánticas referentes a seres vivos/animados y seres vivos/objetos, así com...
En: Estudios de psicología Madrid 2001, v. 22, n. 3 ; p. 273-285 El objetivo principal de este trabajo es mostrar los diferentes patrones de actuación en una tarea de denominación de dibujos y otra de emparejamiento palabra oída-dibujo, de un grupo de pacientes con enfermedad de Alzheimer y de un grupo de control. La ejecución de los pacientes, sub...
Temperaments are often regarded as biologically based psychological tendencies with intrinsic paths of development. It is argued that this definition applies to the personality traits of the five-factor model. Evidence for the endogenous nature of traits is summarized from studies of behavior genetics, parent-child relations, personality structure,...
Evaluation Battery for Semantic Memory Deterioration in Alzheimer. The current work presents a battery or series of tests that were elaborated with the aim of assessing the deterioration of the semantic and/or conceptual memory in patients with Alzheimers disease. Specifically, our aim is to evaluate the knowledge of certain semantic categories, c...
Two samples of subjects (a sample of undergraduate students and a sample from the general population) filled out the Self-Monitoring Scale (Snyder, 1974) and the NEO-PI (Costa & McCrae, 1985). The results showed an acquisitive self-monitoring pattern associated with Extraversion and Openness to Experience, and a defensive self-monitoring pattern as...
This paper examines the prevalence, comorbidity and developmental patterns of anxiety
disorders in a sample of 243 elementary and high school students, aged 6 to 17 years. Subjects were diagnosed with a questionnaire (parent, child and adolescent form) adapted from the Spanish version of the DICA-R. The overall prevalence rate was 13.6%-18.5% (base...
This study had two aims. Firstly, it examined the similarity between subjects' ratings of themselves and others and their scores on various personality tests. A group of 264 undergraduates in psychology completed Snyder's (1974) Self-Monitoring Scale and the Neuroticism and Extraversion Scales from the Eysenck Personality Questionnaire (Eysenck and...
Studies of socially anxious persons' construct system have been scarce and have not considered problems of secondary affective confounds. Given the high correlations between social anxiety and depression, it is likely that these studies included persons with not only high levels of social anxiety, but also high levels of depression. Therefore, it i...
Trait psychology is entering into a newly flourishing time. The five-factor model has become a robust alternative in the search for the ‘basic’ personality structure. The present paper is intended to explore the nomological network of the dimensions contained in Costa and McCrae's NEO-PI, which has become the most widely used operationalization of...
En este trabajo se ofrecen los primeros datos encontrados al diagnosticar a un grupo de 236 sujetos (138 varones y 98 mujeres) de 6-17 años, cuyos padres solicitaron ayuda profesional en dos Servicios de Salud Mental de la Comunidad de Madrid (desde noviembre de 1992 hasta abril de 1993). Los trastornos más diagnosticados fueron los conductuales (3...
Within the context of various studies carried out in Spain with a translation of the NEO-PI S version, the aim of this work is to present and comment on the data referring to its internal structure. Dealing with two large groups of subjects coming from the general population (N = 1171) and university students (N = 1444), internal consistencies of f...
The relations between the various self-concepts and the emotional consequences of the discrepancy between them have been a favorite center of attention for personality theorists. This study analyzes (a) the relation between the magnitude of the discrepancy (actual/own:ideal/own, ideal/own:social) and the intensity of emotional states (social anxiet...
This paper illustrates the possibilities of the lexical approach to the study of the structure of personality. The lexical approach assumes that the most relevant characteristics of human personality should be contained in natural languages. The developmental history of the lexical approach is presented and the so called «Big five» personality fact...
El estudio de las alteraciones fonológicas presentes en el habla de pacientes que han padecido lesiones cerebrales constituye uno de los temas centrales en el estudio de la patología del lenguaje.
Aunque fueron detectadas desde muy al principio de la configuración del campo de estudio, es a finales de los años sesenta cuando las alteraciones fonoló...
El presente trabajo presenta una batería o conjunto de pruebas que se han elaborado con la finalidad de poder evaluar el deterioro de la memoria semántica y/o conceptual en pacientes con Alzheimer. Más en concreto, pretende evaluar el conocimiento de determinadas categorías semánticas referentes a seres vivos/animados y seres no vivos/objetos, así...
En este trabajo, que forma parte de un proyecto más amplio sobre evaluación del deterioro de la memoria semántica en pacientes con DTA, se analizan las alteraciones léxico-semánticas y semántico-categoriales en un grupo de pacientes con demencia probable tipo Alzheimer, dividido en dos subgrupos según el grado de severidad de su demencia (leve, n=2...