Mª Carmen África Vidal Claramonte

Mª Carmen África Vidal Claramonte
University of Salamanca · Departamento de Traducción e Interpretación



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Publications (265)
Writing Forward: Translation, Performance, Creativity. Susan Bassnett and Piotr Blumczynski, eds. New York and London: Routledge, 2025.
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Free online from 3rd December 2024 - 31st December 2024: https://www.cambridge.org/core/elements/hypertranslation/701B513FE1F0DFEC6EF9E0F93C4789FA Hypertranslation refers to a vast and virtual field of mobile relations comprising the interplay of signs across languages, modes, and media. In hypertranslation, the notions of source/target, direction...
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https://www.routledge.com/Translation-and-Objects-Rewriting-Migrancy-and-Displacement-through-the/Vidal-Claramonte/p/book/9781032795195 Translation and Objects offers a new and original perspective in Translation Studies, originating from the conviction that in today’s world translation is pervasive. Building on the ideas of scholars who have expa...
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Translation and Objects offers a new and original perspective in Translation Studies, originating from the conviction that in today's world translation is pervasive. Building on the ideas of scholars who have expanded the boundaries of the discipline, this book focuses on the analysis of objects that migrants carry with them on their journey of mig...
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This article focuses on the translation of non-Western knowledges. It aims to describe different types of translation which anthropologists have used to approach a kind of knowledge that is constructed not only with the intellect but also with more than five senses. Including the ideas of the so-called 'sensory anthropology', which, together with o...
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Migrational cities are inherently cosmopolitan and translational. In such cities, language is no doubt one of the most difficult barriers for migrants, who are often identified because they speak Englishesrather than English—not only when they donotknow the language of their new “homeland” but also, perhaps even worse, at that stage when they are s...
The connection between translation and contemporary art is a hitherto under-researched avenue. Some scholars have analyzed the translation of exhibition catalogue essays ( Krein-Kühle 2021 ) or the museum as a translation site ( Sturge 2007 ; Neather 2008 , 2012 , 2021 ; Liao 2018 , 2021 ). Although these are important and necessary research avenue...
Translation and Repetition: Rewriting (Un)original Literature offers a new and original perspective in Translation Studies, considering creative repetition from the perspective of the translator. This is done by analysing so-called "unoriginal literature" and thus expanding the definition of translation. In Western thought, repetition has long bee...
https://www.tandfonline.com/eprint/A3TXERM3WBPU9XUQQPK8/full?target=10.1080/13556509.2022.2161125 The way the West thinks of the subaltern has opened an extremely necessary research venue in Translation Studies which underlines the importance of improving communication in managing emergencies and crises. Translation is an underdeveloped tool in si...
https://www.tandfonline.com/eprint/B3IQCSNEUGWZPZ3ESTUA/full?target=10.1080/14781700.2022.2116098 The aim of this article is to expand the definition of translation in a transdisciplinary fashion. This is achieved by understanding the cosmopolitan city as a text that needs to be translated. Taking as a case study Ilan Stavans’s particular use of l...
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El objetivo de este artículo es analizar la escritura de muchas mujeres que reescriben las historias ya contadas por el patriarcado. Así, sus traducciones cuentan historias ya contadas, pero lo hacen de una manera nueva, por primera vez. Se mostrarán ejemplos de diversas disciplinas, desde el mundo del arte hasta la literatura. Buhle Ngaba, Ghada A...
Globalization has given way to displacement, to rootings and uprootings, to postmonolingualism. In this context, sociolinguistics has shown how languages mix in contemporary global cities, which are cosmopolitan translanguaging spaces (Li 2018). Spanglish, Portunhol, Frenglish (Jones 2022), Konglish, Chinglish (Li 2016), and others are hybrid langu...
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This book looks to expand the definition of translation in line with Susan Bassnett and David Johnston’s notion of the “outward turn”, applying this perspective to contemporary art to broaden the scope of how we understand translation in today’s global multisemiotic world. The book takes as its point of departure the idea that texts are comprised...
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El propósito de este artículo es analizar la función de la autotraducción en Ilan Stavans, un traductor y autotraductor muy influido por la teoría traductológica de Jorge Luis Borges. Mi punto de partida es que estamos ante un autor palimpséstico, dado su origen híbrido y su vida posmonolingüe. Ilan Stavans es un migrante judío, mexicano, latinoame...
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Escribir sobre la obra de Ilan Stavans significa adentrarse en un universo casi infinito por la enorme variedad de temas que aborda. Desde el Popol Vuh hasta aproximaciones a personajes tan distintos como Octavio Paz, Raúl Zurita, Pablo Neruda, Don Quijote, Jorge Luis Borges, Julio Cortázar, Gabriel García Márquez, José Vasconcelos, Óscar «Zeta» Ac...
AIETI’s Encyclopedia of Translation and Interpreting
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A medida que avanzamos en la tercera década del siglo XXI, los constantes movimientos migratorios de la globalización dejan patente que vivimos en un mundo híbrido donde cada palabra es un diálogo de escrituras, y las escrituras suscitan inagotables interrogantes. Partiendo del espacio contemporáneo, un espacio literal y metafóricamente fronterizo...
The purpose of this article is to analyze the hybrid language used in the U.S. by a generation who think brown and write brown. I am referring to the so-called one-and-a-halfers , a generation that includes writers such as Gloria Anzaldúa, Cherríe Moraga, Sandra Cisneros, Pat Mora, Ilan Stavans, Ana Lydia Vega, Ana Castillo, Helena Viramontes, Esme...
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The aim of this article is to show how Antoni Muntadas’ projects deconstruct the spaces controlled by economic powers, politicians, the media and government institutions. Most Muntadas’ projects are site-specific and, therefore, focus on spaces like the city, public and private spaces or digital spaces. This article concentrates on those projects b...
This volume covers aspects of opera translation within the Western world and in Asia, as well as some of opera’s many travels between continents, countries, languages and cultures—and also between genres and media. The concept of ‘adaptation’ is a thread running through the sixteen contributions, which encompass a variety of composers, operas, peri...
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By taking contemporary art as a starting-point to define translation, we set off on a fascinating journey through disciplines which do not contradict each other but improve each other. Thus we can see, with this transversality among disciplines, that “each of us is a bundle of fragments of other people’s souls, simply put together in a new way” (Ho...
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La Noche de Tlatelolco: Testimonios de Historia Oral is a text full of voices which had been silenced. In addition, it is a hybrid text because it combines photojournalism, the literal words of many interviewees, witness accounts of survivors and political prisoners, and extracts from documentary sources like political speeches and hospital reports...
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Written by leading experts in the area, The Routledge Handbook of Spanish Translation Studies brings together original contributions representing a culmination of the extensive research to-date within the field of Spanish Translation Studies. The Handbook covers a variety of translation related issues, both theoretical and practical, providing an...
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Los hijos de Sánchez es una novela construida a partir de historias narradas oralmente por quienes hasta entonces no tenían voz, y que aquí traducen la historia oficial de México. Las suyas son reescrituras intralingüísticas e interlingüísticas que ejemplifican lo que Bastin (2006: 121) llama “oraliture”. Este artículo muestra cómo la peculiar hist...
I-LanD Journal – Identity, Language and Diversity International Peer-Reviewed Journal Call for papers for the Special Issue (2019): “Translating and Interpreting Linguistic and Cultural Differences in a Migrant Era” The next monographic issue of the I-LanD Journal will be centred on exploring the role which translation and interpreting play a...
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Lejos de considerar la historia una disciplina objetiva y neutral, la historiografía crítica la aborda, desde hace ya bastantes décadas, como una narración que, mediante el lenguaje, construye realidades diversas, la de los vencedores en gran parte de los casos, pero también, gracias a estas nuevas aproximaciones, las de los vencidos. La traducción...
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Corps et traduction, corps en traduction-La traduction, dans ses modalités diverses, serait-elle avant tout une histoire de corps ? « Faire corps » avec un auteur, « plaisir musculaire » des mots, d'un « corps du texte » que l'on « étreint » ou à travers lequel on « tâtonne », vocalisations diverses qui parti-cipent d'une démarche de re-création d'...
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The Routledge Handbook of Translation and Culture collects into a single volume thirty-two state-of-the-art chapters written by international specialists, overviewing the ways in which translation studies has both informed, and been informed by, interdisciplinary approaches to culture. The book's five sections provide a wealth of resources, coverin...
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In this study on food terminology and culture, Frame-based Terminology Theory (FBT) (Faber 2012, 2015) was combined with corpus analysis to explore the use of culture-specific terms in the food categories of bread and rice. For the sake of comparison, semplates (Levinson and Burenhult 2009) were formulated for food, bread, and rice, as a kind of cu...
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For many years, different disciplines have approached the concept of food as a complex semiotic system that reflects diverse lifestyles and cultural values. Not until very recently, however, was it first acknowledged in Translation Studies that mestizo writers, those who live in a global society within two cultures and who use an equally hybrid lan...
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In the global society of the twenty-first century, language plays a fundamental role that is neither neutral nor innocent. The meaning of every word is never pure, but it is charged with many different noises and rhythms according to the culture in which they originate. As a result, the most important and also the most difficult and compromising fu...
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La neología en las lenguas románicas Recursos, estrategias y nuevas orientaciones Studien zur romanischen Sprachwissenschaft und interkulturellen Kommunikation Esta monografía ofrece una visión plural y contrastada sobre distintos aspectos relacionados con la creación de neologismos en distintas lenguas románicas (es, fr, ca, gl, it, pt, ro). Un ab...
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Traducción, medios de comunicación, opinión pública Mª Rosario Martín Ruano y Mª Carmen África Vidal Claramonte (eds.) En la sociedad de la información y de los medios de comunicación de masas, en la era digital y digitalizada, la cibercultura global se expande entre las distintas culturas locales interconectadas en la sociedad red gracias a la tra...
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El proposito de este articulo es plantear una forma etica de traducir la llamada literatura hibrida, basada en el tercer espacio de Homi Bhabha y en el cosmopolitismo de Appiah o Delanty. Se plantea un modelo traductologico nuevo que puede ayudar a traducir de forma mas etica la literatura hibrida, una literatura que se aproxima a la etnicidad medi...
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Resumen: El propósito de este artículo es plantear qué problemas tiene el traductor cuando se enfrenta a una novela tan compleja como Between, de Christine Brooke-Rose. Escrito en muchas lenguas a la vez, el texto construye la realidad a través de los «significados de segundo nivel», como los llama Roland Barthes, que se desprenden de cada uno de l...
The aim of this essay is to apply Derrida’s idea of hospitality to the translation of hybrid literature, a literature which addresses ethnicity through a very particular use of language. Many people today live in a language that is not their own or know poorly the major language that they are forced to serve. In this paper the author defends a need...
From a vision of language as representation, both translation and legal studies have undergone significant changes in recent years which have allowed them to question core concepts like neutrality and universality. Increasing attention has been paid to the influence of ideology, position, gender, race, hegemony and marginalization in the understand...
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The global society we live in leads to clashes and asymmetry between cultures. In this context, translation and legal studies play a fundamental but also very sensitive role. The old concepts of the Enlightenment, Reason, universalism, objectivity or the universal no longer serve any purpose either in the field of translation or in that of law. Thi...
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Le langage est un phenomene typiquement humain : c’est principalement pour cette raison qu’il est associe au pouvoir. Lie a la vie par son essence, il est un phenomene par lequel il nous est donne de grandir, d’etablir des relations interpersonnelles, de negocier, d’aimer et de hair. Le langage et l’utilisation que nous en faisons sont particuliere...
The global society we live in leads to clashes and asymmetry between cultures. In this context, translation and legal studies play a fundamental but also very sensitive role. The old concepts of the Enlightenment, Reason, universalism, objectivity or the universal no longer serve any purpose either in the field of translation or in that of law. Thi...
In their 1980 book entitled Mille plateaux (Capitalisme et Schizophrénie), Deleuze and Guattari launch a number of concepts which are, in my view, of fundamental importance when translating texts written by those who live in a language that is not their own. Starting from such notions as ‘minor’, ‘rhizome’, or ‘deterritorialization’, my aim is to p...
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This study focuses on the current problem of culture clash from the viewpoint of someone whose entire life has been and continues to be a translation. Moroccan-born writer Najat El Hachmi identifies with Catalunya, her home for over half her life, though she still feels rejected by some, shunned by others and victimized by the problems her father's...


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