M. S. A. BhuiyanBangladesh Agricultural University | BAU · Department of Animal Breeding and Genetics
M. S. A. Bhuiyan
B. Sc. A.H., M.S., PhD in Animal Molecular Genetics
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M. S. A. Bhuiyan currently works at the Department of Animal Breeding and Genetics, Bangladesh Agricultural University. M. does research on Molecular and Population Genetics of Livestock and Poultry.
Additional affiliations
February 2013 - present
May 2016 - February 2018
October 2011 - September 2012
Publications (101)
The average least square means of birth weight, weight at 1-, 3-, 6-and 12-months were observed as 1.76 ± .06, 4.13 ± .15, 8.94 ±. 31, 13.81 ±. 53 and 23.23 ± 1.00 and 1.81 ±. 07, 4.02 ±. 15, 8.41 ± .35, 13.06 ± .51 and 26.51 ± .75 kg in male and female, respectively having insignificant sex difference (p<.05). ADG1 (birth-weaning) and ADG2 (weanin...
This study aimed to identify SNPs in the intron, exon, and UTR regions of the FASN, DGAT1, and PPARGC1A genes and to investigate their possible association with milk yield and composition traits in the riverine buffalo of Bangladesh. A total of 150 DNA samples from riverine buffalo were used for PCR amplification with five pairs of primers, followe...
The Bone Morphogenetic Protein 15 (BMP15) and Growth Differentiation Factor 9 (GDF9) genes play important roles in follicular development, ovulation rate, and litter size in goats. This
study aimed to investigate polymorphisms (SNP) in the coding sequences of BMP15 and GDF9 genes and to find possible associations between identified polymorphisms a...
The experiment was conducted to evaluate the performance of upgraded Dwarf-Fayoumi genotype (IDC♂ × Fay♀) with three different feeding regimes from onset of lay to 72 weeks of age. A total of 90 IDC♂ × Fay♀ birds of third generation (F3) at 16 weeks of age were distributed to 15 selected farmers nearby three villages of Bangladesh Agricultural Univ...
The major histocompatibility complex in chicken demonstrates a great range of variations within varities, breeds, populations and that can eventually influence their immuneresponses. The preset study was conducted to understand the major histocompatibility complex-B (MHC-B) variability in five major populations of Bangladesh native chic...
Morphometrics are vital quantitative features for production performance and can affect body size. Hippocampus abundant transcript 1 (HIAT1) gene belongs to the major facilitator superfamily that has specific association with growth related traits in mammals including goat. This study was conducted to investigate possible association between 15-bp...
Keywords Duck Production Bangladesh Hybrid vigor Reproduction Duck is an important genetic resource primarily used for egg and meat in Bangladesh. This study evaluated the growth performance and egg production potentials of Pekin (P) × Nageswari (N) crossbred ducks compared to its parental Pekin and Nageswari breeds. The growth performance data of...
In domestic goats, coat color is genetically determined as an important character and has an economic value. The aim of this study was to identify polymorphisms in the entire coding regions of the melanocortin 1 receptor (MC1R) gene and their possible associations with coat color variants of the Black Bengal goat (BBG) of Bangladesh. Forty blood sa...
β-casein (CSN2) is one of the important bovine milk proteins synthesized by β-casein gene. The aim of this study was to investigate the A1 and A2 allelic variants of CSN2 gene in Holstein-Friesian and Local (HF×L) crossbred cattle of Bangladesh. Allele specific polymerase chain reaction (AS-PCR) was carried out for genotyping of allelic variants. A...
The aim of this study was to investigate productive and reproductive performances, current cattle breeding practices and its associated problems in different Holstein-Local (HF×L) crossbred genotypes under existing management condition of Bangladesh. Data on HF×L crossbred dairy cows were collected from the selected farmers of Natore, Sirajganj, Ki...
The purpose of the study was to detect the genetic polymorphisms in the fragments of four transforming growth factors β superfamily genes (BMPR1B, INHβA, BMP15 and GDF9) and to investigate their possible association with litter size trait in Bangladeshi indigenous sheep population. Previously reported six significantly associated single nucleotide...
The BMPR1B gene is one of the major fecundity genes that have been investigated in different sheep populations worldwide for its association with prolificacy traits. The present study was performed to validate the association of c.746A>G SNP of BMPR1B gene with litter size trait in different sheep populations of Bangladesh. A total of 192 blood sam...
Casein beta (CSN2) is the most explored gene in cattle due to its potential impact on human health. Here, we investigated the entire coding sequence of CSN2 gene except the last two codons for detection of polymorphisms in different cattle populations of Bangladesh as well as genotyping of A1 and A2 allelic variants using a newly developed allele s...
It is known that throughout history and presently, taurine (Bos taurus) and indicine/zebu (Bos indicus) cattle were crossed with other bovine species (e.g., gayal, gaur, banteng, yak, wisent, and bison). Information on the role of interspecific hybridization to facilitate faster adaptation of the newly arrived domestic species to new environments i...
Stature and live weight are economically important traits in livestock species and polygenic in nature. Pleomorphic adenoma gene 1 (PLAG1) is a member of the PLAG family of zinc finger transcription factors which has a specific association with growth related traits in human and various livestock species including cattle. This study investigated th...
Estimation of heritability (h 2) and its use in predicting animals' breeding are keys to selection and breeding programs aiming to livestock improvement. In this study, heritability of birth weight (BWT), weaning weight at 3-month (WWT), 6-months body weight (SMWT), and growth rates from birth to weaning (GR 1), birth to 6-month (GR 2) and weaning...
The study was conducted with attempts to determine the effects of autosomal dwarf (adw) gene introgression from Indigenous dwarf chicken (IDC) to White Leghorn (WLH) and Fayoumi (Fay) on growth and meat yield characteristics. Experiment was carried out at the Poultry Farm of Bangladesh Agricultural University (BAU), Mymensingh for a period of 28 mo...
Understanding the genetic basis of locally adapted indigenous cattle populations is essential to design appropriate strategies and programs for their genetic improvement and conservation. Here, we report genetic diversity measures, population differentiation, and structure of 218 animals sampled from six indicine cattle populations of Bangladesh. A...
Background: Complete mitochondrial genome of Bos frontalis will aid in the investigation of evolutionary links between closely related species. Bos frontalis mitogenome contains 37 genes and a control region. We discover the first complete mitogenome of Bos frontalis found in Bangladesh which was obtained from whole-genome sequencing of Bos frontal...
This study was conducted to investigate the morphology, morphometry and production performances of exotic goat breeds and their crossbreds available at Boalia, Shahmokhdum, Rajpara and Matihar thana under Rajshahi metropolitan city. A total of 73 animals' information was collected from 39 exotic goat flock owners using a semi-structured questionnai...
This study was aimed to investigate genetic diversity, phylogenetic relationship and maternal origin of Bangladeshi indigenous sheep population based on mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) displacement loop (D-loop) region. A total of 62 unrelated indigenous sheep samples from 4 different geographical regions (Sundarban delta region=SDR, Jamuna river basin=J...
This study was conducted to investigate the progress in productive and
reproductive performances of three indigenous chicken genotypes namely Non�descript Deshi (ND), Hilly (HI) and Naked Neck (NN) being selected since 2010
under intensive management system. Eight generations data on body weight
(BW) at 8th week and seven generations data on bod...
The Gayal is a large-sized endangered semi-domesticated bovine species belonging to the family Bovidae, tribe Bovini, group Bovina, genus Bos, and species Bos frontalis. It is also called the Mithan or Mithun. Mitochondrial genome is considered as an important tool for species identification and monitoring the populations of conservation concern an...
The study was conducted to evaluate the effects of creep feeding on productive and reproductive performance of BLRI improved Non-descript Deshi (ND) chicken and their chicks growth up to 8th week of age under semi-scavenging conditions at three different locations of Bangladesh. Two groups of farmers were selected from each location having the BLR...
Objective: The objectives of this study were to investigate the genetic diversity, population
structure and relatedness among the five chicken populations of Bangladesh using microsatellite markers.
Methods: A total of 161 individuals representing 5 chicken populations (non-descript Deshi
[ND], naked neck [NN], hilly [HI], Aseel [AS], and red jungl...
The study was conducted to investigate the
body dimension, morphometric features and inheritance pattern of indigenous
dwarf chicken (IDC) of Bangladesh under intensive management condition. The experiment
was conducted at Bangladesh Agricultural University (BAU) poultry farm for a
period of 28 months from March 2013 to June 2015 including a total...
Previous studies demonstrated that polymorphisms in the μ-calpain (CAPN1) and calpastatin (CAST) genes had significant effects on meat tenderness in different cattle populations. The aim of this study was to validate the potential association of seven single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) harbored in these two candidate genes with meat tenderness...
The Black Bengal goat (BBG) is a dwarf sized heritage goat ( Capra hircus ) breed from Bangladesh , and is well known for its high fertility, excellent meat and skin quality. Here we present the first whole genome sequence and genome-wide distributed single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) of the BBG. A total of 833,469,900 raw reads consisting of 1...
The study was carried out to investigate the fitness traits of Red Chittagong Cattle (RCC),
indigenous cattle of Bangladesh. For that purpose accumulated data on a total of 362 animals
from two different herds (Bangladesh Agricultural University -BAU) Nucleus Herd and Char
Jailkhana Community Herd in Mymensingh district). The varying production sys...
Genomic selection using high-density single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) markers is used in dairy and beef cattle breeds to accurately estimate genomic breeding values and accelerate genetic improvement by enabling selection of animals with high genetic merit. This genome-wide association study (GWAS) aimed to identify genetic variants associated...
The genetic evaluation of quantitative traits based on genomic information has been increasingly practiced in beef cattle breeding. The quantitative traits are usually influenced by numerous genomic variants with small individual effects and remains a challenge to disclose the genetic basis of variation for those traits. Imputed sequence level SNP...
Quantitative traits are usually controlled by numerous genomic variants with small individual effects, and variances associated with those traits are explained in a continuous manner. However, the relative contributions of genomic regions to observed genetic variations have not been well explored using sequence level single nucleotide polymorphism...
p>The present study was conducted to know the production and reproduction potentials, and egg quality characteristics of Nageswari duck under intensive management condition. Data were collected from a nucleus flock of Nageswari ducks that have been maintained from day old to 72 weeks of age at AI center, Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensin...
p>The study was aimed at investigating the productive and reproductive performances of the rural chicken in Bangladesh. A total of 200 indigenous chickens in the villages of Sherpur district in Bangladesh was used in this study to collect the data on body weight at hatch (BWH), body weight at sexual maturity (BWS), body weight gain up to sexual mat...
The study was conducted to reveal the management system, prospects and
constraints of indigenous horses at 20 villages of 4 districts in Bangladesh. A total of 200 horse
keeping households were one-to-one interviewed using a pre-tested questionnaire. Horses are
solely reared under semi-intensive system (100%). Different types of houses are used suc...
The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) of the MITF and DCT genes on plumage coloration in Asian native duck breeds. MITF encodes a protein for microphthalmia-associated transcription factor, which regulates the development and function of melanocytes for pigmentation of skin, hair,...
We estimated the heritabilities ( h² ) and genetic and phenotypic correlations among individual and groups of fatty acids, as well as their correlations with six important carcass and meat-quality traits in Korean Hanwoo cattle. Meat samples were collected from the longissimus dorsi muscles of 1000 Hanwoo steers that were 30-month-old (progeny of 8...
We estimated heritability (h²) and genetic and phenotypic correlations for carcass and meat quality traits of longissimus dorsi (LD) and semimembranosus (SM) muscles in 30-mo-old Hanwoo steers. Variance and covariance components were estimated using REML procedures under univariate and bivariate models. The mean carcass weight (CWT), eye muscle are...
The study was conducted to investigate the effect of non-genetic factors on growth performance of Indigenous chicken under village condition of Bangladesh. A total of 1070 eggs from Indigenous chicken were set and 628 chicks were hatched. Data were recorded on hatching performance and body weight of chicks from week 1 (BWWK1) to week 15 (BWWK15). T...
p>The present study was conducted to discriminate between sheep and goat species meat origin utilizing mitochondrial cytochrome b ( Cyt b ) gene fragment. A total of 46 ear tissue and meat samples were collected from different slaughterhouses and farms of Mymensingh and Rangpur districts. Genomic DNA was extracted using GeNet Bio DNA isolation kit...
The objective of this study was to investigate production potential of Black Bengal goat using frozen semen under community based-keepers and inseminated with frozen semen of selected Bla parameters were done using SAS. Genetic parameters were also measured using along with standard errors for productive performance were 0.96 36.51 ± 0.64, 31.29 ±...
The melanocortin 1 receptor (MC1R) gene is a candidate functional gene that controls the pigment production in melanocytes. The aim of this study was to identify polymorphisms and investigate the effect of the MC1R gene on plumage coloration in duck breeds, including Korean native ducks. Initially, 34 individuals from seven duck breeds were sequenc...
p>The study was conducted to adopt PCR based technique for identification of species origin from meat samples of cattle and buffalo using mitochondrial cytochrome b ( Cyt b ) gene fragment. A total of 42 ear tissue and meat samples were collected from different slaughterhouses and farms of Mymensingh, Bogra and Rangpur districts and stored in 96% e...
The study was conducted to investigate the phenotypic features, morphometry and production potentialities of indigenous dwarf chicken (IDC) of Bangladesh under intensive management condition. A total of 48 females and 12 males were collected from different districts and the experiment was performed at BAU Poultry farm for a period of 75 weeks. The...
The maternally inherited mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) D-loop region is widely used for exploring genetic relationships and for investigating the origin of various animal species. Currently, domestic ducks play an important role in animal protein supply. In this study, partial mtDNA D-loop sequences were obtained from 145 samples belonging to six South...
Native duck populations have lower productivity, and have not been developed as much as commercials duck breeds. However, native ducks have more importance in terms of genetic diversity and potentially valuable economic traits. For this reason, population discriminable genetic markers are needed for conservation and development of native ducks. In...
The Department of Livestock Services has been implementing “Breed Up-gradation Through Progeny Test" Project since 2003, for selecting dairy breeding bulls based on their progeny performance. This paper describes the procedures followed for setting up field based progeny testing scheme involving private farmers and reports the data of progeny testi...
The study was conducted to investigate reproductive potentialities, meat yield and egg quality characteristics of indigenous dwarf chicken (IDC) of Bangladesh under intensive management condition. The experiment was conducted at BAU Poultry farm for a period of 26 months from March 2013 to April 2015.A total of 499 eggs were incubated to examine ha...
The present study was conducted to know the morphology, morphometry, production and reproduction potentialities of Nageswari duck, an indigenous duck genetic resource of Bangladesh. Data on 58 representative adult Nageswari ducks were included for morphological study from 24 duck owners and two government organizations having Nageswari duck flocks...
The study was conducted to know the effects of several genetic and non-genetic factors like season, sex, year of birth, genotype of calves and milk yield of dam associated with growth performance of crossbred calves. Data were collected from registered farmers during the period of May, 2011 to April, 2013. Birth weight, three-month weight, six-mont...
A study was conducted for a period of 60 days to understand the socio-economic status of the horse keepers and explore the opportunity of Indigenous horse rearing in 22 villages of Mymensingh, Tangail, Sherpur and Jamalpur districts in Bangladesh. A total of 200 horse keeping households were surveyed through one-to-one interview. A pre-tested quest...
Knowledge about genetic diversity and population structure is useful for designing effective strategies to improve the production, management and conservation of farm animal genetic resources. Here, we present a comprehensive genome-wide analysis of genetic diversity, population structure and admixture based on 244 animals sampled from 10 cattle po...
In spite of variation in coat color, size, and production traits among indigenous Bangladeshi cattle populations, genetic differences among most of the populations have not been investigated or exploited. In this study, we used a high-density bovine single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) 80K Bead Chip derived from Bos indicus breeds to assess genetic...