Lutz Maicher

Lutz Maicher
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Lutz verified their affiliation via an institutional email.
Leipzig University of Applied Sciences | HTWK · Fakultät Wirtschaftswissenschaft und Wirtschafts­ingenieurwesen

Prof. Dr.


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Professor for digital business processes and business models at University of Applied Sciences HTWK Leipzig. Follow me on Twitter @lmaicher Formerly, head of the Technology Transfer Research Group at Jena University and researcher at Fraunhofer IMW. We are working on solutions for increasing the productivty of knowledge intensive provesses, especially for small organisations. Have a look on our project samarbeid (
Additional affiliations
May 2011 - August 2019
Fraunhofer Center for International Management and Knowledge Economy IMW
  • Group Leader
April 2014 - March 2022
Friedrich Schiller University Jena
  • Juniorprofessor
October 2002 - April 2011
Leipzig University
  • Group Leader


Publications (95)
Conference Paper
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The purpose of this paper is to understand the role of objects in interactive innovation, i.e. interaction for innovation among core inside innovators, peripheral inside innovators and outside innovators. Going beyond the predominant usage of ‘boundary objects’ we argue that a pluralistic approach of objects is needed to better understand and trace...
1. The integrative research field of biodiversity–ecosystem functioning (BEF) requires close collaboration between researchers from different disciplines working on different scales in time, space as well as taxon resolution. Data can describe anything from abiotic ecosystem components, to organisms, parts of organisms, genetic information or eleme...
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Improving intellectual property (IP) literacy among small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) has lately been discussed as a means for improving IP culture within these companies. Diverse public and private actors have, therefore, developed some tools to improve IP awareness and literacy in small companies. We analysed existing tools, intending to...
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Samarbeid ist ein Open-Source-Werkzeug für die prozessorientierte, flexible Zusammenarbeit in Teams. Dieses Poster beschreibt Motivation, Prinzipien und Umsetzung von samarbeid.
Conference Paper
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Die Digitalisierung der Fallbearbeitung führt häufig zu dokumentenzentrierten Fallakten. Auch außerhalb von Fachverfahren in der öffentlichen Verwaltung wird fallbasiert gearbeitet, bspw. bei der Klientenarbeit in Beratungsstellen oder in Anwaltskanzleien, bei Begutachtungen durch Sachverständigenbüros, im Bereich der sozialen Arbeit oder auch im F...
Die Sozialwirtschaft ist stark fragmentiert und umfasst ein breites Spektrum an Organisationen, von großen, komplexen Trägerstrukturen bis hin zu kleineren, weniger formalisierten und strukturell organisierten Einrichtungen. In der Debatte über die Digitalisierung liegt der Fokus oft auf den großen Unternehmen, während die spezifischen Herausforder...
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Die Sozialwirtschaft ist eine Wachstumsbranche. Die Zahl der Beschäftigten wächst überproportional. Es ist jedoch auch eine Branche mit ausgeprägter Arbeitsintensität, niedrigem Lohnniveau und geringer gemessener Produktivität. Digitalisierung ermöglicht verbesserte Arbeitsorganisation, optimierte Arbeitsabläufe, besseres Wissensmanagement, vereinf...
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Data is central in almost all scientific disciplines nowadays. Furthermore, intelligent systems have developed rapidly in recent years, so that in many disciplines the expectation is emerging that with the help of intelligent systems, significant challenges can be overcome and science can be done in completely new ways. In order for this to succeed...
The CAPPA dataset contains anonymised information on the career paths of patent attorneys that are registered with the European Patent Office (EPO) tracking their employment from 2008 to 2018. It consists of four different sub-datasets (Attorney Data Frame, Employer Data Frame, Change Data Frame, and Career Path Data Frame) that are composed for sp...
Das Ziel des Forschungsprojekts "CYGAR - Check your Government" war die Erhöhung der Transparenz der Regierungsaktivitäten auf nationaler Ebene, realisiert durch Monitoring und Analyse des Einflusses von Interessensgruppen in unterschiedlichen Bereichen des Gesetzungsprozesses.
Conference Paper
Spezialisierungsdynamiken sind ein wichtiger Indikator für die Entwicklung technologieintensiver Wirtschaftszweige. Die Untersuchung und Analyse von Spezialisierungsdynamiken erfordert die Kenntnis von Spezialisierungsprofilen der wichtigen Akteure des betreffenden Wirtschaftszweiges. Wir stellen eine neue Methode zur Identifikation solcher Spezial...
Within the last decades, an extensive body of literature has focused on the question how technology transfer effects the returns on investments in the research system, on the university level and the regional or national level alike. In conjunction with this research in innovation economy, the question on success factors of technology transfer offi...
Introduction For a broad variety of innovation intelligence tasks, like finding the patent agent being specialised in a technology, specialisation profiles of entities are of particular interest. Such a profile indicates for each entity in which activities it is markedly specialised. Conventional approaches suffer two shortcomings, though. First, t...
Conference Paper
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Blockchain technology, initially devoted to power the bitcoin is growingly proving its applicability in many other usages. At the same time, the recent definitions of open innovation describes it as an 'across boundaries' process that distributed reliable solutions backed by blockchain technologies and derivatives are meaningful to. There is such a...
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In the current technology intensive environment, companies can no longer ignore the need to efficiently manage their IPR (Tonisson & Maicher, 2012). Much of the IPR-related expertise that can help to overcome the barriers related to technology production and commercialization is nowadays offered in digital form. Digital IPR-related services are def...
Ecological research produces a tremendous amount of data, but the diversity in scales and topics covered and the ways in which studies are carried out result in large numbers of small, idiosyncratic data sets using heterogeneous terminologies. Such heterogeneity can be attributed, in part, to a lack of standards for acquiring, organizing and descri...
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Intellectual Property issues (IP) is a concern that refrains companies to cooperate in whatever of Open Innovation (OI) processes. Particularly, SME (Small and Medium Enterprises) consider OI as uncertain, risky processes. Despite the opportunities that online OI platforms offer, SMEs have so far failed to embrace them, and proved reluctant to OI....
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Though accountable to its electorate, the German Bundestag is slow in adopting modern digital information systems. This results in discrepancy between the citizens’ expectations and the realities of legislative information that is perceived as a lack of transparency. We address this gap with CYGAR. The system applies new technologies to collect, in...
Technical Report
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Der digitale Wandel betrifft alle Branchen. Und er erfasst die gesamte Wertschöpfungskette eines Unternehmens: von der Kundenakquise über die Produktion und den Vertrieb bis hin zu internen Prozessen wie Personal- und Wissensmanagement. Wenn sich ein Unternehmen in diesem Wettbewerb neuer und alter Player behaupten wollen, muss es sich dem Wandel s...
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Specialisation profiles are an essential tool in matchmaking between professional service providers (agents) and potential clients. In a heterogenous market such as patent services, specialisation profiles reduce the cost of information for clients in need of highly specific expertise by reducing the search space to relevant agents. By using the RS...
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For this study 16 interviews were conducted with professionals of IP service providers operating globally in order to understand the state of the IP market and the biggest problems within it. Additionally, it was enquired from the IP experts to elaborate on how the IP market situation could be enhanced to be more efficient and better functioning. T...
Die Kräfte der Digitalisierung erfassen alle Bereiche der Wirtschaft. Immer mehr Anwendungen und Prozesse erzeugen Daten, Analyse-Know-how wird zunehmend zum Mainstream. Bleibt hier noch genügend Platz für die Marktforschung? Wie hoch ist das Risiko, durch neue Anbieter verdrängt zu werden? Die Marktforschung wird sich verändern. Und wenn sie verst...
Technical Report
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Der digitale Wandel betrifft alle Branchen. Und er erfasst die gesamte Wertschöpfungskette eines Unternehmens: von der Kundenakquise über die Produktion und den Vertrieb bis hin zu internen Prozessen wie Personal- und Wissensmanagement. Wenn sich ein Unternehmen in diesem Wettbewerb neuer und alter Player behaupten wollen, muss es sich dem Wandel s...
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Im Mai 2015 haben das Fraunhofer MOEZ und die ccc software gmbh eine erneute Umfrage zum Thema „Energiemanagementsysteme in der Industrie“ durchgeführt, im Rahmen einer Evaluation der Umfrageergebnisse von 2013.
Conference Paper
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Technology transfer involving Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs) has been discussed as a way to boost innovation. These firms, due to the lack of internal resources, look for open innovation and collaboration with bigger companies, universities or research institutions. Nevertheless, SMEs lack knowledge in Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs)...
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Many clean technology transfer barriers have been associated to Intellectual Property (IP) rights. The objective of this chapter is to give insights to the types of IP rights services the clean technology industry needs to overcome. By conducting in-depth qualitative interviews with a convenience sample of 25 clean technology companies in 2012, mos...
Many clean technology transfer barriers have been associated to Intellectual Property (IP) rights. The objective of this chapter is to give insights to the types of IP rights services the clean technology industry needs to overcome. By conducting in-depth qualitative interviews with a convenience sample of 25 clean technology companies in 2012, mos...
Conference Paper
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We have shown that the major market shocks of the past four decades are well recorded in our IP service industry data base. This makes it an excellent analytical tool for FTA approaches. IP service market data can provide powerful insights to market analyses. With the on-going automatic data collection methods by IPIB new possibilities for FTA prac...
Conference Paper
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The Friedrich Schiller University in Jena is one of the ten oldest universities in Germany. With 340 professors and 6,400 staff members working at the university and its hospital as well as 20.000 students, distributed over ten different faculties, it is a significant player in Germany’s university landscape. It targets to be in Germany’s top ten o...
Conference Paper
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To address biodiversity issues in ecology and to assess the consequences of ecosystem changes, large quantities of long-term observational data from multiple datasets need to be integrated and characterized in a unified way. Linked open data initiatives in ecology aim at promoting and sharing such observational data at the web-scale. Here we presen...
Conference Paper
A performance score of intellectual property (IP) services providers that are included in the IPIB database assembled by Fraunhofer MOEZ is presented. Reflecting the need for a (patent) data-driven, firm-level analysis of the IP service marketplace, a performance score is proposed that consists of four key parts: experience, competitive, activity a...
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The industrialization of the interface between the service providers and their customers will be one of the key puzzle pieces to achieve single and liquid IPR markets in future.
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Im Frühjahr 2013 haben das Fraunhofer MOEZ und die ccc software gmbh eine Umfrage zum Thema Energiemanagementsoftware in der verarbeitenden Industrie durchgeführt. Die Aufgabe von Energiemanagementsoftware ist die Erfassung und Überwachung des energetischen Verbrauchs in den Produktionsprozessen, um diese ener-gieeffizient und wirtschaftlich zu ste...
Conference Paper
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In the last two decades the global patenting licencing fees nearly increased tenfold from $15bn in the early 1990s to more than $135bn in 2011. In parallel a highly diversified IP service industry arose. Currently we are aware of around 90 different services which are offered from the providers in this industry. These services range from legal serv...
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Since Porter’s work on competitive strategies in the 1980s, the concept of competitive intelligence has become part of the management mainstream. Currently, two big shifts are challenging the state of the art. On the one hand there is the rise of the ubiquitous servicification in all industries which makes the existing methods for product-oriented...
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Im strategischen Fokus von Unternehmen stehen in zunehmendem Maße die Entwicklung und die aktive Verwertung des eigenen Geistigen Eigentums (Intellectual Property, kurz IP). Nichtsdestotrotz werden externe Dienstleistungen für die professionelle Nutzung des geistigen Eigentums kaum in Anspruch genommen. Vielen Unternehmen ist nicht bekannt, dass ne...
Conference Paper
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Background / Purpose: Sharing primary data is a key component for scientifically informed decision making in integrated biodiversity research. We present a web portal for data management that can share data and metadata, given data owner granted access rights. Main conclusion: Using web applications such as BEFdata presented here boosts scient...
Conference Paper
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Background / Purpose: Ecological research is becoming increasingly cooperative with research groups using common experimental and/or observational platforms. Sharing data allows them to then address large scale and transdisciplinary questions. However, ecological research lags behind in implementing available standards for data storage and exchan...
Conference Paper
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In the emerging Web of Data, publishing stable and unique identifiers promises great potential in using the web as common platform to discover and enrich data in the ecologic sciences. With our collaborative e-Science platform "BEFdata", we generated and published unique identifiers for the data repository of the Biodiversity – Ecosystem Functionin...
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With trade in IP rights attracting heightened attention and financial markets becoming increasingly important, the concept of an organised IP rights market is gaining traction. From a geostrategic point of view, Europe must consider the role that it hopes to play in this global phenomenon.
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Ein immer größerer Teil der Vermögenswerte der Unternehmen besteht aus geistigem Eigentum. Die Unternehmen legen den Wert Ihres IPs meistens nicht offen. Die Angst ist groß, dass diese Informationen den Wettbewerbern interessante strategische Einblicke gewähren.
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The knowledge economy emerges rapidly and therefore intangible assets are more valuable to businesses. Valuing these assets attracts much research from the field of technology management. Intangible assets include intellectual capital and intellectual property. Intellectual property is often protected by patents. Intangible assets‘ importance has b...
Conference Paper
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Since Porter's work on competitive strategies in the 1980s, the concept of com-petitive intelligence has become part of the management mainstream. Currently, two big shifts are challenging the state of the art. On the one hand there is the rise of the ubiquitous servicification in all industries which makes the existing methods for product-oriented...
Conference Paper
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Over the past decade RDF has developed to become the dominant standard for representation and interchange of structured data on the web. In portal development, widely unrecognized by Semantic Web research, subject-centric topic maps are actively used and have evolved from an ancient SGML and intermittent XML-based standard to a pure data model. Thi...
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A market for intellectual property rights (IPR) increases innovation, technology transfer and economic value (e.g., gross domestic product and employment). In the knowledge economy, knowledge has become an important economic good. Thus, IPR gain in importance. This raises the question of the optimal allocation of IPR, which increases the importance...
Conference Paper
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There are currently two streams that dominate the research on knowledge federation: The one is the trend towards Linked Data, leading to fine-grained structuring of information that is machine readable; The other is the reuse and co-creation of information that spreads the burden of its creation to the public and enables the availability of large k...
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Das Web 1.0 war starr, man konnte darin nur lesen, was Programmierer hineingestellt hatten. Im Web 2.0 kann dagegen jeder mitmachen; Facebook, Wikipedia und Youtube sind typische „Kinder“ dieser zweiten Generation. Nun gehen die Entwickler noch einen Schritt weiter: Neue Formate und Suchtechniken sollen dem Internet ein Verständnis für seine eigene...
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Topic Maps ist der internationale Industriestandard für die semantische Repräsentation und Integration von Informationen. Er wird weltweit in Industrie, Wissenschaft und Verwaltung eingesetzt. Topic Maps steht für flexible Modellierung und klar definierte Identität von Konzepten. Topic Maps sind daher auch für die Terminologiearbeit relevant und so...
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Semantic technologies like Topic Maps provide a generic way of structured data representation. These technolo-gies can be used to create data stores of any kind. To use them, it is necessary to fill them with data and therefore an editor is needed which provides input masks for the data. In this paper we present an Editor Generator Toolkit that ena...
Conference Paper
The automatic generation of facets works fairly bad for fine-modeled ontologies, in which not all information concerning a single Topic is available through occurrences and direct associations. In this paper, we share our conception of using TMQL path expressions for the definition of domain-specific facets by means of using standard-based Topic Ma...
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Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Topic Maps Research and Applications, TMRA 2010 Leipzig, Germany, September 29 – October 01, 2010, Revised Selected Papers
Conference Paper
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In its history, Topic Maps developed from a syntax-based standard to a pure data model without any syntax defined within its core data model. The syntaxes defined by the ISO for the exchange of Topic Maps are conforming to the generic data model, one of them, XTM, being based on XML. The usage of XTM without a Topic Maps engine is cumbersome becaus...
Conference Paper
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Topic maps is a semantic technology for the integration of heterogeneous data and the convenient deployment of domain specific and semantically enriched Web portals. Topic maps is already widely in productive usage in industry and administration. We demonstrate with six projects the current usage and the opportunities of topic maps in the eHumaniti...
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In most companies the landscape of used computer software is very heterogeneous; this causes a need for data integration. This is especially difficult to achieve for small and mid-sized enterprises, as they face the problem of relatively high costs for the existing standard solutions spread only on a small scale. Open standards can be a solution fo...
Conference Paper
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Social networks are complex, highly interlinked web applications. The rise of new web-friendly handsets and decreasing costs for air time causes a demand for a bunch of different user interfaces for each social network. Without having an appropriate information architecture beneath, the development teams will be completely messed-up by the increasi...
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Our goal is increasing the users' value and experience and decreasing the implementation time for web portals. To achieve this goal we adopt a subject-centric perspective on information architecture. The fundament of this approach is that portals should be driven by subject-centric models of the portals' domains. Out of these domain models, the int...
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This book constitutes the thoroughly refereed conference proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Topic Maps Research and Applications, TMRA 2009, held in Leipzig, Germany in November 2009. The 23 revised papers were carefully reviewed by 37 reviewers and selected from 43 submissions. The papers are organized in topical sections on onto...
Conference Paper
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This paper will introduce a number of predefined elements for the topic mas data model. The paper will start with a short introduction of the level and possible context of these elements. Then the problem the elements proposed here are supposed to solve will be described. This will be the problem of adding temporal qualifications to a topic map. A...
Conference Paper
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The Topic Maps Application Programming Interface (TMAPI) provides a standardized way for working with Topic Maps on the Java platform. TMAPI implementations in other programming languages not available for the JVM use a different stack - not harnessing the existing Java code. In this paper we describe a different approach, reusing Java TMAPI implem...
Conference Paper
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With argumentation trails we introduce an approach of finding relevant associations between arbitrary terms. An argumentation trail between two terms is an ordered list of cooccurrences, providing a connected path from the origin to the endpoint of the argumentation. Within this paper the automatic generation of argumentation trails is examined and...
Conference Paper
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This is a summary of the presentations made in the two open space sessions at the TMRA 2008 conference. The open space sessions were free-form sessions where anyone could sign up to do a short presentation. The result is a collection of reports on works in progress and interesting ideas, some of which are likely to appear as papers at next year’s c...
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This book constitutes the thoroughly refereed conference proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Topic Maps Research and Applications, TMRA 2008, held in Leipzig, Germany in October 2008. The papers are organized in topical sections on subject-centric computing, Topic Maps and information retrieval, standards related research, connect...
This book constitutes the thoroughly refereed post-conference proceedings of the Third International Conference on Topic Map Research and Applications, TMRA 2007, held in Leipzig, Germany in October 2007. The 16 revised full papers and 4 revised short papers presented together with 1 invited paper and 1 keynote lecture were carfully reviewed and se...
Conference Paper
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Dublin Core is a widely used metadata vocabulary. There is ongoing standardisation work for the usage of DC-vocabularies in Topic Maps. Although the DC-vocabularies are already used in RDF, XML and HTML, they are defined independently of any particular encoding syntax. The DCMI Abstract Model (DCAM) is the metamodel for the DC vocabulary. It should...
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Als Grundidee vieler Anwendungen des Semantic Web und des Web 2.0 kristallisiert sich die dezentrale Erstellung und Veröffentlichung von Semantic Web-Dokumenten heraus. Diese werden entsprechend des aussagegegenstandszentriert en Modellierungsparadigmas erstellt und sind implizit und explizit vernetzte Modelle. Sie liegen dezentral vor, und können...
Die Grundproblematik des Enterprise Information Integration ist die transparente Abfrage verteilter, heterogener Datenquellen ohne den Aufbau zusätzlicher Redundanz, wie bspw. Data Warehouses. Es wird gezeigt, dass die Umsetzung einer aussagegegenstandszentrierten Informationsarchitektur die semantische Basis solcher Systeme sein sollte. Die aussag...
The papers in this volume were presented at TMRA 2006, the International Conference on Topic Maps Research and Applications, held October 11–12, 2006, in Leipzig, Germany. TMRA 2006 was the second conference of an annual series of international conferences dedicated to Topic Maps in research and industry. Topic maps are continuously gaining more an...
Conference Paper
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This is a summary of the presentations made in the poster session and the two open space sessions at the TMRA 2006 conference. The poster session consists of peer-reviewed conference submissions accepted as posters, while the open space sessions were free-form sessions where anyone could sign up to do a short presentation. The result is a collectio...
Conference Paper
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One of the key challenges for the breaking through of the semantic web or web 2.0 is global semantic integration: if two proxies in different subject-centric models represent the same subject in the "real world" they should become mergeable. The common top-down approach to semantic integration is the enforcement of centralised ontologies, vocabular...
Conference Paper
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This is a summary,of the presentations made,in the poster session and the two open space sessions at the TMRA 2006 conference. The poster session consists of peer-reviewed conference submissions accepted as posters, while the open space sessions were free-form sessions where anyone could sign up to do a short presentation. The result is a collectio...
Conference Paper
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The problem of collaborative knowledge management is the distributed documentation of facts according to defined schemas or ontologies. But the precise instantiation of ontologies is left to the user or the application layer. To achieve a better collaborative approach the instantiation process should be disclosed together with the ontology. The nec...
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The existing semantic gaps in ontologies are the reason why the challenges in inter-operability and integrations tasks within the Semantic Web are often missed. It is due to the fact, that each ontology inherently implies a set of different model types. We argue that an ontology has to disclose the modelling method which intentionally defines the m...
This book constitutes the thoroughly refereed post-proceedings of the Second International Conference on Topic Map Research and Applications, TMRA 2006, held in Leipzig, Germany in October 2006. The 15 revised full papers and six revised short papers presented together with one invited lecture were carefully selected during two rounds of reviewing...
The papers in this volume were presented at the workshop “Topic Map Research and Applications 2005” held on October 6-7, 2005, in Leipzig. TMRA 2005 was the first workshop of an annual series of international workshops dedicated to topic maps in research and industry. As the motto “Charting the Topic Maps Research and Applications Landscape” sugges...
Conference Paper
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Topic Maps are means for representing sophisticated, conceptua l indexes of any information collection for the purpose of semant ic information integration. To properly fulfil this purpose, the generation of Topic Maps has to base on a solid theory. This paper proposes the Observation Principle as the theoretical fundament of a future scientific di...
Conference Paper
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Topic Maps are the international industry standard for semantic information integration. Appropriate means for Topic Map exchange are crucial for its success as integration technology. Topic Map exchange bases on the governing Subject Equality decision approach, the decision whether two Subject Proxies indicate identical Subjects. This paper discus...
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Distributed Knowledge Management Systems (DKMS) are often faced to heterogeneous environments associated with the absence of shared vocabularies. DKMSs realise Knowledge Flows between autonomous Knowledge Nodes as parts of social networks. Schwotzer models the KNs' individual policies for input relevance and output strategy as Knowledge Ports. Topi...
This book constitutes the thoroughly refereed post-proceedings of the First International Workshop on Topic Map Research and Applications, TMRA 2005, held in Leipzig, Germany in October 2005. The 17 revised full papers and five revised short papers presented together with one invited lecture were carefully selected during two rounds of reviewing an...
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Topic Maps are sophisticated indexes for dynamic, heterogeneous, structured, and unstructured information sources. In order to move Topic Maps towards the mainstream, the automatic generation of Topic Maps and its integration in the users working environment and processes must be improved. Our described approach for Topic Map generation is based on...
Enterprise Information Integration (EII) is "the integration of data from multiple systems into a unified, consistent and accurate representation". One of the main requirements of EII is to get for each "thing of interest" one central in- formation access point. But existing approaches fail caused by the absence of a semantic theory. Topic Maps are...
Conference Paper
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If Topic Maps should be exchanged in distributed environments a common semantic problem occurs: Do two Topics refer to the same Subject? If they describe the same Subject the given Topics have to be treated as one unit in the given context. Especially in integration scenarios this might be important. Within the Topic Map theory the merging paradigm...
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The central theoretical criteria of Topic Maps “One Topic for one Subject” leads to serious problems if two distributed Topic Maps are merged: according to existing standards, two Topics will only be merged if the description of their Subject (i.e. their so-called Subject Identifier or Subject Locator) is exactly identical. On the other hand – from...
Conference Paper
Kurzfassung Unter dem Begriff des Semantischen Web wird eine nicht scharf abgegrenzte, heterogene Menge von Sprachen, Methoden und Konzepten subsu-miert, die die Nutzbarkeit von Informationen im Web erhöhen soll. Diese führt zu einer Zunahme der Komplexität der entsprechenden Publikatio-nen, ihrer Erstellungsprozesse und der genutzten IT-Systeme. D...
Conference Paper
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Kurzfassung Wissensräume dokumentieren die gesamte Kom-munikation über Prüf-und Kombinationsoperati-onen, die ein Individuum oder eine Gemeinschaft über eine Menge von Informationsobjekten reali-siert hat. Sie sind somit die Sammlung der Ge-spräche über diese Informationsobjekte und können als vertrauenswürdige, individuelle r e-spektive gemeinscha...