Łukasz WawrowskiInstitute of Innovative Technologies EMAG | EMAG · Department of Information Technology
Łukasz Wawrowski
Doctor of Philosophy
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Poverty small area estimation
Skills and Expertise
Publications (38)
In this article, we propose an application of extended Fay-Herriot models with the Generalized Variance Function and the use of benchmarking for estimating short-term business characteristics at a low level of aggregation. This method of estimation, based on the area-level approach, does not require access to unit-level data, which is a clear advan...
Rule-based models offer a human-understandable representation, i.e. they are interpretable. For this reason, they are used to explain the decisions of non-interpretable complex models, referred to as black box models. The generation of such explanations involves the approximation of a black box model by a rule-based model. To date, however, it has...
The paper presents the new model of data for Internet of Things (IoT) devices monitoring and anomaly detection. The model bases mostly on behavioral description of current state of device, however it contains also some additional information. Raw input data, coming from the external simulation software, are aggregated on two levels of detail: raw v...
The paper introduces a novel framework for detecting adversarial attacks on machine learning models that classify tabular data. Its purpose is to provide a robust method for the monitoring and continuous auditing of machine learning models for the purpose of detecting malicious data alterations. The core of the framework is based on building machin...
Problematyka rozwoju stosunków irlandzko-polskich i polskiej obecności w Irlandii w XX w. jest tematyką stosunkowo mało znaną. Niewiele na ten temat pisano po polsku, a jeszcze mniej po angielsku. Dla badacza Polonii wiek XX jest okresem stosunkowo mało znanym i rzadko opisywanym, a jednak wyjątkowym i obfitującym w dramatyczne wydarzenia. Wstąpien...
It seems to be a truism to say that we should pay more and more attention to network traffic safety. Such a goal may be achieved with many different approaches. In this paper, we put our attention on the increase in network traffic safety based on the continuous monitoring of network traffic statistics and detecting possible anomalies in the networ...
Publikacja wydana nakładem Wydawnictwa Instytutu De Republica jest pokłosiem konferencji naukowej pod tytułem „Éire. Irlandia w XX wieku – państwo, ustrój, polityka, Polacy w Irlandii”, która odbyła się 14 grudnia 2021 roku w Lublinie. Okazją do owego spotkania i wymiany myśli była przypadająca naówczas 100. rocznica podpisania brytyjsko-irlandzkie...
Flow cytometry technique (FC) is a standard diagnostic tool for diagnostics of B-cell precursor acute lymphoblastic leukemia (BCP-ALL) assessing the immunophenotype of blast cells. BCP-ALL is often associated with underlying genetic aberrations, that have evidenced prognostic significance and can impact the disease outcome. Since the determination...
The EU Statistics on Income and Living Conditions (EU-SILC) has provided annual estimates of the number of labour market indicators for EU countries since 2003, with an almost exclusive focus on national rates. However, it is impossible to obtain reliable direct estimates of labour market statistics at low levels based on the EU-SILC survey. In suc...
The paper presents an open–source–based environment for network traffic anomaly detection. The system complements the well known network security platforms as it tries to detect unexplained descriptions of the traffic. For this purpose several anomaly detection algorithms were applied. To assure better system performance, the moving history approac...
Network traffic monitoring becomes, year by year, an increasingly more important branch of network infrastructure maintenance. There exist many dedicated tools for on-line network traffic monitoring that can defend the typical (and known) types of attacks by blocking some parts of the traffic immediately. However, there may occur some yet unknown r...
Assuring the network traffic safety is a very important issue in a variety of today’s industries. Therefore, the development of anomalies and attacks detection methods has been the goal of analyses. In the paper the binary classification-based approach to network traffic safety monitoring is presented. The well known methods were applied to artific...
Konferencja: EIRE – społeczeństwo, polityka i ustrój współczesnej Irlandii
Lublin, 4 grudnia 2020
The availability of detailed and precise data on poverty at a low level of spatial aggregation is important when pursuing an effective cohesion policy. In Poland, this type of information is gathered during household surveys conducted by Statistics Poland and is made available at country, region, and selected socio-economic group level. Direct esti...
The article describes an empirical study designed to test a small area estimation method. The goal of the study is to apply a robust version of the Fay-Herriot model, which, unlike the classical Fay-Herriot model, makes it possible to meet the assumption of normality of random effects under the presence of outliers. Moreover, the use of the model h...
There is a growing demand for multivariate economic statistics for crossclassified domains. In business statistics, this demand poses a particular challenge given the specific character of the population of enterprises, which necessitates searching for methods of analysis that would represent the robust approach to estimation, where auxiliary varia...
Sample surveys are considered to be the most important source of information about monthly wages of employees in small enterprises. The sample size is usually sufficient for precise estimation of parameters at the level of provinces at the most. However, information about local economic conditions at lower levels of territorial aggregation is requi...
Sample surveys conducted by the Central Statistical Office are currently the main source of information about revenues earned by small companies. Given the sample size, sampling scheme and the estimation method used in the survey, reliable estimates can only be produced for domains at the level of country, province or section of business classifica...
A three-level M-quantile model for small area estimation is proposed. The methodology represents an efficient alternative to prediction by using a three-level linear mixed model in the presence of outliers and it is based on an extension of M-quantile regression. A modified method of the traditional M-quantile (two-level) approach for poverty estim...
Information about monthly characteristics of small business sector is currently provided mainly by sample surveys conducted, among others, by the Central Statistical Office. Given the sample size, parameters of interest can only be estimated with acceptable precision at the level of the country and province or by NACE section. The growing demand fo...
The importance of knowledge management for enterprises increased significantly in the recent years. In this paper one element of knowledge management will be considered, namely knowledge management systems (KMS). The main purpose of this paper is to compare the level of use of KMS between Polish private and state owned companies as well as foreign...
The European Survey on Income and Living Conditions (EU-SILC) is the basic source of information published by CSO (the Central Statistical Office of Poland) about the relative poverty indicator, both for the country as a whole and at the regional level (NUTS 1). Estimates at lower levels of the territorial division than regions (NUTS 1) or province...
The main source of information about revenues of small business sector is currently provided mainly by sample surveys conducted by the Central Statistical Office. Parameters of interest can only be estimated with acceptable precision at the level of the country and province or by NACE section. It is caused by the sample size, method of estimation a...
Estymacja przychodu przedsiębiorstw na podstawie Modelu Faya-Herriota
Głównym źródłem informacji o przychodach sektora małych przedsiębiorstw są obecnie badania reprezentacyjne prowadzone przez Główny Urząd Statystyczny. Szacunki z akceptowalną precyzją, ze względu na rozmiar próby, schemat badania czy metoda szacunku, mogą być estymowane co najwy...
The main aim of the article is to describe the method of including powiats’ surrounding area in the Polish research. In such analyses, information from beyond the examined area have not been considered so far. For the purposes of the study, a procedure was developed for setting the value of indicators including the resources from both a certain pow...
Counteracting poverty is one of the objectives of the European Commission clearly emphasized in the Europe 2020 strategy. Conducting appropriate social policy requires knowledge of the extent of this phenomenon. Such information is provided through surveys on living conditions conducted by, among others, the Central Statistical Office (CSO). Nevert...
The article aims to compare the intensity of use of external knowledge sources in various types of businesses. It focuses on companies in the process of internationalization as they operate in diverse, demanding environment. Furthermore, the form of ownership of companies is also taken into account as effectiveness of private- and state-owned enter...
Authors present possibilities of use of taxonomic methods to the construction of complex measures of poverty level. These measures can serve as auxiliary variables in estimation of poverty indicators on various territorial levels. Replacement (sometimes numerous) set of explanatory variables with one carefully determined synthetic measure facilitat...
Poverty is very complex phenomenon. Limitation of this disadvantageous phenomenon is main goal of World Bank now. Nevertheless, to realize this mission methods of identification the poor are necessary. Indicates describing poverty are provide at very general level. Getting more detailed information is possible thanks to applied small area estimatio...