Łukasz JasińskiMaria Curie-Skłodowska University · Faculty of Economics
Łukasz Jasiński
Working on a book entitled "The Economics of ObamaCare". The study will be published in 2023 by Routledge.
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I am an employee of the economic faculty of Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin.
My scientific interests are: austrian school of economics, healthcare systems, health insurance, free market and interventionism.
I am currently working on a PhD thesis entitled:
"Market processes and interventionism in the health system of the United States of America in the view of the austrian school of economics".
Skills and Expertise
Publications (18)
Presenting a wide range of topics and written 150 years since Carl Menger’s Principles of Economics was published, this timely book reviews Menger’s life and theories and explains how his insights on the creation of money are still inspiring and relevant today.
Highlighting state-of-the-art results on Menger’s methodology and economic theory, the...
Problems related to the functioning of public healthcare systems encourage the search for alternative solutions, for example to ensure improved access to medical services. However, these proposals also require appropriate theoretical support to better present and apply them. This book draws on Austrian Economics to provide a theoretical framework t...
Apart from their protective function, Life Insurances (individual and group ones) give the op
portunity to accumulate and increase one’s capital with the use of unit-link insurances. The amount of the capital that has been gathered depends on: the age of the insured, the amount of the insurance premium, the level of insurance security, or the dura...
The Polish dietary supplement market is growing steadily. However, even though these products may have an impact on health they are not as strongly regulated as pharmaceuticals. In 2016/17 the introduction of new regulations covering the marketing of dietary supplements in Poland was proposed. This article briefly describes the Polish market for di...
New regulations prohibiting insurers form using gender criterion when determining premiums and benefits in life insurance came into force at the end of 1 March 2011 caused significant changes in the life insurance market in Europe and Poland.
Additionally, a comparative analysis of the valuation of sample life insurance products before and after th...
The article raises issues of transparency in relationships between doctors and drug manufacturers. It indicates how important it is as a way for physicians and the pharmaceutical industry to regain public trust. The manuscript will define the concept of disclosure. It will discuss in detail The Physician Payment Sunshine Act from the U.S., which im...
System gospodarki rynkowej, zwanej inaczej kapitalizmem, uważa się powszechnie jako twór będący połączeniem pewnych przeciwieństw. Z jednej strony można zauważyć, że gdy na początku lat 90’tych ubiegłego wieku rozpoczęta transformacja gospodarki, przyczyniła się ona do podniesienia standardu życia społeczeństwa. Jednak z drugiej strony często wskaz...
The article raises issues of transparency in relationships between doctors and drug manufacturers. It indicates how important it is as a way for physicians and the phar-maceutical industry toregain public trust. The manuscript will define the concept of disclosure. It will discuss in detail The Physician Payment Sunshine Act from the U.S., which im...
Motivation: The financial crisis of 2008 undermined the trust of many people to the financial markets. During such crises one can observe growing prices and trust among others to tangible assets including noble metals. Noble metals, to which following metals are classed: gold, silver, palladium and platinum, in contrary to current financial instrum...
ObamaCare changes have different influence in diverse business. Pharmaceutical industry seems to gain on this reform unlike the insurance business. In this article we briefly present the main positive and negative effects of health care reform in the US. Then, we point to the impact of ObamaCare on profits, costs and activities of pharmaceutical co...
Impact of the Healthcare Reform in the United States ObamaCare on the Insurance Business The main aim of this article is to present the most significant changes for the insurance business that are the result of the reform made by Patient Protection and Affrodable Care Act commonly known as ObamaCare. The article analyses the specific changes that w...
Pełna wersja eseju zgłoszonego do IV edycji konkursu "Etyka w finansach. Nagroda Robina Cosgrove" (2016 r.). Praca uzyskała I miejsce w konkursie.
Więcej informacji:
The full version of the essay submitted to the 4th edition of the "Ethics in Finance: the Robin Cosgrove Award" (2016 - Polish edition). The work gained first place in the competition. The competition is organized annually by The Polish Bank Association (ZBP) and Banking Ethics Committee (KEB).
More information: https://zbp.pl/wydarzenia/archiwum/...
Public healthcare system in Poland is one of the most criti-cized areas of the state activity. Widely known problems with acces-sibility and quality of the provided health services encourage discus-sion about possibilities to improve its functioning. Usually proposed solutions are related to change in the public system management or include “a mark...
In the end of September 2014 there was a referendum held in Switzerland on changing the existing
healthcare system on a state based single-payer healthcare system. Although this system is not
completely based on the market principles, it differs in a few aspects from the solutions applied in the
other European countries, where the state is responsi...
The main purpose of this paper is to analyze the chosen conditions, encouraging and hindering the development of the private health insurance in Poland. Individual kinds of private health insurance were identified based on the actual market offer. The main part of the work constitutes description and analysis of the main and characteristic for Pola...
Istotny wpływ na powstawanie innowacji ubezpieczeniowych mają zmiany zachodzące w gospodarce krajowej i światowej. Pośrednio determinują one aktywność towarzystw ubezpieczeniowych oraz ich klientów w poszukiwaniu rozwiązań odpowiadających
obecnemu lub przyszłemu kształtowi potrzeb ubezpieczeniowych. Zidentyfikowanie tych zmian może mieć istotne zna...