Lukaš Makky

Lukaš Makky
University of Prešov | UNIPO · Department of Aesthetics and Art Culture



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September 2011 - August 2015
University of Prešov
  • PhD Student
September 2009 - June 2011
Department of Aesthetics, Arts and Cultural Studies
Field of study
  • teaching of combination: Aesthetic - History
September 2006 - June 2009
Department of Aesthetics and Art Culture
Field of study
  • teaching of combination: Aesthetic - History


Publications (67)
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Every theorist in the field of aesthetics and philosophy is dependent on the critical reading of primary source texts, and the analysis of such texts is an essential part of his work, but equally important is the interpretation and reinterpretation, or actualization, of the original ideas and views. The problem of original ideas is a central parado...
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Um-berto Eco [2015], with his poetics of the open work, has fundamentally named the problem of the closedness and openness of a work of art. He has explicitly expanded the receptive boundaries of the artwork and named originality as a key category of the “new” art. The present paper places the aesthetic norm as defined by Jan Mukařovský [1966] and...
Conference Paper
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The initiating and currently central concept and area of interest of somaestehtics is Dewey's "version" of aesthetic experience, modified by Richard Shusterman, which allowed somaesthetics to leave the plane of artistic theory and to reveal the possibilities of extra-artistic exploration. In contem-porary discourse, somaesthetics covers a vast fiel...
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The turns that became significant and determining for the theory (and art or culture) of the 20th century can be seen as “exploratory” identifications of new principles in artistic production, but also as recurrent (and partly actualizing or transforming) artistic tendencies that “jump” continuously self-realizing at certain intervals. By accepting...
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This paper reanalyses the issue and the concept of the end of art as a biased, ambiguous and (from the aestheticians´ point of view) controversial phenomena. The aim of the paper is not to place the end of art in different era, or to concrete artistic tendency, but to analyse and refocus on the issue of the end of art as such. Central part of the p...
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The paper will deal with the notion of the experience (as a crucial term of aesthetic theory) of the city, especially the aesthetic, somatic, and somaesthetic experience. The understanding of experience will be based on John Dewey (1980), Richard Shusterman (1999), Maria Bukdahl (2012), Virgil C. Aldrich (1963), and Walter Benjamin (1935 [1969]). I...
Conference Paper
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Richard Shusterman is one of those philosophers whose theoretical contribution and influence on contemporary aesthetics is unequivocal. From his analytical orientation, to his neo-pragmatist reevaluation of popular culture, to somaesthetics as a more bodily form of pragmatism, he has addressed a truly wide range of theoretical concerns. Nevertheles...
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This paper deals with urban aesthetics as one of the main research fields in contemporary aesthetics, placing particular emphasis on the recipient’s aesthetic experience of the city. The overall aim is to discuss the kind of aesthetic interactions we have when immersed in a city. Somaesthetic experience (Shusterman 1999) represents the core notion...
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The image of the ancient past represents just a fragment. When we stand in front of such an image, we are standing in front of time. This text reflects the possibilities of aesthetic evaluation of ancient artifacts with the emphasis on the contextual perception of received phenomena. The defining concept of context is based on Jan Mukařovsky's appr...
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In this paper, I investigate the origins of banality and the reasons why some phenomena appear banal to us. I discuss the issue by analysing three interrelated areas of aesthetic investigation: artworks, everyday objects, and banal things. By identifying the source of banality, my goal is to understand what makes banal things different from other k...
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The terms center and periphery are often accepted to be an axiological opposites, even though Ján Bakoš (2000) has already illustrated, their a) historical variability and b) their complementary relationship. The border of both constants is liquid. The conviction about unproductive methodologies or the necessary “discrimination” of certain producti...
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Are there any regional specifics of aesthetic interaction, or aesthetic experience? This question may sound really unorthodox, but there is a whole movement in aesthetic: environmental aesthetics, which explore the possibilities of aesthetic interaction and aesthetic value of nature. Although this movement is not really something new, it gives a lo...
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Sometimes it looks like there is no need to go further in the past in the study of aesthetics and aesthetics of art because contemporary art offers much more complex problems. In this line of thinking, we often do not realise that we ignore a fundamental element of our past that should be included in the learning process, although its importance wi...
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The current form and transformation of artistic practice in the 20th and 21st century caused some estrangement of the recipient and the art. The current discourse is therefore dominated by some distrust in defining the criteria of (not only) contemporary art, or even the dilemma of whether or not art has to be defined at all, mostly under the influ...
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Contemporary art presents a specific issue whether in theory, reception, or overall in the way of approach. When we add to the complicated situation that we are talking about art after the end of art or the so-called “post-historic art”, we find that the prospect of our viewing changes rapidly, and the question as to whether we can continue to appr...
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Prehistoric art always presents crucial and complicated theoretical problem in the view of archeology, art history, theory of art and aesthetics since the age of its (re)discovery. The research of artifacts, considered as a “fine art”, proved that a simple approach based on only archeology, art history, the theory of art, cultural, or religionist s...
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Walter Benjamin joined the theorists who understood the establishment of the film as a definitive change in artistic expression at the beginning of the 21st century. The film, and even before, the photography, gave him the opportunity to think (though often not explicitly) about the perspectives of art. As he declared, by the “extinction” of the au...
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Every object, activity or phenomenon has its own time and space boundaries (specifications), and we usually think of them in these denotations. It is a case of a typical event and situation horizon which has to start somewhere and has to end somewhere or it has to transform into another phenomenon. The progress of art and especially its history (wh...
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Fantasy fiction has quite often been understood as a low literary genre and has also often been strongly criticized and described as purely free-time reading. However, from the perspective of popular art (once we recognize and accept it), fantastic fiction is not so decadent and it is apparent that it has, or can have, also artistic ambition beyond...
Conference Paper
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Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel is often accused of being responsible for the end of art, or being the first one who suggested the fulfilment of historic role of the art, although it was Arthur Danto, who first use the notion “end of art”. In the given paper, I would like to follow up in my research on Jan Joachim Winckelmann, which was the first the...
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Human kind exists and always has in some time and some space. If we want to discuss the past of our ancestors, we need to think in this two determinants and realise that the past and present, are entirely different. We could never replace consciousness of past and present recipient, even if they live in the same place. Given article is based on som...
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The end of art is one of the central issue of history and theory of aesthetics, and also history and theory of art. When something begin, it also must end, or at least it must transform in another shape. The question how and if this end already happens, respectively how the transformation occurs and where it‘s going remains problematic. The issue o...
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Richard Shusterman follows up John Dewey, he demonstrated that the pragmatic aspect of live and everyday affairs does not have to be necessarily the opposite of fine art and aesthetic experience. In his effort to connect pragmatism and aesthetics, he goes further, when he published a well known paper Somaesthetics: A Disciplinary Proposal in 1999,...
Conference Paper Contemporary art has unclear position against society, its own history and also against recipient and author very often. Art theorists are confronted with the uncertainty and v ery significant distinction in the opinions of the classification of artistic artefacts. It is a natural response t...
Full-text available Each phenomena, each event or object hides several moments and levels of understanding in itself: it supposes several approaches towards the understanding. The selection of levels of verification should not fully depend only on the will and the decision making of the researcher, but even on th...
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Jan Mukařovský offered a “guidance” how to work with the aesthetic phenomena of the non-artistic aesthetics in the text Aesthetic function, norm and value as social facts. He offer the space for aesthetic exploration and reflection of civilizations that dates back to antiquity in perception of aesthetic function, norms and values as social facts. H...
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The paper analyses the present, still unresolved concept of the aesthetic interpretation, focused on not exclusively fine art, but also on non-artistic realities. The interpretation is perceived as a semiotic and communicative act of the recipient and perceived object/event/activity. It has a multilayer structure and dialogical character, but in th...
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The most often and discussed issue in the analysis of prehistoric art is the problem of interpretation and the problem of understanding of prehistoric artistic artifacts. There are a lot of approaches, but the most popular from the aesthetic and artistic point of view is the interpretation of meaning of prehistoric art. In the present paper we woul...
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SLÁDEK, O. 2015. Jan Mukařovský: Život a dílo. Brno: Host. 488 s. ISBN 978-80-7491-531-4.
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SOUČKOVÁ, M., GAVURA, J. a R. KITTA (eds.). 2015. TOP 5/2013 (slovenská literárna a výtvarná scéna 2013 v odbornej reflexii). Košice: FACE (Fórum alternatívnej kultúry a vzdelávania). 156 s. ISBN 978-80- 89763-14-8.
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review of publicaton Filozofia umenia/analytická tradícia
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The Medias belongs to the world of every one person of 21-st Century society and without he realizing it, they impact his everyday routine, opinion preferences, and even a taste. There's no difference even in the Fine Art, which is often experienced (some times “consumed” too) only through screen, internet or pages of the paper. The research object...
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The paper deals with and points on the identification of prehistoric artifacts place in the culture of 20th and 21st century. The understanding of prehistoric artifacts as full-fledged cultural objects able to participate on cultural events and cultural shaping besides their authentic original context is the presumption of this research. There are...
Full-text available Fine Art is complicated phenomena which often holds different issues and resolves different problems. Fine Art is also on the brink of “misunderstanding” and is often replaced in the perception by not so complex artistic – cultural objects. The main aim of the A...
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The 21. Century prepared the ground for reflection and review of a number of current theoretical problems which might have had in the last century quite different nature. One of the main issue in the past was interpretation which don’t lost on its importance and remains a actual theoretical problem. Interpretation as a semiotic process of communica...
Conference Paper
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Stephen Davies is considered to be the last supporter of institutional theory, but at the same time he was interested during the last yerars in historical method of art definition and often comments Jerrold Levinson theory of art. His response to the possibility of historical and contextual definition of art has resulted in Davies' interest in preh...
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The artistic production of prehistoric man takes very special status and place in the history and theory of art. Ever since the appearance of the first grand work and small sculptures, experts expressed interest in the understanding of prehistoric art. Its integration as a full artistic development period, however, was arduous and the most of magni...
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The twentieth century shows that the interest in fine art did not mitigate despite the radical changes in its form and content and the problem of his definition represents live and dynamic (complicated too) issue which has brought broader possibilities of looking at the art regarding the anti-essentialist tendencies. Determination of the status of...
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Aesthetic education as an integrated component of training and education, but also central element formulating the tastefully preferences of pupil, always held in educational system and in history of pedagogy different place and importance. In present, there is space to assume that the fact of their direct teaching by a subject Arts and Culture pro...
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Museum is the place where recipient interacts with exhibits. There is aesthetical situation and experience resulting from their reception. It has various (often unsuspected) nuances and didactical dimensions. There is an interesting situation occurring during presenting prehistoric and early-historic artifacts. Recipient approaches them with some r...
Full-text available The determination of the peripheral and central cultural expressions is governing by specific and often in the relation to the studied artifacts irrelevant criteria. An appropriate illustration of this distinction and illogical paradigm of both units is the territory of Slovakia in prehistor...
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The story of Faust is a part of European culture and mythology for five centuries and modified and reflected looking of the society upon some key questions in various transformation. Faust has never been alone in his effort to reach an absolute knowledge and power, even at the expense of his own execration. Other iconic beings of folk literature or...
Conference Paper
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There is no doubt it is necessary to search for the origins and proto forms of the most matters of facts with which the modern age man comes daily into contact in the prehistory (the longest period of human history). The origin cult function of the dance, but also of prehistory figural artworks or music is well known and generally accepted. On the...
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The prehistory presents the period of origin and sequential development of broad scope of various so-called archeological cultures. Prehistoric artifacts as the oldest cultural heritage of humanity offer enough information in the course of detailed and interdisciplinary analysis. There is a space for thinking about the place of prehistoric artifact...
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Estetické nazeranie v súčasnej dobe nemá ohraničenia, čo pramení aj z možnej prítomnosti estetickej funkcie v každom jave, činnosti či predmete. Cez tuto prizmu je možné zaoberať sa v rámci estetickej teórie a estetickej interpretácie aj sférami kultúry a spoločnosti, ktoré ešte začiatkom minulého storočia nepodliehali estetickému záujmu. Potenciál...
Conference Paper
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Sign character of language, communication process, Fine Art, religion and others symbolic forms, has been for long time proved and several philosophers, aestheticians and semiotics as such give her sufficient attention.It must be admitted that the basic analysis is reduced and solely focused on the function, structure and usage of signs researched...
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Kelti patria k historickým národom, ktorým je v odborných aj laických kruhoch venovaná dostatočná pozornosť. Ich kultúra svojou hmotnou bázou a prejavom spadá do pravekej Európy aj napriek intenzívnym vzťahom s antickým svetom. Vrcholom zručnosti a materiálnej kultúry sa v celom keltskom svete stali mince, ktoré vychádzali z antických vzorov. Tieto...
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The paper deals with chosen authors of 1st half of 19th century, who operated in the area of contemporary Slovakia therefore it is no doubt, that they are included in the history of Slovak aesthetics, philosophic and other scholar thinking. Unlike the previous studies, the aim is not to repeat already formulated thesis of partial importance, but to...
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The presented study was made of the work with the papers of prehistoric artifacts from Slovakia in 1890-1949. Theoretical analysis of Celtic coins dealing with their relations (especially Greek) to the patterns and trying to interpret and evaluate Slovak Celtic coins as such at the same time, took special place in our analysis. Barbarian identifica...
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The main issue of this paper is to present the communication in the broadercontext as natural activity and the process of intervention of the meaning through interaction between the creator and the recipient. In narrower sense, the work researches the possibilities and the competences of material objects, particularly prehistoric artifacts, entitie...
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Jan Mukařovský, one of the leading representatives of structuralism philosophy and main figure of Prague linguistic Circle of 20th Century, formed coherent, closed, complex and structured aesthetics theory. Although his focus and conclusions are not unwavering, he created structure of concepts and realities in his work, which have their accurate an...
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The role of Aesthetics as a science is to examine any expression of aesthetic thinking, evaluate perception and interpretation of created artefacts and analyse options of aesthetic research of the rest of the society and objects commonly on the edge of the interest. Given paper turns the interest on the period of Slovak prehistory (Iron Age) when t...
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Predložená krátka práca poslúži ako dodatok štúdie "Formy zobrazovania na keltských minciach", ktorá odznela na študentskej vedeckej konferencii v Prešove v sekcii estetiky a vied o umení dňa 26. 4. 2012 a zároveň zastane miesto úvodu k problematike, ktorej sa budeme v budúcnosti venovať podrobnejšie a s väčšou starostlivosťou. Nasledujúce riadky b...
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Any object, action or phenomenon might be a bearer of an aesthetic function and become a subject of an aesthetic interest. The prehistory is the longest period in the history of humanity and, paradoxically, from the aesthetic point of view, it is given the smallest attention, in spite of the fact, that the archaeological artefacts represent a set o...
The east Slovakia is very rich on archeological sources, which still bring different findings about prehistoric times, and provide space for realization of different theorists. The main area of research of giving issue are artefacts marked as zoomorphic sculptures from Hallstate period, which are very often given to/in context with cult. This cultu...
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Archeological research represents the only source of knowledge about the period before the appearance of scripture at our territory. Despite the fact that discovered realia and artefacts often interpret different spheres of society and culture, their interpretations are often reduced to cult, burial, craft, warfare and urbanism. Aesthetics as a sci...


Questions (8)
I´am wondering if we need any kind of definition of Art. In the last period of time, the Fine Art lack any boundaries, or rather should I say any bounderies that couldn´t be falsified. For example if some artist make sincerely a piece of Art and react on something, and some years later, somebody else make something simmilar but inspired only by succes of the first artist and we recognise him, is the second artist also real artist and maker of Fine Art? So I think, there should be some ground rules, and we couldn´t just agree with everything. What I am trying to say, is that despite the overcome normativity in art there should be some rules.
Do you prefer to use the term "prehistoric art" or do you disagree with such a conclusion? And also, where is the line between art and tool in prehistory, is there any criterion? I personally think despite the fact, that we could not state or create one universal definition of art, we still need to appoint some main features on art of each period of prehistory.
We are preparing Conference (The Art on the Periphery and the Periphery in the Art) and according to abstracts it looks to be very interesting evening (for example there are abstracts about: fashion blogs, illustration in ABC books, about unrecognized artists, alternative theatres and music groups etc.). This question is just the output of my curiosity. So I would like to ask, if the notion of periphery and center is still actual, and what is known or understood as periphery in your countries. Or rather, how do you understand periphery in the field of fine art or art in general.
I really don't want aesthetics of politics, because I am well aware of this field of research. What I am really searching for is the connection of aesthetics and power. There were always some artwork which deals with the theme of gaining or misuse of power, and I believe that aesthetic interest plays some role of the understanding, recipe, attraction, worshiping or decline of power (as such and as the main theme of some works). A very good example is Faust.
So What I am asking for, are there some papers or researches of aesthetic reception of Power. Or am I mistaken to think that there is some relation (of course I continue to ask myself and am still trying to find a pattern)?
I don´t want to solve the meaning of notion Fine Art or Art, either to ask if we could create a sufficient definition of art at all. I was just curious, what is the place of Fine Art in the human life? It´s pretty common that recipients (all recipients in general, the small group with fine taste in art looks on it different) look on the art as pragmatists and ask themselves every time, if they could the concrete work of art bring to their living room. It may sound fancy but that’s the common opinion. The second question could be: “What should be its rightful place and what are the differences?” The distinctions in discussion between these two questions would be huge, but the answers would differ more if we add the request of the role of present and modern art. Everybody says that the art should play important role in the life, so I ask what are and what should be these roles?
Faustian motifs in aesthetics, ethics, philosophy, literature and art of past and present
Which one of London's history museums has a good (not necessarily the largest) collection of Celtic Coins?
By the term "aesthetics of Celts" I don't mean some theories directly written by them, although there is a possibility of those, written by Celts in the Roman Empire, or under the influence of Germans in the centuries AC or rather, in the Middle Age by some Irish pilgrim. What I'm asking for are possible sources and theories based on research of the aesthetic value or aesthetic experience and reception of celtic artifacts (coins, jewellery, weapons ...). If there would be some supplement sources analysing the originate thoughts of Celts, it will be very helpful, but I'm more interested in concrete aesthetic analysis of above mentioned artifacts.


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