Luiza MarinescuUniversity St.Kliment Ohridsky Sofia Bulgaria · Faculty of Modern and Classical Philology
Luiza Marinescu
Associate Professor
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Current Research: Digital Humanities Romanian Novel
Methods and Techniques: Distant Reading
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October 1994 - July 1998
October 1985 - June 1990
Publications (31)
From Close to Distant Reading of 100 Romanian Novels from 1850 to 1920. In Romania, among the academic personalities, Solomon Marcus (b. the 1st of March 1925, Bacău – d. the 17th of March 2016, Bucharest) was perhaps the only one who happily combined linguistics and mathematics, being known in the Romanian philological environment especially for L...
The paper B -learning Age in Teaching and Learning Romanian Literature consists of written productions and information about the culture of Romanian people, often restricted to those deemed to have artistic or intellectual value. Its Latin root literatura/ litteratura (derived itself from littera, letter or handwriting) was used to refer...
Probleme ale comunicarii interculturale in predarea literaturii române studiu de caz realuzat la ISCAP, Porto, Portugalia
Există anotimpuri în care cărţile capătă puterea de a-i face pe oameni să înflorească, dacă aceştia îşi fac timp să le citească. Volumul Language and Literature: Modernization and Modernity/Limbă şi literatură: Modernizare şi modernitate este rodul colaborării dintre profesorii Facultăţii de Litere ai Universităţii Spiru Haret şi profesorii de la I...
LUIZA MARINESCU, Anul 1832 din Portugalia reflectat în reportajele literare de război din Albina românească editată de Gheorghe Asachi
VERA MOLEA, Marieta Sadova sau Arta de a trăi prin teatru, Bucureşti, Editura Bibliotecii Metropolitane, 2013, 309 p. (Luiza Marinescu)
Ion Luca Caragiale : la modernité médiatique dans le monde de l’œuvre
After the recent emergence of Romanian books dedicated to the publicist work of Ion Luca Caragiale (Pârvulescu: 2011) the author of the present material returns to the study of the classical writer through his work describing the world of newspaper newsr...
Ada Kaleh: The Legends of an Island
Associate Professor Luiza Marinescu
Faculty of Letters, University Spiru Haret
Bucharest, Romania
Ada Kaleh, the fortress island, was a small island of about 3 km downstream from Orşova, in the middle of the Danube and measured 1750 m by 400 m with a rich history which be...
I am pleased to confirm your participation in the conference Island Cities and Urban Archipelagos, which took place in Copenhagen, Denmark on 20-25 October 2014. The conference explored the cultural, political, and economic dynamics of urban areas based on islands worldwide. The conference was a collaboration
Comunicare, context şi interdisciplinaritate în operele lui Abel Salazar (1889-1946) şi cele ale lui Nicolae C. Paulescu (1869-1931): Criza europeană şi Noţiunile de suflet şi Dumnezeu în fiziologie
Conf. univ. dr. Luiza Marinescu
Facultatea de Litere, Universitatea Spiru Haret
Bucureşti, România
Când memoria...
When the selective memory of the composition of recent history will forgive to all the people the honest but uninspired choices, after the turbulent times of the twentieth century, an important context emerges in which, through the interdisciplinary communication it is possible the comparative knowledge of the two personalities'work: Romanian Dr. N...
ABSTRACT: Aspects of Intercultural Teaching and Learning: A Case Study on Teaching and Learning Romanian Culture and Literature in Portugal and Romania (Translated title)
This paper refers to conclusions that the author has synthesized during her the experience as a visiting professor at the International Week organized by ISCAP, Porto, Portugal o...
A Woman Traveler: Bucura Dumbravă On the Roads of India (Pe drumurile Indiei)
Associate Professor Luiza Marinescu
Faculty of Letters, University Spiru Haret
Bucharest, Romania
From time to time many notable and certainly less notable writers have been contributing their bit to the Romanian literature about India and have indeed made a...
A Woman Traveler: Bucura Dumbravă On the Roads of India (Pe drumurile Indiei)
Associate Professor Luiza Marinescu
Faculty of Letters, University Spiru Haret
Bucharest, Romania
From time to time many notable and certainly less notable writers have been contributing their bit to the Romanian literature about India and have indeed made a...
ABSTRACT. The present article is a comparative approach to the mission of the theater in East and West and it intends to describe the difference between Japan and Romania along centuries, underlying the resemblance of mentalities concerning the theatre in both countries. It will answer to questions concerning what kind of box a scene is and what ki...
Mediatic Modernity in Ion Luca Caragiale’s literary work
This study presents the main themes about mediatic modernity that characterise Ion Luca Caragiale’s literary work: 1. Stultitiae Laus or media’s modernity, 2. Media’s functions in the Romanian society of the XIX th century, 3. Dis/information gazzete, 4. Local news media and their interpreta...
Pentru posteritate, Ion Luca Caragiale a devenit în lumea românească un fel de gūrū sau de vindecător, a cărui operă este recitită adesea, ca o mantra, deşi cei mai mulţi o cunosc pe dinafară. Aceste repetări exersate ale reprezentărilor îi produceau chiar autorului un fel de exaltare sau o depresie ciclotimică, caracterizată de oscilări ale percep...
Key-words: Bucura Dumbravă, Fany (Fanny) Seculici, mountaineering, Romanian folklore, Romanian literature in German language 1. Dans la tradition de la littérature romantique La littérature de Bucura Dumbravă s'inscrit dans la tradition de la littérature romantique descriptive d'Alexandru Vlahuţă, Alexandru Odobescu, Calistrat Hogaş, Nicolae Iorga,...