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Luiz antonio Titton

Luiz antonio Titton
Newiscool Tecnologia Educacional



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February 2013 - October 2013
University of São Paulo
  • Professor (Assistant)
February 2013 - September 2013
University of São Paulo
  • Professor


Publications (35)
Este livro oferece o conteúdo necessário para que o síndico organize o condomínio de forma a atingir o propósito dele que é a valorização imobiliária. Este propósito pode ser conquistado a partir dos dois aspectos mais valorizados pelos condôminos e ocupantes: baixo custo de cota de contribuição e alta qualidade dos serviços prestados a eles. A org...
Esta obra inovadora apresenta técnicas de planejamento para condomínios edilícios em uma abordagem da realidade brasileira. A primeira parte é o suporte teórico adaptado para condomínios a serem utilizados na segunda parte em que é apresentado roteiro para criação de Plano de Ação condominial. Contém um passo a passo detalhado para planejar a gestã...
Cover Page
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Reis, S.G.; THOMSON, IAN ; ARAUJO, A. M. P. ; TITTON, L. A. . A Estória do Assabí: Atividade Vivencial em Equipe. In: Daniel Ramos Nogueira; Edvalda Araújo Leal; Gilberto José Miranda; Silvia Pereira de Castro Casa Nova.. (Org.). Revolucionando a Sala de Aula 2: Novas metodologias ainda mais ativas. 1ed.: , 2020, v. , p. 225-250. Referências adicio...
Entrepreneurship Education has characteristics of engagement and motivation differentiated from ordinary education because it is something that refers directly to the ultimate goal of university education. Students tend to be more likely to devote themselves when the form of teaching is highly related to future professional activity. In this contex...
Este capítulo apresenta um caso de ensino para aprendizagem de conceitos de sustentabilidade em decisões de negócios. O problema a ser resolvido é a decisão de exportar a polpa congelada da fruta Assabí, proveniente da floresta amazônica no Brasil, para uma grande rede de supermercados do Reino Unido. A resolução do problema será realizada por meio...
Conference Paper
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In recent years, plenty countries are experiencing issues related to ethics - in special corruption. This context is not new despite the need for transparency has spread in the populations and has become essential for the future professionals` formation in all fields. A common body of ethics knowledge exists and it is known that the adherence to et...
Conference Paper
Business education for sustainable decisions includes learning about distinct disciplines, interests and values. There are a gap on appropriate techniques for multidisciplinary sustainability curriculum, which requires a holistic and integrative perspective, including systems thinking skills. We propose a Learning Tool for Sustainable Decision Mak...
Conference Paper
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EntrepreneurshipEducation has characteristics of engagement and motivation differentiated from ordinary education because it is something that refers directly to the ultimate goal of university education. Students tend to be more likely to devote themselves when the form of teaching is highly related to future professional activity. In this context...
Conference Paper
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Education for sustainability includes learning about distinct disciplines, cultures, interests, values, and risks. There is a gap in learning appropriate techniques and processes for multidisciplinary curricula, like sustainability. This research discusses the effectiveness of a Learning Tool for Sustainable Decision Making (LTSDM) based on theoret...
Conference Paper
The production of a gamified system that uses neo simulation approaches together is presented allying debriefing methods, magic circles, and octalysis elements. An innovative approach in a context where innovation is the main context indicates that the collaborative culture was reinforced to go far from a basic gamification approach. The key point...
Conference Paper
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This research discusses the effectiveness of a Learning Tool for Sustainable Decision Making (LTSDM) based on theoretical foundations of team Experiential Learning Theory (ELT) and Multi-Criteria Decision Aid (MCDA). We carried out an illustrative pilot test with undergraduate students in Accounting of a Brazilian State University. The results demo...
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The game VALUE’s objective is the learning of value genera- tion in a business-to-business context. It supports six student- run decision making teams that respond to requests for a quote produced by 25 computer-run firms that need numerical con- trolled vertical milling machines. Each milling machine re- quires five attributes to perform its desi...
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The use of simulators in higher education is a common practice in many areas of disciplines by virtue of providing a safe environment for experimentation. In management courses, an established type of simulator is the business game, which has characteristics suitable for learning intercultural competences. In management education, the kind of simul...
Conference Paper
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The education literature supports the belief that higher order skills are essential for the ability of current students to compete globally within the accounting profession. Among the existing skill assessment alternatives offered by virtual learning environments, self and peer assessments are implementable feasible options with low human and mater...
Conference Paper
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The use of simulators in Higher Education is common practice in many areas disciplines by virtue of providing a safe environment for experimentation. In management courses, an established type of simulator is the business game, which has characteristics suitable for learning intercultural competences. In management education, the kind of simulators...
The relationship between individual and organizational learning remains one of the contested issues in organizational learning debates. This article provides new evidence about the relationship between individual and organizational learning and presents empirical findings exploring the learning practices of individual managers. The discussion revea...
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Government, commerce, marketing, health & well-being, energy efficiency and sustainability, etc. identify and use a plethora of non-interactive information-based devices including policies, legislation and campaigns in an attempt to persuade, influence or change behaviours. But is non-interactive information and awareness sufficient, or are other t...
Conference Paper
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No século XXI, a expatriação virtual já é uma realidade, há postos de trabalho cujaatividade são o relacionamento intenso com pessoas de lugares distantes e,principalmente, de culturas distintas – e, a mudança física não é maisimprescindível. A proposta de acrescentar um módulo cultural para ambientesvirtuaisonlinebaseado em simulador de empresas o...
Conference Paper
This paper examines the development of a business simulation game for training and education in the area of supply chain management. The paper begins by identifying the need for an apparatus that could be used in many disciplines, minimising the learning time with regard to the simulator with reasonable parameterisation, followed by a brief conclus...
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Location is perceived as a vital aspect in the retail trade, but few studies address what the relevance of the factors listed as important is. For each market sector, it is assumed that these factors result in increased sales in different ways, and are based on the experience of each businessperson to decide where to locate their outlets. This stud...


Questions (2)
Business simulation games are widely used in business schools all over the world. However, I find few research publications about it specially from Spain. Who are the key researchers in this field. Business simulation games are part of experiential learning approach to develop higher order skills.
Can the performance of students of business-schools at business-simulation-games activities along the course contribute to good professionals?


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